IS IT TRUE May 8, 2012


IS IT TRUE May 8, 2012

IS IT TRUEthat yesterday the State of Indiana stepped in and shut down the Kunkel Square apartments for a couple of violations that raise some serious questions about just how something like this could have happened?…that the violations that lead to the closing of the building were first a communication system that did not have vocal directions to talk people out of the building in the case of an emergency and secondly because there was only a single staircase going to the top floor/attic?…that the building only started accepting tenants into the apartments in early March?…that projects like Kunkel Square are certainly subject to building codes but that prior to getting an occupancy permit that should have been issued before people could move in there is a very well defined process that starts with approved plans, then proceeds to a permit, then through a series of inspections all of which must be signed off on before the issue of an occupancy permit?…that what happened yesterday should have had no probability to have ever occurred if all involved did their job?…it will be interesting to see this little downtown drama unfold because with the kind of redundancy in the whole process this should not have been possible?

IS IT TRUE that GAGE president Debbie Dewey responded to Evansville City Councilwoman Stephanie Riley’s 6 pages of vetting that Dewey should have done with a little missive of her own?…that the most astounding part of the response was the one-two punch from Dewey where she sent the message that when it comes to making $4.8 Million loans to a businesses to move to Evansville that the personal history and past business successes or failures of the management team DO NOT MATTER AND ARE NOT EVEN LOOKED AT BY GAGE WHEN VETTING PROJECTS FOR THE CITY OF EVANSVILLE?…given the sheer number of bankruptcies, shell businesses, failed ventures, resume gaps, and even an arrest that were discovered by Councilwoman Riley that were dismissed by Dewey as though they were of no more consequence than throwing spit balls in elementary school?…that this part of Dewey’s response is the most shocking and amazing opinion expressed?…that if Charles Manson submitted an acceptable plan to the oligarchy of Evansville that we must assume that Ms. Dewey and GAGE would recommend Mr. Charles Manson for a $4.8 Million loan?…that after all it seems that CHARACTER MEANS NOTHING TO MS. DEWEY WHEN IT COMES TO OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY?

IS IT TRUE that Ms. Dewey was also trite an dismissive in her assertion that Earthcare Energy has no competitors and stated that comparing a turbo expander to a worm screw device is like comparing a tractor trailer to a bicycle?…that while there is a difference in the size and capture device that drives a generator that both devices have an inlet and outlet for pressure that turn an off the shelf generator to make electricity?…that a better analogy given the energy generation capacity would have been to compare the turbo expander to an SUV and the Langson generator as a compact car?…that these do indeed compete with each other for the same customer base?…that Dewey can’t defend her assertion that these two devices will never compete with one another in the marketplace unless the Langson device abandons all markets where the pressures are high?…that as simple and unprotected as the Langson device is it will be copied at the first sign of success anyway?…that the quickest way to turn a venture investor off is to claim no competition?…that such statements are seen as naïve and weak minded?

IS IT TRUE that Dewey has continued to assert that a patent has been applied for?…that no one has ever disputed that but that Mr. Ken Haney stood before the Evansville City Council and claimed to have the rights to “the patent” to the Langson device?…that in truth there is no patent and that there is no guarantee that there will ever be one?…that this device is as Mr. Haney said “not rocket science” and that there are lots of ways to spin a generator so any patent that ever is issued will not have the ability to keep competitors at bay?

IS IT TRUE that Ms Dewey asserts that a study by Concurrent Technologies that was commissioned by the DOD vetted and recommended the Langson device?…that this statement if it is referring to the Concurrent Technologies report dated September 6, 2011 then this statement is simple not true?…that this study makes no reference to the Langson generator in its recommendations and even acknowledges in its second sentence that a turbo expander does the same thing?…that what this study does say is that there is a significant amount of energy that may be able to be recovered near DOD facilities and that it merits further investigation?…that Earthcare’s “investment summary” explicitly states that a real study to vet the technology was to have been completed before March 31, 2012?…that as of this date that no such study has been made available to the Evansville City Council?…that if there is a study that has confirmed the statements made by Ms. Dewey and Earthcare that we are certain it would have been made available?…that we challenge them both to produce that study and that we are skeptical that it has ever been done?


  1. Gee–and all this time, I figured all the dealings between Kunkel and Weinzapfel were on the up and up.


  2. 81 “thats” in today’s Is It True. Most of the “thats” could be eliminated and would much easier to read. For example:

    IS IT TRUE Ms Dewey asserts a study by Concurrent Technologies was commissioned by the DOD vetted and recommended the Langson device?…

    Also where you say “September 6, 2012”, I believe you meant September 6, 2011.

  3. Is our Evansville City Council acting in a deviant manner concerning the Earth Care Energy LLC $4.8 million loan?

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *



    Deviance is an action or behavior that violates the generally accepted norms of a group, organization, or society (Adler, 2005). Many societies’ and organizations’ policies, practices, and laws are developed from this normative foundation.

    Policies (and sometimes laws) are written because entities, ranging
    in size from organizations to countries, codify acts of deviance.

    Deviance can and does occur in all workplaces and throughout all professions. When public officials violate organizational rules and/or break the law these acts are also called malfeasance, misfeasance, and nonfeasance. Yet the scholarly literature typically prefers to use the term deviance.

    Many criminal justice agencies have codes of ethics or standards of conduct that are taught to recruits and reinforced by veterans of the organization.

    One term closely related to deviance is corruption, also known as graft.
    According to McCarthy (1996), this practice includes “the intentional violation of organizational norms (i.e., rules and regulations) by public employees for personal material gain”. This behavioral category subsumes theft, smuggling contraband, embezzlement, and misuse of authority.

    Corruption, however, is not a synonym for deviance, although it is
    a subset of this practice. Police deviance occurs when law enforcement officers behave in a manner that is “inconsistent with the officer’s legal authority, organizational authority, and standards of ethical conduct” (Barker and Carter, 1986, pp. 2–3).

    Police deviance includes but is not limited to:
    • discrimination
    • misconduct
    • intimidation
    • sexual harassment
    • corruption

    • excessive force
    • use of restricted weapons
    • illegal surveillance

  4. The City Council that gave us the Main Gate Mosby Lindsey tiff, now trying to give a away $4.8 million to a scam operation .Dumb and dumber.

    • Lets say Mosby gave us Main Gate, because if she hadn’t had a vendatta against Lindsy this never would had happen. And now Mosby is bragging about her vote for Earthcare, saying they will be paying there employee’s $30 dollar an hour. WHAT A JOKE!!!

  5. enough is enough

    Who cares what she is making because even if she is paid minimum wage she is over paid!

  6. Evansville is officially a “GATED Community”!

    Maingate, Gage Vettingate, Earthgate, Paradegate, Lindsey and Mosbygate, Sheriff’s Office Salarygate, Arena Hotelgate, time to start McCurdy Condo Projectgate, Time to watch activities at Evansville Brownfieldgate and Front Door Pridegate to name a few!

  7. Vectren and ONB heads sit on each others boards and both have their underlings on the GAGE board. Follow the money if you want to know who is behind this idiotic loan

  8. Is It True that the Kunkel Group refuses to make under the table kickbacks to the powers that be?

    Is It True that the arena hotel venture collapsed because the Kunkel Group refused to kickback to Weinzapfel and others?

    If It Is True, Kudos to Kunkel Group.

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