IS IT TRUE November 13, 2013
IS IT TRUE that a rural resident, outraged at the water and sewer services discriminatory rate increases approved by City Council, has sent a letter of protest to the IURC?…the letter contained signatures of many other protesting rural residents?…we will not be surprised to see this two tiered pricing system created by a broken promise is challenged in court as the water and sewer rates start to ratchet upwards in Evansville to cover the cost of fixing the combined sewer overflow problems?…that when the average water bill is $50 the 35% surcharge is only $17.50 extra which is an annoyance?…as the water rates in the next 20 years skyrocket to an average that may be closer to $300 per month the 35% surcharge will amount to an additional $105 per month which is something worth challenging?…to add insult to injury the repairs for the CSO issue will all be done in the city limits showing the residents of the county little tangible benefit over what they have now?
IS IT TRUE that a couple of CCO Moles are telling us that the Picasso found boxed up in the Evansville Museum is no longer in town?…the last thing the CCO was aware of was that the Picasso was under guard in the safe at Old National Bank?…while we are sure if the Picasso had been sold we would know about it and the price it brought so wherever this piece of fine art is resting it is safe to assume that the Evansville Museum still owns it?…the CCO still contends that a one-of-a-kind original work of art from Pablo Picasso would be a bigger attractor of tourists with disposable income than ball fields, skateboard parks, dog parks, or even the kinds of conventions that would find Evansville attractive, we are dumbfounded that no one at the Convention and Visitors Bureau has stepped up and suggested that the Picasso be placed on display during the first two years of the opening of the museum expansion and used as a centerpiece to attract wealthy tourists from all over the world to buy a glimpse at this treasure?…this piece of art really is an important world class object that has already piqued the interest of the art world due to an article in the New York Times?
IS IT TRUE the response of Evansville is to sell it for the $40 Million or so that it is expected to bring at auction?…the CCO continues to contend that this art that was bought for $20,000 roughly 60 years ago and donated to the museum will continue to appreciate in value and will someday be worth $100 Million or more?…this work of art could not only draw tourists to Evansville it could put us on the map of important stops for art enthusiasts?…when the tourist flow slowed down to Evansville this Picasso could be leased to the big museums like the Getty in Los Angeles, the Met in New York, or even the Louvre in Paris for annual fees of roughly 10% of its value providing vital operating funds to the Evansville Museum in perpetuity?…at least it seem as though we may get one shot for locals to see it?…it is a shame that the Evansville Cemeteries do not have a Picasso in a vault somewhere because $4 Million per year would go a long way to funding the perpetual care contracts sold by the cemeteries that they currently just can’t seem to have the resources to fulfill?
IS IT TRUE it is now becoming obvious that ObamaCare is another federal transfer of wealth from the healthy and wealthy to the sick and poor?…it is also being learned that there is a transfer of day to day earnings from the young to the old?…in a world that offers unemployment, limited upward mobility, sky high utility prices, and a banking industry that is still rather unfriendly toward real estate lending?…the CCO believes that this is not a prudent decision to have set up a system to burden the young and productive people with their lives in front of them so us old dogs can sit on the porch cheaper?…a fair system of pricing of health insurance policies (like what we grew up with) would offer low prices to those with lower risks like the young freeing up discretionary dollars to raise children and buy homes?…generational wealth transfer from the young to the old is a killer of the American dream and as the ACA is undergoing the many changes it has coming the provision of oppressive transfers of wealth from young to old need to be changed?…if we all have to pay a little more so the uninsurable can have catastrophic insurance that is one thing?…if a young person gets socked with an over 100% increase so an older person can get a cut that is counterproductive to having a country with equal opportunity for all?
Is it true the CCO is “in the tank” for Bruce Ungetheim’s anticipated run for County Commissioner?
Is it true that there are some sensible “fixes” for ACA under consideration, but the House will not likely allow any of them?
Is it True, that there are some sensible “fixes” for Obamacare under consideration, but the Senate will not likely allow any of them?
