
IS IT TRUE that Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke tapped his friends and associated to raise  a little over one million dollars for the Republican candidate for Mayor, Natalie Rascher?…Mayor Winnecke and his favored posse of fund raisers did not donate any funds to any Republican candidates running for the Evansville City Council seats?…that means a great big ZERO to the Republican infrastructure of Vanderburgh County and the results of the election show that big ZERO?…that when Winnecke was first elected in 2011, he was a proud vocal Republican and was rewarded with a majority Republican City Council?…it is clear now that Mayor Winnecke is the prototype of an elected official that is known as a RINO (Republican in name only) and he proved it on his way out the door by demolishing what was left of any shred of Republican power on the Evansville City Council?…it may be decades before Evansville will see a Republican City Council again after 12 years of fun, games, entertainment, excessive spending, and losses at the Ford Center?…the election of Stephanie Terry, emphasizes just how far the Republicans have fallen since his good buddy ex-Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel demolished the Democrat power base on his way out of the same door?

IS IT TRUE the Republican leadership of Vanderburgh County spent a small fortune of money trying to blunt the efforts of the Michael Daugherty campaign from taking votes from Winnecke’s hand-picked candidate Natalie Rascher?…the misguided belief was that by keeping Daugherty down they could disrupt the campaign of eventual winner Mayor Elect Stephanie Terry?…they should have probably challenged the track record and legislative agenda of the courteous and likeable Terry?…unchallenged, she walked through the golden door also known as the Office of the Mayor of Evansville?

 IS IT TRUE it is widely believed that if  the leadership of Vanderburgh County GOP had given the appropriate amount of campaign money, several GOP City Council candidates could have won their race, keeping a balanced ideology on the City Council?…the voiceless GOP mayoral candidate Rascher, didn’t speak directly to the voters in her campaign ads?…the person who spoke in Ms. Rascher’s tv ads was none other than her political Sugar Daddy, Mayor Lloyd Winnecke?…the voters wanted to hear what Ms. Rascher would do if elected mayor and no one ever made her intentions clear?…there is now an active movement to oust the current Chairman of the Vanderburgh Republican Party from the position?

 IS IT TRUE that many members of the CCO Mole Nation think 2023 is reminiscent of the 2011 campaign when Rick Davis took advantage of a situation where ex-mayor Weinzapfel made an exit to try to practice law and fell way short of inserting his hand-picked successor Troy Tornatta into the fray when the political power brokers on the Democrat side went against the Democratic mayoral candidate Rick Davis to support Lloyd Winnecke?…the more things change the more they stay the same, and this was simply a campaign of a different color winning it for the rival party?

 IS IT TRUE the GOP split began when Mayor Winnecke openly opposed Cheryl Musgrave’s campaign to be the Republican candidate for Mayor of Evansville?