IS IT TRUE that Cheryl Musgrave’s decision to run for the seat on the Vanderburgh County Commission that she previously held was a real political “bombshell” for the local Republican Party? …CCO is looking forward to watching the interaction between the outspoken Cheryl Musgrave and GOP party Chairman Wayne Parke?

IS IT TRUE that Republican Cheryl Musgrave one of Vanderburgh County’s most controversial political figures, just announced that she is going to run for the Vanderburgh County Commissioners now being held by Democrat Steve Melcher?

IS IT TRUE we hear that former County Commissioner Pat Tuley is considering running against Steve Melcher in the Democratic primary?

IS IT TRUE that several staunch supporters of Gail Riecken and the late Rick Davis have approached Alex Burton to seek the seat being vacated by Rep. Riecken at the end of her current term?   …Mr. Burton would not have to depend on the “Union Bosses or the FOP” support in the District #77  race because its composed  of a more culturally diverse group of lower and middle income families?

IS IT TRUE we also hear that Mayors right hand man Chris Cooke is also considering a run for the District #77 State Representative seat?  …we wonder will he file as a Democrat or Republican?

IS IT TRUE we hear that that trouble may be brewing among the newly-elected Democrats on City Council?   …rumor has it that Dr. Dan Adams has made it known that he would like to continue as City Council President, but Jonathan Weaver had made it clear that he will nominate Missy Mosby for the post.

IS IT TRUE  the CCO predicted many months ago that the City of Evansville will be appealing the “MILAN  verses EPD CHIEF BILLY BOLIN”  lawsuit to the UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT for a hearing?  …we just heard that the City of Evansville may had just did this?    ..we find it extremely interesting that the elite Main Stream Media didn’t published information concerning this law suit until a couple days after the election?  …we wonder how much have the taxpayers of Evansville paid the Mayors legal Counsel to defend this case so far?

IS IT TRUE that we love the special way the Highland School fifth graders have chosen to honor our veterans this year?

IS IT TRUE is looks like Mrs. Musgrave has taken one of her political platforms from the past?  …she wants to  focus on improving county-maintained roads and bridges and wants to push Vanderburgh County  in a positive direction?

IS IT TRUE that incumbent  County Commissioner Steve Melcher has a great deal of soul searching to do if we wants to seek re-election to the commission?  …we wonder why Commissioner Melcher would want to experience the same political mistreatment given to State Representative Gail Riecken and his wife Anna Melcher by the “Union Bosses”?

IS IT TRUE we are told that Commissioner Steve Melcher enjoys a strong popularity among the leadership of the Republican party?

IS IT TRUE we also hearing that County Commissioner Joe Kiefer is having mixed emotions about running for re-election because of pressing business challenges?  …we are hearing that the electorate have been pleased with Mr. Kiefer performance as a member of the County Commissioner?

IS IT TRUE todays “READERS POLL”  question is “if the election was held today to select the next County Commissioner who would you vote for”?


  1. according to one local news source political hack Chris Cooke is floating a trial balloon for Gail’s seat. Get out while you still can.

  2. Why isn’t anybody on here talking about the Jack Schrieber cover up? Did you notice that the FOP endorsed Winnecke and Weaver but not Jack? He was supposed to be the most liked person running and the cops didn’t endorse him. They all knew about the investigation and confession. They could tell people to vote for the creep Weaver but not the homo Schrieber. The only reason we ever knew is because somebody at the newspaper got ahold of it. Winnecke needs to tell people why he thought it was okay to let him serve on City Council.

      • It looks like the Schriber scandal still matters to some people. The Courier just published his admission that he didn’t serve in Viet Nam.
        It does matter if the Mayor is part of something that can force him out of office. Russ Lloyd would finish his term.

        • What Schreiber did or didn’t do has no bearing on the mayor. It doesn’t matter when he knew there was an issue, because it was under investigation and beyond the statutory prosecution limit. Winneke is the mayor for the next four years. Demos ran the wrong candidate.

        • It seems that scandals don’t have much of a chance here. I floated the idea of an investigative/activist report on people who have cheated the city on payments on loans and taxes over the last 30 years, but many our progressive comrades got very nervous and tried to change the subject beyond anything but Earthcare and Mayor Winnecke, like they had a big dark secret to hide or something.

          J. Coddington “Comrade Hugo” Fetlock IV
          Maximum co-coordinator
          Organizing for Idiocy
          Evansville Cell

  3. I would believe that any thing could happen now. Any rotten crooked thing could happen.
    A confessed child molester amassed a large percentage of votes. What is happening?
    A wifebeating stalker who got the city sued TWICE for abuse of his employees (go figure, women)now has the clout to oust a retired heart surgeon to push in a sellout, short on braincells, coctail waitress (not a very good one) whose only claim to fame is the name of a long dead relative (who is twirling in his grave over her deeds)
    Speaking of graves, the very idea of that lazy moron Chris Cooke taking Gail Reicken spot is laughable.
    All the more terrifying because in the current climate of payola it might just happen.
    Trump could be king….
    It could be the end of the world
    At the very least it is a dark scary time

    • The fact that guys like trump and Carson are even being considered serious candidates is enough to scare me. These are crazy times we’re living in. One is a reality TV show jackass and the other believes the earth is 4000 years old and the Egyptian pyramids were grain silos. If trump gets the nomination who will his running mate be? Hank Williams Jr?

