IS IT TRUE it looks like political patronage, pork barrel projects, awarding of capital projects to local unions, Â out of town consultants, contractors and vendors ruled the day in last night Mayoral election?
IS IT TRUE Mayor Winnecke and his re-election team did a masterful job in getting out  the vote?  …the political mandate that Mayor Winnecke received last night gave him total control of all future capital projects in his 2nd term?  …we wish all the winners the best in the next four years and hope they will govern well?
IS IT TRUE that a political deal has been cut and 2nd Ward City Councilwomen Missy Mosby will be the next President of City Council?
IS IT TRUE we highly recommend that the Democratic candidate for Governor bypass Evansville/Vanderburgh County in search of votes because the local Democrats party is officially dormant for the next 4 years? … thanks to the local main stream media, local unions, Missy Mosby, Â Jonathan Weaver, Laura Brown Windhorst, Â and the Democratic party chairmen for making this happen?
IS IT TRUE we are sadden to hear that our outstanding State Representative Gail Riecken will not seek re-election to her seat? Â … we can’t disagree with her decision and wish her well in future endeavors?
IS IT TRUE that todays ‘Readers Poll” question is “Do you feel that Gail Riecken made the right decision not to seek re-election to her seat?
IS IT TRUE posted below is the official results of the City  election for you to analysis?
REGISTERED VOTERS – TOTAL . . . . . 97,073
BALLOTS CAST – TOTAL. . . . . . . 19,572
VOTER TURNOUT – TOTAL . . . . . . 20.16
Vote For Not More Than 1
REPUBLICAN (REP) . . . . . . . . 3,145 46.79
DEMOCRATIC (DEM) . . . . . . . . 3,386 50.38
LIBERTARIAN (LIB). . . . . . . . 190 2.83
Vote For Not More Than 1
LLOYD WINNECKE (REP). . . . . . . 11,989 62.04
GAIL RIECKEN (DEM) . . . . . . . 6,542 33.85
STEVE “WOZ” WOZNIAK (IND) . . . . . 795 4.11
Vote For Not More Than 1
J D STROUTH (REP). . . . . . . . 9,216 49.29
LAURA BROWN WINDHORST (DEM) . . . . 9,483 50.71
Vote For Not More Than 3
MICHELLE MERCER (REP) . . . . . . 10,724 21.39
JACK SCHRIBER (REP) . . . . . . . 5,123 10.22
H. DAN ADAMS (DEM) . . . . . . . 10,409 20.76
ALEX BURTON (DEM). . . . . . . . 8,980 17.91
JONATHAN WEAVER (DEM) . . . . . . 11,237 22.42
ROBERT MYERS (LIB) . . . . . . . 3,657 7.30
Vote For Not More Than 1
DAN MCGINN (REP) . . . . . . . . 3,027 87.08
NO CANDIDATE FILED . . . . . . . 0
BART GADAU (LIB) . . . . . . . . 449 12.92
Vote For Not More Than 1
NO CANDIDATE FILED . . . . . . . 0
MISSY MOSBY (DEM). . . . . . . . 2,437 100.00
Vote For Not More Than 1
ANNA HARGIS (REP). . . . . . . . 1,677 61.38
A. MELCHER (DEM) . . . . . . . . 1,055 38.62
Vote For Not More Than 1
NO CANDIDATE FILED . . . . . . . 0
HENRIETTA JENKINS (IND). . . . . . 889 32.90
Vote For Not More Than 1
JUSTIN ELPERS (REP) . . . . . . . 2,138 63.03
TOM SHOULDERS (DEM) . . . . . . . 1,254 36.97
Vote For Not More Than 1
NO CANDIDATE FILED . . . . . . . 0
JIM BRINKMEYER (DEM). . . . . . . 2,203 100.00
Winnecke with complete control and his wife ready to collect those commissions. These are dark times.
…English Bob, when you lose 62% of the votes, the darkness is in your camp. Exactly who are you talking to?
