Home archived-iit IS IT TRUE November 9, 2012

IS IT TRUE November 9, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE November 9, 2012

IS IT TRUE that a group of independent non-partisans are talking about approaching 5th Ward City Councilman John Friend about starting an exploratory committee to see if he should consider running for Mayor of Evansville? … that there is a grass roots movement to oust the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party Chairman because it is widely consider that he has failed to lead the party? …many others have concluded that the Republican Party has won several local elections including the one for Mayor of Evansville only due to the efforts of the present and previous Democrat Party Chairmen? …the Democrat Party in Vanderburgh County may have lots of members but the leadership is ineffective and the membership is fractured?

IS IT TRUE that another member of the Evansville City Council has also had her name bantered about as a very good future Mayor? …3rd Ward City Councilwoman Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley is beginning to be seen as a smart and tough as nails alternative that actually does not mind working hard for the people she was elected to serve? …that Brinkerhoff-Riley is known to have some very good ideas to add some sanity to the public investment in attracting companies to come to Evansville bringing jobs with them?…one good idea that has been floated about is to establish some pool of money in the neighborhood of $5 Million for that purpose and to couple that money with an equal amount from local Angel Investors? …that would make a $10 Million attraction/investment fund available? …the third leg of that stool would be to hire outside advisors from the investment world to manage this entire fund as though it were a job seeking and return on investment seeking mutual fund with local concentration? …prior to 2009 GAGE was on a path to do exactly this and had the public part of the money committed?…then Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel and Tom Barnett took all of that money to build the Front Door Pride houses many of which still sit there unsold at prices that are half of what they cost to build?…Councilwoman Riley understands the value of mixing public and private money in the same investments and even supports investing to attract when the investment passes a sanity test?

IS IT TRUE that the CCO supports this idea but expects that in the halls of Evansville politics that anything that makes sense and removes control of the purse strings from career politicians will not be seriously considered? …that an old Israeli boss once told this writer “there are two kinds of people when it comes to money. The first turns crap into money and the second turns money into crap”? …that seems to be true and in a world of $700 hammers, $2 Million ball fields, $8 Million dog parks, and a looming fiscal cliff we can safely put Mayors and Presidents in the category of those who turn money into crap?

IS IT TRUE that Vanderburgh County Sheriff Eric Williams played a key role in helping to defeat Rick Davis re-election bid for Treasurer? …that because of this and similar political activities, Mr. Williams future political star is now very dim?…many political careers have seen their stock drop worse than the Dow Jones and the Dollar have due to their support of the overwhelmingly rejected “reorganization” referendum? …Mayor Lloyd Winnecke who laid it all on the line to try to pass former Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel’s half baked consolidation plan along with Marsha Abell, Joe Kiefer, and a host of others will have to answer for this every time they stick their toes into the future political Burgoo? …if this election cycle had been an Olympic event it would have been the backstroke or the dog paddle and gold medals would be hanging like albatrosses around the necks of the cast of clowns that have been running the City of Evansville in the last decade or so?

IS IT TRUE on the federal level that the so called “fiscal cliff” is looking our lame duck congress and our 50.3% of the vote President elect straight in the eye? …one of the items set to change from a tax perspective is that tax on dividends? …they really need to take this off of the table or even revamp this taxation to be more investor
friendly? …for those who ask why the answer is INFRASTRUCTURE? …dividend paying stocks like utilities, energy companies, and big conglomerates are the creators of INFRASTRUCTURE and that creation depends on access to capital? …raising the tax on dividends will lower the price of existing stocks and force these companies to raise their dividends to attract future capital? …in the long run this will raise the price of energy which will hit everyday citizens at the gas pump, the grocery store, the monthly utility bill, and in everything we buy or sell? …the real travesty is if our government fails we may see no new INFRASTRUCTURE projects at all?…the federal government proved with the stimulus that they cannot make infrastructure happen so this one has to come from the private world?

IS IT TRUE the war on fossil fuels also needs to stop? …the people on the east coast have not been lining up and fighting over a can of solar or wind power? …the immediate needs of these people can only be met with gasoline, fuel oil, or coal and that these are our only feasible bridge to the future when it comes to energy? …if we have not learned this by now, the 94 Million people who did not vote at all may have been the only ones who cast an intelligent vote for “none of the above”?


      • I wouldn’t say “Can’t” because he could pull a Al Lindsey and move into the city with ample time to establish it as his primary residence, he does already own property downtown that could easily be his residence, but you are correct that’s not how the consolidation plan was to go down so it does change things…housing in the county will be more attractive without consolidation so he may sell his house yet…wouldn’t that be ironic?

        As they say….Time Will Tell.


          • Jordan…

            Just gussin’ but I’d say at least 12 months prior to filing for the election…of course that depends on if Evansville is a first, second, or third class city.