Is it True, that HOUSE Democrats delivered an ultimatum to the White House to “Fix it or Else”?
By Friday?
CCO supports Ungetheim because he is a member of the Contrarian Party. Who’s anticipating the run? The only place I’ve ever heard the rumors are on this site.
Ungetheim is the new CAVE favorite. (Citizens Against Virtually Everything)
Outside of this website, no one cares he wants to run. The GOP doesn’t want him, the Democrats don’t want him. There is no talk at the civic center.
That is funny!
I read this today and wanted to share the article.
Thanks for sharing, but I doubt any of the haters will change their minds.
What a spin by anotherlocal. Nice try, but does not pass the smell test.One thing your reply reinforces is that a zebra does not change it’s stripes. And if a person does not agree with BHO, it must be do to hatred(or racism)In my case, this couldn’t be further from the truth.It has everything to do with respect, or lack thereof.In an attempt to save time(and my fingers from typing) I will progress from Jan, 2009 to present day. IMHO, and half of the population, it has been proven that BHO knew he was lying when he made his infamous statement “if you like your doctor, if you like your health plan you can keep your doctor and you can keep your health plan”. This was an intentional lie perpetrated on the American citizen by BHO(that includes YOU) He knew that without his lie, and the intended consequences of cancellation of policies, the ACA would not pass muster and was sure to fail. Plain & simple. And if I remember correctly, your response to this lie by BHO was to simply say that he “over simplified the ACA”. Really? I find it hard to believe that even you truly believe the man, but I commend you for going down with the sinking ship. That’s blind loyalty man.Kudos. Again, it has nothing to do with hatred and everything to do with no respect for a liar. I believe in karma and man are the chickens coming to roost. Good luck to you lkb.
BHO treats his followers like a desperate stupid girlfriend. After 5 years the girlfriend says “Barack I am pregnant” expecting a happy future with Barack. Barack on the other hand accuses her of lying, then demands a paternity test. When the test comes back and Barack is the father he blames the test and hides in the White House saying “it ain’t my fault. The dumb girl believes him and apologizes to him for giving him some in the first place. Barack dismisses her and finds another girlfriend.
You had me up till the last paragraph. In the old system if one of the young and healthy who could get catastrophic coverage for $50 a month or less, came down with cancer the policy paid for it. Under the new system that $50 policy does not exist but a ACA compliant bronze plan is offered as a replacement to the same person for closer to $250 per month. Most healthy young people can’t afford the $250 but were fine with the $50. As a result they will not buy anything leaving a large portion of the next generation without any coverage at all when they had it before.
The first 90% of the article was spot on. The last part is the nutrition equivalent of outlawing “beans and cornbread” and mandating the purchase of steak. Liberals will learn a hard lesson from the travesty they have wrought on the American people if they don’t make some serious changes by January. The arrogant fool in the White House will be further exposed when the website actually starts to work. ObamaCare is still a poorly thought out and incredibly failed implementation. The website failures are just more fodder for late night jokes and further proof that government is inept. The big problems will come when some high school kids fix the website and people can learn just how rotten ObamaCare really is.
What about the website victims!
This Slug article is complaining about changes in an insurance policy and the anxiety of losing your coverage on a year to year basis due to said changes. This has nothing to do with why the ACA was passed but why let that bother anyone. It not like an ACA plan would never change. Ask Medicare benficaries in a couple years about the benefit plans that are going to be cut as a results of cuts in that program to fund the ACA. Medicare Advantage is an example.
Therefore you should be happy about being lied to about keeping your coverage and right to choose coverages because the changes made by the insurance companies from year to year are lies because the coverage changed. That is what Slug is implying. It also states that that the ACA did not include any provision that prevented insurance companies from deciding to not offer certain products. This article reminds me of a Stretch Armstrong doll.
Does any remember HIPPA rules regrading insurance portability? I think too many people relying on Slug also read their wonderfu other articles on Ex Sex Tapes and why men climax more than women in a hookup. You can’t make it up.
