Home archived-iit IS IT TRUE? November 9, 2011 Part 2: Returning to Normal

IS IT TRUE? November 9, 2011 Part 2: Returning to Normal


IS IT TRUE? November 9, 2011

IS IT TRUE the City County Observer has gotten some information that leads us to believe that Mayor Elect Winnecke has a strong candidate for appointment as the Chief of Police of the Evansville Police Department?…that this candidate has certainly done a magnificent job in a lead role with the popular Guns and Hoses event that takes considerable management talent to pull off?…that this person is interested enough in public safety to spend some of his precious free time staying current on state of the art public safety procedures and techniques?…that the CCO’s Mole 7 tells us that a leading candidate to lead the EPD is Billy Bolin?…that Mole #3 is smiling on his way to Florida that Mole 7 pulled a good tip out of the hat on its first day on the job?

IS IT TRUE that it is good to hear that Mayor Elect Winnecke’s opponent Vanderburgh County Treasurer Rick Davis has full intention to stay in Evansville and to be a part of the improvement of the city?…that Davis not only ran against a very well run campaign by the Republican Winnecke for Mayor campaign but that the movers and shakers of his own Democrat Party were digging a hole under him every chance they got as well?…that an exemplary well funded opposition campaign coupled with chaos within one’s own party is a formula for failure?…that in spite of that the margin of Winnecke’s victory over was wide but respectful of the uphill effort that Davis fought since his primary victory party over the preferred candidate of the Vanderburgh County Democrat Central Committee, Mr. Troy Tornatta?…that we admonish the powers that be of Evansville and the remaining vestiges of “the Machine” to step aside and let Mr. Davis re-enter private life as an educated and competent citizen of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that the last time this writer remembers wearing shorts and a T-shirt on election day was the last time I voted as a Californian?…that in that election the people California elected Gray Davis to be their Governor?…that only a few years later after the dotcom bubble burst and the excessive debt of the State of California was unserviceable due to lost tax revenue the people of California used a recall election to dismiss Governor Davis and elect Arnold Swartzenegger to be the Governator?…that this was the beginning of the end of the nanny state in California and that the rest of the country would be well served to study what has gone on in the public sector there as national decisions are being driven by the same forces?

IS IT TRUE that we hear that there was a punch or two thrown at one of the polling places in the 6th Ward yesterday?…that we furthermore understand that this would make a good ole West Evansville episode of “Family Feud” had there been some cameras rolling nearby?…that just when we think that Wyatt Earp is not needed that grown men decide to argue politics with an ego driven schoolyard fistfight?…that this little altercation surprised no one and no charges were filed?


  1. Please remove the election banner ads soon. I’m sure I’m not the only one that is tired of looking at them. Can’t imagine anyone paid for their ads to be displayed after the election.

    • Single Sided, Double Density?

      LOL….no need to reply, and you are correct Press.


  2. Where do you come with this stuff. Rick Davis is not returning to private life; he is going back to his job as County Treasurer. He has had a public job for around 10 years now.

    I am sure the Machine would gladly let him return to private life. Would you suggest it to him?

    • HighRoller:

      The machine has Rick in their sights. When he comes up for reelection they will mount an all out effort to take him out. Its the way the game is played.

      I wonder if Winnecke will announce early next year that he is switching parties, or if he will keep up the charade for 4 long years.


  3. Just got a phone call from Main Gate. Really, really, really busy! Walkway crowded with people again tonight for the Seeger concert. A successful humpday night on the town … downtown Evansville.

  4. No reason to beat a dead horse into the ground. Davis lost because he ran against his own party. what did he expect. Certainly no warm and fuzzier. He cost himself the election

    • First of all, dog-catchers are not elected. Second, try being one, putting up with silly people and nasty, ill tempered animals!

      • Dog catchers deserve our respect. A few years ago I had to call the dog catcher to remove a stray dog from my garage. It wasn’t easy!

      • In this age of time, I think they prefer Animal Control Officer also. They deal with more than dogs now-a-days!

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