IS IT TRUE? November 25, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? November 25, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the Weinzapfel Administration chose the afternoon of the Wednesday before Thanksgiving to announce that “no significant developments” have occurred in the now three month vetting process to determine if the RFP for the downtown Convention Hotel will end with success?…that the City County Observer wonders what in the daylights “no significant developments” really means?…that could mean that the vetting is not complete?…that could mean that it is complete and that the Weinzapfel Administration did not get the answer they were wanting to hear?…that it could mean that neither proposal passes muster?…that it could mean that the VETTING company like Klenck Construction has not been paid and is holding on to their study?…that it most certainly means that the Weinzapfel Administration and the current Evansville Redevelopment Commission have no business making an affirmative decision to go forward with this project?…that whatever mess this VETTING study uncovers should be left for the Winnecke Administration as they will have to live with it and pay for it?

IS IT TRUE that these proposals could easily have been VETTED in less than one month if all of the information needed to VET them was in their packages?…that if the pertinent information was not in their bid packages that should disqualify them anyway unless it was a minor detail?…that it is our belief that both packages have been complete for well over a month now?…that the Weinzapfel Administration and the ERC seem to be determined to continue their John McCain imitation when it comes to VETTING?…that VETTING a person for Vice President of the United States that is a heartbeat from the White House is EXPECTED to take only a week or so yet the ERC has let this drag on for three months?…that at this point we really wonder what is being hidden because there is no way that it could really take this long to VET two proposals?

IS IT TRUE that if the Weinzapfel Administration does something that is incredibly stupid or moves forward with any course of action that is not validated by a recommendation by Hunden Strategic Partners that the first act of the Winnecke Administration should be to terminate the agreement?…that the first step to make that happen will be for the current Evansville City Council to deny to fund the project until after the Winnecke Administration has been installed to govern Evansville?…that the City Council is the governing body that must be counted on not to be railroaded into any stupid course of action?…that 5 of them are coming back and will have to deal with the actions of a lame duck council that has been known for wearing puppet strings during their incumbent terms?

IS IT TRUE that when we all get back together for an ERC meeting that it appears highly probable that City Centre Properties LLC will not have paid their taxes and that the deadline of November 30, 2011 will have lapsed?…that we are guessing that given the depth of the hole the ERC has dug for itself that an extension will be granted whether the taxes are paid or not?

IS IT TRUE that the new CEO of the Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau has been quoted as saying that “the lack of a hotel had left attracting larger events to The Centre convention facility on a back burner”?…that we wonder just how much this continuing debacle has actually cost THE CENTRE as even being considered to be a viable convention destination and how many years it will take to correct this colossal mistake?…that the City of Evansville should pay Vanderburgh County for the failures and lost revenue from their non-baked, non-planned failures?


  1. City of Evansville Redevelopment Commission

    November 25, 2011

    Notice of A Public Hearing of City of Evansville Redevelopment Commission Regarding an additional Appropriation

    December 6, 2011 at 8:30am in room 307 of the Civic Center Plaza

    To consider an additional appropriation not to exceed $2,000,000.

    Such additional appropriation will be used (2) used for the purposes of financing costs of a redevelopment project in the Evansville Arts Redevelopment Area.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Vanderburgh County Council

    November 25, 2011

    Notice to taxpayers of Proposed Additional Appropriation

    The proper legal officers of the County will meet at 8:30am on Wednesday, the 7th day of December, 2011. In room 301 of the Civic Center Complex to consider an additional appropriation of $475,000. to the General Fund, and $58,050. to the Cumulative Capital Development Fund.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Are you keeping an eye on YOUR wallet lately?


    • How inappropriate that the Vanderburgh County Council will drop the appropriation bomb on Pearl Harbor Day !

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