My contract at St Joseph Cemetery specifies that 25% goes to perpetual care. If I ask, they will show me the books so I can verify that fact. It would be in an escrow account.
The comparable figure for the City of Evansville should be easily identified in a city fund account.
Is it?
it is true only fix for obamacare is complete repeal……it is true while obama was defrauding the sick and hard working people with obamacare America is over 17 trillion in debt 96 million Americans not in the work force 48 million Americans on food stamps…..http://www.usdebtclock.org/
Wow, the pure concept of innovation being driven by needs sells the heck one soon to be introduced innovative water system design model of mine in your location.
The design offers savings to a water and sewer service customers in incremental “customer site” usage point identification, monitoring and control.
For your given area “the first design in” can be an 35% metered in usage reduction objective ,however the same amounts down the line back to treatment. 😉
This system is by design method to conserve clean water resources and sustain and stabilize sewer outflows to treatment overloads per/ml in more geographically remote water system supplies regions globally.
By point controlled staging this “customer based and controlled” application will cut actual metered flow rates to more defined and accurate real time usages,it also can be application controlled by any customer applied cloud based device. “Cheap.” No new utility supply side construction requirements.
The system can stage the “real time actual usage” back into the control of the customer usage side of the incoming and outgoing cost. Service customer controlled per/ml
Actually what we all do now only with 21st century accuracy and cost control.
The innovations present models now have shown defined ranges of 38.6%-43.2% actual savings in metered in and controlled out usage,conditional variations due to supplied service pressures and atmospheric conditions. The projected system can connect to any cloud based device data processing device applied and secured by available Apps,… “by the customer”. No new in ground meters. (cheap)
{Customer usage, and costing control},if you can’t beat’em, join ’em…. so to speak. “he,he..aahhem.” (Planet smart)
Trouble is,its kind of similar to the ACA(sput/wheez/thud)and the health insurance industries problems. The concept of somehow the utilities having been denied the timed projected incremental cost increases to shift cost by the “customers actual use”,seems visionary.
Really any adjustments by the actual customer for your cost of the federal mandate liabilities in sewer upgrades by planet smart innovation,would probably include an programmed in, exclusion,created to bring limited applied innovation choices back under the realm of the supply fiefdom again. (note: from an excluded one) 🙁
Working on those types of exclusions,fix is on the horizon. (Innovation moved forward)
More on Evansville’s Picasso
So the trustees of the Evansville Museum are not even confident they can care for and insure a Picasso. What a shame that this once proud and significant city has been reduced to the role of a beggar with winning lottery ticket that is afraid to buy a house because there are taxes that will have to be paid. Evansville looks more pitiful every day.
It’s interesting that you ridicule any project that others believe will bring visitors to Evansville and now you believe that this Picasso will be the magic elixir. Every other museum that you referred to has collections, not a singular piece. I’m sure that the museum did a cost-benefit analysis to determine that they would be better off selling it. The name of this website should be The Devil’s Advocate because you can always find an opinion contrary to anyone else’s decision on here. With all of that knowledge, you should be Heads of State for some country or billionaire CEOs. Why do you waste your immense intelligence on proving everyone else in Evansville wrong?
That’s right. A single minor work by a famous artist is not going to drive traffic in the long run. It would financially ruin the museum since it costs as much to guard and protect one 50mm painting as it would for a dozen.
It would be great to display it (along with some other Picasso’s) for a short term exhibit so the town can see it. Then send it off with love to an institution than can make use of it as part of a larger exhibit.
Keeping it here would be like holding Don Mattingly hostage in Evansville to play and coach the Otters just because he went to school here.
Nickname for evansville should be little chicago
The difference is every Chicago democratic politician is either in jail or were let go with a warning.
Here we won’t even pursue charges, let alone press any.
Mr. Davis why don’t go hide under a rock. All you do is trash the CCO Editor (Joe Wallace).
If you don’t like what Mr. Wallace of other CCO bloggers say, then stay the hell off
the site.
Better yet why don’t you and you political buddy Wayne Parke start your own paper.
