IS IT TRUE May 7, 2015


IS IT TRUE that Tuesday’s  post-election unity gesture by Councilman John Friend to Jonathan Weaver didn’t turn out well?..Some thought that John may have hurt his finger earlier in the day and was just showing how he hurt his finger.  In reality, however, .Mr. Friend and Mr. Weaver’s conversation quickly turned very personal and insulting?  …this face to face gathering quickly turned negative when Mr. Weaver called Mr. Friend a liar to his face?  …Mr. Friend made an in your face vagal comment to Weaver that was followed by a one finger gesture?  …this conflict between Friend and Weaver has been brewing for a long time?  …we aren’t surprised that Mr. Friend finally expressing his active dislike for Weaver?  …that Mr. Friend is one of many whom Mr. Weaver have offended since he has been in elected office?  …we predict that Mr. Weaver has experienced the one finger gesture before and shall again in the future?

 IS IT TRUE we are glad that the main political event is finally ready to take front and center?   …the Mayor re-election theme is going to be focus on his administration has been inclusive regardless of political affiliation?  …Mayor Winnecke is a talented Public Relations person?  …he’s  going to have trouble convincing the masses that is is a strong fiscal conservative?  …one of the Mayors big plus mark’s is  that his political war chest is more than adequate to sustain an aggressive campaign?  …you can expect the “First Lady” to be extremely active in Mayor Winnecke’s  re-election bid?  ..Mayor Winnecke is hardworking, focused, dedicated and trustworthy?
IS IT TRUE Mayoral candidate Riecken is gearing up to mount an “in your face” down home political campaign?  …her campaign will focus on convincing the voters that after 202 years it is time  for Evansville to elect a qualified female to be Mayor of Evansville?   …State Representative Riecken is likable, compassionate, dedicated and honest? …she will surprise her opponent with her “in depth”  knowledge of State and local laws and regulations.  She is also quickly becoming an expert on city finances.
IS IT TRUE we wish City Attorney Ted Ziemer a speedy recovery?  …Ted Ziemer has been involved in local and State politics for many years?  Ted has raised more money for worthy causes than any other person in the community.  He has led every major organization including the United Way, Evansville Philharmonics, Evansville Museum and many more.  He has served on numerous Boards and continues to do so while serving as the Senior Partner of one of Evansville’s most prestigious law firms.  We sincerely hoping that Ted can bounce back and continue these worthy efforts.

IS IT TRUE that we some offer are sincere congratulations to each and every winner and look forward to a great campaign ahead.  Special congratulations go to Alex Burton, the newcomer to politics and to Connie Robinson who received the highest win percentage of any candidate.

 IS IT TRUE the City County Observer had special invited guests on its Tri-State Voices show this week?  …our special guests were Jordan Vandenberg from Channel 25 News and Zach Evans from the Courier and Press.  …They gave a recap to the election and some insightful thoughts to what we could expect in the next several months.


  1. Could it be true that Jerry Springer(?) could tape a full week of shows by inviting everyone involved with local “city” government to their stage set? I again thank all Vanderburgh County residents for their votes in 2012 by allowing county government to remain as a (sane)government entity!

  2. This will teach Friend a lessen. . .what is that saying? The peacemakers should inherit the Earth? Obviously not here in Evansville. . .WARNING. . .stay clear of known narcissistic individuals. . . maybe Friend did not realize that their were no democrats to be found at the FOP that faithful evening. . . only Mosbycrats.

    • Yep . .Ol’ Friend had his comeupins. . . . he just doesn’t understand when you are confronted with the likes of the Blonde Bomb and Weaver the Weasel who will climb trees to lie versa stand on the ground to tell the truth. . .BEWARE. . . the only credit that should be given to Friend is apparently he kept this pathway of retreat clear and open to the rear of the joint . . .

    • Wait a minute. . .confused. . .what do you get when you cross a republican and a democrat. . .Johnny, we have WINNER. . .you get the Mosbycrat . . .

