IS IT TRUE we are hearing that a local attorney named Ryan Hatfield has been calling around and asking people what they thought about him running for District 77 State Representative seat?

IS IT TRUE we find it interesting that the Republican leadership is quietly watching to see how many  Democrats are going to announce that they are running for Mrs. Rieckens  District 77 State Representative seat? …in case the Democrats haven’t noticed the Republicans have total control of the future direction of Vanderburgh County politics for many years to come?  …thanks to turn coat Democrats and Union Bosses who made this happen?  …it will take an extremely qualified and well known Democrat to keep State Representative District 77 seat in the Democratic column?

IS IT TRUE that Moveon posted a comment we found interesting?  …he said; “To the victor goes the spoils. I thought that went away with the merit system. But then again the entire city work force is not on the Merit System and the Department Heads still work at the Pleasure of the Mayor. what a wonderful way to run the local government”?

IS IT TRUE it’s refreshing to see that select members of our lame duck City Council aren’t presenting any last minute City ordinances?

IS IT TRUE that someone needs to remind the EPD media spokesperson that the news media have a First Amendment rights to cover public events either in print or electronically?

IS IT TRUE the University of Evansville recently created a public relation nightmare when they announced they are using 25 of 68 Handicap parking spaces for VIP parking during basketball games?  …yesterday they corrected their mistake and reversed their decision?

IS IT TRUE Pressanykey posted the attached that caught our attention? …he post stated; “If we are going to have a blatantly politicized police department, them we might as well ELECT the chief of police. After all, the Vanderburgh County sheriff is an elected position. and any reasonable argument be made for the mayor of a city appointing the chief of police”?

IS IT TRUE we want to remind  to vote in todays CCO “READERS POLL”? …todays question is; Do you think the Democrats will have a hard time keeping Gail Riecken’s State Representative seat?


  1. Just more and more elitists not wanting to have to mingle too much with the peasants that made them rich. It’s a nationwide trend. The French finally got fed up and started chopping off heads. We don’t seem to have the balls.

  2. Misspellings corrected, what I thought I posted was:

    If we are going to have a blatantly politicized police department, then we might as well ELECT the chief of police. After all, the Vanderburgh County sheriff is an elected position. Can any reasonable argument be made for the mayor of a city appointing the chief of police?

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    My thought is that competition for the position could possibly produce the best qualified Chiefs.

    • You mean like the election competition gets us the best mayor? You’re living in a dream world. Money politics rule, and it is not smart, rational, nor ethical. Every unemployable loser lines up for those patronage jobs.

      • What is the alternative LETS? “Election competition gets us the best Mayor?” What is that?
        We live in a democratic republic called the United States.
        The people have a right to vote, and the voters decide when they cast ballots.

        • Democratic republic? You did that just to hear me cackle didn’t you?

          You are not living in a democratic republic unless you reside in Azerbaijan. The United States is a constitutional republic, Article IV, section 4. “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government…” It is an important distinction because it protects us from the whims of majorities like the Tea Party or OWS. Well, the Tea party. OWS is nothing more than a FB page.

          Elections,while democratic in nature, are not a form of government.

          • ..stand corrected. Voters select leaders bound by the Constitution. Good job I-E.
            Alas, this is not the issue, LETS was apparently advocating eliminating the voter’s wishes.
            Why? Because they didn’t do what HE wanted them to do.

          • I would like to believe elections work like the free market, don’t serve the market well, and the market eliminates you. But alas it also requires better choices for the voters.

        • I was merely responding to Press who said elections, because of competition, gets us better leaders. Just pointing out the logical fallacy, not advocating it. You are a real douche.

      • No, elections don’t always get us the best person. Evansville just proved that when it lost the election to the “powers that be.” If the Chief of Police doesn’t serve at the pleasure of the mayor, there may be less conflict of interest between the two offices.

    • I’m pretty sure that we would elect one that is better qualified than the one we currently have. The Chief of Police would not be at the mercy of the mayor in covering up wrong doing by certain city officials and/or candidates, either.

    • Maybe the best quality limited to who is on the ballot, but remember making it on the ballot still requires the skills of a political hack. I don’t k ow that there would be a significant upgrade in quality at the end of the day. But, I don’t disagree that it might be worth a shot.

      • Good comment, and likely one of the only ones I’d agree with, from your postings history. Just for that here’s a completely free letter “n” for you, must have been a light key stroke I suppose……… “N”.

        (know) verb
        r/.1. be aware of through keen observations, inquiry, or information.
        “most people know that CFCs can damage the ozone layer” synonyms: To be aware, realize, be conscious, or to be informed.
        r/. 2. having developed a relationship with (someone) through meeting and spending time with them; be familiar or friendly with.
        “he knows and respects Laura”

    • The city police are responsible for protecting the assets of the city unlike the sheriff who is supposed to protect the people.

    Here it is!! English Bob whining about “the elitists!”
    People like English Bob and Sarah Palin “fightin’ for the just cause.”
    This is totally hilarious!!
    English Bob, did you work on Sarah Palin’s “Presidential exploration campaign” committee? Buy her books? Wear your Sarah Palin “Don’t mess with this Hockey Mom” t-shirts in the Donut Bank?

    ….THIS is Sarah Palin agreeing with English Bob about THE ELITISTS from a conversation with Fox New’s Chris Wallace: ““I’m not going to pretend to be an elitist. In fact, I’m going to fight the elitist, because for too often and for too long now, I think the elitists have tried to make people like me and people in the heartland of America feel like we just don’t get it.”

    Totally, appropriately and justly hilarious. Thanks Bob.

    • Huh? What are you babbling about? Sarah Palin is a moron. She pretends to be a real working class person to get votes from morons like you.

      • ….ah, you jest too loudly, Bob. Tell us more about “the elitists” Bob.
        You ashamed of stealing Palin’s copy on the elitists Bob?

  4. Ryan Hatfield is a very bright, personable young man. He would be an excellent choice for the State Rep. seat.

    • Right. The kid is standing up to serve, if it turns out to be true. The act deserves admiration.

  5. Call me, Ryan Hatfield!I say GO FOR IT. We need another Winnecke suck like we need bullets flying.

    • I agree. Can you imagine an election between Chris Cooke and Ryan Hatfield? Everything I’ve seen of Mr. Hatfield has impressed me.

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