IS IT TRUE: November 21, 2010
IS IT TRUE that Evansville City Councilmen Dr. H. Dan Adams and Dan McGinn have teamed up to craft a resolution for vote that if passed would put the Evansville City Council on record as favoring a “Downtown Convention Hotel BEFORE Ballfields or other Capital Projects†approach to the near future?…..that the use of the Innkeeper’s Tax for the resurrected Roberts Stadium Ball Fields proposal by County Councilman Tom Shetler Jr. is responsible for City Councilmen Adams’ and McGinn’s resolution? ….that public disclosure of this proposed resolution sparked a statement from Mayor Weinzapfel hailing a pending deal with a Convention Hotel developer that is so favorable that the Innkeeper’s Tax will not be needed?…..that if the Mayor is correct the proposed “Hotel Before Ballfields†resolution will be a moot point in the very near future when the big announcement is made of the pending Hotel Deal?…..that if the Mayor is correct that passing the resolution will only create a time for the Vanderburgh County governing bodies to pause and think the future plans for Roberts Stadium through before embarking on an obviously evolving and unfinished plan?…..that the City County Observer truly hopes that Mayor Weinzapfel is correct in his assertion about a favorable development agreement with a well financed reputable business to eliminate the Executive Inn Dilemma?
IS IT TRUE that there are now 720 days remaining in the two years that the EPA had given the City of Evansville to present an acceptable solution to the Combined Sewer Overflow problem?…..that this plan is an expensive and complex endeavor that needs immediate attention to avoid the embarrassment and expense of another round of fines
IS IT TRUE that the resolution to issue $2 Million of bonds to do $500,000 of routine maintenance on the City of Evansville’s parking garages, to refinance some existing debt, and build three more Front Door Pride houses has been removed from tonight’s Evansville City Council agenda?…..that this post election period is a better time to think things through than it is to JAM THINGS THROUGH that have thin public support at best?….that there is no shortage of available Front Door Pride homes in Goosetown?…. that borrowing approximately $750,000 to spend on houses that will only command at combined market price of half of the construction cost is a formula for a failed program?….that much like the “Hotel Before Ballfields†resolution above that a similar resolution along the lines of “Sell the FDP Houses you have Before Building Moreâ€, would be viewed as wise cash management?
IS IT TRUE that the City of Evansville’s parking garages suffer from the same kind of deferred maintenance issues that the existing ballfields do?….that what is really needed is a resurrection and maintenance plan for the existing tourism related facilities that are in the City of Evansville?….that County Councilman James Raben told the City County Observer exactly that in an interview that was published last Friday?…. that a good marketing effort of existing facilities may just result in more tourism per dollar than any set of ballfields ever will?….that the Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau is still seeking a replacement for Executive Director Marilee Fowler?….that the marketing of the City of Evansville has suffered for nearly a year from the disruption of the day to day operation from the void left by Ms. Fowler’s sudden departure?…..that someone and maybe even someone that many of us know is needed in that position?
IS IT TRUE that former President of the Vanderburgh County Commissioners Cheryl Musgrave is questioning the wisdom of the City of Evansville’s intention to establish an Art’s District TIF (Tax Increment Finance)?…..that Ms. Musgrave has requested details about the proposed TIF using the Freedom of Information Act and has still been ignored by the City of Evansville’s Department of Metropolitan Development headed by Tom Barnett??…..that the reach of the proposed TIF is long and wide and that the details about the proposed TIF are short?…..that Ms. Musgrave has asserted that the proposed TIF will create multiple new layers of government?…..that the City County Observer commends Cheryl Musgrave for taking the lead in this effort to extract clarity and honesty from the City of Evansville?…..that Ms. Musgrave is a long time resident of the proposed Art’s District TIF, has worked creatively with the Burkhardt TIF as a Vanderburgh County Commissioner, and is most qualified as well as personally invested in making this proposed Art’s District TIF into a positive thing?….that this clarity, honesty, and a comprehensive plan that Ms. Musgrave has been denied by the City of Evansville is the first step to a successful Art’s District in this endeavor?