Home archived-iit IS IT TRUE May 7, 2014

IS IT TRUE May 7, 2014

Mole #??
Mole #??
IS IT TRUE that the people of Vanderburgh County went to the polls yesterday and spoke loudly against the preferred local Republican GOP Central Committee slate of candidates? …in the race for the Republican nomination for County Commissioner, Bruce Ungenthiem handily defeated Vanderburgh GOP Chairman Wayne Parke and Mayor Winnecke’s choice to re-elect incumbent Marsha Abell by a dominating 10 points? …in the other contested race  Mayor Winnecke’s and GOP Chairman Wayne Parke’s choice to elect politically caucus appointed incumbent County Councilman Pete Swaim was solidly defeated by newcomer to politics John Montrastelle?

IS IT TRUE despite spending what may be a record of nearly $50 for every vote she received Commissioner Abell could not overcome the stigma of having supported consolidation and having engineered the giveaway of $3 Million Vanderburgh County tax dollars to bail the City of Evansville out for prematurely demolishing the Executive Inn? …Commissioner Abell also has been embattled over crafting the gift of the supposed valueless naming rights of The Centre to Old National Bank for an investment in a downtown convention hotel in the amount of $14 Million? …when all was said and done these things were too much for even a last minute push that included excessive spending on radio and TV ads featuring Mayor Winnecke as her biggest fan?  …in spite of this astounding defeat, we do acknowledge a lifetime of public service that Commissioner Abell has put in for the people of Vanderburgh County as an elected official?

IT TRUE the biggest losers in this year’s Republican primary  are Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke and GOP Chairman Wayne Parke who went all in with their endorsements and money for Commissioner Abell? …perhaps Abell would have been better off if she had decided not to run as she had told everyone who would listen that the election in 2010 was her last?  …we do wish her well as she gets on with her life after politics?

IS IT TRUE the turnout for this election of only 8,104 out of the 143,057 registered voters in Vanderburgh County is a bid loss to us all as a paltry turnout of 5.7% of eligible voters implies a level of interest in the candidates that is staggeringly low for a place that should pride itself in participation? …this is roughly 19 of every 20 registered voters that chose to sit home instead of cast a vote for the candidates? …this is an abysmal statement on the engagement of the people of Vanderburgh County and the City of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE the Indiana State Board of Accounts has still not published the 2012 audits that the taxpayers paid for? …this is not an acceptable way to report in a transparent manner?  …we expect the audits will show up now that the primary season is over and will be watching closely to see if the words allegedly used in the exit interview actually make it into the written report?

IS IT TRUE the City County Observer wonders if Vanderburgh County Republican Chairman Wayne Parke has read the first paragraph of the Sherman Antitrust Act which reads as follows: Every “conspiracy, in restraint of trade or commerce” is illegal, the act says.

“Every person who shall make any contract or engage in any combination or conspiracy hereby declared to be illegal shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and, on conviction thereof, shall be punished by fine” or “by imprisonment not exceeding three years, or by both said punishments.”

IS IT TRUE the alleged actions of GOP Chairman Wayne Parke to interfere with long running business relationships established between the CCO and certain advertisers did indeed result in some of our long running ads being cancelled? …the monthly damages to our business has amounted to about $1,200 per month? …the annualized loss of revenue amounts to $14,400 due to alleged violations of the Sherman Antitrust Act clause on restraint of trade? …it is now time for the City County Observer to seek relief for this alleged act which is clearly illegal and in violation of free trade? …that is about as un-American and un-Republican as one can be?


  1. I will never forget the exact moment when it became official at the Ungethiem campaign HQs that he had won. Pure pandemonium.

    This is truly a historical victory and one that I myself have been waiting to see for quite some time. Never has a machine candidate been defeated like this.

    Thank you Bruce and thank you CCO for what is undoubtedly a strong, strong message that the machine is now at the mercy of the CCO.

  2. CCO you rock. Good public policy finally prevails. Thanks for taking a principally political stance against the GOP Political Machine.

  3. Well, well it looks like the time for a positive change has arrived. Special thanks to the CCO for being the true watch dog for the citizens of this community.