That mirror in your room doesn’t mean there are TWO people who agree with what you write.
I guess you’re gonna call 62% of the voters fools, thieves and idiots…and expect people to take you seriously.
Actually you mean to say 62% of the 20% of the 90,000+ registered voters in a city with a population of way over 120,000 people. So your margin of victory is really menial at best. Still it’s a victory. It’s like winning by one point in the last seconds of a basketball game or a foot ball game. But to the winner goes the spoils. I guess Evansville is going to see that Dog Park out at Roberts Stadium after all. I just wonder who Whenny is going to get to go out with the doggie pooper scooper shovel to clean up the messes.
…I admire your gall in spinning a win of 62% (SIXTY-TWO PERCENT!!) of the voters into a one point win at the buzzer.
MOVEON, this is unbelievably preposterous.
You would have been better off not posting anything at all on this subject.
A bottom up purge of the Democratic Party should be your focus.
Yours is: Denial, denial, denial.
I can’t answer for EB, but I can tell you that too many people fell prey to the media bombardment of Winkie lies that were financed by big out-of-town donors who have a lot to gain by keeping him in office until the City is sucked dry and they move on.
The other problem we have here is far too many straight party tickets being voted for both parties. The Schriber scandal apparently did cost the Republicans some straight tickets, but Evansville needs to move out of the Dark Ages and start voting for candidates, not parties.
LKB. You are delusional. Your hatred for Winnecke (and probably Republicans in general) has overcome any ability you once had to reason.
You’re a well known misogynist-about-town Horsey. It’s actually documented in your case. A deluded bully. Why don’t you pick on someone else for a while? You are little more that a hateful, miserable little freak. Feel free to join your trollmate Becker to keep showing how empty you are.
You need a break my friend. It wasn’t going to be what you anticipated anyway. At least be witty in you snippy replies. 🙂
Commonsense –
Take a page from Bandana’s book about kindness, compassion and tolerance!
No, the parties need to present candidates worthwhile of our support. Gail being pro–abortion, against religious protection, and fleeing to Urbana to escape the constitution she swore to uphold were to many hurdles for me to jump in supporting her, so I sat out this election.
I do hope some of the ideas she presented, fixing sidewalks, vetting projects, and a balanced budget, will be included in the next four years. So she does deserve credit for presenting a few good ideas. I have zero hope in Winnecke past a dog park.
You also deserve credit for the work you put into her campaign. Despite our differences, I know you want what you see as best for others. I look past our politics to see your value.
…or, the Democratic Party can be remade.
THIS Democratic Party? It deserves few votes. This, and no other reason, is why it lost.
That is a hard lesson, but it IS the lesson.
(And ELKAYBEE….Stop blaming the “lame-stream media.” It is tired and old.
You sound more like Sarah Palin when you resort to that excuse.)
Point of clarification: I don’t use the moronic phrase your party’s queen bee uses. It is the ADVERTISED LIES that re-elected the goofball. There is a difference in what passes as news and TV and internet commercials. Those are what I was referring to.
LKB…Straw Man!!
I think Sarah Palin is a moron who exploits other morons.
But I take your point.
The mistake that Gail Riecken made, who is, for a liberal, not a bad person, was to rely on angry, hate-choked fanatics such as yourself. The re-election of Winnecke is indeed a disaster, but not the total catastrophe that turning the city over to its laziest, dumbest, and most hypocritical elements would have been. Indeed, yesterday’s repudiation of people like you, Ghost, Bandana, and the rest of the sorry band may be a glint of political health!
Only 13 thousand people voted. That’s absolutely pathetic. I’d hardly call that a mandate. And yes, by and large, they’re idiots. They base their vote on who can do the best “tweets” and take the best “selfies.” Hell, Weaver has been divorced twice in two years and both exes had to take out restraining orders against him and he garnered the most votes for city council! Yes, people are morons. I’m not afraid to say it.
….Yep, EB, every voter is a moron except for you. Keep selling that. It’s working.
Denial, denial, denial.