      Really surprised that Friend was able to address both the Bomb and the Weasel . . generally they are standing around texting Sinister Schaefer receiving marchin orders. . .and. . why was Russ Lloyd there? Shouldn’t he be back at the ranch working on how to address the Council concerning the missing $400,000 . . .but of course. . .Mr. Mounts has addressed that issue. . “it has been taken care of” . . .code for “mind you own business”

      • Remember when Russ went to the Cher Concert instead of helping the citizens of Evansville when their basements were flooded with raw sewage. But he said …. it’s Cher!

  3. I’m surprised none of the idiots on here have claimed Obama hit Ziemer with a car.

    • Give them time! They are still working on their “spin”! Likely still trying to confirm the driver’s 2008 & 2012 presidential vote!

    • Ted and anyone else out there riding a bicycle on the streets, roads and highways are taking their lives in other drivers hands. I wish him a speedy recover and hope he is doing better.

    • At Ted’s advanced age, Mr. Obama would suggest that he “just take the the pain pill”. Mr O is not a proponent of spending our resources on white people that have worked and paid taxes all their lives when there are so many unemployed needing those funds.

      • I am, of course, referring to those that were taught, by example, to vote for a living rather than work for one. Their children are being taught the same.

        • You’re the one making a very racist assumption. It must be difficult for you to follow a thread that does not include name calling and insults as t h at is your MO – the only arrows in your quiver.

      • Where did you come up with that BS. You know when you try to put words in other people’s mouths it make you look like the fool that you are. Spreading lies about Obama like that makes you look weak and desperate. Obama did a lot to help the White guys working at GM and the other failing car companies. He also helps more students go to college with lower costs due to trying to increase the amount of grant money given to kids going to school. The vast majority of kids benefiting from that are white Caucasian people. Although black students who are smart also could quality for money to go to school. And when people join the military and do well and get an honorable discharge they get money to go to school via the GI bill.

        • Perhaps you didn’t catch the sound bite when Obama suggested that, “Instead of surgery maybe Grandma could just take a pain pill”. It probably wasn’t shown on mid-stream media.

  4. It is sad to hear that Mr. Ziemer is a victim of infrastructure neglect. . . if only his boss would have focused more attention to the basics of local government and less on pleasing the caviar consumers. . .but here against that will not fill the campaign treasury now will it?

    • Weaver being the former TV Weather man probably thought that John Friend’s single finger was indicating to Weaver to smile at Camera Number 1.

  5. —-I’ll say it out loud,—Mr Friend the implications of your gesture says it all,
    –and I couldn’t have said it better myself! Thanks!

    • Probably the reason Friend used just one finger. . .why . . those bozos obviously can not count beyond the number one . . . it has been said that the Bomb is the only High School Grad with a master’s degree . . .you know. . the five year plan . . .

  6. Now that Ms Riecken has arrived back from the Den of Vipers, a/k/a the General Assembly featuring Bosma, the Bozo . . .and Pence the Prince . . she now has devoted time to address the critical issues of our fair City . . .Blight, Crime, Infrastructure, Quality of Life, and of course the mac-daddy of all, Winnecke’s World of Wild and Wasteful Spending. . .there will many of those who will say, “what are YOU going to do differently”? Hopefully, her response will be what I’m NOT going to do. . . jump into projects without thoughtful planning and execution unlike Jumpin Jack Flash a/k/a Santa Lloyd. . . rumor has it that shovels used in the previous four ground breaking events have wore off the gold paint . . .and the anticipated fifth ground breaking will be delayed until Sherwin-William receives it’s next supply of the color of gold . . .

  7. Well sure, let’s get giddy for Gail because providence has decreed that after 202 years she should be mayor.

    • Providence has said that it’s time for a women mayor…. Maybe….. But common sense tells us that it’s time to get ride of Whinny. He is a tax and spend Mosbycrat and needs to go.

      • Getting rid of Whinney does not get rid of our problems. Gail is part of the same problem. Someone like Musgrave, man or woman, might be able to move the city in a better direction.

        The giddy for Gail crowd must be the local chapter happy for Hillary club.