    Move over Courier and Press looks like we now have a true for accurate reporting

  4. This is a VERY good day for Vanderburgh County, and Evansville’s citizenry. Maybe this is the beginning of the unraveling of the grip, the entrenched “Good Ol’ Boys” Club, peopled by thugs from both parties, have had for far too long on Evansville, and Vanderburgh County.

  5. Audit not released yet? What else do you expect when you have a crew of four non-CPA’s on the audit? Airhead lives up to her nickname. Her normal voice is a whiny voice and according to my sources, she audits like it’s the 1980’s. Her sidekick, Shamu is bossy but yet is a rookie? I don’t know how that works. Sheldon Cooper is an astro-physicist working as a SBOA auditor during the day. The only decent once of the bunch was Cowabunga who I saw yesterday waxing his surfboard in the Civic Center parking lot. It’s no wonder that Indy has sent in General Sherman to clean up this mess!

    • Russ,

      Quit blaming inexperienced auditors. If those young auditors even attended 25 % of their college classes, they know enough to out you on these cooked books !

    • General Sherman? More like Charlie Harper! He’s been seen hanging out with college students at Hooters and Show-Me’s as well as won’t ask the girl that he’s been dating to marry him after many years of dating!

  6. Re low voter turnout, make election days federal holidays. Too bad our slavery employment system won’t allow it.

    • …you know TJ, slaves don’t get paid.

      The issue isn’t the employers or the employment system. You’re shooting the wrong guy.

      (AND incorrectly applying such harsh language to the business constituency, most of whom are good guys creating jobs that help fund and raise families all around you, you expose yourself to be called “another misguided liberal.”).

      The issue is simple, easy access to voting!

      The VOTING system is the issue.

      (Shame on you again for attacking employers.)

      And making it complicated and difficult to vote…a CLEAR intention of many horrible legislators….is why turnout was so low.

      • Ah, but the slaves did get paid according to Michelle Bachmann. They did get food and housing, which is more than you can afford on minimum wage. If you ask me we do still have slavery, we just don’t call it that anymore and it’s not limited to blacks. Just because you’re not being held at gunpoint doesn’t mean you aren’t a slave.

        • ….Tom,

          The issues. They are important to you. We were discussing successful voter-turnout and voting access though, weren’t we?


          it seems you enjoy being a boat-rocker…

          …MORE than winning some level of justice you are seeking.

          (“We need a boat-rocker! Who wants to play the boat-rocker? I do! I do! It’s the ONLY role I want!”)

          • Purveyors of social justice agendas like Ghost, do not really want justice or give a damn about society. Their stock in trade is to bitch and whine about “da man” who is responsible for all that ails us. When it comes to picking up a broom to help clean out the barn such people are useless.

        • Tom,

          I would recommend avoiding references or analogies to atrocities if possible. Slavery, the holocaust, Native American genocide, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Nazis etc. No matter how carefully crafted or well intentioned your statement it is liable to be an issue.

          Some thoughtless, heartless, republcian idiot just compared the holcaust to Obamacare. Don’t be like them, just don’t go there.

          • Tom lives there. It is all he knows just like the folks you refer to in your second paragraph which sort of defeated the logic you showed in your first one. Take your own advice.

          • My analogy is apples and oranges compared to some idiot saying people getting access to healthcare is like the extermination of jews.

          • …and Tom, your analogy is so poorly handled you lose your credibility on an issue that demands it. You’re not helping, and you damage the cause you ostensibly support…if indeed you want that….OR you just enjoy the role of the boat-rocker.

    • With early voting opportunities, everyone should have a window of time if they really want to vote.

      A unpaid day off for a general election may not be a bad ideal. It may bring back the importance of voting in which many generations of people over the years have defended by blood, sweat, and tears.
      I personally do not think the turn out would be much better because of the laziness of the voters and the quality of candidates and the force behind them, to which to choose from.

      • Ideally election day would be on a Saturday when the most people are off work and we could all go home and watch the results on TV, but that would literally mean an amendment to the constitution.

