IS IT TRUE? November 29, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? November 29, 2011

IS IT TRUE that last night in spite of being the nastiest day of fall so far that an estimated 300 people fought the elements to attend the IURC meeting regarding the Vectren hearing on its proposed dense pack technology?…that about 50 of the attendees were members of the media or elected officials but the rest were just regular ratepayers?…that even though the hearing was about dense pack technology that the mood of the gallery was more about rates and Vectren bills and thus the comments were about bills more so than the dense pack technology?…that series of elected officials that included Mayor Elect Lloyd Winnecke, State Representative Ron Bacon, and State Representative Susanne Crouch spoke appreciably to the Commissioners of the Indiana Utilities Regulatory Commission for coming to Evansville and stated little or nothing about dense pack or excessive rates?…that this may just turn out to be an opportunity lost for these three officials to state a case for their constituents regarding Vectren’s highest in the state electric bills?

IS IT TRUE that Evansville City Councilman John Friend, CPA came out swinging and presented his petition to the IURC that specifically requests that no rate increases be granted until all of the surrounding counties catch up to Vectren’s rates as Vectren has repeatedly stated that they would?…that Councilman Friend discussed premature implementation of EPA guidelines and how they affect people and businesses along with an idea to equalize rates by spreading the Vectren EPA improvements over a larger area?…that State Representative Gail Riecken a long time thorn in Vectren’s side also spoke with more depth than just fawning over the Commissioners of the IURC for coming to the Pocket City?

IS IT TRUE that when the people of Evansville started streaming to the microphone that the pain of having the highest rates in the State of Indiana and bills that triple what Henderson’s are was given a personal touch?…that from ex Vectren employees, people on fixed incomes, to people with decent jobs the stories were all the same?…that the testimonies of people who do not pay rent or forgo meals to pay the Vectren bill were out in force?…that these people were well aware that their bills of $500 would only be $160 in Henderson because many of them have lived there or have relatives that live there?…that many long time residents were openly speaking of moving across the money saving bridge?…that Representative Riecken quoted a study that the 3rd most stated reason for people here losing their homes is the utility bills?

IS IT TRUE that seeing this makes one understand just how inconsequential the $1.08 per month for the dense pack is but drives home the seriousness of being a poor city with some of the highest utility rates in the nation?…that the average family in Evansville works about 10 hours per month per worker to pay Vectren but in other high cost areas with similar rates the bills only consume 2 or 3 hours of pay per month?…that the real problem in Evansville from both a lifestyle and business perspective is dealing with these excessive rates?…that one senior citizen on a fixed income flat out said that he does not have 36 years to pay this off?…that he probably doesn’t?

IS IT TRUE that one speaker called on the IURC to have all future hearings regarding Vectren in Evansville where the people are the most sensitive?…that the CCO agrees that this is the best course of action and is looking forward to seeing this serious issue play itself out?


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