        • Cheryl Musgrave might make a good Mayor but she needs to run for Mayor before that can happen. Right now the only woman running for the Mayor’s office in Evansville, IN is Gail Riecken and she would be who I would vote for if I lived inside the city limits.

      • Providence has said it’s time for a woman mayor? BS. How about we elect the most qualified peron we can get regardless of gender? You sound like the mindless idiots who will vote to elect hillary simply because she has a v—– and for no other reason. Shameful.

    • Wait a minute. I thought men were excluded this next set of elections. You mean we ARE allowed to vote for Winnecke? (….let’s see. Hmmm. Vote for W? Or do we risk setting fire to all of the city?)

  8. Would have liked to seen the 65 year old Friend wipe the floor with the wife beater. I am still smarting over paying $ 100 for the Mayweather/Manny Pac fraud, and was hoping to get value here.

    • 10:15 AM Courier & Press online has a headline ‘Man arrested for alleged machete attack’. There is a picture of an unknown man, and above that a picture of Friend. Good choice John, machete is very effective.

  9. Out-of-control rage, a general lack of personal discipline, and a specific problem with alcohol seems to be common denominator among a significant segment of Gail Riecken’s followers. After this last incident, she would do well to eject John Friend from her campaign. He acted in a completely childish and unprofessional way. Recall too his smirking reaction to being ticketed for endangering others while driving his boat while drunk.

    Gail Riecken needs to clean house before this situation spins further out of control. Given the overwhelming advantage that Democrats have in Evansville, she does not need the votes or support of the most twisted, extremist haters in the local party.

    • Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed again Fireback? Your rants are getting trying and boring. Go away Troll.

      • You believe that it is the mark of a serious and professional public officeholder to scream at and flip off another in a public venue?

        This is a sad comment on your character.

        • Probably out of control rage would have been Friend pinching off the Weasel’s head and crapping down his neck…figurative of course. . .

        • Where did you get your major character faults from Backfire. You seem to have them in droves.

        • Backfire you don’t get to tell me what I believe and you certainly don’t get to tell me what I should say. And you never ever will speak for me. Anything that Backfire says that I say is most likely fabricated or made up. So please ignore this idiot troll. BTW where did Cowgirl go? These two trolls have a lot in common.

          • You have a serious case of immaturity and lack of anger management. It is apparent now that Gail Riecken disagrees with your support of John Friend’s juvenile antics.

    • riecken is from the party of owebama. I would expect her followers to be cut from the same bolt of cloth as those who were stupid enough to elect this disaster, this traitor, twice. No to riecken.

  10. After Weaver called him a liar Friend should have simply lamped the loomster and moved on.

    • It’s it said that the truth will set you free. . .? and the truth will set the voters free when like cream will raise to the top. . .the Weasel’s wifebeating episodes will turn to cream. . .allegedly lawsuits for his deadbeat days in Indy . . and his womanizing behavior will also become creamy. . .

  11. Friend/Lindsey/Brinkerhoff-Riley…

    Don’t let the door hit your butt on the way out. You won’t be missed. Not one bit.

      • Just think. . .next year. . you will have Messy messing up the budget. . .Russ will breathe a sigh of relief knowing she could not pass remedial arithmetic that is if this town has to endure four more years of Santa and Christmas Carol . . . the Bomb with her finger on the budget trigger and . .what a sobering thought. . .

      • Obviously. . .Melissa Mosby must be on a part-time basis for her to have so much time to browse the CCO?

        Just wondering with Big Al off the Council who will be her next victim? Remember the mentality…”Take No Prisoners”. . . who can not forget Wendy Bredholds. . .wasn’t she in Melissa’s gun sights? What a drama queen. . .

        • Wendy was a good City Council Woman. I liked her and SBR both. I can’t really stand Missy. She is so fake. Fake blond hair and fake attitude. She might have found the right job for herself. Selling houses as even a blind mouse sometimes find a piece of cheese accidentally.

          • SBR made unquestionably violent threats against others that should at the very least have resulted in a restraining order being granted against her; only insider privilege protected her. You seem to have a fondness for extremist haters. We need to dial back the politics of rage and immature feuds in this city.