The voters are not pathetic, the parties, along with single minded voters like you, are pathetic in that they can vest better candidates.
How’s that getting out to vote working for you? I think we should have a vocal boycott of elections until these parties give us good choices.
And pretty much two out of three voted for Winneke, whether you like him or not–that’s a mandate.
Utter and complete democratic defeat. I think you are jealous more than anything.
I owe you a big “Mea Culpa.” My natural optimism, especially for my hometown, overcame my better judgment and made me truly believe Gail would be elected. I was wrong about Evansville and you were right. I don’t know whether to leave the state now, or just wait until the 2016 election and see if I should go directly to Panama. Two moves put a crimp in my budget, but I’m just not sure I can spend another year here, and I’m not sure we won’t have a President Trump or Carson.
LKB. That’s better. Panama?
Yes. There is a big US ex-pat community there, little language barrier, and a great program to attract pensioners there.
Wherever you go there you will be. Panama is nice, but you will find people are the same everywhere. Unless you are in denial of her past performance, Gail was not going to be the change you thought. I can’t leave easily, so I am carving out a niche here and will succeed in spite of our leadership. But we are closer to becoming little Chicago or even Detroit.
I’m no fan of Winnecke but the fact is that in this Mayoral race even Jack Schriber would have out polled Gail. Gail didn’t lose because “Democrats voted against her” or because she was female or because people liked Winnecke better. Gail lost because the local Democratic party fielded a Mayoral candidate who is long-time political hack who carried a lot of baggage with her. The voters of Evansville elected the lesser of two evils. Look at the inept crap that has been presented to the voters of Evansville as Mayoral candidates from BOTH political parties in the last several elections: Russ Lloyd, Jr., Weinzapfel, Winnecke. These people were elected to the position of Mayor because there was no viable candidate to run against them. The real losers in this process were the citizens of Evansville. The last competent Mayor that Evansville had was McDonald II, and he got so fed up with the political shenanigans,of his own party that he decided not to run for office again.
Oh well, time to prep for 4 more years of incompetence, favoritism, and deterioration.
Excellent comments, It sounds like you were much more in tune with this election than anyone else on this site. Wondering who should have been the candidate the Democrats should have ran, since I thought that this election was definitely winnable for them?
Good job Editor.
Call it as it is, a wholly dysfunctional Democratic Party.
Otherwise, Bandana proved that his strategy of spite-filled, vengeful, angry cheerleading is a failure.
Great post BeckerTroll. You’re a helluva ‘man’. Enjoy your guy’s win. Evansville lost. Now get your pleated skirt back from the cleaners, that next tap on your shoulder could mean there’s some more cheerleading for you to do for Winnecke. He’s going to need it.
You are all misguided resentment, that is proven every time you write. “…I’m gonna keep eating these poison pills. He’s gonna die, I’m sure of it!”
(…and B, you need something more substantive than skulking into the corner, sneering through your gritted teeth losing insults when trying to make a point.)
OK, I get it now. You’re just real simple. A bitter little man. You strike out, taking your humiliation out on the other posters here. Until now I had overlooked the fact that much of your angst likely stems from a lifetime of total uncomplication mixed with a personal uncertainty and its attendant feelings of inferiority. It must be awful.
Your guy won, the attack of the thespians is complete. You are tailor-made to work in the Winnecke administration. Maybe they’ll invent a spot for you, perhaps working under Coures, to help assuage your general embarrassment and make you feel like a whole person. In the meantime, don’t try to think. It isn’t going to magically start working for you now.
Good luck.
I’m mostly-retired. A Grandfather, big family, farming and small manufacturing/distribution.
BANDANA…read what you wrote.
My luck has been overflowing.
You are clueless.
And you, Becker/Shem/Weinz/Quark, are a liar, a fool and a troll. I know exactly what you are. Now get down there and do your laps around the Greyhound Station, they’ve got the exterior all prettied up for you. It’ll be just like the old days. Almost. Ho ho ho.
…are you gay Bandana?
