IS IT TRUE we are hearing that the Vanderburgh County Democratic party is about broke, politically ineffective and leaderless?  …special thanks should be given to those democrats who turned their backs on Rick Davis and Gayle Riecken Mayoral campaigns?

IS IT TRUE we are hearing that the poor won and lose record (0-11) of the Evansville Thunderbolts may be causing the owners problems?  …if poor attendence, lack of income from sponsorships and inadequate concession income continues they may be facing a cash flow crisis?

IS IT TRUE we are pleased that VenueWorks are having many successful non-hockey events at the Ford Center? …bottom line, is that Venueworks know what the heck they are doing and the politicians should let them select and run the events  at the Ford Center?

IS IT TRUE  we are led to believe the City of Evansville financial crisis of 2016 is officially over?  …we highly suggest that our City officials better start preparing for the impending 2017 budget crisis?

IS IT TRUE we wonder how much the 2016 City of Evansville General Fund is over budget?  …our guess is that the City of Evansville General Fund could be in the red between $12.5 to $15 million of dollars for this year?

IS IT TRUE  we are hearing that the 2016 City of Evansville Employee Hospitalization Fund is in the red by many millions of dollars?  …we hear that the final figure 2016 will be “whooper”?

IS IT TRUE we wonder why the Mayor has allowed the City of Evansville General Fund to be overspent by an average of $1.2 million per month?

IS IT TRUE if you live within the City limits and Council vote to take 2% from your Homestead Tax Credit you will really be losing about 4% (2% from City and 2% from County) of your Homestead Tax Credit?  … every Vanderburgh County Tax Payer will be losing 2% every year until the Homestead Tax Credit is eliminated by the Mayor and City Council?

IS IT TRUE we can’t wait to see how many million of dollars the Evansville Zoo really lost in 2016?  …we are hearing the figure will be a “whooper” ?

EDITORS FOOTNOTES:  Todays “READERS POLL” question is: Do you feel it was wise for the Mayor to replace the Evansville Icemen with the Evansville Thunderbolts?

Please take time and read our newest feature articles entitled “IU WOMEN’S-MENS SWIM AND DIVING TEAMS”.

Also take time to read “BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS” posted in our sections.

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  1. I still don’t understand how the city council’s vote on the 2% can be applied to property outside their jurisdiction.

  2. The Thunderbolts are a jerry-built contrivance. It is not surprising they are floundering.

  3. The treasonous back stabbing of Rick Davis by the Democrat Central Committee sewed the seeds of their demise.

  4. Indiana Enoch….poor replies on ALL of your points yesterday. All weekend in fact.

    This idea, that you don’t like the subject, or know all you have is a weak response, cause “you’re wrong as hell.” Your answers. Don’t address the points – AT ALL. “You know. My guy won. So, I’m gonna switch the subject. In fact, the stuff I wrote, it’s stupid, weak and can’t hold up to scrutiny. But I don’t care. Why? Cause my guy won!! So I’m gonna be a drunken caterwaller. Cause, I can. That’s why.”

    I WANT TO STIPULATE….let’s be clear, your guy won, and that gives you license to IGNORE THE SUBJECT every time you want to….and gloat for a bit.

    I mean, all the “drain the swamp” chanters in here…..”RINO’s ARE NOTHING BUT DEMOCRATS! LIBERALS!!” You guys got egg on your face. It’s an accurate statement.

    “How so, you say?”
    Trump, the anti-establishment candidate, appoints the quintessential ESTABLISHMENT Chief of Staff…the CHAIRMAN of the Republican Party for God’s sake. But…..that will be ignored in here.

    Winners get the spoils, I get it.

    • B4H, you’re irrelevant. You are still fighting the fight you lost big time last Tuesday. Only thing we are waiting for is confirmation that Trump also won the popular vote. Get on a bus and go protest. I hear ou can make some spending change while venting our trauma.



