IS IT TRUE? Monday March 17, 2025


IS IT TRUE that Indiana Lt. Governor Micah Beckwith is promoting a rally today at the Statehouse to support Governor Mike Braun’s property tax reduction plan? …that Braun’s original plan to reduce property taxes was incorporated into SB 1 and that the Senate struck many of the tax savings from the bill? …that what is left is a bill that barely resembles the vision that Mike Braun has for reducing the tax burden on Hoosiers?

IS IT TRUE that the traditional Lt. Governor would leave a public fight like this to the Governor? …that Beckwith is not the stereotypical Lt. Governor? …that Beckwith and Braun have stood shoulder to shoulder on this issue with an unwavering belief that reducing property taxes is the right thing to do? …that Beckwith is standing up today for all of the Hoosiers that are unable to join in the rally at the Statehouse?

IS IT TRUE that Evansville’s State Senators, Jim Tomes and Vaneta Becker have issued a joint statement rejecting the governor’s tax cut plan? …that they believe that the passage of Mike Braun’s tax plan will place an undue burden on cities and towns in SW Indiana?

IS IT TRUE that many local governments have expressed more concern about how to replace revenues instead of looking at what cuts they might make in spending? …that cities and counties are considering an increase in the local option income tax to replace property tax revenue? …that the idea of changing how we tax the same people is like telling thieves they can no longer steal on the North side of the street, so they simply move to the south side?

IS IT TRUE that tax reform will always be a vexing problem?


  1. Is it true that the City-County Observer ought to be asking our new Congressman from the 8th District as to why he will not meet with his constituents, speak with the Evansville Courier, or even hold a town hall meeting?


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