IS IT TRUE? November 30, 2011 Special Evening Edition


IS IT TRUE? November 30, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the CCO really tries to promote and encourage people to use the Evansville Regional Airport and to even pay a reasonable premium to do so?…that most of the time with some good shopping it works out better to do so?…that next week a trip that had to be scheduled to Southern California did not turn out to be one of those times?…that two round trip tickets from EVV to LA leaving on the 6th and returning on the 9th with only one stop were asking for $1,684 on American Airlines?…that similar flights out of Nashville were secured for $556.00 for two?…that the difference of $1,128.00 is enough to justify driving to Nashville and back?…that this is a sad situation but sometimes it does not work out to fly from EVV for a competitive price?

IS IT TRUE that the Indiana Democrat Party has pulled a Pilate on Democrat Evansville City Councilwoman Connie Robinson’s endorsement of Republican Mayor Elect Lloyd Winnecke in the last election?…that the determination of the Indiana Democrat Party is that this is not a state issue and that the 8th Congressional District Democrat Party is responsible for deciding if Councilwoman Robinson will have any consequence as a result of being a local Democrat officer and endorsing a Republican?…that if there is anything to be learned from this whole sordid series of events it is that Councilwoman Robinson has teeth and nerve but that the Indiana Democrat Party and the Vanderburgh County Democrat Party do not?…that we are betting that the 8th District Democrats will pull a Pilate and wash their hands as well leaving a free path for Councilwoman Robinson to continue to serve as an officer of the Vanderburgh County Democrat Central Committee and to seek the office of President of the Evansville City Council as she has announced intention to do?

IS IT TRUE that the Mayor of Lexington and his version of an Arena Taskforce have learned that a refurbishment project that will cost between $110 Million and $130 Million will bring Rupp Arena up to acceptable standards for the next 50 years?…that building a new arena to replace Rupp has been estimated to cost up to $325 Million?…that refurbishing the old arena will be saving the City of Lexington over $200 Million if they choose that route?…that the Lady Aces drew a crowd of 744 people to their game at the Ford Center yesterday while the Aces drew 3,462 to watch their victory over Alabama State?…that the average season attendance this year for both basketball teams and the Icemen will be of real interest?

IS IT TRUE that there will be 29 elections on the 2012 ballot for offices that range from Vanderburgh County School Board up to the President of the United States?…that all but 6 of these offices are local?…that with the fireworks at the statehouse over smoking and proposed Right to Work legislations we are expecting an adrenaline filled year?…that perhaps the 30th thing on the ballot will be the most important for the people of Evansville and Vanderburgh County to get right?…that will be the issue of whether or not to adopt the consolidation plan that has been put forth as our plan for the future?…that the CCO really wishes that the plan under consideration had some true compelling reasons for support?…that consolidation is a good idea but this plan really avoided doing anything that would have taken enough courage to piss off so much as a cockroach?…that even at that there may be reasons to consider it and that we are interested to hear exactly what our readers think those reasons are or are not?


  1. Right this moment, I am not going to address the lack of understanding that the CCO seems to have regarding the proper chain of authority and power enjoyed by the state Democrat party or the 8th District chairman regarding the removal of a county central committee officer, or the sequence of process specified to do so.

    But a more important issue must be addressed with regard to this article: Where in the world does anyone get the idea that the state Democrat party or the district chairman of that party has any say so with when it comes to 9 city council members, duly elected by the voters of Evansville, as to whom and how they select the president of the city council?

    What I’m saying is that whether “the 8th District Democrats” (whoever the CCO is referring to by that unspecific title) are “leaving a free path for Councilwoman Robinson … to seek the office of President of the Evansville City Council” is totally a moot point legally and certainly a confusing statement politically.

    What exactly do you mean, Mr. Editor?

    • We do not believe that these two things are related. They are both simply happening.

    • You’ve kissed your fellow Central Comm rear Jeffers now get off your high horse. I’m so glad you are retiring. You are a disgrace to the Democratic Party and I’m tired of everyone reminding us that you act like a fool at every election party.

      Good-Bye Billy! Don’t let the door hitcha where the good lord splitcha.

    • Soon2B, the local disloyal Democratic Central Committee insiders gambled correctly that if their primary winning candidate Mr. Davis lost in the election, they would get a pass from the State Democrats. The very openly disloyal Democratic Vice-Chair Robinson was rewarded by her fellow disloyal Central Committee cohorts by being named the President of the Evansville City Counsel. Many hoped the 8th District Representative to the State Democratic Party would have been furious with the Vanderburgh County open disloyalty and acted, but this went over his head to the State Democratic leaders who caved. Opus One for the disloyal Democratic Central Committee insiders as they won more Statewide democratic political power and we are left with their McCurdy fiasco and the Exective Inn fiasco.

  2. The city is pursuing consolidation not out of benevolence, but simply to grab additional taxes from the county.

    As long as there is a perception that there is “free money” to be grabbed from the county to support the city, they’ll keep coming after it in one way or another.

    In my opinion, consolidation make no sense unless the population of Evansville is significantly growing, or similarly, that the urban population density is expanding and consuming the county. Neither of those things is occurring (check the census data). In other places, in Indianapolis or Nashville for example, combined government made more sense since their surrounding counties were being gobbled up and splintered by the urban growth. But Vanderburgh County is still a large contiguous constituency, one that has no business being run by a financially troubled city of stagnant size.

  3. If the consolidation committee and the elected City Council and County Commissioners had added term limits, a City Manager, and non-partisan elections, consolidation may have a chance of passing. The current proposal creates major changes to our government, only for the sake of making changes; creating a King Mayor. Nothing is accomplished, and there are no signs of saving money. The City wants to suck more money out of the rural and city residents to satisfy their ever-increasing dumb use of public money.

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