            IC 3-8-1-24
            Mayor of first class city
            Sec. 24. A candidate for the office of mayor of a first class city must have resided in the city for at least five (5) years before the date of taking office.
            As added by P.L.5-1986, SEC.4.


            Or a second/third class city…


            IC 3-8-1-26
            Mayor of second or third class city
            Sec. 26. A candidate for the office of mayor of a second or third class city must have resided in the city for at least one (1) year before the election.
            As added by P.L.5-1986, SEC.4.


    • He stated twice at the USI debate he was not going to run for Mayor….could’a been lying?

  1. Jack McNeely took over a party that was torn apart. There are still bad feelings left over from the mayors race that might never heal and thats from both sides. I told Jack when he took this on to remember,if they win it’s because they are great candidates, if they lose it’s because you’re a no good SOB. Hang in there Jack.
    Jack Waldroup

  2. “IS IT TRUE that a group of independent non-partisans are talking about approaching 5th Ward City Councilman John Friend about starting an exploratory committee to see if he should consider running for Mayor of Evansville?”


    LOL….well lets see, Mr Williams was the choice if CONsolidation passed, and Mr Friend is the choice since it didn’t, not hard to see through the fog on this issue, but Ms Riley would be the best choice at this point, unless someone unknown throws their hat in the ring down the road and given the potentials that we know of Mr Davis would be the other likely candidate but may prove unelectable given his recent history.

    One thing is for sure and that’s that there will be no second term for our Republican mayor no matter how hard they try or how much is owed to Mr Parke for his efforts…the forth ward can go back to voting a straight Democratic ticket and the ol’ boys club will take the office back from their Republican friends.

    Of course this is JMHO

    • Blanger, while maintaining the base in both the Fourth Ward & the Sixth Ward is essential to the Democrat base vote, it is not the key to a successful mayoral race. However, there is one city ward without which no Democrat mayoral candidate has won his race since 1979. Can you guess which ward that is?

        • It’s the third ward. This is Bill’s slam on SBR. He doesn’t like her for whatever reason. He can save his energy though, I don’t think she’s interested. There’s no candidate that can heal that party. Whoever runs next time will lose. Why would she sign up to take a beating from her own people?

          • Nope, it’s not the 3rd Ward. And no, I am not in any way slamming Stephanie Brinkerhoff Riley. It’s you who is raising a false issues.

            Yes, there are Democrat candidates who can win an Evansville mayoral race. Yes, it will take some healing in the local Democrat party. Yes, that may have a chance to happen now. Yes, SBR may become a leader on the council or in the Democrat party. That’s up to her. It’s not up to me and surely not you. So take your crap somewhere else.

            So which city ward is the true key for a Democrat to win the mayoral race? It’s the 1st Ward, believe it or not. No Democrat mayoral candidate has won, beginning with Vandeveer, without winning the 1st Ward.

            And Jack, remember when David won Commissioner in 2000? He won the 1st Ward. And then in 2004, he lost, and he lost in the 1st Ward. So this phenomenon has some effect on countywide races for Democrat candidates as well.

            Another race that proves this, Jack, is Rick Borries’s races for commissioner and mayor. Remember? He won commissioner in 1980, and won the 1st Ward handily. Then when he ran against Russ Jr., he lost the 1st Ward by around 1500 votes or so, and lost the race by 518, if I remember correctly.

          • The more I think about what you said, I think I need to add a comment.

            Stephanie has a potentially bright professional career in addition to her political career. She also has a very supportive husband and some truly adorable children. I wish Steph, her husband, and especially those kids all the best in life. I say this as a loving grandfather to my own grandchild, and I’m sure Steph’s mother and in-laws understand where I’m coming from. I hope you do too.

  3. Personally – I would like to see the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party approach Rick Davis to run for Mayor of Evansville.

    • Agreed…..but I’d bet $100 that will never never happen, they stand to loose too much if Davis is elected, I like to think that being a upstart and getting in Weinzapfels face wasn’t the only reason the bulk of Democrats were against their own party member who won their primary election, I think it goes much deeper and has a more sinister tone.

      It’s easy to second guess or armchair quarterback the reasons Davis is so disliked that his own party worked with the opposing party to keep him out of office not once but twice…I think the secret lays in the basement of the civic center buried under something very smelly…..but I do like conspiracies and I think 8 years of Mr Weinzapfel has left a few skeletons they would rather keep buried.

      Again JMHO

      • It has nothing to do with secrets. It has nothing to do with conspiracies, as much as you would like it to be so. And the Weinzapfel factor is just one element of the total equation. It’s very simply due to the way that political types exercise the old “paybacks are hell” way of doing things. And all of us who live our lives in politics have had it exercised on us to one degree or another. The only thing you got to understand is the more you attack, the bigger the payback.

        • Thanks Soon for the clarification, so using your premise I’d assume Mr Weinzappfel called the hit on Mr Davis that Mr Parke finally delivered the fatal blow to his career? or did I miss something in the translation? (Mr Weinzappfel got bipartisan support in the payback didn’t he or was it just luck of the draw?)