LOL…because Mr Davis has a axe to grind, he won’t be happy or finished till he points out all of our misconceptions which is a very big ‘ol moving target.
But hey Ralph, he is just as entitled to his opinion as we are, frankly I like it when he posts it’s in all likelihood a opposing opinion which creates a healthy debate, but he does seem to have a very low opinion of the CCO which makes him posting kind of a paradox.
I really don’t have an axe to grind. I’m generally a happy person and anyone on this site that has met me would say that I’m cordial and not bitter. I would describe myself as an advocate for the community. I believe that we can get more done through collaboration and cooperation. I have a problem with criticism if it’s not constructive. I have a problem with people that get a chip on their shoulder when the collaborative process does not yield to their idea. As I delve further into this civic & community discussion, I notice a growing amount of people that seems like contrarians to me. No idea is a good idea. There is a small percentage of people in our community that are against everything. For some, I don’t know if it’s a conscious decision, but for others, I think it’s malicious and intentional. I think CCO is in the first group. The second group is horrible for our community because they stir the pot to keep the status quo because they benefit and keep their status by our community being stagnant. Think Big Fish, small pond. There’s not a person on here that I personally dislike. I enjoy the discussions for the most part. I get along with Wayne & Mayor Winnecke, but I only speak for myself and not at the request of anyone else. If anyone ever wants to talk to me, one-on-one, let me know. We can do coffee at Wired or Al Dente.
I think you’re bitter and have a chip of some kind on your shoulder. I think you are trying to ingratiate yourself to Wayne Parke way too much. You look like a toady of his.
^That’s if I’m being perfectly honest. Why haven’t you told your story of alleged bribery yet? I stuck my neck out. Your turn.
Brad, what do I gain by ingratiating myself to Wayne? he does not have anything that I need. I never plan on running for office. Even if I did, I do not need the blessing of the Chair. Wayne & I often agree on issues, but that’s indicative of the fact that we’re both Christian and Republican. Most people are under the assumption that I didn’t get involved in the hotel issue until after Wayne’s email to the PCs. I posted a picture from the Council meeting in April about the hotel. Wayne’s email went out several months later. As far as the bribery thing, it’s not my story to tell. Someone told me and asked that I not repeat it and I’ll honor that confidence.
I would consider you new to the political scene here in Evansville. And with that, the ones who have been around the block know that we have a long history of ignoring existing infrastructure in favor of new shiny buildings.
It’s not that people here at the CCO are against THOSE other projects in particular. It’s that many people favor tax monies to be spent in a different way. For example on the dilapidated sidewalks, sewers, and parks that have been eroding for the last 100 years. But seemingly, something else (not even on the radar today) always comes up that is obviously more important to those in office to shove through. This is a priorities problem in Evansville and we should constantly remind those in office of this.
Feel free to label me as a contrarian, but you will find I am the biggest, most liberal supporter of sidewalks, parks, trails, and new sewer developments in town.
Feel free to contact me if you want to further this cause.
“I really don’t have an axe to grind. I’m generally a happy person and anyone on this site that has met me would say that I’m cordial and not bitter.”
No one here is saying your bitter but you do come off sometimes like you have a agenda or that your opinion is the only correct opinion, not a big deal to me at all.
“I would describe myself as an advocate for the community. I believe that we can get more done through collaboration and cooperation. I have a problem with criticism if it’s not constructive.”
If your going to be a advocate your going to have to get use to debate where the opposition not only use slings and arrows but also has a point of view that is 180 degrees from yours. People are very passionate about their beliefs, right or wrong from your point of view, you need to be more flexible and less confident that you are on the right side just because you believe in a topic, idea or concept.
“I have a problem with people that get a chip on their shoulder when the collaborative process does not yield to their idea.”
Funny thing is this is exactly how you come off here and on the C&P with some of your comments, the thing about written words is that intent is hard to determine so folks just normally look for a motive or reason why you would say what your saying instead of the message your trying to get across, sometimes the message is totally lost in the delivery.
“As I delve further into this civic & community discussion, I notice a growing amount of people that seems like contrarians to me. No idea is a good idea.”
