IS IT TRUE November 5, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE November 5, 2012

IS IT TRUE the City County Observer will be hosting the 2012 MOLE AWARDS today at Casino Aztar?…the event is a complete sell out at $50 per ticket and seems as though it could have sold out twice the seats at twice the price judging from the emails and calls that have come in during the last several days seeking to attend?…this reflects not only the internet traffic which set a new record in October but also the initial print edition of the CCO that officially was released last Friday?…the article on “which presidential polls are the most accurate and what they are saying” originated in August by the CCO continues to be the #1 ranking article of its kind on Google and had more pageviews in October than the CCO had in all of 2010?…on a typical day right now the CCO gets hits from every one of the 50 United States and from at least 30 other countries?…we are even getting unsolicited inquiries about how to license “the Mole” and “IS IT TRUE” from other locations?

IS IT TRUE that some news outlets are reporting that nearly half of the votes that are going to be cast will be finished before election day?…early voting is a convenience for voters and seemed like a great thing until candidates from Missouri to Indiana and even in the election for President of the United States starting putting their collective feet in their mouths and letting truths fall out that they would have been better off keeping to themselves?…early voters who have already cast a vote for someone who has done something to change their minds must be feeling a bit of buyer’s remorse in many cases across the country?…any candidate that encourages you to hurry up and vote early is probably wanting to lock you in before he or she says something stupid and changes your mind?…in view of the need for extensive campaigns to give true personalities a chance to show themselves this whole early voting thing does not seem to be positive for the election process?

IS IT TRUE that if many polls are to be believed right now there is an increasing probability that there may be another 2000 type of situation where one candidate wins the popular vote but another wins the electoral college?…knowing the mathematics of the electoral college candidates will fundamentally pay attention to the elector rich states and the swing states (those that really can go either way) and ignore the other 40 or so states?…the elector system distorts the popular vote making it less representative of the will of the people?…this is playing itself in swing states and particularly Ohio right now where a recount is very possible for the winner take all 18 electors?…that logic does not lead to any conclusion that award a candidate with say 2,000,001 votes all of the electors over a candidate with 2,000,000 votes?…the same goes for the high population states that are in the bag for one party like California and New York?…as partisan as those states are the winner for President in each state is still unlikely to exceed 60% of the vote?…it only takes marginal wins in 11 of the 50 states to win a Presidential election?…that is just plain nuts and in a way encourages the small states with no influence to consider forming separate countries?

IS IT TRUE that the CCO will be having a mock election at the MOLE AWARDS luncheon today and that the results will be posted as soon as the votes are tallied?…that once upon a time the University of Evansville Purple Aces defeated the Louisville Cardinals in a FOOTBALL GAME?…today the Louisville Cardinals are one of five undefeated teams in the entire NCAA and ranked 9th in the BCS and the Aces do not even field a team?…one can only wonder what may have been if the decision to get rid of football had not been approved by UE?


  1. “IS IT TRUE that if many polls are to be believed right now there is an increasing probability that there may be another 2000 type of situation where one candidate wins the popular vote but another wins the electoral college?”

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    I do not think it is going to be that close. If people liked the job the current President was doing, would it be “close” now, or should he be way out in front?


    • Our statement only reflected the polls and the articles on Only Gallup is predicting a big win for Romney and they are basing that on a +1 Republican turnout. The Pew poll this morning says Obama +3 but has a +4 democrat bias in their turnout profile. Realize that the exact same data intentionally skewed by the pollster leads to different results. Tomorrow’s results are about turnout. If Gallup is correct on the turnout model Obama will get clobbered. If Pew is correct Obama will be the winner.

  2. “…in view of the need for extensive campaigns to give true personalities a chance to show themselves this whole early voting thing does not seem to be positive for the election process?”


    • As of this morning, approximately 25% of the entire 2008 popular vote total was cast by early voters in the 2012 Presidential election.

    • On the Presidential level, we’ve had over over 5 years to ‘get to know’ the two candidates. Local and State elections are likewise largely populated by folks who have an extensive public service career (some span decades) that can be scrutinized. Even a brand new candidate would have had to survive a primary election, giving a voter a minimum of 6 months to get to know them and do any research or fact-finding they deem necessary to make a decision.

      If you haven’t figured out the ‘true personalities’ of the candidates within a few weeks of the election, you aren’t trying very hard. I for one will never wait until election day to vote again. Going in a few weeks or days early is easy and hassle free.

  3. It would seem that the early voting is less of a problem than the fact that people do not take the time to educate themselves on where the candidates stand on important issues. While there may have been some typical ‘foot in mouth’ statements made recently in the campaign,where they stood on these issues was very clear before that occurred. If you voted for someone who has made a statement that is egregious to your views it is in the end your mistake for not knowing this was the candidates view. A wealth of information is available but you must look for it in a less biased form than paid commercial ads and slanted news stations.

  4. It would seem that the early voting is less of a problem than the fact that people do not take the time to educate themselves on where the candidates stand on important issues. While there may have been some typical ‘foot in mouth’ statements made recently in the campaign,where they stood on these issues was very clear before that occurred. If you voted for someone who has made a statement that is egregious to your views it is in the end your mistake for not knowing this was the candidates view. A wealth of information is available but you must look for it in a less biased form than paid commercial ads and slanted news stations.

  5. I think Americans should be more concerned with the numerous attempts in this state and other states, as well as by national party efforts, to suppress the vote.

    • Is this the sort of “vote suppression” to which you are referring?

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      GOP senators: Thousands of ballots unlikely to reach military voters in time
      By Ramsey Cox – 11/05/12 02:01 PM ET

      A group of Republican senators said Monday that thousands of voter ballots are unlikely to reach military service members until after Nov. 6.

      One day ahead of the election, Sens. John Cornyn (R-Texas), Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.), John McCain (R-Ariz.), Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) sent a letter to Defense Secretary Leon Panetta to express their concern over delays in ballots reaching military voters overseas.

      “We write to express concerns over another serious failure by the Department of Defense (DoD) to safeguard the voting rights of our overseas military service members, which we believe could result in the imminent disenfranchisement of thousands,” the letter stated. (more)……..


      • I’m talking about ANY KIND of voter suppression, whether late delivery of ballots, assignment of too few voting centers, employment of too few voting machines, deployment of scare tactics or misinformation on billboards targetting certain neighborhoods or demographics, unnecessary ID requirements (I said “unnecessary” there, so don’t flip a wig), or any other of numerous tactics obviously employed to suppress the vote.

  6. With the choices I’m presented with tomorrow, I’m researching 2016 candidates now. Can’t we have a do-over?

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