IS IT TRUE? November 14, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? November 14, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer is running a series of polls this week regarding the so called “Machine” that was called out for malfeasance by both candidates in the 2011 election for Mayor of Evansville?…that if “the Machine” is real and if it is at the least contributing to the 50 year dribbling down from a city of some significance and wealth to what we have become then it must be dismantled?…that we have been running a poll for the last 24 hours asking our readers “Is Evansville Really Ruled by a Political Machine”?…that as of this morning our readers had voted by roughly a 3 to 1 majority answering YES, any fool knows this?…that the other answer was of course “NO, “the Machine” is only urban legend”?…that there are certainly urban legends in Evansville but most are harmless and entertaining?…that urban legend or not the truth of the matter is that our readers believe there is a “Machine” that runs Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that the demographic of the readers of the City County Observer are overrepresented by people who are over 45, have a graduate degree, earn over $100,000 per year, are female, and surf the internet from home?…that one high ranking member of a certain winning political team and a “mover and shaker” in Evansville stated recently that “the CCO may not have the pure number of readers as the other news outlet, but it seems to have every educated and politically engaged person in town as loyal readers”?…that if this demographic believes in “the Machine” then “the Machine” is doing damage whether it has a formal membership and a meeting hall or not?…that to believe in “the Machine” also constitutes believing that some dark force is choosing the winners and losers based on a system of patronage as opposed to merit?…that political machines are also known for back door deals, insider contracts, etc. etc. etc.?…that there is not one know instance of a political machine serving the greater good in any place that they have infested?

IS IT TRUE that Mole #7 and several other Moles are telling us that Councilwoman Connie Robinson has gathered the votes needed to become the next President of the Evansville City Council?…that we have also been informed that Councilwoman Missy Mosby will be the Council’s Vice President and that Councilman John Friend will head the Finance Committee?…that all we wish to say is “that was fast”?…that some may see this as the work of “the Machine”?…that others would just say good choices and let’s move on?…that some may say both?

IS IT TRUE that Mr. Carl Chapman, the president and CEO of Vectren Corporation will be making a presentation and taking questions from the Evansville City Council tonight?…that the topics of discussion are expected to center on a) the fact that the people in Vectren’s service area pay the highest rates in Indiana, b) the economic development consequences of those rates, and c) the prospects for future rates including the value, the holding location, and the impact of the future sale of accumulated carbon credits on future rates?…that tonight’s questions will be coming from the City Council and heavily influenced by Councilman John Friend who has worked in a utility and that public input will not be allowed?…that the public will have their opportunity to have their say at the Evansville hearing of the IURC that will be on November 28, 2011 at the Centre?…that we encourage a packed house at that meeting but encourage those wanting a say to stay home tonight and take notes by watching the City Council meeting on WNIN?

IS IT TRUE that we are pleased that Evansville did not have a Portland moment on Saturday night at the Four Freedoms Monument where about two dozen members of Occupy Evansville were planning to camp?…that sometimes Midwestern courtesy from both protesters and law enforcement is the best way to go?…that the City County Observer supports freedom of assembly, freedom of speech, a free press, etc. but encourage order and respectfulness by all citizens if at all possible?


  1. With Connie and Missy running the city council. The machine has its puppets in place and ready to go forward with the behind the scenes control of Evansville. Did the the city just take two steps back!!!!

    • LOL….two steps back? I think we went a lot further than two steps, but your right puppets at the helm…”hard left rudder..aye aye captain! 😉


  2. IS IT TRUE that Mole #7 and several other Moles are telling us that Councilwoman Connie Robinson has gathered the votes needed to become the next President of the Evansville City Council?…that we have also been informed that Councilwoman Missy Mosby will be the Council’s Vice President…..


    One could think of any number of anecdotal comments about the above statement….probably best summed up by saying “The Blind Leading The Blind”….it would seem though that the paybacks are already in the works, machine patronage does have it’s privileges.


          • LOL…don’t know…and don’t want to know, but your right about being led, she could learn a thing or two from Ms Robinson, but I doubt her attention span will allow it to happen.


  3. I will be watching to see what attempts are made to keep Councilman McGinn in the dark about city business. Will he be kicked to the curb again?

    When it comes to leadership in the Council, I certainly think Mr. McGinn has a lot to offer.

    • Why didn’t he run for President? He’s qualified.

      It’s going to be a lonnnnnnggggggggg 4 years. God help us.

  4. Friend, Mosby, Robinson, Weaver and O’Daniel will vote in lock step or else find new careers.

    Winneke will go along to get along and NOTHING will change.

    There will be no transparency or accountibility and no budget cuts, unless it’s the fire department who committed treason in the eyes of the machine.

    Missy is next in line will be rewarded some how some way by the machine, handsomely.

    Watch the parking garages and how they progress and who get the contracts.

    Forget about a smoking ban.
    Consolidation will pass allowing the machine to extend its tentacle’s even further with access to more money and power.

    Front door pride will be expanded dumping even more money into the pit.

    It will be a miracle if the Arena breaks even each, more likely it will be an even bigger money pit than the center.

    Roberts stadium will be demolished, privatized and sold to an establishment power broker, or they will dream up another scheme like the softball fields to borrow even more money to benefit some insider.

    I seriously doubt anything will be done to plan for the arrival of I-69 or take advantage of it.

    Evansville will become nothing but a place to stop for a sandwich and go to the restroom. People will flee the city and maybe even the county to get away from this mess.

    • Maybe one of them will find Missy a job she is qualified for. The corner gas station, like the city council, doesn’t require more than a high school education

    • Maybe Missy will find her reward in Indianapolis when J Appleseed moves away. That’s where he’s finding his reward, right? He can take her with him, since she’s done everything he’s ever asked her to do, and say, and think.

      Please, Appleseed, take her with you! I bet she can type REAL good.

  5. Barney and Around,
    Those are really rather junior high type posts. Let’s not drag the CCO down to the level of some folks on the courier blog.
    Thanks in advance for your future improvement.

  6. How does the council determine who is president and who is vice-president? Please don’t tell me the “vote” among themselves!

    • Yes they do vote among themselves and it sounds like this time around that there are at least 5 of them who are fixing the vote. Let me guess the five vote fixers. Robinson, Mosby, Friend, O’Daniel, and Weaver would come to mind. The machine is busy rigging the votes before they have even taken the oath of office.

      • LOL…and you expected anything different? the oath means nothing to them just like the pledge of allegiance before each meeting, just a formality and words to recite.


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