You throw gay slurs without cause like I have never seen.
(You’ve stopped making your case too…I noticed that. It’s all insults.)
Look Bandana….The JIG IS UP!
Everything you purported to stand for, negative, resentful, hate political talk…..was soundly defeated. (No joy with you B….its sad.)
No gay slurs here. Your shame is showing though. Can’t help how your mind runs. Be proud of who you are Shem/Weinz/Quark/Becker/et al. If I haven’t mentioned you’re a dirtly little coward let me take this opportunity to do so. You would never say any of the things you write here to my face.
‘Look Bandana….The JIG IS UP!’ ~~ S/W/Q/B/et al
More of your filthy racial dog whistling. You’re a piece of work S/W/Q/B/et al.
Look. You’re pissed. You’re inventing new personal slights!
You lost. BIG.
I can’t change that. You couldn’t either, no matter how much anger you invested.
You might try to post something with some with wit and humor instead of
pure resentment and anger Bandana.
It appears you need plenty of good luck.
Good luck.
Mr. Becker, spot on assessment. Bandana could use some Colorado brownies to take the edge of. JB
Well, in political history, election come and they go. The Democrats well remember Nov of 2006 when Brad Ellsworth soundly defeated John Hosteller. The wine was flowing that particular evening. And for those older folks who can remember 1975 when the very popular Russ Lloyd, Sr. won his second term. But, as elections come and they go, so was it with both these individuals. Brad was handed a sounding defeat running for the Senate and Mr. Lloyd made his now famous quote in 1979, “I refuse to reside over the financial demise of this City” and he was right. Unfortunately, under the control of both major parties, we have witness out of control spending, unrealistic goals, and the demise of our children’s children’s financial future. Perhaps we need to consider going back to basics. We can not spend more than what we produce and for those of faith we need to prayer for our leaders . . . .
Russ Lloyd Sr. was the one that proposed and had the First Swonder Ice Rink Built. He and the supporters called it a capital improvement. I was a supporter of that project at the time and would do it again today. I do remember talk about people losing jobs during the later part of Russ’s last term. But Federal Grant money kept coming in until after the Democrats too over. And creative accounting was being done even back in those days. Money was being spent on things that were not approved before hand. Bills were divided up into parts and run though the controllers office at different times from what I remember reading about in the news paper.
I always thought that Russ didn’t run as he could only serve two terms in a row. But I guess that’s not how it goes. I guess he could have run again and beaten the light weight Michael Vandeveer. He was nothing more than a pretty boy that was a figure head for the Dems back in the 1980’s. He was against building the first Swonder Ice Rink as was John Blair of all people. The people arguring about building Swonder Ice Rink wanted that money used to build new sidewalks and such. Sounds much like the Dems today. The GOP Mayor wants to build a hotel and bring the Medical Center downtown and the Dems are still talking about fixing pot holes and sidewalks. I would fully support the Medical Center if it were built out on the East side using private developers money instead of $50 million of the city’s tax dollars. That was the dumbest move I’ve ever seen in my life. The new Motel will be run down sooner rather than later and then it will truly be a “blight” on the city just at the Old Executive Inn was in its’ later years. The multi millionaire developer could not keep it going so what makes you all think that HWC can do so? It will be a drain and will fail. All the hotel developers know that building in the downtown doesn’t make financial sense. That’s why they all build their hotels out on the East Side near the I-69& Lloyd Expressway interchange. That’s where all the smart money goes. Which to me proves that the Mayor is not too bright or smart when it comes to finances. I guess they don’t teach finances in the weather schools at those liberal arts colleges.
That prayer thing is really right. If Winkie would die in office, we get Russ Lloyd to finish his term. Think about that.
The local Democratic party has been in total disarray since their unconscionable backstabbing of a good man that ran for Mayor. Since that disloyal event orchestrated by the once powerful Central Committee. the local party has deteriorated into a hodgepodge of characters with no aim, no strategy and no unity. Self-inflicted damage is the hardest to repair.
