IS IT TRUE? November 8, 2011 Post Election Edition


IS IT TRUE? November 8, 2011 Post Election Edition

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer wishes to congratulate all of the winners in the 2011 City of Evansville election?…that the people of Evansville have spoken and what they have chosen is a Republican Mayor with once again a City Council made up of 8 Democrats and Dan McGinn?…that the prospects for sweeping change do not look very good so we need to start encouraging some incremental improvements?…that was more a reflection on the total make-up of the City Council than on any individual members?…that more balance from a party perspective would have been better for Evansville’s ability to have fluid and diverse discussions about what ails the City of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that with that statement the CCO is as pleased as anyone that this election season is over and that the newsworthy things will be more manageable with a small group of content providers?…that a nice normal schedule will be a welcome change for us?…that it was not just Evansville that chose to reject change agents in this election cycle and that unlike national politics in 2010 this year was a good time to be an incumbent in Indiana?…that Hoosiers must be a pretty content bunch with the way things are because we have not yet heard of an incumbent in a leadership elected position that lost?…that as the old folks say. “the more things change the more they stay the same”?

IS IT TRUE that we are sure that there will still be some shuffling of some patronage positions and that Mayor Winnecke will start making a list of nasty people so he can replace them with people who will be nice?…that we support the desire for the public servants in the Civic Center to be more customer friendly and wish Mayor Elect Winnecke the best in making this happen?…that we also pledge to help and support him in his campaign commitment to eradicate the litter in the City of Evansville?…that little things can mean a lot and that having a clean city is essentially free if the townspeople are on board to help?

IS IT TRUE that back to what keeps the readers reading we must remind everyone that in less than 48 hours the real estate tax bills are due?…that this includes the bill that is due from City Centre Properties LLC of just over $10,000 for the McCurdy Hotel?…that just now the Vanderburgh County Assessor’s website indicates that these taxes have not been paid?…that we will be checking regularly but given the rock and hard place that the Evansville Redevelopment Commission has put themselves into that Centre City Properties could just not pay and there will be little that can be done in the way of consequences?…that this is just one of many legacy problems that Mayor Elect Winnecke will need to start familiarizing himself with?…that this gentleman just earned himself a very difficult job.


  1. I sincerely wish Mr. Winnecke the best and every success as Mayor. The job is very difficult and he should be true to himself in office and remember the trust given to him, and all other elected officials, by the voters. Please make us proud by leadership and action. That will be your legacy.

    • … and now you can focus your attention once again to private matters in Louisville, Mr. Republican County Chair In Exile.

  2. Voters spoke and said the values and beliefs of the Democratic Party are what they think is best for the city. Davis ran as the anti-Democrat and his was overwhelmingly rejected. Bravo Evansville.

  3. And the Epitaph simply reads:

    “Evansville committed Hari-Kari
    on November 8th 2011”

    The Decline continues unabated,–but,–life goes on.

  4. It is blatantly obvious that the Democratic Party Machine got everything they wanted last night (not yesterday, but Last Night-do you get it?!) Walters, Swaim, and Kramer definitely deserved to win their elections, but the hobnailed boots of the Regime ground their aspirations into the dust that is deceit. This lousy little town has over 92,000 registered voters, and most of them are already dead! There must have been some hellacious victory parties going on in cemeteries all over town!

      • It is well known that the dead come to life every year to skew the vote in favor of the one with the most clout in the good ol’ boy network.

        Funny to me that Dr. John will complain about the dead votes for city council, when those same walking dead were also voting for Winnecke, his preferred candidate.

        You got who you wanted in the mayor’s chair, Dr. John. Now he can continue to cooperate with the Dem Party Machine as he always has.

        • … and from comments made to the C&P, seems now it’s time to muster the meathead militia to continue the cleansing!

    • Dr John, an appox. 750 vote swing would have put the win for Mr. Davis. I would think any “machine” worth its salt could command that number very easily with it’s patronage leverage, and money, probably more lime 1,500 or more. So Yes the “Machine” won and sourgrapes has a need for Depends, he is so “Happy”. Evansville Lost,–I’ll get over it,– but a City in decline continues it’s slide..

    • I see that you too discovered one can make up any name and email address and log onto CCO even if it’s a copy of someone else’s nickname along with a fake email addy. Such a credible source for news!

      So here is a song specifically dedicated to the City County Observer:

      • This is something we are getting ready to work on. We must point out that the comment section of any publication including the CP is not there for news and has no effect on the publication itself. Perhaps “such a credible source for comments” would be a better description. By the way the CP has a host of renegades that post under various aliases too. We do capture IP addresses and anyone can secure new email addresses at will if they know what they are doing anyway.