        I think a national holiday sounds good on paper but plant workers, nursing home workers, doctors, nurses, police, fire, emergency workers etc would still have to work and most of the fast food chains and major retailers would ignore that holiday.

        I think Vanderburgh County does an excellent job with the early voting, and the voting centers.

        Having to stand in line 8 hours, without being able to use the washroom?…… Not so much.

        • I have lived in 6 different states and voted in 12 different polling places plus mail in ballots. It has never been any more of a problem than going to the dentist or attending an after school event for one of my children.

          With mail in ballots, voting is as easy as it has ever been. When you look at other countries that are new to voting at all, having 80% participation rates and people who walk for miles to vote it makes me ashamed of the complacency of Americans when it comes to voting.

          Anyone who will not take the initiative to mail in a ballot or find the time to go to the polls simply forfeits their right to have a say in our governance. It is sad and it does not bode well for our country going forward.

        • I’m thinking that it is no accident that nice, white, suburban neighborhoods don’t experience the long lines that those in urban areas with a high percentage of minority voters do. Ohio and Florida were absolute travesties in the last national election and more states are trying to move that way. I’m not sure which state it was, but a couple of weeks back, one even passed a law making it legal for the “True the Vote” volunteers to stand as close as three feet from a voter who is casting their ballot. All of this is the doing of those who cast themselves as “The Patriots.”

          • Precinct workers come from within the precincts in most places. If the inner cities have disorganized polls it is probably because they are being run by disorganized people. Planning and attention to detail can solve not just the chaos of voting in the ghetto, it may just solve many of the problems of living in the ghetto too.

          • @ Fixit guy:

            That is NOT true. Election officials decide on the number of machines and the days available to vote. Poll workers often DO NOT come from the precincts they work in, but it makes no difference HOW organized they are, if they are assigned half as many machines as the suburban precincts and have as many or more voters.
            “Know it all attitudes” from people who know nothing is what feeds the far-right hatefulness.

          • You can save your racial and economic class warfare for another argument. The number of polling places and machines are based on historical numbers. It makes sense that you would see a large influx of voters at the polls in ’08 because of Obama’s draw from the black & inner-city voters. Many of these people openly said that they have never voted before and the only reason that they were voting was to support Obama. The election board would not be able to accurately determine the number of machines needed. If the groups that work so hard within the black community to exploit them for their vote would also educate people on things like early voting, it would help alleviate the rush on election day. Instead, they just push for new registrations and let the people suffer through the long lines so they can then push the empty rhetoric of unjust conditions for the poor minorities.

    • Get real, voting is easier than ever. Plenty of time to get the job done. City, county, state and federal employees need to be held to the same holiday schedule of the industry standard.

    • Speaking of slavery and election day being a national holiday, I suggest eliminating Columbus Day by turning it into Election Day as a national holiday and here is why:

      “Columbus supervised the selling of native girls into sexual slavery. Young girls of the ages 9 to 10 were the most desired by his men. In 1500, Columbus casually wrote about it in his log. He said: “A hundred castellanoes are as easily obtained for a woman as for a farm, and it is very general and there are plenty of dealers who go about looking for girls; those from nine to ten are now in demand.”

      “He forced these peaceful natives work in his gold mines until they died of exhaustion. If an “Indian” worker did not deliver his full quota of gold dust by Columbus’ deadline, soldiers would cut off the man’s hands and tie them around his neck to send a message. Slavery was so intolerable for these sweet, gentle island people that at one point, 100 of them committed mass suicide. Catholic law forbade the enslavement of Christians, but Columbus solved this problem. He simply refused to baptize the native people of Hispaniola.”

      “On his second trip to the New World, Columbus brought cannons and attack dogs. If a native resisted slavery, he would cut off a nose or an ear. If slaves tried to escape, Columbus had them burned alive. Other times, he sent attack dogs to hunt them down, and the dogs would tear off the arms and legs of the screaming natives while they were still alive. If the Spaniards ran short of meat to feed the dogs, Arawak babies were killed for dog food.”

      And if you fail to vote on Election Day Holiday, you would automatically be placed first in line for jury duty OR, you would have to listen to 40 hours of civics lessons from Wayne Parke.