You’re absolutely right, MSD.
..yes, he is.
LKB, the business community is NOT an enemy. Collaboration, shared interests, common interests….have to be part of the solution.
And all this talk about “The Damn Elitists”….it never works. It creates mistrust.
True, but a bit simplistic. There’s a lot going on here. Voter ID law, voting centers, increased work hours, stagnant wages, a platform not distinguishable from the other party….the list goes on and on. Traditional Democrats are dying off and the new breed looks a lot like a moderate Republican. The more moderate Republicans there are, the fewer Democrats will be elected. When they don’t look any different on economic policy, the one issue folks (guns, god, gays, abortion) vote Republican. The Democrat party largely did itself in, but there’s a penalty for all. There’s nothing to stop the next crop of Republicans (and the next) from shifting more and more to the right. People won’t see it until it’s too late, and there’s no organized opposition. A one party system isn’t good for most people. Mos of us will just get poorer and unhealthier.
There’s already proof. Princeton just release a study that the mortality rate for white people between 45-54 is increasing. Working/Middle class people in this age group have lost 19% of their income and the death rate is exploding from suicide, drug overdose and health issues related to drinking. Our economic policies are killing the middle class- literally.
Yep, blame the “Voter ID law” for the Democrat defeat. It surely has nothing to do with a local party in complete disarray.
Don. Well said. You may want to add LKB to the list of spite-filled, vengeful, angry cheerleaders(haters?)
Hey CS! LKB means well, I give her that. Bandana, he’s just eternally pissed. No joy.
I hear you, Don. But the last month their posts have sounded eerily similar.
Ole Mr. Horsey is making a list and checking it twice…
You and Don should form a support group to support each other. You, uh, guys have quite a lot in common. LKB is considerably smarter than either one of you and I’m sure you feel threatened by that. Too bad. Ho ho ho.
What is this? “I know you are but what am I”…???
The hole you’re in is getting deeper and deeper.
No joy.
The Electorate has revealed Evansville’s “Soul” and it ain’t pretty, this Election leaves nothing left to say,
except,– I have no hope for Evansville’s salvation, and sadly bid it Adieu.
It’s pathetic that the democrats could not field a candidate who could show better against this dismal mayor. And now they give us Mosby as CC president, or was that the republicans who gave us her in a deal for the republic-dem Weaver?
Missy will be busy as council president with the gavel in one hand and her phone in the other hand getting her instructions by text from her “constituents”.
AlbertoVO5: An old legacy shampoo, right? That’s a entertaining signpost for a blog. I will simply inform people there I personally will not do business inside the borders specified as the city Evansville until it is cleansed of some of your local political figures. That weaver pig is under the most scrutiny due to his past unacceptable actions towards women. Listen I do have some productive contacts in the region,including Evansville proper, but from this point on, when we all meet and discuss our scientific solutions I will be staying in Owensboro KY, and I will recommend the meetings and other business be conducted in one of the facilities available there in Owensboro. Our science must move forward, however I will not contribute one US penny to Evansville’s economy ever again, unless things change there. Obviously that will not be the case for at least four more years. So, our work is rapidly moving to a pinnacle, and a solution for the masses globally, Your voters made their choices so I would suggest you remain shrouded as you are now and sit back and observe as the real world continues to pass you by.
Ellie. L.
Now that is funny!
I am so tired of hearing her say “constituents”. Just makes me want to grab a towel and put in her mouth. And of course it has to be yellow because thats the color of all of her clothes. I am sure the Mayor would like it if she was president, she was at The Tropicanna last night with all the republicans.
Shes ( Mosby) is a rather haggard looking mundane unattractive person, maybe the yellow is a distraction to send ones focus off the peccary looking facial features she presents.
Peccary’s are also referred to as a Javelina’s or skunk pigs, if you Wiki it you’ll see the remarkable similarity.
Yea this mayor and city council both just really suck, winky said on the news he has another plan but he’s just not told anyone yet
You betcha he does.