    Evansville City Council Looks to Change Homestead Tax Credit

    July 25th, 2016 Chelsea Koerbler Chelsea Koerbler Evansville, Indiana

    The Evansville city council is looking to change the county’s homestead tax.

    While that resolution was withdrawn at Monday’s city council meeting, it’s not the end of the discussion.

    Council will bring it back up in a meeting before November 1st, to get it passed.

    “I personally believe we can not afford eight percent of our homestead tax credit,” said city councilman Dan McGinn.

    In 2015, Evansville joined nine other Indiana counties offering a homestead tax exemption to homeowners. City council chose the highest homestead tax allowed by the state, eight percent.

    For example, if someone in Vanderburgh County owes $1,000 in property taxes, with the homestead tax credit they would only have to pay $920.

    McGinn says, the decision to have the homestead tax at eight percent, something he did vote in favor of, was “election exuberance.”

    “I wish I voted against it,” said McGinn. “Because it caused us some financial issues with some problems because it costs us $450,000 to $460,000.”

    Vanderburgh County is the only county in Indiana that offers the full eight percent homestead tax credit.

    Allen County, where Fort Wayne sits, is the second highest at 7.0404%

    “Let me tell you folks,” said McGinn. “We can not afford that, I’ll tell you that upfront.”

    Council has until November to change the current homestead tax credit.

    McGinn says they plan to use a new formula to decide the new percentage the tax credit should be. He hopes it will be lowered to around six percent.

    “That may allow us to keep all of our police and all of our firefighters and all of our road crews on,” said McGinn. “Which is something we need to do.”

    Indiana Counties that have a Homestead Credit:

    Allen – 7.0404%
    Marion – 3.0844%
    Miami – 2.6280%
    Monroe – 3.4820%
    Perry – 2.3328%
    Posey – 5.4261%
    St. Joseph – 5.8243%
    Spencer – 4.4136%
    Tippecanoe – 3.4022%
    Vanderburgh – 8.0000%

    • I was under the impression that the Indiana Homestead Property Tax Exemption is granted by the County. That it is a County Government function as to whether or not it is granted, and at what percent it is granted. So how is it that we are talking about the City of Evansville Common Council being in control of this process? One would think that the Vanderburgh County Council would be in charge of this issue. I live outside of the City of Evansville corporate limits. Would it be legal for the City of Evansville Common Council to increase or decrease MY Homestead Property Tax Exemption? I don’t think so.

  6. An older Donald J. Trump, the guy who is the President-Elect:
    I think he likely has good intentions….albeit – he is flawed – bigoted tendencies, harbors warped views objectifying women…..but at this point in his life, I honestly believe he has overall good, conscientious intentions to be a good US President.

    I think he deserves a 100% good shot to do a good job, and I support him, and I wish him success, cause the election is over, and I think Trump won, fair and square. He IS the President of the United States.

    Are his Breitbart-loving white nationalist supporters conservatives? (No, they are NOT.)
    Is Trump gonna build their “Mexico Wall?” (No, he is NOT.)
    Is Trump gonna get rid of all of the RINO’s that they insist are liberal Democrats? (No, he is NOT.)

    You’re sure, they’re NOT conservatives?
    (No.They are not for small government. They are not for free market-based economic solutions. They are not for free trade. They are not for controlling the growth of entitlement programs. They are not for broad US military power expressed across the World. They are NOT conservatives. They are something else that includes hating immigration, but generally what they are…I don’t know.
    But they ARE NOT Conservatives, that is perfectly clear.)

    Trump is the President. Wish him well.
    His Chief of Staff is the former GOP Party Chairman. Ouch!
    He used you guys to get into Office.
    Gonna be fun….watching this play out.

      • I knew you’d agree with that Press.
        Sorry ole buddy, you just met the real world of Trump VS the fantasy you write about in here.

    • Didn’t learn from the election that we are sick tired of the racism bull you guys drag up from the depths of your reptilian cortex and spew at anyone and everyone who does not bow to your liberal agenda did you?

      You’re a dinosaur that went extinct November 8, 2016. Reboot RINOsarus Rex. We’ve got this one for you.