    • Lots of people will miss SBR and her fighting to open up the Exit Edit Process so that the General Public can see how the SBOA whitewashed the audit. Clean audit my butt.

  12. Pardon my political ignorance, but what exactly is the definition of “campaigned as an unofficial slate”. Especially the content that was used for the Weaver and Mosby campaigns in this mornings’ article.

    • Kind of like a pres/vice pres ticket. They’re all Facebook and tweeter buddies and picked up trash together during election season. Simply put, they banded together and were seen as kind of a package.

  13. Of course the local media will only focus on what happened at the end. Admittedly, John did not act in a professional manner. I wonder why he even bothered to show up at Missy and Weaver’s get together?.

    However, will the media report on what Weaver and Mosby did to provoke a 65 year old man to flip them the bird and storm out? Had to be more than just being called a liar.

    To be fair John was helping Steve Davis with advice and small donations. That had to get back to Jona-Missy.

    Evansville is a mess.

    • Excellent post, especially the last four words. Evansville is a mess. Isn’t that exactly what John Friend said that Weinzapfel left Winnecke?

    • Word has it that Mosby expected door to door involvement. . .her belief is simply. . you are either for me or against me. . .and of course relationships with her apparently is one sided. . .but one thing is probably for sure now. . . there will be no Christmas Cards coming at least from Friend. . .be assured. . Christmas Carol will supply any void. . .
      Just imagine. . .Mosby sitting on Santa Lloyd’s lap as they ride off on his sleigh…and a Ho, Ho, Ho. to you. . .code for touch your toes. . .

  14. Simply put, Evansville city government from the top man down, sucks. We deserve better. The entire administration should be embarrassed. And then they should resign.

      • Yea most of the voters resigned and didn’t show up but it had a unintended effect. The small percentage of voters in the Primary got their way without much opposition. This is what happens when the voters are so frustrated with the system that they just don’t even care anymore and stay home on election day.

        But wait until the next police shooting happens in a black neighborhood and all hell is going to erupt. Burn that bitch down was the rally call from Mike Brown’s Stepfather in Ferguson, Missouri a while back. And see what happened there and in Maryland too. This is going to get worse before it gets better and the people finally say enough is enough.

        • “But wait until the next police shooting happens in a black neighborhood and all hell is going to erupt. Burn that bitch down was the rally call from Mike Brown’s Stepfather in Ferguson, Missouri a while back. And see what happened there and in Maryland too. This is going to get worse before it gets better and the people finally say enough is enough.”

          Oddly enough, a man was murdered last night in the center city and nobody saw nuttin’…

          In light of Ferguson, Baltimore, etc., I would have guessed there would be public outrage that yet another black male has been lost to senseless violence. Guess not.

          • Like it or not, there is a difference between gang violence and cops gunning down unarmed men. I know your biased racist pea brain would like to think they’re equal, but they’re not.

          • Delta that murder or shooting made me think about back when the Mayor’s were talking about putting the new Arena and I am many other’s complained about the problems with downtown. We were all assured that the Downtown and it’s surrounds were perfectly safe. So much for that now! Crime rates are high in the downtown area and not they are not only steeling stuff out of parked vehicles but they are shooting people down there.

            The far East side would have been a better place for the new Arena and the IU Medical School. The East side area I’m talking about has much less crime and better infrastructure and parking. But now the Mayor wanted things to be put in the stupid downtown area next to his condo. He didn’t even listen to the rest of the people or take a poll to see where the citizens wanted to build a new area or even if the people wanted a new arena in the first place. And where are all those high tech concerts that could not be held in the Robert Stadium due to the structure of Roberts Stadium not being able to hold up their lights and other gear for their shows. Those big shows are not performing at the new Fraud Center either. That excuse to tear down Robert and build the Fraud Center downtown were just that. Excuses.

          • I agree. It is very sad to see posters like Ghost willing to turn a blind eye to thousands of murders of young black men so that he and those like him can pursue their vendetta of hatred against the police.

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