IS IT TRUE: November 8, 2010


IS IT TRUE that the Evansville City Council has not received any update or listing of the expenditures connected with the Arena Project? …. that the City Council very interested in the resolution requested to have a quarterly financial updates since they are the custodians of the money for the Arena project?……that this lack of communication is what caused the spirit of “throw the bums out” that manifested itself at the ballot box in the 2010 election?…. the Evansville City Council requested and was committed to be given these reports by Mr. John Kish project manager of the Arena to be given a copy of all contracts between the Evansville Redevelopment Commission, the Department of Metropolitan Development, or the City? …. that refusing to make timely and accurate reports to the City Council is arrogant, irresponsible, promotes poor public relations, and is another example of bad public policy?….that this is just one more reason that the people of Evansville are looking to someone other than Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel for leadership? ….that the City County Observer encourages each and every citizen of Evansville to watch WNIN tomorrow night to see if Mr. Kish will shine some light on these unanswered questions?

IS IT TRUE that over 8,700 Vanderburgh County households received a Notice of Assessment of Land and Structures – Form 11 R/A dated and mailed on November 4, 2010 just two days after the 2010 election?…..that these Form 11 R/A‘s were to advise these Vanderburgh County homeowners that the assessed value of their houses has been increased?…..that the value of housing in Vanderburgh County like the rest of the United States has DECREASED over the last several years?…..that these notices were prepared to mail BEFORE THE ELECTION but for some mysterious reason were not mailed until AFTER THE ELECTION? ….that if these Notices of Assessment of Land and Structures would have been for the purpose of notifying Vanderburgh County homeowners that their assessments were being reduced to reflect the true market conditions that they may have been mailed BEFORE THE ELECTION with an appropriate press conference?

IS IT TRUE that Mole #12 received one of the Notices of Assessment of Land and Structures advising it that its Molehill has increased in value by $41,300?….that Mole #12’s neighbors home sold this year for 20% below the new assessment of Mole #12’s house? …..that Mole #12’s house is smaller than its neighbors house that just sold for 20% below Mole #12’s newly assessed value?…..that based on its neighbors comparable house Mole #12’s Molehill should be assessed at its current market value that is 26% below the new assessment?…..that the State of Indiana is mandated by law to have market value assessments?…..that competence of valuation is vital to the process of taxing property?…..that Mole #12 will be appealing this politically driven and incorrect assessment in the very near future and encouraging his neighbors many of whom received these bogus assessments to do the same?

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation (EVSC) conducted a survey of parents and staff to see what they would be graded for quality of education?….that a full 90% of EVSC staff gave themselves an A (excellent) or a B (good) rating while 80% of parents did the same?…..that the proof in the school systems success is in the success of the students as opposed to the opinions of the staff or the parents?……that the student of EVSC continue to score below the Indiana state averages on the ISTEP tests?….that the EVSC earned a Great Schools Organization rating of 4 on a scale of 10 with 10 being the highest?….that if any student got a 40% (4 of 10) on a test of any kind that the student would get a failing grade (F)?…..that our less below average academic performance in traditional metrics is a D?….that the EVSC staff and the parents of Vanderburgh County students may just be confusing a nice experience with a quality education?


  1. It is true that the reassessement notice that I received stated the incorrect previous valuation on the face of the notice, a valuation that I appealed and won and had my assessment lowered, but for some reason the assessor printed the appealed assessement amount rather than the lowered assessment amount DEMONSTRATING THE CONTINUED DISSEMINATION OF INCORRECT ASSESSMENT DATA BY THIS ASSESSOR, WHICH HAS BECOME HIS ROUTINE SIGNATURE.

  2. EVSC needs to simply focus kids on their activities inside their astro-turfed stadiums… After all, isn’t that what the leadership of Evansville tells us – all prosperity leads forth from stadium deals and visitor bureau, leverage!

    The real “test” for the kids is how they fill the stands in their state of the art stadiums! After all, kids see how excited the news people get with say a soccer event that comes to town and the reporters excitedly investigate and report how much it’s “bring in for us”!

    Don’t get me started on my Weaver’d Assessment.

  3. Is it true lame duck County Assessor Jonathan Weaver is in the process of firing employees? Is it true he already has fired two and plans to fire three more shortly? Is it true that one terminated employee was warned that if she didn’t work at the polls she would be fired? Is it true these firings are purely post-election political retribution? Is it true that the county may be liable to some degree by lame duck Weaver’s rash actions?

    • These firings are amazing. Just a few weeks ago Weaver was begging county council to approve an increase in the hourly wage of TEMPORARY employees to $10.50 per hour. He claimed they wouldn’t work for minimum wage. Suddenly, now that the reassessment is over, he can get along with fewer employees.

      Has he shown cause for the firing? At least his successor has a level head and the common sense to understand the line between his responsibilities as Assessor and those of a candidate.

      Everyone NEEDS to file an appeal. Weaver has bragged about how few appeals were filed since 2004. Maybe he needs a reminder of how unhappy he has made the taxpayers.

      The assessment on my yard, not my house, went up over 60%. That is not reasonable. There are loads of “For Sale” signs on nearly new houses that are larger, have whirlpool tubs and the like, priced for only a little more than my new assessment.

      To get copies of the forms required, go to:

  4. Is it true that John Friend, who barely won his council seat in the 5th ward in the last election, is so nervous about running that he plans to file for an at large seat in the May primary, pitting himself against incumbents Doc Adams and Don Walker?

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