IS IT TRUE? November 2, 2011
IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer would like to commend Vanderburgh County Commissioner Stephen Melcher for calling his own party out for not paying their bills?…that Commissioner Melcher acknowledged that there was a long standing debt incurred by the Vanderburgh County Democrat Party for having an event at the Centre in October of 2010?…that Commissioner Melcher and other enlightened and responsible Democrats should keep the leadership of the local Democratic Party’s feet to the fire to PAY THEIR DEBTS, TELL THE TRUTH, and be the kind of people that the general public expects leaders of political parties to be?…that the recent dead beat finances, BoothGate, FloatGate, EndorseGate, etc. etc. etc. has literally made a laughing stock of the entire City of Evansville?
IS IT TRUE that at this point the Vanderburgh Democratic Central Committee cannot book an event at the Centre for non-payment, are being sued by the Baurhaus for non-payment, and will be facing very serious difficulties in finding a place to have a victory party in case any of their candidates are elected next Tuesday?…that the City County Observer would like to suggest that the election night party of the Vanderburgh County Democratic Central Committee should book their event at Roberts Stadium as the last event there was a celebration dinner?
IS IT TRUE that $3,500/23 = $152.17?…that this amount from each of “The 23” signers of the “Declaration of Drop Dead State Democratic Party” ponied up $152.17 that the Bauerhaus could be paid off in full today?…that it will start to be mystifying if this does not happen in the next few days?
IS IT TRUE that the CCO would like to thank the Vanderburgh Democratic Central Committee for supplying us with yet another GATE?..CHICKENGATE!!!…that we also are assured of yet another day of record traffic?…that by the end of this day November 2, 2011 that the CCO will have more pageviews than it attracted in all of November of 2010 when there were no GATES at all to speak of?…that well there was BoothGate, but it had not become a habit yet?…that the other new word now is CENTREGATE?????
IS IT TRUE that in spite of all of the idiocy and antics of the local Democratic Party that the business world moves forward?…that we know of entrepreneurs in three Evansville businesses that are expanding and are doing so without sticking their paw out for some greasing from the public trough?…that this is why entrepreneurs and only entrepreneurs will ever bring this town and this country out of the Great Recession?…that while the big companies that thrive on paying under-motivated and undereducated people paltry wages are shaking down local governments for incentives, the entrepreneurs just move forward?…that governments are a burden to entrepreneurs?…that banks are not interested in the business of entrepreneurs?…that this is why people like Steve Jobs, Larry Ellison, Bill Gates, and others for the most part just laugh at the ineptness of politics and have enough money to buy banks?
IS IT TRUE that the exposing of the shortcomings in political strongfolks is exactly what has been needed in Evansville for a half a century?…that whether we end up with a Mayor Winnecke or a Mayor Davis that if the “machine†is completely dismantled that this hotly contested election season and the next 7 days of hell will be worth it?…that these are the kinds of changes that Evansville has needed for many many years?
C-CO+EVV=Transformation. …
Missy can’t afford the $152.17. She’s “all tapped out”.
True…..probably from being unemployed and trying to fuel that behemoth Hummer she drives while vacationing at Disney World…maybe Mr Lowell will help her out.
Well, she’s having a hot dog rally tonight, but Connie is probably paying the tab.
I can’t wait for election day. The chickens in chickengate will come home to roost. Count on it.
Usually the Mayor candidate is the defacto leader of the Vandy Dems.
When is Davis going to step up to the plate and get it done? Leadership, not Davis’s strong point.
LOL….that’s funny, with all the vandy machine demos supporting Winnecke? treason, mutiny, and lack of leadership falls into the lap of our current mayor and he is the defacto leader of the democratic party.
In case you have not been told, the current mayor is not running. Davis has been running for 2 years now and won the primary six months ago. He has yet to engage and energize his party and has shown zero leadership.
If he cannot be a leader to his party and allies, he will be even worse as a leader for those that disagree with him.
Face it, Davis is the wanna-be water boy standing on the sidelines in a football jersey with a 00 for a number. A few in the crowd are cheering him on not because he has any talent or skills, but because it would be funny to see him try.
The rest of the crowd is praying he does not get close to going on the field and that an real player wins. The real player would be Winnecke.
The job of Mayor for Evansville it too important to elect someone like Davis. A man with not experience, ability or track record of success.
Nice try Mr. Jarvis. Mr. Davis runs while crippled by a disloyal rouge group of local Democratic part officers willing to sellout their primary voters in a desperate and pathetic attempt to keep their power and perks by supporting their Republican opponent. Guess what Mr. Owen, Mr. Jarvis and Ms, Robinson and others in the Gang of 23, your rouge “leadership” will soon end as the State Democratic party will follow this precedent:
State Democratic Central Committee removes Henry County Chair
Unanimous vote comes after investigation, finding of party disloyalty
INDIANAPOLIS – The Indiana Democratic Party State Central Committee met today and unanimously voted to remove Henry County Chair Steve Clark from his position as a result of failed leadership that included multiple violations of party rules.
