IS IT TRUE: November 15, 2010


IS IT TRUE: November 15, 2010

IS IT TRUE that City County Observer Mole #3 says that contrary to popular opinion that Jim Braker will file for a recount in the election for Knight Township Trustee?…that this is posted at 2:15 PM CST on Monday November 15, 2010?

IS IT TRUE that in 2003 then Mayor Russ Lloyd Jr. spent roughly $1 million on a study for a Downtown Baseball Stadium?…..that an affiliate of the Los Angeles Dodgers was planning to move to Evansville to play their home games in that stadium?….that Cal Ripken and current Los Angeles Dodgers Manager and Evansville native Don Mattingly were on board as shareholders with the affiliated team?…..that current Mayor of Evansville, Jonathan Weinzapfel made that baseball stadium a campaign issue?…that then candidate Weinzapfel called the study for the $25.5 million baseball stadium a “waste of scarce City of Evansville resources”, chided Mayor Lloyd for “failing to involve the public”, and subsequently won the Mayor’s office?

IS IT TRUE that learning from one’s mistakes is a great characteristic of a leader?….that in coming out against the $18 Million Robert’s Stadium ball fields project that Russ Lloyd Jr. showed that he had in fact learned from the mistake that he made in 2003?….that Mayor Weinzapfel will soon be responsible for two stadiums in Downtown Evansville?…that Mayor Weinzapfel’s criticisms of Russ Lloyd Jr. in his aggressive campaign to become Mayor in 2003 kept Downtown Evansville from having an affiliate of the Los Angeles Dodgers in a new baseball stadium similar to the ones in Louisville and Indianapolis?….that Mayor Weinzapfel is the driving force behind the new Evansville Arena and recently has been quoted as “seeing no other funded use” for the Robert’s Stadium property other than $4.9M of ballfields and $12.6M in improvements to the City of Evansville infrastructure including $1.5M to demolish Robert’s Stadium?….that the $18M Ball Fields of dreams and the $25.5M semi-pro Baseball Stadium are similar in price, similar in dollars spent on a study, similar in being pursued without public support, and have met a similar non-acceptance at the hand of the citizens of Evansville?….that Russ Lloyd Jr. seems to have learned from the mistakes of the past but that current Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel has not?….that Mayor Weinzapfel has repeated the very mistake that he capitalized on at the expense of Russ Lloyd Jr. to become Mayor in the 2003 election?

IS IT TRUE that the readers of the City County Observer soundly defeated the proposition of deference being paid to Mayor Weinzapfel?….that the margin of defeat for waiting in line like bridesmaids until the current Mayor makes his intentions known was 9 to 1?…that Vanderburgh County Democratic Party Chairman Mark Owen needs to make a mental note of that result?…that the City County Observer supports openness, honesty, and personal choice when it comes to a wannabe candidate making announcements with respect to seeking elected offices?


  1. Oh how the Courier puts ideas in peoples heads…

    No it’s not true. If Lloyd “learned his lesson” from his baseball stadium deal, he would have came out publicly against the Weinzapfel downtown stadium. I don’t remember him doing anything of the sort. I’m not sure there was much difference between Tornatta’s “supporting role” than Lloyds?

    If Lloyd “learned his lesson”, he would firmly say he is against the whole idea of a baseball park, not just weakly state it’s “too expensive”!

    Pardon me, but this comparison is bunk.

    Weinzapfel is doubling down, with a second stadium project, the first of which was more comparable to Lloyd’s plan. But it was rammed down our throats!

    Weinzapfel learned “his lesson” that little can stop him till election day. Especially when all the sudden he now has an inconsistent Lloyd opposition which can (and will be) easily be spun into pure politics.

    The next REAL learning moment worthy of real reporting… Is whether the voting population learned their lesson from electing Weinzapfel over Lloyd in 03 – based on Weinzapfel’s harsh criticism of Lloyds baseball park. Ironically, if Lloyd really does run, he might get the chance to teach the lesson himself.

    However, he needs to get his story straight before he goes making points of lessons learned where he hasn’t been consistent.

  2. Hasn’t it become apparent that there is not a whole lotta philosophical difference between Democrats and Republicans at the local level? I mean, isn’t it true that city and county officeholders’s duties are spelled out specifically by statute, and that most officeholders, regardless of party affiliation, approach their candidacies and complete their job assignments, or should complete their work, in accordance with those specific statutory requirements?

    Isn’t it true then that the most logical course would be for the consolidation committee to propose nonpartisan elections for the unified local government they are attempting to formulate for Evansville/Vanderburgh? I mean wouldn’t it benefit both the resulting government and the voting public if the candidates were totally freed of the chains of party affiliation and all the malarky and cronyism associated with candidates being shackled to local parties when there is next to zero perceptible philosophical difference expounded by opposing candidates in any given local race?

    Wouldn’t the voting public embrace nonpartisan elections for local government the same as they have embraced nonpartisan elections for judges and school board? And since the consolidation committee is proposing local elections in “midterm” non-presidential years, wouldn’t nonpartisan elections unshackle the candidates from the coattail effects of the radical pendulum swings we know are associated with midterm elections.

    Is it true that the consolidation committee is avoiding these issues simply in order to make their plan more acceptable to the status quo rather than presenting a really novel, forward looking plan for proactive social, political and economic development of our community?

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