IS IT TRUE? November 3, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? November 3, 2011

IS IT TRUE that polls taken yesterday and made available to the City County Observer indicate that every race except one for the City of Evansville elections are within the margin of error of the poll itself?…that excluding one contest that the largest margin of difference between any two head to head contests is 3 points?…that what this means is that this weekend’s efforts and revelations will be determining the outcome of this year’s Mayor and the makeup of the Evansville City Council?

IS IT TRUE that with the demonstrably negative directions that the TV ads for both campaigns have taken that one would think that we are faced with a choice between Attilla the Hun and Charles Manson?…that we absolutely know that both Lloyd Winnecke and Rick Davis are much better people than the ads are portraying each to be?

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer wishes that there would have been one more debate that would have been conducted in a national format that would not put viewers to sleep?…that an election eve debate would provide voters one last opportunity to see the candidates address the issues so that the most informed votes possible could be cast?…that from a business attraction perspective we would like to hear the 5 minute pitch on Evansville’s behalf that each candidate would make extemporaneously to an executive who is considering an expansion that involved the creation of 500 or more jobs that pay well above local averages?…that this is the kind of substance that the “top salesman for the town” should be capable of doing with ease in an anyplace, anytime manner?

IS IT TRUE that even if the candidates for Mayor are correct that each is a scoundrel and a fool we always have the City Council to keep the scoundrel across the hall in check?…that at least we should?…that the most important outcome of next week’s election may just be the outcome and demeanor of the Evansville City Council?…that for the last 8 years Evansville has had such a supermajority of Democrats that voted as a block in any way the Mayor wished that several poor actions have been rubber stamped?…that a strong and deliberative City Council that paid attention would have passed the good works of Mayor Weinzapfel while filtering out the albatrosses?…that what we need on the next City Council are nine people who think for themselves, do not put party or the head of the party first, and actually practice the rapidly disappearing blend of art and science known as COGNITIVE THOUGHT?…that we encourage our readers to engage in COGNITIVE THOUGHT and to elect people to the City Council who do as well?…that we discourage voting for anyone who is OWNED by a party?

IS IT TRUE that the weather report for election day right now is about as inclimate as it can be?…that we hope that this will not keep people away from the polls?…that the worse part of the rain this time of year is that those darn yard signs will be soaked and more difficult to burn?…that it appears as though we are headed for a campaign for Mayor of Evansville that will result in over $1.2 M spent to woo the 30,000 or so votes that are expected to be recorded?…that this works out to $40 per vote?…that the so called good old days of buying votes with a half-pint of cheap whiskey are dead and gone?


  1. Here is the problem, editor: we don’t really know WHO Lloyd Winnecke is.

    His history is one of insider dealings, backroom deals, RINO policies, and typical Evansville power politics.

    His ads and campaign suggest that he has “seen the light,” and will now offer a different kind of leadership for Evansville.

    Which Lloyd Winnecke would we get if we elected him? The one who says we need a “new direction,” or the one who has collaborated with Weinzapfel and actively supported the worst Weinzapfel policies?

    Davis is a known quantity. He is a blue collar populist and outsider. He has been totally consistent in his policies and rhetoric.

    Neither one of them is perfect, from my standpoint, but I’d much rather have an honest and open Democrat than a dealmaking RINO.

  2. In the interest of ethical journalism, could the City County Observer provide its readers with who took the polls yesterday, what was the sample number of polled responses, what were the data candidate by candidate, who provided the poll data to the City County Observer, and other details that would make the article a real journalistic piece rather than a vague rumor that could be spread by any unprofessional, armchair pundant.

    • Will try to get the info on paper and if we do we will post it. I will add that the source was a Democrat who signed “The 23” resolution.

      • Mr. Editor, I am going to cut you some slack because I know you are susceptible to swallowing and regurgitating any bait dangled in front of your snout. So here’s what you can do.

        Call Danny Koester, ABK Alarms, 473-9555. He has some sort of telemarketing department upstairs in his N. Weinbach office there across the street from the Knight Township Trustee. It may have been Danny, it may not. I’m just guessing, but give it a shot. You know, like reporters do it.

        If it turns out to be Danny, ask him how many people he called for this poll, whether he used software to determine voter registration status and voting frequency for those persons called. You know, stuff pertinent to conducting a reliable scientific poll.

        And ask if the person who constructed the polling questions and crunched the numbers is a professional pollster, or if this was just an on-the-fly dial-a-thon conducted to garner favor with the Davis campaign. You know, like maybe to get a leg up when bidding for city contracts. That might make for some tension and journalistic flavor to add to a follow up article.

        Oh, and ask who paid for the poll and how much they paid, or if it was a “favor” that will show up as an IN KIND DONATION on the Davis campaign finance reports. By the way, a good scientific poll like you indicate would run at least $12,000 – 15,000 if you want something reliable.

        • I’m going to go look at the various campaign finance supplement reports now to see if anyone is reporting a substantial “in kind” donation or a donation that might correspond to a poll the City County Observer reports was conducted on November 2, 2011. BBL

          • Good luck with that!

            If Weinzapfel was in fact the one who commissioned the poll, I’m sure it will be well concealed (or simply “neglected” like the Bauerhaus debt).

        • Word on the street is that the poll was done by Weinzapfel and was statistically valid.

    • Ethical journalism? Why is it that we never heard of the local democratic party’s “problems” in paying their just debts until the CCO published the information.

      Are you going to take the Courier&Press to task for sitting on that information?


      • I would not in the least be surprised to find that the democratic party also owes the C&P money, it would be just like them to stiff the paperboy!


        • I have heard that the people who pick up the papers and deliver them out to the areas where the route drivers pick them up are expected to eat the time they spend waiting for the newspaper to be made available to them.

          A host of reasons can cause the paper to be late and they expect these route drivers to eat that time. I have heard of waits up to three hours.


          • Which would be one explanation the decline of print media over the digital format, delivering papers use to be a decent side job, today it’s slave wages.


      • Im with you, Press. I am certainly more willing to invest in the CCO than the C&P (which I quit buying because it isn’t worth the $.75) or the local television media (which I normally watch News25, which is more out of entertainment due to the increasing on-air gaffes). I digress. Anyway, it is awfully funny the CCO exposes DebtGate and suddenly the party amends its paperwork. To paraphrase Shakespeare: Something is rotten in the city of Evansville (and I think it is the Democrat Central Committee leadership).

  3. Can someone explain the chain of custody on the recording devices in these voting machines? How are they secured on a daily basis? Who watches this process, and who is legally responsible for their security?


    • Really, really good question.

      If I were Rick Davis, I’d be all over this. The Machine crooks are not above vote-tampering.

      • I’m more worried about the absentee ballots that go through the hands of the election board

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