20% of Registered Voter’s turned out to vote. It’s no wonder this city is in trouble. No one gives a damn anymore. Well you get what you deserve then if you don’t get your ass off the couch and go out and vote. And I also put a bigger blame on the people who setup and are in charge of the voting system in this city. For the country as well. Neither voting system is working and getting the majority of people out to vote. We get one stupid day during a work week to go vote. Most people work 8 hour day shifts and can only vote early in the morning or after they get off work. That gives them maybe two or three hours on average to go cast a vote. And they wonder why people don’t go to vote? Which makes me think that they (those in control) don’t give a rats butt about whether people vote or not. As long as their friends vote it’s OK by those who rule the nest. And Gail is right about the people that are more likely to vote are the city workers and those who work for a company doing business with the city. These are the folks who I feel are most likely to get out and vote as they are voting for their own benefits when they know that their company or their job depends on the current people already in power. They don’t have business connections with the other candidate so they vote their pocket books. This is why education is so important. We need educated people who can reason and figure out that voting is one of the most important things that they can do. They need to vote for someone who will get into office and not be afraid to make changes to the status quo. They need to make it EASIER to vote and change the voting process to make it where people have a LOT more time to vote. I learned later in life that voting absentee is good and easier than having to drive or walk to the polls and waiting in line to cast a ballot. I wish more people would figure this out and make an effort to get out and vote. SHAME on the large percentage of the 90,000+ registered voters who failed to get out and vote. Shame on them.
Another big winner in yesterday’s election who was NOT on the ballot: Police Chief Billy Bolin.
I don’t think it is true that the local Democratic party will be “dormant” for the next four years. I think it is true that it became dormant when it elected Rob Faulkner chairman and it died last night. Hopefully a new structure can be built here in time to take a role in booting Pence the Dense and keeping one of the Republican clowns out of the White House, but I doubt it.
A little admitted reality is that Evansville is the honorary capital of Western Kentucky. The rest of Kentucky rejected everything that looked or smelled like a Democrat last night too.
EXTREMELY well put, Joe.
I’ll double my efforts to assist my people there to get out of town free and clear from under such debauchery. All you had to do is see the sickening switch’o votes for Schriber and Weaver. I want to call that the “perverted amnesty” – vote. Nothing to be proud of, I believe that place is in for some very deep troubled times. Time will tell, however I hope somehow the people there will see these people they elected for what they really are.
(Speculation ) You know if something happened or has happened to cause Weaver or Mosby to be forced to resign their council seats, due to concerns about some behavioral issues (which isn’t outta the realm of things with either”) couldn’t the democrats hold a caucus to replace’um? We’ll see how that goes ,I guess maybe they should stick to being on their best behavior for the next four years aye? 😉
r/.1. a meeting of the members of a legislative body who are members of a particular political party, to select candidates or decide policy.
synonyms: meeting, assembly, gathering, congress, conference, convention, rally, convocation
“caucuses will be held in some states”
r/.2. a group of people with shared concerns within a political party or larger organization.
synonyms: members, party, faction, camp, bloc, group, set, band, ring, cabal, coterie, pressure group
“the democratic caucus”
Well it looks like the punch bowl will not be removed from the fraternity party but we both know that there is a turd(s) in that punch bowl that will eventually have to be dealt with.
The punch bowl is the last of their worries Joe, The turds bubble up toxic crud with every CSO incident. The buy they’ve been getting on that is coming due real soon. I wish the consortiums overall plan wouldn’t be exposed to the political ticks and their load of
cronies to pick at before its time.
If it wasn’t for that I’d a dumped the recovered data to the Federal EPA long ago. Look its like anything that ferments, the longer its held the stronger the product, downtown Evansville is hanging by a thread, and the downtown really has little real honest valuation because of those undeniable infrastructure issues. In relation to that what’s tremendous about that is, myself and the consortium do possess the sharpest scissors………..