        It seems from looking at IP addresses that sourgrapes and theoriginalsourgrapes has started an argument with his or herself.

        • Nope. The person who posted The Who youtube video is not the same person as I. Who-ever stole my handle. Apparently your IP capturing ability matches your ability to accurately print facts.

          • Sourgrapes….strange things happening on the CCO. I just asked the “Editor” about Vonkayel’s remarks disappearing and quess
            what….Vonkayel answered…hhhmmmm

            • I assure you that Vonkayel is not an editor nor does Vonkayel have the access codes to post anything to the observer. We do not know for certain who Vonkayel is but we read these posts so we have some candidates. I will share this. The IP address for Vonkayel is not within commuting distance of Evansville and all of the people who have our access codes are local.

          • Hey, Ankayel VonSmithy, let me help you out. It could be that in the 4th Ward and 6th Ward there were many loyal Democrats who couldn’t bring themselves to vote for a Republican, but couldn’t hold their noses tight enough to vote for Davis and Company, so they just stayed home. You think?

          • Joe Wallace on November 9, 2011 at 11:33 am
            Please remind me of what predictions you speak of and I will check. I have not removed any posts since one last week and it was not from Vonkayel. That poster has a large number of posts. Send me something I can use to search and I will be happy to do so Anna.

            Below is one that I am referring to from Monday. Vonkayel posted several times yesterday about his (wrong)predictions on the election and they are gone today.

            Vonkayel By my calculations, Rick should be ahead by about 350-400 votes based on these numbers. I’m assuming he will get: 40% of the vote in… – Nov 07, 6:39 PM

            • It is still in our comment records exactly as you said with the time stamp of 6:37 on the 7th. It has not been removed. Were you looking on the correct article? That quote was preceded by a bunch of assumptions for Davis percentages for each Ward.

              When I was digging through looking for it there are many similar messages by VonKayel yesterday as the number of voters was coming out too.

        • “Vonkayel” posted numerous times yesterday giving his or her calculations on the election turnout and I believe at one point had Davis winning by 1 vote. Guess what????They all disappeared!!! My question to the “Editor or Publisher”….What happened to them???

          • … and under Wayne Parke’s letter to the CCO editor, Andrew Smith and Vonkayel interchangeably answered questions addressed to Andrew Smith, which is why I call VonSmith the Republican Party Chair in Exile.

          • Not sure what happened to them, but as I said below, I clearly underestimated the power of the Machine to affect Democratic turnout.

            I still haven’t seen the ward by ward breakdowns, but I’m assuming Winnecke significantly outperformed my assumptions in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th.

          • Joe…All of Vonkayel’s ridiculous “Predictions” disappeared and you’re saying that the only way that can happen is with an access code to the CCO. Maybe you need to get your “editorial staff” together and find out what’s going on….or better yet, maybe you could ask da Reverend Jeremiah Wright. I’m not buying your answer. Once again, you need to decide as to whether you want to be a Publisher, Editor or blogger!

            Joe Wallace on November 9, 2011 at 10:01 am
            I assure you that Vonkayel is not an editor nor does Vonkayel have the access codes to post anything to the observer. We do not know for certain who Vonkayel is but we read these posts so we have some candidates. I will share this. The IP address for Vonkayel is not within commuting distance of Evansville and all of the people who have our access codes are local.

            • Please remind me of what predictions you speak of and I will check. I have not removed any posts since one last week and it was not from Vonkayel. That poster has a large number of posts. Send me something I can use to search and I will be happy to do so Anna.

  5. Mr. Biden said it very well; we should all wish Mr. Winnecke the very best in his newly elected position. Further, given the past regime, which has been a source of disenchantment for many a citizen, we all challenge Mr. Winnecke to put aside the vitriole, back-room deals, and the good ole boys networks, and be true to his vision for our city. There are many people here who may not have voted for him, but who will now stand up to offer their assistance in implementing this new vision. May he be wise enough to accept. Let’s get to work.

  6. While I do agree with you for the good of the city, it should also be noted that along with a rather large spotlight there will also be a magnifying glass on every aspect of the new administration and council.

    We can hope for better and that the council doesn’t regard this election as a mandate to do as they wish because they were elected, given the number of voters…it was truly a sad day in Evansville’s history.


    • … and it couldn’t possibly have been due to the plague of negativity brought on by you and your compatriots.