Clark was barred from holding any party office sanctioned by the Indiana Democratic Party for a term of five years. The Henry County Vice Chair will assume the Chair’s responsibilities until the party reorganization meeting on March 7.
Clark was removed from office following a formal investigation into allegations that he allowed Democratic party officials to openly support the Republican mayoral candidate in New Castle in 2007, leading to the election of the first Republican mayor there in 56 years.
A Jan. 19 report summarizing the investigation found that “[t]he Hearing Officer came away from the hearing with the clear but sad conviction that the Henry County Party is in disarray. Individuals on both sides of the controversy are good and sincere people, but the hostility between factions in the County Party is extensive and alarming.”
Party rules allow for the removal of a party officer for neglect of duty; willful violation of the party rules; conviction of a felony; disloyalty to the party; or any other course of conduct that does not promote the best interests of the party or creates dissension within the party.
“This is never a step we like to take, but the rules are in place to make sure the party can achieve its goal of electing Democrats,” said Indiana Democratic Party Chair Dan Parker. “When a party officer permits other party officials to work for a Republican candidate, we can’t turn a blind eye.”
Parker said Clark’s removal will bring new leadership to Henry County Democrats.
Sounds like Troy is on here.
“The real player would be Winnecke”
Of all your statements this would be the only one I do agree with you on, Winnecke is a PLAYER!
Given the structure of our city government council/mayor a sitting mayor can’t enact much without the support of the council, yes he does control some board appointments and a few jobs that work at the pleasure of the mayor.
All the mayor can really do is be an ambassador, a figure head, all he needs is common sense and dedication. You would have us believe that being the mayor of Evansville is more akin to being a quarterback on a football team, I’d like to suggest that it’s more akin to being a coach not a player.
In reality neither candidate is ideal, but we must choose between the two choices we are offered, and the time is running out to make that decision.
The question is could either of these two men do a worse job than or current mayor? who of the two would gladly follow in our current mayors footsteps? Who of the two has be embraced by the political machine that has ran the city for over 50 years? Which candidate has enjoyed support from his opposition…and why?
An intelligent person would look at these questions, ponder the answers, and make an informed decision, a fool would blindly go to vote with a football analogy in their head willing to take one for the good of the team.
It comes down to this….status quo or change, it’s a line drawn in the sand with folks on each side, but which is best for the city of Evansville and it’s people? Winnecke offers the chance to continue on the path that Weinzapfel has put us on, Davis offers a chance to change….
Personally I care little in regard to Davis’s party leadership, in fact I find it quite humorous that his party is supporting the opposition, to use your sports analogy it is oh so similar to the opposing team’s crowd cheering for the home team every time they make a touchdown, difference here is that it’s a very small group of people who control a very small percent of the votes who have become so desperate that they will stop at nothing to keep Davis from being elected…that really says it all doesn’t it?
You choose….and please do choose wisely the fate of our fair city rests in the balance.
I think you better explore the extent of departmental and board appointments controlled by a mayor before downplaying the power of that office.
Never said it wasn’t a powerful position….just that it doesn’t require being a party leader to qualify to be mayor.
I have just as much faith in Winnecke’s ability to lead as I do in Davis, it’s the sideline antics of the Winnecke supporters that confuse the issue of leadership in regards to Mr Davis.
Any mayor including Mr Winnecke is going to surround themselves with the best people that they can find/recruit to help their administration be successful, I do not feel that either of these candidates has the intent to do harm to your city, but the circumstances around the support for Mr Winnecke by the Democratic party members and the equal lack of support for the mayoral candidate really speaks volumes don’t you think?
You said all a mayor really can do “is be an ambassador, a figure head,” and that “he does control some board appointments and a few jobs” which certainly downplays the extent of power a mayor enjoys. I suggested you explore how many and which appointments a mayor controls to learn the extent of his power in government.
And you disagree? the mayor is not all of those things? I have read the appointments I know he controls a lot of board seats, the employees at the Evansville EPA, the arborist, heck even the dog catchers work at the pleasure of the mayor, not to mention the police and fire chiefs, and I’ll agree every appointment has the ability to wield power or to create it.
It’s how that power is used or created that makes the difference between a leader or a king…I think you understand what I’m getting at.
Not really since you change focus with each post.
LOL….if the phone would stop ringing here at work I could maybe stay focused.
Strong rumor has it that City Councilman Curt Joh held a PLUSH political fundraiser GALA for 5th Ward Coucilman John Friend at his home recently.
We hear that the alledged political connected Curt John raised an unimpressive $2,500 at this event.
Also, we understand that all his policital followers (Seventeen people)attended this event.
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