IS IT TRUE November 20, 2012
IS IT TRUE the election results for the vote to “reorganize†the City of Evansville and Vanderburgh County have been fully analyzed and the magnitude by which it was defeated can finally be realized?…in the unincorporated County 44 out of 44 precincts voted against reorganization with a voter breakdown of 79% to 21% margin?…here were two townships, Armstrong and Union, that voted 95% and 93 % respectfully against the reorganization plan?…in the City of Evansville the vote was a little less overwhelming but still ended up rejecting the plan by a margin of 59% to 41%?…only one ward, the 1st ward, voted in favor of the consolidation plan and only by a 55% to 45% margin?… the rest of the City of Evansville’s wards voted against the plan by a 63% to 37% margin?… by precinct, 73 of 88 city precincts voted against the reorganization plan?… the rural precincts that are adjacent to the city boundaries in Perry, Center and Knight Townships, voted against the plan by a margin of 74% to 26%?
IS IT TRUE any attempt to annex these adjacent areas in the foreseeable future will likely fail to produce votes and more importantly will result in strong and orchestrated opposition to annexation attempts?…reasonable people would review this data and conclude that the efforts by a small group of the “legend in their own mind†elites in Vanderburgh County to change the form of government in the county were a catastrophic failure and were outright repudiated by the voting public?… a super majority of the citizens in the county looked through the political rhetoric and saw a plan that was fatally flawed and voted accordingly to kill it?…these were not “casual voters†as reported by one pro reorganization publication but a well-informed group of citizens who understand that this plan would not have improved the operation or efficiency of local government?…the CCO continues to believe that there was nothing personal about this vote and that if real tangible and achievable efficiencies would have been identified that the outcome may have very well been different?…the mass repudiation of what was a self serving yet impotent consolidation plan may someday be seen as the beginning of a new day for accountability in politics in Evansville and Vanderburgh County?…we welcome that day?
IS IT TRUE the Evansville Redevelopment Commission is meeting today as this is being written?…the most interesting and financially important parts of this meeting may just be in the section called “other business†and notated in the footnote that “this is a preliminary agenda and subject to change†even though it was only issued yesterday?…that CCO Mole #14 and others are telling us that Mayor Winnecke will be asking the ERC for approval to offer a financial incentive package worth $22 Million to grease the skids to finally sign a contract for a downtown Convention Hotel with a developer that meets all of the criteria desired for success?…this is a far cry from the 4-Star over $40 Million deal that then Mayor Weinzapfel boasted would come to downtown Evansville without any incentive demands if only we built an arena?…that it seems as though 52 months after claiming victory and three false starts that the administrations of the City of Evansville have finally come to grips with the reality of the value of a downtown Convention Hotel and have capitulated in a way predicted almost to the dollar by the City County Observer?…the real item of interest that is still lacking is just how this hotel will perform in a way that would justify spending $22 Million of taxpayer dollars?…in a world of Arenas that will inspire tens of ghost businesses, $2 Million ball fields, and $10 Million dog and skateboard parks nothing is surprising anymore?…we look forward to the details but grieve for a city that does not even offer a free market value of half of the construction cost for a commercial property?
Consolidation failed because it was exposed that the City hasn’t reconciled their books. These fools even went so far to ask the Governor to delay the audit’s release so the public wouldn’t find out about it.
Meanwhile, Rumplebeancounter and Pricness Jenny still have jobs. They get away with blaming software, their consultants, and the State Board. Also the council has to hire their own auditor because the media has failed to report that the Internal Auditor in the Controller’s Office lacks an accounting degree and is the “software expert” who caused this problem to begin with.
These are the idiots that you’ve elected to run your Government. Pick Rick Davis in 2015!
Winnecke has also quietly re-submitted a request to the State of Indiana Utitily Commission to seek approval to install new meters in every home and business in Evansville. He and his brain trust made a few adjustments from the proposal that former Mayor Weinzapfel submitted just before he left office. This proposal was rejected by for being to costly by the above Commission. This was a $54 million project designed to take care of Weinzapel union buddies.
Word is the our new Mayor wants to do similar for his newly found union buddies.
Bottom line, how in the hell can we afford to keep spending money on capital projects like drunking sailors? We are faced with $4 to $5 million water and sewer project forced on by Federal Government and it seems like Mayor Winnecke just don’t get it.
Is it true….That the city of Evansville has been put on notice by the voters of this county that Evansville needs to do a much better job of governing her own citizens before she tries export her particular style of government to any of the surrounding areas?
A good start for Evansville in doing a better job would be to clean up the city’s financial ledgers and to guarantee that the transparency that was lacking, and allowed the current mess to take place, will be immediately corrected so that something of this nature can never fly under the radar of Evansville’s citizens again.
Some of the hold-overs from the previous administration who played major rolls in the financial reporting fiasco, and the coverup that ran on for 22 months and two administrations, should be relieved of their positions as soon as competent replacements can be hired.
“This stuff bores me.”
The grass-roots efforts of CORE2012 was the major factor in educating people on the dirty, rotten politics of the “Plan”. CofC, Vectren, Old National Bank, Winnecke, et al, tried to buy the referendum votes. Although outspent 3 to 1, the CORE believers gave big money and good ol’ boy politics a thrashing. Thanks to every person who cast a vote in opposition to the “Plan”. When annexation rears its ugly head, CORE will be ready.
Maybe next year when the Circus and it’s Clowns come to town, maybe they can stay at the New, Evansville’s Taxpayer owned, “Ha Ha Hotel” aptly located in a Dead downtown, next to “The John”, and Our Looney Bin Civic Center. Can you not smell Evansville’s Success already?
Heady Stuff for the peons to understand, but such is the World of Entertainment, and Good(?) Government.
…only one ward, the 1st ward, voted in favor of the consolidation plan and only by a 55% to 45% margin?
Funny, Ward 1 is where I live…as do Chairman Parke and Mayor Winnecke.
I thought Mayor Winnecke moved downtown recently. But really, does it surprise you that the 1st Ward went Yes?
I’d like to know how the 3rd Ward and 5th Ward precincts (one in each ward) which were just annexed into the city voted. Those are the two precincts formerly in Knight Out north of the Expressway, east of Royal Avenue, south of Morgan Ave (the new city 3rd Ward precinct), and north of the Expressway; and North of Morgan, east of Green River Road, and south of Hirsch Road (the new city 5th Ward precinct).
Not really surprised. I did see a lot of Yes signs around here.
Speaking of analyzing election results, there are some interesting financial figures here on Indiana’s Senate race:
Did we just have an earthquake 11-20-2012, 5:30pm?
Yep. Confirmed by WFIE 14.
There was a WFIE camera crew on the Haubstaudt exit overpass filming I-69 traffic right about that time. Wonder if they lost a camera over the rail?
3.6 centered roughly across the river from New Harmony according to the USGS tracking site.
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