Is it true, Gail was spotted heading for the state line? But fear not she will be back from Illinois in time for her next hair appointment. Schnucks must have had a sale on sour grapes, the libs are really chowing down on them this morning. LOL
I can’t believe how the writers on the CP site are attacking Gail for her “negative” campaign, which they themselves crafted in their own headlines. If only the “media” would ask a followup question once in awhile when the mayor makes his outlandish claims (outright lies)….
For example: “Crime is down and it’s all because of me” a perfectly reasonable followup question would be “According to the EPD’s own stats, crime is up. Why are you making this delusional claim?
Or another example: “Our city finances are strong and secure” another perfectly reasonable followup question would be “Why would a transfer from the rainy day fund be necessary to pay routine payroll” and cite some numbers for crying out loud. These child journalist are taught (probably from Easy A Jack in USI Comm classes) to not question anything, just regurgitate it back out to the masses. The media are the ones who are supposed to be negative if they realize they are being lied to and do their jobs to ask the hard questions and inform the public of the truth. But we all know that’s not how it works anymore.
The CP was always bias pro-Winnecke, as mandated by the Chamber of Commerce, which shapes the policies of all local media, the real man behind the curtain. I have had my comments deleted from their social media, comments that were not profane, nor derogatory to any other commenter. My comments were just facts, or links to court documents in response to a lot of misinformation people have out there. Misinformation the media is responsible for planting. It takes a lot of money to plant that misinformation so many times, on your television screen, in your mailbox, before your YouTube videos, along your route to work, yard signage on every lot of every vacant real estate property, billboards. When you hear an uncontested lie often enough, it eventually creeps into your reality.
You can’t beat money. And people are stupid.
You’re right again, laga. The advertising was just too much to overcome. Money overcame reason, again.
Wow, really sour grapes from the all caring liberal elitists that barnd any non-believer as stupid. Maybe it’s the liberal arrogance that voters rejected, and it trickled down to the local election. Bitter, mad, name calling, insulting, yeah that’s a great message to the voters. Look in the mirror, maybe you Occupy Wall Street- no border types are the Obama Democrat problem, combined with a local Democrat party with more fractures than an earthquake fault.
Looks like more of the same. But if you look closely at the City’s finances, you’ll realize that the City will run out of money before Winnie the Poop’s second term is over. Is keeping Rumblebeancounter around to cook up the books worth it? Is keeping an almost six-figure Utility CFO around even though that position never existed prior to Winnie’s administration worth it? What about the hundreds of thousands wasted on Big Dan at Umbaugh because the Controller refuses to hire qualified people to work for him? Janet is a great person but she has no accounting degree or a CPA. Someone who does or a State Board person should be his Chief Deputy.
IIT today says Winnecke did a “masterful job” in turning out the vote. SAY WHAT??? 90,000 registered voters and 19,572 total voted? Are you serious?
Anyone seriously wanting to understand yesterday’s election, both in Evansville and the state of Kentucky, would do well to listen to those normally dismissed as “looney tune, right wing teanuts, and much worse, rather than your daily dose of dem propaganda.
He turned out the voters that were needed for him to win. Had nothing to do with the number of registered voters. You are not expected to understand that.
Hang your tricorne hat on Matt Bevin if you will. The Teabaggers are a selfish, racist, anti-government, misogynist bunch of misfits. It is not surprising you’d like to consider yourself one.
Thank you, Bandana, for presenting to us a shining example of a dem voter: yourself.
commonsense, +1. Don’t forget Benghazi Bob.
It’s not so bad that Winnecke won. Here’s why:
1. Our choice was Winnecke (a corrupt politician, but a total incompetent buffoon) or Gail (an experienced political hack). It wouldn’t have mattered. Evansville is still doomed.
2. The majority of Evansville voters who showed up to cast their vote yesterday are no different than the majority of American voters who showed up to cast theirs in 2012. Regardless of how disastrous Obama’s administration was for America, he still got rehired to run America. We know what a disaster that Winnecke is, still he got rehired to run Evansville…in to the ground. Winnecke is Evansville’s Obama!