      • Ha! I think Trump is discarding you guys……..
        Did you not watch 60 minutes Indiana Enoch?

        Reince Priebus’ appointment as Chief of Staff for President Trump lays it BARE that you were taken, exploited, used and served as fuel to help him get into office.
        You can discard this “you’re a liberal” stuff…..that was PRE-ELECTION rhetoric I-E. It’s the GOVERNING WORLD now for Trump. All this RINO stuff……you’re gonna be calling TRUMP a freakin’ RINO here shortly.

        Time to grow up I-E.

        The RINO Reince Preibus is now in charge of the Trump White House. He IS THE QUINTESSENTIAL ESTABLISHMENT Republican (and I’m fine w/ that, but then you already know I’m a worthless, Chamber of Commerce RINO establishment Republican Indiana Enoch).

        This is the Wall Street Journal describing Reince Priebus’s power this morning:
        1. Supervises all White House Staff
        2. Sets the Administration strategy
        3. Executes the Trump vision.
        4. Controls all access to President Trump
        5. Acts as All-Purpose Advisor.

        You think Trump is in Office to do what is important to you “pretend conservatives?”
        Really, you’re living in a fantasy world believing all of Trump’s political rhetoric was gonna dump the Republican Party? Wake up I-E.

        • I figured Pence would be setting policy and running the Administrative Branch of the Federal Government while Trump was out opening golf courses….

        • ou must not have watched 60 Minutes because what I heard Trump sa is that all he has to work with right now a lobbist but he will change that. But then why concern yourself with that?

          Don’t lecture me about growing up pops. Your day is gone RINOsaurus like the printed media. Generations to come will read about you in history books and wonder what you were thinking when the study the amazing.

          Your embarrassing lose hasn’t woke you up You’re like a drunk driver passed out passed out behind the wheel of the

          Turn up your hearing aids Pops. Even Michael Michael Moore was hearing what was happening while you were mooing out your racist and bigot accusations and you are right back to what this nation left behind. .

          • What I see in you Indiana Enoch,
            is a guy DESPERATELY hoping he doesn’t have to talk about how “Governing Trump” is nothing like “political Trump.” You are avoiding it like the plague.

            It’s a joke. ANYTHING you can do to avoid noticing that Trump…..isn’t pursuing “a Mexican Wall…..isn’t pursuing Hillary to “lock her up.”…….isn’t draining the swamp and is instead hiring the REPUBLICAN PARTY CHAIRMAN! to be his Chief of Staff.

            What are you gonna talk about……I-E, now that the election is over? Trump ain’t helping you avoid these subjects. And YOU CAN EXPECT ME TO REMIND YOU all the time…..that Governing Trump is an actual, administrative Republican. (smile)

          • Talk radio is now saying “Trump’s Presidency is starting to look like Jeb Bush won.”

          • ….in fact, Talk Radio is now saying “It looks like Jeb Bush won the Election.”

            This subject is not going away. It’s gonna last 4 years.

      • JOEBIDEN:
        What part of “I support and wish President-elect Trump 100% success” don’t you understand Joe?

        I think what’s going on here……, you guys are still drunk from Election Night partying.

        “Political Trump” is dead.
        “Governing Trump” has replaced him………and you don’t like it.

        More importantly……you get offended when someone points out that “Governing Trump” is different than “political Trump.”

        Sorry fellas.

  7. Reducing tbe Homestead Property Tax Exemption by 2%. And this after the County Assessor jacks up everyone’s assessed property values to more than the homes’ true value, thus also increasing the City’s and County’s revenue stream.
    The Mayor, the City Council, the County Commissioners, and the County Council need to learn to live within a reasonable budget in lieu of increasing their take from the City and County residents.
    And if that means reducing salaries and benefits for City and County employees (Union or not, Sheriff’s Department, Police, Fire Department, Road Crews, Health Department, Water Department, Administration, etc.) so be it. I’ve worked for a company that when it wasn’t able to stay within a budget and stay afloat everyone from the CEO to the CADTexhs took a hit on income until the company was back on a,sound fonancial footing.

