Home Breaking News “READERS FORUM” NOVEMBER 9, 2016




Todays “READERS POLL” question is: Are you surprised that Donald Trump won the election for President?

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  1. Mighty quiet on here the day after “the largest upset in American political history” per PBS.

    Seems they can’t get anything correct. I’m probably the only one with a “Dewey Wins” headline newspaper, eh?

  2. Posted this on my FB page.

    And while I am gloating, I am also sick of hearing “non college” Trump supporters. I am college, graduated Cum Laude in my 40s, but just because someone is not college does not mean they are not smart. They have a different education and experience, and many have more skills, success, and common sense than those who took the college path after high school.
    It is not a bunch of fools who elected Trump but the hard working heart of America who could see in him what some never learned to see in college. Your political science and journalism degree was just made void by those you call uneducated

  3. B4H, leave our mea culpa here. I’l pick it up later. We saved you #nevertrump RINOs from yourselves. Just part of being a heartland conservative (FKA alt-right) and busted the far left fringe democrats in the process.

    Time to put away the “white male” jargon let your wounds heal as our president elect said in his speech.

    I must admit that it feels good being part of the movement that in one night showed the media for what it is. It reminded me of when I helped Hostettler and republicans win in 1994.

    • Indiana Enoch:
      I think that B4H is for me, I don’t know what it means, but I recognize it.
      Anway….hey, voters have rights at the polls. This election had voters show up and vote, and doing that gives them the chair and the gavel. I accept it.

      I-E, you’ve been transparent about your reluctant vote. This was good old fashioned Democracy at work. So….
      “Beer is proof that God loves us”…and even though I know white linen clothes wearing, foot-washing, don’t-dance or drink Baptists miss out on that aspect of God’s love, I would buy you a beer, AND a grape juice for your win today.
      Congrats to the winners. I think they earned this the old fashioned way. They showed up and voted!

      • Becker4Hillary. Hope that cold splash of water to your face has awoke you.

        Our constitutional REPUBLIC works, but people like you nearly lost it for us. I would take a bottle of French Lick red, but you owe me nothing. White linens are for my bed, and I can cut a pretty good rug even at my age. Like King David, I was dancing around our Constitution in myy underwear.

        Drink what you like, love whom you will. We really care less than you imagine. What you are not going to be able to do is ruin families and their businesses because they have a different definition of marriage or force them to participate in our definition of marriage.

        You will not have judges like Scalia who twist rulings into legislation but justices who follow Constitutional context even when it does not follow their agenda.

        You will not have an Australian gun grab to protect responsible gun owners from ourselves.

        You will see the end of this Obamacare Langoliers which is eating our economy. (Although I believe it will become govicare)

        You will see our shores lowered to welcome back American Corporations and level the trading field with other nations.

        You will see a leagal and well vetted path for immigration no matter their nationality or religion.

        You will see the end socialistic and far left democrats as they return to the people the left.

        You will see the end of the Clinton crime family even if there are no convictions.

        You will see the end of the RINOs as the learn to behave like conservatives.

        You will see better returns on our debt as it is reduced. (although I do not expect to see the needed balanced budget.)

        You will see a media that will keep yapping but even though the embarrassed themselves.

        You will see the last of Nate Silver and LKB touting polls as if the actually have clue. (Although LKB can never admit she is wrong)

        You almost lost our democracy, but we saved the republic for you. Trumps speech was a good start for all of us. So drop the divisive “white evangelical” rhetoric and come home. We turned a light on for you.

        Shout out to Press Joe, and other true conservatives who called this one despite what the media

  4. Well….well,
    the country voted, the voters are the boss, and….
    we have a new President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump.
    Congratulations to JoeBiden and Pressanykey!

    You stood by your guy. I was all hardball on you the entire run-up to this thing.
    And, Sirs, you EARNED this.
    Good for you. I have no license to say anything today other than,
    “Bartender, get those boys down there anything they want today. And after they are done,
    bring the bill to me.”

    Good for you guys. I fully acknowledge, and I accept, the 55-gallon drum ass-whooping here fellas.

    • Mr. Becker, classy response. Let’s all hope for the best for our Country as there is a heck of a lot that needs to be done to reverse the course we are on.

  5. I never lost my faith in the common sense of the American people to do the right thing where the welfare of their Country was at stake. That is all I will have to say today.

    • Never lost faith in our people, but I had doubts about the media and politicos.

  6. Oh, somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright;
    the band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light,
    and somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout;
    but there is no joy in Mudville — mighty Clinton has struck out.

  7. True to form, Hillary had a Benghazi moment when the stress of the election hit her and went to bed.

  8. happy days are here again the skies above are blue again again that old black cloud has lifted from America happy days are here again……………….

  9. Press you are right on………………..right on…………….IE the working hard playing hard Americans elected Mr.Trump….the coal miners……. factory workers……… construction workers…….everyday workers ie the middle class…………..President Trump……………………………………just like Mr. Reagan will turn this country around……………….although Mr.Trump has alot of work to do to clean up the mess of the great black flop……………………..Mr.Trump is up for the job…………………….FREEDOM………………………………………………..

  10. I’ll be watching to see if he actually gets that wall built, who pays for it, ‘all those jobs’ he guaranteed he will create, treaty negotiation, etc.

    Right now might turn out to be the height of his political career.
    He’ll have to be a lot more diplomatic in his current position than ever before, when he could just blame his mistakes on other people and say ‘you’re fired’.

    Personally, I wasn’t very enthusiastic about either candidate, and that sediment might be the true reason Trump was elected.

  11. He beat her ass soundly. Fair, square and thorough. Melted her pantsuit. I hope the Democrats in congress give him a chance and don’t take this repudiation as a cue to obstruct. They lost. The country’s political structure was in desperate need of a good shake-up. It got it. Everyone should try to work together and see this as a chance to improve the many aspects of the polity that need to be fixed.

  12. President Trump will rip out the the commie barry hussein programs by the roots…………the great black flop…………and his animal house is history…………😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄

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