Yep…there are a lot of people who resist change, you may not understand that a lot of the audience your trying to convince are much older than you and are suspect of every aspect of government from local to federal, they have been lied to so many times in their life by government that they no longer trust that it acts on their behalf or in our best interest.
You will never change these peoples opinions because they have been molded over a lifetime, they have had real world experiences, and know what they feel is true, most older folks lost the starry eyed dreamer stage of their lives long ago and have become realists that know nothing is really how it is initially sold to them by government, they do not trust government and as you will eventually learn neither should you.
“There is a small percentage of people in our community that are against everything. For some, I don’t know if it’s a conscious decision, but for others, I think it’s malicious and intentional.”
Maybe…reread my response above again.
“I think CCO is in the first group. The second group is horrible for our community because they stir the pot to keep the status quo because they benefit and keep their status by our community being stagnant.”
I think you kinda’ have a jaded view of the CCO, that it’s something sinister, or that their motivation is less than honorable?
I would have to say that the CCO is disliked by the administration(s) because they try to highlight the things that are wrong with our community, they do have a agenda and it is clearly stated at the very top of the page in their header.
“Think Big Fish, small pond. There’s not a person on here that I personally dislike. I enjoy the discussions for the most part. I get along with Wayne & Mayor Winnecke, but I only speak for myself and not at the request of anyone else. If anyone ever wants to talk to me, one-on-one, let me know. We can do coffee at Wired or Al Dente.”
I believe you, but you do come off that your opinion (which in a lot of cases is shared by the current administration) is the right opinion and all others do not share in importance, which lead people to believe your less than genuine or coached.
If you want to be a true advocate for the community you need to pick your battles and your audience carefully, the CCO may not be the best audience since most of us have like minds when it comes to trust, granted there are folks here since the C&P went to a sub that are more in-tune with your message and on any given topic may be for it or against it just depends on which way the wind is blowing on a given day. 😉
Bottom line…I can only speak for myself but I enjoy you being here and hearing your point of view, it as I said breeds healthy discussion which is how we all grow and learn to be better citizens of our community and in turn make our community a better place to live.
Hope this helps but it is JMHO
Please leave Phyllip alone. The CCO is an open forum where all opinions and dialog are welcome. He adds to the CCO experience. Joe
First of all, I don’t believe Joe is the person that writes the IIT section, but I may be wrong. Secondly, Joe Wallace and I communicate directly through Facebook or email, when needed. If he has an issue with me, I’m sure that he knows how to address me directly. He is a big boy that is capable of speaking for himself. The same goes with Brad Linzy or Jordan Baer, they both know how to reach me directly and we have mutual open lines of communication. I have not met Ron, so I can’t speak to that, but as editor he can silence me if he chooses. Most of the posts that I make on here are facetious in nature. I like to make my point while being tongue-in-cheek. If you have an issue with me, make your own site and ban me from it. Until then, be quiet while the grown-ups converse.
It is a travesty that this piece of art was never exhibited and supposedly “lost” for how manu years..what do you expect from the fried chicken and gizzard capital of the world…how hard is to balance a set of books and tell me where a $50+ freakin million painting is… the three card monte system we have in this town never stops.
Another city looks at bankruptcy:
This sounds fairly close Palm Springs, CA and Joe’s area of operations.
Can you give us some insights Joe?
DHS is one of the cities in the Coachella Valley and about 15 miles from my office. This has been big news since it broke last week. They are struggling to close a 3.7 Million budget deficit for next year. That is the right thing for them to do. DHS has not dug a debt hole by building expensive toys. Their problem seems to be the collapse of housing prices which hit their tax revenues adversely. It will be interesting to see how it plays out. I learned what I know from the local paper. I do know some of the people in the article. I will watch with interest and report back on any lessons that can be learned.
Thanks Joe. The only way to learn from these experiences is to discuss them in all their details, and as you say, each case is different in some aspects.
Everyone should be interested in these events as they provide information that might help prevent a similar occurance locally.