      • Ghost –
        Please give examples of countries that flourish while punishing success and providing no incentive for hard work and achievement.

        • I am assuming that your is your fractured definition of socialism, but you might look at Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, and Iceland for starters.

          • Perhaps a permanent change of residence might just be the ticket for you and your compatriots.

          • Kay I think that Fitz or the other GOP goobers are calling Communism or dictatorships socialism. They would not know socialism if it came right up to them and stared them in the face. Can you say Social Security? Medicare and the new Health Care Act that Obama pushed though the US congress. Those are all very well working socialistic programs that the USA has been doing for over 50 years. So the USA is part Socialistic in it’s operations. These are good programs too.

          • Might look at them, but each is having problems carrying the weight of socialism. Might look at Greece also.

          • Zoro, socialism is a transitional theory from capitialism to communism. It can not exist on it’s own. Some of the programs you name are not socialism but are what a civilized society does. Others are socialism and have become overbearing. They are also transitional. For example, I bet you want to see the ACA become single payer. Real smart, let’give the entity that created this albatrose full control.

          • And look at their personal income tax rates and Value Added (sales tax) tax rates to support such an “enlightened” form of government. No thank you.

      • And what scares me is that the likes of hillary and bernie are the very best the crats can muster. bernie is just an ignorant socialist whilst hillary has never been honest about anything in her entire corrupt life. Really? Those are the ones you want to lead America in the fight for her very life?

    • As long as the majority of people in Evansville are content to be uninformed nothing will change. You have to demand that local media do their job, and call them out when they do not!

      Channel some of that outrage towards the media outlets, print, television, and web, and call them out for not doing their jobs. Call their advertisers and tell THEM that you can not support them as long as THEY are supporting a media company that is harmful to the local community.

    • Can the “internationally recognized expert on cemetery management” continue to use his expertise to run the public cemeteries while serving as a County Commissioner?

      • Hell, Duckworth was a school trustee, a paid position, while simultaneously holding the job of county highway superintendent, a paid position. Apparently all you need is a note from Ted Ziemer saying it is alright, and cross your fingers that no one asks a judge for declaratory judgment in the matter.

        They thumb their nose at the law around here all the time.

      • Sorry about my brain fart. I meant “State Representative”. The whole idea of that POS getting elected to any office discombobulated my head.

  4. Look in the mirror people. Calling people names and accusing some one of being a stalker. If the stalker claim is true produce evidence or stop talking about it. I don’t think calling people names is proper when you are not using your actual name when posting.

    • All you need to do is look up the restraining orders that his ex-wife have against him.

      • You don’t understand winning. It doesn’t matter. I am not condoning the behavior, just making an observation.

      • That’s what I thought.. Unverified claims.. When question about your claims.. YOU say look it up. Smear the person with no proof!!

        • There is proof, but I’m not your secretary. The Protective Orders are pretty damning, but his own Facebook posts are an admission of what a creep he is. The fact that he has had two marriages fail in a period of less than four years is strong evidence.

  5. I won’t vote for Cooke. We can’t afford to pay for the steel reinforced super-size chair that it would take to hold his f– a–. I wonder if we would have to pay extra for all of his Little Debbie cake boxes to get hauled off. Philip Davis will probably be his bodyguard and we would have to get him a special chair to.

  6. ‘Chris Cooke … run for the District #77 … seat? … will he file as a Democrat or Republican?’ ~~ CCO
    Digger Cooke is plenty big enough to run as both a Democrat and Republican. Considering the possibility that DigBoy might subdivide yet again, he could then run as an independent too, his bulk covering the whole ballot like an eclipse. If a serious grave-stacking scandal erupts it won’t bother him or the voters a bit, the voters in Evansville are about as sharp as they come.

    The Supreme Court isn’t likely to hear Evansville’s latest attempt to re-victimize Mrs. Milan. The appeal to the Supremes is typically short sighted, more another manifestation of the willfulness of Winnecke and his goofy administration than just an attempt to save a few dollars. Once certiorari is denied (they grant around 1% of the requests) Evansville is back to the tender mercies of the federal district courts and the 7th Circuit, which seem to be sick of our failed and unbelievable arguments to them.

    • From what I read and heard from people who should know, I don’t think SCOTUS will hear it either. If Winkie is at all bright, he won’t want to take a chance at the humiliation he would likely suffer if it was heard.

      The idea of Chris Cooke representing the 77th District is repulsive. Thinking about it makes me want to take a very hot shower and a stiff drink.

      • Looks like another election I will be sitting out. Bring your copy of American Pie, I’ll bring the whiskey and rye, and we’ll meet those good ole boys at the levee singing “this will be the day that I die…”

    • That guys a fat ass slob, hell if Gail would of won he’d already switched party affiliation.

    • What difference does that make? She is the most competent among the people named, so the party shouldn’t matter.

      • ELB, you answer was Hillary-esque from the Benghazi hearing. If anyone knows the answer, please post. Thanks.

      • It’s how it starts. These idiots have nothing. Next comes ‘what will Cheryl do different than Gail’? It’ll seem inane and repetitious, only because it is. It is the best they can do. These folks aren’t too smart, their take on politics is informed at the elementary civics class level.

      • ” She is the most competent among the people named,”
        Doesn’t set the bar very high does it ?

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