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IS IT TRUE? November 21, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? November 21, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the stealing epidemic in the City of Evansville took on a whole new dimension last weekend in a couple of strip malls?…that this time the thieves got into one business in a strip mall and went from business to business but cutting or busting a hole through the drywall that separates the businesses in such structures?…that going through the wall is a known technique to get oversized furniture into rooms that do not have hall access but to use through the wall techniques to go from store to store to steal is a relatively new trick for Evansville thieves?…that this stunt has been pulled dressing room to dressing room in some stores in the Eastland Mall with thieves that are working as a team?…that when doing a routine crime comparison between Evansville and a city in Southern California named La Quinta yesterday it was learned that a resident of Evansville is 150% more likely to be robbed than a resident of La Quinta?…that La Quinta enjoys average crime statistics for suburban California?…that it is time to get the thievery in Evansville under control and that the City County Observer is surprised that this upwardly creeping statistic was not addressed by any candidate for any office in the 2011 City of Evansville elections?

IS IT TRUE that there were several references during the 2011 City of Evansville budget cycle and the elections with respect to the archaic and non-user friendly way that the City budget is kept?…that while Councilman John Friend who is a CPA seems to be able to navigate through the budget that the other 8 members of the City Council and the Mayor Elect do not have a CPA designation?…that the CCO encourages whomever is making the task list for the 2012 city government to add converting the City of Evansville budget to some format that is easier to understand and more conformal to what less archaic cities use?

IS IT TRUE that the so called “Super Committee” formed by President Obama to take on the task of cutting $1.2 Trillion from the federal budget over a ten year period is expected to announce today that they have failed to do so?…that we expect this bi-partisan group of 12 to become very partisan about 20 seconds after their failure is announced and start blaming each other along party lines?…that the CCO would like to suggest a name change for this committee to the STUPOR COMMITTEE?…that in terms of the total spending of the federal government over a 10 year period that this should be a doable task?…that these people must have taken lessons from the VANDERBURGH COUNTY CONSOLIDATION COMMITTEE who produced a similarly impotent plan when it comes to achieving any real savings?…that we think that Ray & Ben who do the commercials for Raben Tire could do a better job?…that Evansville, Vanderburgh County, Indiana, and yes the United States of America had better get serious about eliminating PARTY from all elections?…that concerned citizens could do this so why can’t elected officials make it happen?

IS IT TRUE that the places that our exalted committees work may be a bit too cushy and the food a bit too delicious?…that when groups of people who merit to be called a SUPER COMMITTEE get together they need Spartan accommodations and nourishment?…that a wing of a prison with prison food may be a better place to get things done than the luxurious confines of Congress?…that if these folks were sent to San Quentin with this assignment that there would have been a solution in less than a week?…that we are beginning to wonder if anyone is going to get serious about righting the wrongs in government?…that maybe it will take a real crash to get the attention of some of our spoiled narcissists who happen to have gotten themselves elected to lead?


  1. “Stupor Committee ” Is brilliant!

    Does La Quinta, CA have a Denny’s next door?

  2. It seems to me that the reason that the “Stupor Committee” has not come to any agreement at all is that none of the members understand the meaning of compromise, especially those that were elected on promises of NOT compromising.

    Are the “S. C.” members so wealthy that they are protecting their own a**es? Shouldn’t all people who are working pay social security and medicare taxes no matter how much they make? Shouldn’t all people out of work have a limit on the benefits they receive and work within their community for solutions other than federal handouts? When will the grandstanding stop?

    My belief is that anyone in office now that supports how the members of the “S. C.” have acted (or not acted), should be voted out of office themselves. It seems that many of the new members of congress have been quickly indoctrinated by their party leaders to vote the party line rather than vote in accordance with how the people who elected them want the ultimate solution of the problem to be. That is, you have to go through intermediate steps, some of which seem like back-stepping to get where you ultimately want to be. Also, some members of congress only vote what the EXTREME views of a few of the voters who elected them stomp and shout about whether their views are real solutions or not.

    Some of these people act like spoiled selfish children. Didn’t your mommas raise you right?

  3. There should be a “both of the above” choice on your poll. They are both correct. The choice of members for the committee set it up to fail and they were chosen BECAUSE they wouldn’t try. All they did was dig in their heels which is all that I see both parties doing across the board. What a bunch of losers! All a bunch of drama queens!

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