I agree with Joe Wallace, leave Phillip Davis alone. Personally I find him extremely bright , opinionated and engaging.
Is it true that without a certain amount of rainfall, the sewers will operate 24/7, 365 days a year no matter how much water is used and flushed, and be in EPA compliance?
Is it true that most rainfall inside city limits must travel the sewer system? Is it also true that land owners (farmers) outside city limits pay a ditch maintenance assessment per acre/lot for the rainfall to flow?
Is it true that it is a farce by the city to charge for rain runoff by city water usage, by which is not the problem, and not for the size lot for which the rain lands? Is it fair for a half block of four homes to pay $200 total and the other half of block that may be a parking lot and pay nothing, while both cases are dumping the same amount of rainwater into the sewers?
Is it true also that there is no combination sewers outside of city limits? There may be some leakage that does get in sanitary sewers during rains though, but again the tap water is not the cause!
The health care system that we grew up with was not fair. It charged higher premiums to the working people and used that to subsidize the poor when they had no where to turn other than the ER. And we all know that the ER is way more expensive that going to a family doctor for preventive health care.
I guess you think we should just ship the old and poor out toe pasture to die in the cold? I hope you don’t really believe that. Many of the old people can afford to pay for their prescriptions and buy food at the same time. Some people are just heartless to suggest that we not help them out. Shame on you for even thinking that way.
But for Obamacare to work, enough of the young who are healthy have to enroll in the exchanges. I don’t see that happening as they either can’t afford the additional cost or don’t feel they need health insurance. Why pay more for something you don’t want on an insecure website that doesn’t work? The young will pay the fine, states will have to cut programs and education to fund the increase in Medicaid enrollment and the middle class, who’ll still be paying higher premiums, gets the shaft because they’ll be paying for all of it.
!973- soylent green.
CCO is it true that 4 articles of impeachment will be filed thursday against holder…..and our own Dr.Bucshon is a co sponsor…….keep fighting for America Dr.Bucshon……it is time to clean up the liberal mess that is destroying this country……..
Buschon is a lame duck, and you’re a bitter Rush Limbaugh worshipper. A Republican will never again occupy the White House thanks to a generation of old angry southern white men like you that are the last bastion of slavery apologists. The tea party (KKK) has killed the GOP for good.
Don’t let your mouth write checks that your butt can’t cash. Have you not been paying attention to what BHO is doing to the Demo party with his fledgling Obamacare? That ship is sinking and the Demo party is treading water. You really took the high road with your tea party/KKK comment.You should feel real proud of yourself. You are living up to expectations. Geez………..
John Doe is a sensationalist and a fool. The Tea Party gatherings are a Sunday School picnic when compared to a KKK rally. Perhaps someone needs to get Mr. Doe by the ears and take him to a Klan rally so he can understand the meaning of his own words. Comparing the Tea Party to the KKK is about as stupid as comparing left wing democrats to Hitler’s SS. Both pale in comparison. Doe has shown himself to be a narrow minded idiot repeatedly with his postings.
Take about 2 minutes and read the comments on conservative web sites that don’t censor comments. Takes very little time for the n word to come out. I’m white by the way.
After reading John Doe’s comments for the past few month’s I feel a more appropriate name for him would be JOHN DOLE because it appear’s he’s on the dole and afraid of loosing it.
Uh, don’t have Google?
Just enter slavery + political party and see which party is the guilty one.
You’re very naive if you don’t realize the parties have switched. Lincoln would be rolling around in his grave if he saw today’s rethugs.
Doe: Dang,the only thing naive drawn from your President Lincoln statement “Rolling around in his grave” is its “reasoning due history”. For myself that reasoning,is why he ended up there at the point in his life as history specifies that “cause”. It is recorded that an “self consumed, rant’in,rail’in liberal-insane,southern democrat,stage actor put him there”,all the while, acting and living out his own malicious personal vision of grandiose delusional, disorder syndrome.
Lincoln “rolling around in his grave.” I don’t think so.
Switched….. “indeed ? “
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