3. Winnecke is real COCKY with his re-election. The city council will do nothing but rubber stamp his disastrous policies and kiss his ass. He is just as corrupt as the horizon is wide. But there may be some good Karma. He will get caught red handed, making an illegal deal. After that he will be lead away by US Marshals doing the “Perp Walk” instead of his “Chicken Dance”. After being sentenced, he can sing Bob & Tom’s “Prison Bitch” song.
But for now, Evansville is going to hell in a hand basket…So enjoy the ride!
1. Winnecke won’t get caught. All he does is actually legal in our crony capitalist system. 2. Obama, considering what he’s been up against, has done fine. I only wish he’d closed gitmo, ended the wars, and done more about legalization of victimless crimes.
Obama “has done fine.” Now that’s funny. Really funny. Thanks for the humor
It’s going to take decades to recover from the Bush fiasco. He got the ball rolling with a road block do nothing congress.
Where is the 90,000 registered voters number coming from? The whole population is only 120,000. There are a lot more than 30,000 rugrats,vagrants and illegals in this burgh. I am not happy with the results yesterday but it can not be blamed on voter turnout this time. I envy those that are mobile and can leave. Too many are like me to old on fixed incomes that own homes they cant sell.
You better believer it stonedreamer. I have spent many days before now trying to figure out how to leave this town — this after having moved here 5 years ago for my spouse’s business reasons. Now I feel trapped as we are retiring. I also feel trapped by a local regulation that would not effect many of you folks on the CCO but it makes me feel extremely confined and controlled. Believe it or not my only real reason for staying in my house is that it is very different but perfect for our needs and we have found the most wonderful vet for our animals. Can’t really consider moving out to the county. You can never tell when parts of the county will be annexed into the city and here we go again. So I ask again, where would be a good place to move to – can’t go to Panama that is for sure. And it can’t be north. My MS won’t tolerate the cold weather. A place where people are free to live as they choose and where politics are minimized. I am so sick of politics I could scream!!!
“A place where people are free to live as they choose and where politics are minimized.”
Because the politicians are the best customers.
12% of the 97,000 registered voters in the city of Evansville chose your mayor for you. The fact that the turnout was so low speaks volumes about the current situation in Evansville. People feel like if all they are ever offered is a choice between two inferior candidates, neither of which they would care to vote for, then they are not going to waste their time voting for either one.
There may be some who delude themselves into believing they have a mandate, but when you look at the small percentage of voters who turned out, it is more indicative of disgust and disillusionment in the process.
More denial.
Pretending the vote did not total 62%.
Your words are the words of a guy who failed to win, and seeks SOME KIND of silver lining.
ANY silver lining!
That’s what I said above and people still insisted it’s a mandate. Both candidates were dirty diapers but at least if you vote against the incumbent is switches things up and impedes their nefarious plans.
The comments by the usual motley crew of liberal bitter-enders here shows just how sick and mentally ill the left fringe of the local Democrat Party is–nothing but irrational gibbering, raving conspiracy theories, and hysterical tantrums. Winnecke is a functional liberal by any reasonable standard. He doesn’t have a conservative bone in his body, and he has the record to prove it, unambiguously. If they had even a smidgen of sanity, these liberal crybabies would be chortling over the real Democrat primary being held in November. In his next term, nice guy Lloyd and his city council will deliver the tax increase the Democrat Party has lusted for. Rest assured that even this won’t make the mom’s-basement-dwellers happy.
Mostly agree, howler, except, those you describe as the the left fringe of the dem party are not the fringe at all. They ARE the dem party, here and in Washington. If ever evidence was needed to prove how delusional dems are, yesterday’s election and today’s statements from dems has provided it.
Yeah, and fake conservatives like you are rejoicing that Winnecke won because he calls himself a republican. Also, as usual, you have no idea what you’re talking about. It’s always liberal this, liberal that. Dylann Roof was known to be obsessed with the word liberal also.
Nothing like election results to bring out the best in people.
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