      • The comments on the CCO were nothing compared to those on the Corrupt & Pathetic. The C&P was so biased towards Winnecke and the puppets it was appalling.

      • Are you enjoying your breakfast of Lemons?
        too bad you can’t stick out your tongue at us isn’t it ?
        Oh well, we will just have to use our imaginations.
        I expect you look as immature, and as rediculous as you sound on this board.

      • Negativity? in what way? honest opinions are all I have to offer, and after all they are my opinions which last time I checked the 2nd amendment was still in full force.

        Do you not notice how I sign every post? or are you the type of person who can’t take criticism? you and your people have once again pulled a fast on on the citizens of Evansville, you have robbed, cheated, bought, and stolen votes to further your agenda….but then again as in all my posts this is just my opinion which is worth exactly what you pay for it.


        • It will be the machine supports who are sucking lemons when it goes back to politics as usual in the city. Oh wait it did the moment they announced Winnecke won.

  7. Well, my calculations were certainly way off! I underestimated the power of the Machine to convince even hardcore Democrats either to stay home or vote for Winnecke. It’s pretty impressive, in a sick and twisted kind of way.

    Evansville really is beyond hope at this point. If GOP council candidates can’t win a single seat while their ostensible “leader” coasts to victory in the middle of a GOP tide…the party might as well close up shop.

    Congratulations are in order to the Central Committee Dems and the Winnecke campaign. They did everything right.

    It will interesting to see the post-mortem analysis on this over the coming days and weeks. I suspect that Rick never had a chance. What little hope he might have had of winning probably disappeared at the Fall Festival.

    • Andrayel VonSmithy, maybe half the Democrats in the 4th and 6th wards are just too loyal to turn out for Winnecke, and couldn’t hold their noses tightly enough to vote for Davis. Ever think of it that way?

      • It is hilarious that you guys are still obsessed with Andrew 5 years after he left town!

        Will you still be obsessing over Davis in 2019? Lol.

        For my part, I am duly impressed with the ability of the machine to adapt and survive.

  8. I heard so many people comment about Davis exactly as the machine would have wanted them to. They did a masterful job of controlling the message that was put forth by the mainstream media, specifically the C&P. Puppets are as puppets do.

    • BigPappa,
      Can I ask where you were hearing these comments? At a bar? In church? in the voting line? I ask because I do not have a lot of public contact in my life and believe that your remark might be very telling about how the machine works.

      • No place in particular. Where ever the subject would come up when talking to friends, co-workers, and other acquaintances.

  9. Facts are facts. Just like so many of you Davis whiners complained he was the choice of the primary voters, the peoples choice won. Obviously the majority of voters now feel what we have known all along: We are on the right track, Mayor Weinzapfel has done an excellent job and that we are pleased with our leaders here. We also learned that voters can see crazed, vindictive, ruthless people who will say and do anything to get elected. Congratulations Mayor Elect Winnecke and all 9 city council winners. No natatoriums, no tax increases and Jordan, you can kiss your precious pole barn good bye. Anyone know how to send a contribution to Susie?

    • I must say that you have been very negative and nasty in most of your posts all along. It is sad to see that you are not a gracious “winner”.

  10. Last evening, the people of Evansville overwhelmingly demonstrated their ability to “sit down and shut-up.” Can’t cause any waves or think independently. Winnecke=Weinzapfel, nothing changes, et al.

  11. Which story from yesterday would I find Vonkayel’s predictions?

    Joe Wallace on November 9, 2011 at 12:49 pm
    It is still in our comment records exactly as you said with the time stamp of 6:37 on the 7th. It has not been removed. Were you looking on the correct article? That quote was preceded by a bunch of assumptions for Davis percentages for each Ward.

    When I was digging through looking for it there are many similar messages by VonKayel yesterday as the number of voters was coming out too

  12. I’ve been hitting the same link all morning and got the message “page been removed”….it suddenly reappeared.

    • Actually that one was archived this morning because it is not relevant today. If you wish to have a copy I will send it to you.

      • I’m perfectly capable of using the search function, but it doesn’t work when pages are removed.

        • I was not aware that when we archive that you can’t get to them through search because I have no trouble finding them in WordPress. That sounds like a weakness in WordPress. I always search from the inside. The pages are not removed from our archive so they are always available to us. We do that everyday with the EPD reports but store them under a tab. Archiving is just clicking a box. We will look into how to do make the archives available through search. In the mean time if you want an article just ask. Do you have my private contact info?

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