IS IT TRUE this Friday, November 30th at 1 PM, Fire Chief Mike Connelly will present EFD’s Combat Challenge Team with Certificates of Recognition for an outstanding season that included placing at a World Championships competition?…there will also be a photo session and time for interviews with the media?…the presentation will be at the EFD Administration Building, 550 SE 8th Street, Evansville?
IS IT TRUE that last night the University of Louisville Cardinals football team beat the Rutgers Scarlet Knights to qualify for their second BCS Bowl Game in the last 7 years?…in the mid 50’s when the economic significance of Louisville and Evansville were similar the University of Evansville Purple Aces football team took the UL Cardinals to school and beat them by a comfortable margin?…in the 1980’s both schools started thinking of downgrading or eliminating football?…that whole decision process lead to the elimination of football at UE while UL doubled down and hired Howard Schnellenburger who had just won a national championship at Miami to take over the team?…since then the Cardinals have had 5 ten win seasons, built a new 56,000 seat stadium that is mostly sold out, appeared in many bowls including big wins in the Fiesta Bowl over Alabama and the Orange Bowl over Wake Forest?…this year’s payout to the Cardinals for making the BCS is roughly $15 Million?…the revenue from home football games is now in the area of $20 Million per year?
IS IT TRUE the season has taken another exemplary person from the City of Evansville?…today we are sad to report that Jim Price the long time Republican steady leader from the 1st Ward who has served as an Evansville City Councilman for 21 years and as the Knight Township Trustee for 12 years has passed away?…we at the CCO cannot recall even one bad thing ever being said about Mr. Price?…recently Mr. Price lost his race as the incumbent Knight Township Trustee to Linda Durham in the 2006 election that was one of those years when straight ticket partisanship for Democrats saw many good people who happened to be Republicans lose their elections?…Durham who was later jailed for stealing and Mr. Price came to the rescue?…if there is one lesson that Evansville should learn from the great life of service that Jim Price lived, that lesson is to vote for the person and not the party in every election?
IS IT TRUE that President Barack Obama has made his initial offer to the Republicans in Congress to avoid the “MADE IN WASHINGTON†FISCAL CLIFF?…this first offer raises taxes more than it was expected to and cuts spending less than it was expected to?…the offer’s macroscopic numbers are a $1.6 Trillion tax increase, a $50 Billion mini-stimulus, and nearly no spending cuts or entitlement reforms?…the President’s offer also includes the COMPLETE ELIMINATION OF THE DEBT CEILING FOR THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT?…this offer as would be expected was immediately rejected?…this offer if accepted would only serve to make things worse economically for the United States?…it will be interesting to see if there is a serious response to what was clearly not a serious offer?…all of that posturing aside it is encouraging to see the President having lunch with his former opponent Mitt Romney?…we hope this lunch was to learn more about limiting deductions as opposed to raising tax rates and blunting the assault on dividends and capital gains that will kick in if the “MADE IN WASHINGTON†FISCAL CLIFF is acquiesced into law?…it is better to go over the cliff which is really a ramp as opposed to a cliff than to make things worse with legislation that does further damage?
IS IT TRUE that one day the Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Department will begin sending the CCO accurate news about how they are making a difference in protecting the citizens from bad behaving people of this community?…maybe they should follow the lead to see how the Evansville Police Department is keeping the citizens of Evansville what they are doing to fight crime in Evansville?
Way to go EFD!!!
RIP Mr. Price. A fine example of how a local government official should act. He will be greatly missed.
Doesn’t suprize me that Sheriff Williams won’t send CCO any information about the outstanding work his employees do on behalf of this community.
My friend who works with Williams tells me that he bad mouths the CCO all the time. He is upset about the stance the CCO took during the “YES-VANDYGOV” debate recently.
Who care because his political days are about over.
Referring to Williams–“Who care because his political days are about over.”
If you really believe Williams’ polictical days are over–I got a lot in Flordia for sale.
I hear that Sheriff Williams Chief Deputy shall be announcing that he shall be a Democratic candidate for Vanderburgh County Sheriff in January-2013.
His Chief Deputy better not let Williams control his campaign because many of the people who opposed consoldation of vanderburgh county shall work openly against him.
There has already been one candidate file an exploratory committee for Vanderburgh Co Sheriff. A West Sider who supported VOTE NO ! Jim Tucker. Check out his facebook page. http://www.facebook.com/tucker4sheriff
Why isn’t Tucker a deputy anymore?
Great news!!!
He needs to send a news release to area media so they can follow up on this.
Everybogy know that Dave W. shall be a political puppet of Sheriff Williams. It’s time for the Williams political machine to be dismantled.
Press release should be next week sometime. It will be sent to all local media.
How far gone is this country when a $50 billion stimulus can be described as a “mini-stimulus”?
Just curious..Why isn’t Jimmy Tucker a deputy anymore? Did he quit?
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