          • Naw, man. You’re still trying to concoct some sort of conspiracy that doesn’t exist. JW has a life outside of all this crap. The hit was delivered by many people. Some in concert, and some working rogue. You gotta get down in the trenches to truly understand mudslinging.

            As to Parke, etc., that’s simple math. CORE beat the weeds out in the county. They were so successful at mobilizing the 46,500 NO vote that they ended up with a 23,500 vote surplus over and above what they needed to defeat Yes!

            How many of that 23,500 surplus No votes do you think live in the county? One third, since the population differential is 2/3 city to 1/3 county out? Probably more. Way more, since the county out votes in much higher percentages than in city. Right?

            Now, how many of that surplus do you think are Republican voters or Republican leaning independents. You can bet your buttcheeks that the county out vote is substantially Republican leaning.

            Let’s see now. Parke has access to the voter data base. It tells him who is most likely to vote. It tells him where they live. He can target county out voters. He can target county out Republican leaning independents for mailers. Hmmmmmmmm.

            Parke owes a huge debt of graditude to CORE for effectively lighting the brush fire, beating the weeds, and driving lots of folks who got mailers to the polls.

          • Thank you Sir…..

            I’ll stay out of the trenches but I do appreciate the insight from your vantage point the view from above is less constricted if you know what I mean. 🙂


    • Rick Davis would be an excellent Mayor, beholding to no one other than the taxpayers. Steve Melcher as Chairman of the Democrat Party would help heal the internal division created by Mark Owen’s central committee.

  4. I would like to see mr Davis as mayor , Stephanie would also be a good choice … The dems and repubs are afraid mr Davis will uncover the truth of the last several administrations ,I wish each of em the best of luck and to keep fighting for the common taxpayer ,,,,, all vanderburgh county , eville residents who support truth and transparent gov. Need to be involved

  5. I won’t take your bet because you are probably correct. But, in my opinion, that is why the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party will never heal. OR, it will take many many MANY years to heal. I for one Democratic, will never vote for or support in any way those people who “played dirty politics” during that election. WE know who they were (even the ones to tried to “sneak” around) and THEY know who they are! PERIOD.

    • With Davis out of the picture the healing will go pretty quickly, there are many more races to campaign and win, power to divide up and names to be made. Rick Davis was merely a thorn in the side of the ol’ boys club that is firmly entrenched in our politics, in a few years he will be but a distant memory like so many others.

      Now if he see’s the light and goes independent, he would have all the freedom to cause even more problems, but as a Democrat I think he is toast.


      • Blanger, good points but Rick Davis can still win any Democratic primary City election. The real question is does the local Democratic party finally unite and fully support him in the general election. Rick would be Mayor now if the Democratic party had not split with the old “leadership” supporting Winnecke.

  6. Lets make sure we get an answer to one question from Mr. Friend before he moves to a canadidate for mayor….

    Would you explain how the most financially savvy member of the City Council was unaware for over 12 months that the books were not being balanced under Johnathan’s administration and unaware for 10 months under Lloyd? Part of being an effective CPA is finding out what people don’t tell you, not just what they do.

    • That is indeed the question. I see 2 answers and none of them are good for his candidacy.

      1. He was oblivious to it. As Finance Chair, this makes him asleep at his post.
      2. He knew about it and kept quiet.

  7. By the CCO indentifying these people as likely mayoral candidates, the CCO has hurt their chances of being the successful candidate. For the next couple years, everything they do will be viewed as posturing to run for Mayor. This is not a good thing for them.

  8. I believe the dem’s that run the machine have wrecked it, as long as they are there no one will support the central committee. They can all either step down or continue to loose. The longer they wait, the more likely a third party starts to clean up. Wieneke’s slant that the merger failed because he’s doing such a good job, his stupidity assures a single term. The Rep. central committee is just as rotten, both are broke, with little reason for the everyday voter to contribute even 1 dollar to their egos.

  9. We can save ourselves one hell of a lot of grief if we merely hold a referendum that will seek to cancel the charter of the City of Evansville. If the referendum passes the mayor and the city council will Fed Ex the city charter to the Secretary of State in Indy, and behold!!!! We will consolidate government in Vanderburgh simply by ridding ourselves of the cancer of mis-management of the City of Evansville. As far as I can tell the only mayor of this doomed city who had the respect of most of the people of the city of Evansville in the last 50 years was Russ Lloyd, Senior, may he rest in peace.

    The Machine is going to have to face it: Turn Out the Lights, The Machine is Dead!

  10. I am guessing here, but knowing how people forget, I bet Eric Williams will run for Mayor next election. He is very popular within so many circles (Demos – both old and young, Independents, left leaning Repubs, women, minorities). Don’t think consolidation will tarnish his chances!

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