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IS IT TRUE that there is no greater ambassador of goodwill than a homegrown non-partisan community newspaper?  …that local newspapers can serve as a “Community Watchdog” by sounding the alarm when the citizen’s rights are being violated? …we realize that a community can have no greater ambassador of goodwill than one that keeps its citizens informed about their accomplishments, failures, and triumphs.

IS IT TRUE that the local GOP just experienced a major political split that began when Mayor Winnecke and GOP Party Chairmen Mike Duckworth openly opposed County Commissioner Cheryl Musgrave as the Republican nominee for Mayor of Evansville? …that because of their serious political misstep, there is now an active movement to oust the current Chairman of the Vanderburgh Republican Party from his position?  …that this may be a developing story?

IS IT TRUE that we have been informed Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke tapped his friends, PAC Committee members, and associates that raised a little over one million dollars for the Republican for Natalie Rascher’s campaign for Mayor of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that many people feel that the political strategists not allowing the well-qualified and extremely personable GOP mayoral candidate Natalie Rascher to speak directly to the voters in her TV commercials was a major political misstep?…the person who spoke in her TV ads was none other than Mayor Lloyd Winnecke instead of the extremely articulate Natalie Rascher?

IS IT TRUE that it is widely believed that if the leadership of Vanderburgh County GOP had given the appropriate amount of campaign money to several of their well-qualified City Council candidates they could have won their race, keeping a balanced ideology on the City Council?

IS IT TRUE that we are told that the leadership of Vanderburgh County GOP spent a small fortune of money trying to blunt the efforts of the Libertarian Michael Daugherty campaign from taking votes from Mayoral candidate Natalie Rashner?  …that the GOP leadership made a big political mistake when they didn’t challenge Stephanie Terry’s County Council voting record while she was a member of the Vanderburgh County Council?…that because she went unchallenged by GOP leadership she will walk through the golden door known as the Office of the Mayor of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that several well-known Republicans are hoping that Nattalie Rashner will get a Department Head appointment in the Terry administration?  …if she does get an appointment we know that she will serve the Mayor well?

IS IT TRUE that we have been told by reliable sources that Michael Daughty may also be getting an appointment to a county-run board?  …we also feel if he gets appointed to a county board he will do a good job for the taxpayers of Vanderburgh County?

IS IT TRUE that members of our current City Council recently approved a 9 million dollar “Lease/Rental Revenue Bond” to update the Ford Center by selling the naming rights of 27 city streets as collateral so they purchase bonds to renovate the Ford Center?  …that we have been told that several local taxpayers want to know how much money has Evansville collected from the sale of naming rights of our city streets.  …if you would like the answer to this question please contact Russ Lloyd Jr. at the City Controller’s office.
IS IT TRUE that when a City is in a serious financial bind and can’t purchase any more Municipal Bond money for future capital projects it resorts to the questionable practice of having a Building Contractor quietly fund the capital project and sign a long-term Lease/Rental Revenue Bonds contract with interest agreement with the builder?  …that “Lease/Rental Revenue Bonds” have quietly been used on several other capital projects throughout Evansville during the last several years?  …if you don’t think this comment is true then contact Russ Llloyd, Jr in the City Controller’s office?
IS IT TRUE that the Evansville Redevelopment Commission’s “Potential Projects Lists” for 2023 and beyond are: • 4th and Main Park and new Affordable Housing Developments • Riverside Drive Pedestrian and Transportation Improvements • Historic Lighting – continued in Arts District • Development of Bond Street property – new Affordable Housing Project • Assist with potential READI Grant Projects • Burkhardt Road TIF area infrastructure development?  …that we wonder where the Evansville Redevelopment Commission is going to get the money for these proposed projects?
IS IT TRUE that our “Readers Poll” is non-scientific but trendy?  …our current “Readers Poll” question is: HOW DO YOU FEEL THAT MAYOR ELECT STEPHANIE TERRY IS GOING TO DO?
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  1. I saw a clip of an upcoming “Shively and Shoulders” episode where Duckworth and another GOP rep blamed Daugherty for Raschers loss in the mayors race. Thats painting with a very broad brush and opts to overlook some obvious issues of voters. First, I think Daugherty took votes from the Dem and Repub candidates. Under Mayor Winnecke, a Republican in charge for the last 12 years, voters saw their parks fall into disarray, the parks under command last two years of Deputy Mayor Steve Schaefer, saw a lack of maintenance, broken playgrounds and filthy restrooms. Our public golf courses, same issues. Watched Board of Park Commissioner meetings full of complaints about Helfrich and Fendrich. Those folks need replacing asap! They added $10.5 million in bond debt onto the voters worries. Utility bills through the roof, fancy brick streets for novelties like North Main Street and downtown. Gun crime and drug crime have increased dramatically under Repub control. To blame “Daugherty’ as the single source of Raschers loss is folly and and one Im sure he finds satisfying.

    • The parks have been a haven for drug dealers, vagrants and vandals for way longer than 12 years. Winnecke inherited a park system strewn with needles and disrepair. Perhaps it is worse now than before, but the parks have been a disaster for decades. Everything else you have written is spot on and is a result of the last two administrations (20 years) obsession with shiny objects and trendy nonsense.

  2. There are three people and three people alone responsible for this failure of the GOP and handing it to the Democrats!

    1. Winnecke for controlling Natalie’s campaign.
    2. Natalie for allowing him to run her entire campaign.
    3. Duckworth for not going after Terry for her management of CMOE amd her breezing through and doing absolutely nothing on County Council.

    To say Daugherty pulled only Rs is short sighted and stupid. The GOP lost this election on their own volition.

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