IS IT TRUE: November 6, 2010 Subject: Rick Davis


IS IT TRUE: November 6, 2010

IS IT TRUE that Mole #3 has confirmed from a highly placed informant that Rick Davis will be announcing his candidacy for Mayor of Evansville?….that his announcement will be taking place on November 11, 2010?…..that this announcement will occur at a press conference that will be at the Soldiers and Sailors Coliseum?….that the time of the announcement will be 6 PM.

IS IT TRUE that another highly placed Mole tells us that the $32.00 political war chest that Mr. Davis accumulated prior to the November 2nd election day will be growing quite rapidly?….that donors from all walks of life and all economic situations have been making commitments of financial support to a “Davis for Mayor” campaign?…..that the City County Observer encourages all of our readers to vote in our poll for the people’s choice for the Democratic nominee for Mayor of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that a very reliable and highly placed source has told the City County Observer that current Mayor of Evansville, Jonathan Weinzapfel will not announce his candidacy for a third term as Mayor if Rick Davis makes his announcement official first?…that Mr. Davis will most likely remind the voters of the following political liabilities facing Mayor Weinzapfel if he decides to run for a third term?….that these political liabilities include the Tom Barnett/GAGE salary deal, the Homestead Tax Credit Fiasco, the Westside Annexation, proposing to close Firestations #10 and #14, building the Arena without a referendum, behind the scenes manipulation that is favorable to spending $18 Million of the CVB’s money on 8 ball fields, the McCurdy Condo project that has been dormant for over 2 years, the $655,000 parking lot at the McCurdy, an overabundance of political contributors getting contracts with the City of Evansville, the Executive Inn Dilemma, wasting millions of dollars on the Front Door Pride program building $200,000 houses to sell for an average price of $100,000, spending $142,000 for a green brick alley at Haynie’s Corner, hiring City Council member and political ally Kieth Jarboe as Fire Chief after an “executive national” search, for not giving cost of living raises to hardworking City of Evansville employees for years?


  1. A good list. You left off the firing of Marilee Fowler. Also, add on an utter lack of transparency on all of the above. How about EPA lawsuit over sewers ?

    • Every candidate mentioned is a democrat and the post is about the democratic primary for Mayor. How is that partisan?

  2. Is it true that Jonathan Weaver will be running for Mayor of Evansville, too? Could Mole #3 confirm whether Weaver will be running?

  3. This Community has experienced a “Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing” with Weinzapfel, and there is no other path but up from the lows of his Administration.
    The times they are a-changing, and for the better.

  4. Pick Rick!

    It is time for a new mayor. Rick has done wonders in his role as County Treasurer and he will make a very fine mayor!

    I have already given him a donation, the first of many to his campaign, and I will knock on lots of doors for him!


    • Let’s make some of these anxious supporters define for us what they mean by “wonders”!

      Sure, he “saved” us money on printing. Isn’t the jury out on that till 5-10 years out – when we actually DO see the benefits?

      I have no doubt that his efforts may help, but let’s not prematurely jump the gun here.

      What are his qualifications for Mayor? What are his positions? Surely work on printing isn’t the full resume? (Oh, I forgot, he’s got a big D on it, too.)

      Nuff said, eh?

  5. Let’s expand that list:

    -Created Gage
    -Old Welborn property sold for what, $20 bucks?
    -Wasn’t there a City McCurdy parking lot give away?
    -Whirlpool jobs lost.

  6. One might add these little tidbits to the list of embarrassments that have happened on our mayor’s watch:

    Mutiny aboard LST 325, the mismanagement leading to the demise of the Freedom Festival and Thunder on the Ohio, GAGE’s reported loss of over $300,000, the skyrocketing sewer, trash removal and water rates, proposing to turn off every other street light to save money, the mayor, wrecking his car, the prohibition of First Friday’s Cruise-ins and the failing Entertainment District associated with the Casino, the plummeting market value of the River House, (within the TIF zone) the Front Door Pride homes that won’t sell (even at a substantial loss to the city) the failing Arts District and the stunning defeat of his associates in the recent election.

    Add to that the Federal and State lawsuits over illegal sewer emissions, the lawsuits by the Police Department, Marilee Fowler and the attempt to declare the neighborhood around Robert Stadium a “Recovery Zone” and one starts to notice a trend.

    This: For your entertainment, and In My Opinion

  7. Rick has done some fantastic things as county treasurer. He reduced the office’s budget by tens of thousands of dollars; he reduced the staff by nearly 8%. He doubled the amount of time people have received their property tax bills in their mailboxes compared to the previous 7-year average. He increased the productivity in the office by printing the tax bills in house rather than a company from SOUTH CAROLINA. He allowed the election office to print their poll books in his office, saving that office tons of valuable taxpayer time. He and his staff printed and stuffed thousands of tax warrants for the County Sheriff, saving his staff valuable taxpayer time. He and his staff folded and stuffed several hundred tax sale notices for the Auditor’s Office, saving them tons of valuable taxpayer time. In short, he’s helped make not only his office, but other offices more efficient and effective in order for them to take care of hard-working taxpayers at the front counter.

    That, and plenty more, all in less than 2 years on the job. Imagine the possibilities!

    PICK RICK!!!!!!!!

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