    • MainStreetDem, very interesting read. Looks like the local Democratic Party did withdraw from the State Democratic Party by committing political treason when they conspired to defeat Rick Davis and support then candidate Winnecke:

      “Councilman Adams and State Representative Riecken reportedly left the meeting early expressing that they have no interest in supporting the withdrawal of the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party from the Indiana State Party.”

      Looks like Adams, Lindsey and Riecken had the guts and backbone to fight against this political suicide. The rest is history with Mayor Winnecke playing the remaining Democrats like a cat plays with a mouse.

  8. One of the problems with a wretched Democrat Party is it allows the Republican Party to lower itself to an equally low level because it only has to be better by a fraction and then you get a Winnecke administration.

  9. Don’t get too excited about VenuWorks marketing. The only thing they can sell around here are country concerts, and those things sell themselves. They only seem to boost marketing when they are losing money. They aren’t proactive about promoting events at all. VenuWorks should’ve been excused after their first 5-year deal ended. The Ford Center is the largest property they manage and it shows. They are way over their head in the types of events that should be coming to the Ford Center. Considering we are in the cross-hairs of most tours (Indy, Nashville, Louisville, St. Louis) there is no excuse for them to keep bringing back Florida Georgia Line, Kenny Chesney, Miranda Lambert, and Luke Bryan year after year after year after year after year etc, as opposed to other acts and other genre’s.

    • It’s not just country acts the VenueWorks brings in, don’t forget the old dead rockers we get to see and hear too…

  10. ……here it comes.
    Trump is beginning to behave like a responsible leader. Talk of building a wall on the border has turned into “a fence works fine.” “Lock her up” has been replaced with “dedicated public servants, Bill and Hillary Clinton.”

    Indiana Enoch, JoeBiden and Press are gonna start calling President Trump a RINO too….you just watch.

    (The problem is, these three guys were never “conservatives.” They think “conservative” has been re-defined. That’s a lie. Trump the “Governing President” and not the candidate, is reminding them what an actual conservative is – he just appointed the GOP Chairman to be his Chief of Staff.)

  11. Rahm Emanuel thinks he can tell the President of the United States how things are going to be! I vote for making an example out of Emanuel first. That city needs a good house cleaning, it is an island of illegal foreign invaders that the Chicago democrat machine tries to sign up to vote every election year. I can not think of a better place to start the turnaround than Chicago. If the homicide rates gets any worse we will have to send in federal troops to just to protect the citizens. Emanuel’s administration of the city has been an unmitigated disaster!

    • YES OTTO:
      Indiana Enoch, Pressanykey and JoeBiden ALL WISH they could IGNORE how “Governing Trump”:
      1. Has appointed the premier establishment RINO Republican, GOP Chairman Reince Priebus, to be his Chief of Staff, made him the President’s gatekeeper! It says EVERYTHING about “Governing Trump.”
      2. Has stopped referring to “a Wall on the Mexican Border” and instead is saying “a fence is fine.”
      3. Has stopped referring to “Lock Her Up” Hillary Clinton, and instead calls “Bill and Hillary Clinton dedicated public servants.”
      4. Drain the swamp? Ha! President Trump is NOT gonna TOUCH the Deficit. He’s gonna increase it.

      Have you noticed……THEY ARE IGNORING ALL OF THIS.
      “Uh, no. I don’t wanna talk about that.”
      IGNORE, IGNORE, IGNORE. And they’re mad at me…..”That RINO Becker is a pain in the ass.”

      They’re mad I keep bringing it up they were used, exploited, burned as fuel by Donald Trump to get into office…and that Governing Trump killed “political Trump.”
      Gonna call me names. Gonna say I use “all caps” too much…pretty much be INFANTS throwing a tantrum.
      Yes. They’re gonna do ANYTHING to DESPERATELY avoid talking about how that Mexico Wall is now “just a fence.”

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