      Low turn out problem – Solved……………….

  7. 2010 county election had aprox 10,000 votes for county commissioner, vrs 8,100 yesterday. Normal non presidential year, county fall elections usually draws no less then about 40% of all voters. Something city only elections can only dream about.

    As the dust settles from this primary, it will be interesting of what odd combinations of bedfellows will led into this fall and beyond.

  8. West side Outrage at Shoddy treatment by Abell on Parkway issues also a factor in defeat!

  9. CCO has definitely established itself as a force to be reckoned with in local politics! Keep up the good work for good public policy over highly profitable politics.
    CCO absolutely SHOULD see proper relief in the losses incurred through Mr. Parke’s actions. If questionable practices are not called out and dealt with publicly, they will continue.
    Watching this all unfold is going to be really interesting for politics geeks like me. I don’t think it has dawned on the current “ruling class” just how badly yesterday’s events bode for them.

    • My armchair perspective says the CCO should legally pursue Mr. Parke. While the CCO does have the documentation of those advertisers cancelling the big issue would be getting them in front of a judge and admit to being asked or pressured directly or indirectly to cancel by Parke or associates. I suppose on that point it highly depends on the individuals to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

      Unless hard evidence came out the only thing left is circumstantial. If it was done under the Sherman Act you need something more than that being it is a federal violation. On the other hand I suppose the CCO could go for a civil case which has much less stringent evidentiary requirements.

      It also goes without say; IANAL.

      • The best olive branch solution would be for Parke and Abell to offer the CCO full restitution plus something to atone for their actions from her remaining political campaign fund. They should then give the rest to Ungethiem for the general election. Don’t hold your breath. I bet that money is going straight back to Winnecke.

      • Joe,EKB;D: “alleged violations of the Sherman Antitrust Act clause on restraint of trade?”

        Analytics trending/mapping with timing and source conditionals “clearly” show the “point contacts” in concern to some persons or organizations involved, however, the whole picture goes beyond the current CRC.
        Point contacts always lead to the drivers, science follows the indicators by trace contact, a closed door or excessive shade is a 20th century technique, as well as, that methodology an obsolete system of the “mean of the concerns.”

        You really don’t have to delve too far the daily facial wash down offerings by the other local media propaganda sources as those “clearly” show steerable subject point event margin’s.

        In simple terms you’re competition fails when it comes to the communication touch point contacts, in fact all indicators show active trending for your subject matter to provide provisional steerage of some coverage points as offered through public access to the systematically given propaganda drivers. [Test Conclusions: “clearly” show machine propaganda trending per subject or events push points.]
        Our teams analytic remains ongoing per data on this trending, and,is also being applied Internationally on systematic media drivers due Changed Climate actions, this application is for “positive planning” for “doable actions” per any location planet wide for “realistic solutions and methodology needed” for usable climate change planning.
        Its analytics have followed the political aspects there only due that areas dependency on its very low value infrastructure that has already failed by the last centuries EPA/Regulatory standards.

        “Thus any true working government for its people must find its balance with viable sustainable solutions forward.” (V team)

        (BTW) Hans Moleson; Our teams data does include inputs from some outstanding Astrophysicists along with other environmental planet scientists,as well.


    • Elkaybee,

      I do find it curious that you discerned a subliminal message in my post of May 5. It was a straight-forward observation that there are many who enjoy the fruits of others’ labors without any personal contribution, and you automatically assumed I was speaking in racial terms. I made no mention of any race or ethnicity; it was your assertion that those people not paying income taxes are non-Caucasian , as evidenced by you comment that I should familiarize myself with the Fifteenth Amendment. The left, of course, infers race in every issue, which only serves to deepen the abyss that separates us. A racist, in its’ most basic terms, is one who beholds the world through the prism of race, even envisioning “subliminal” implications of racism.

      • Ellen, you apparently didn’t read my next post, which pointed out my typo, that I had meant the 14th ammendment, but I did suggest you look over 15th as well. There is nothing subliminal in your posts at all. I am glad to see you took the time to look, even though it took a few days.
        Congratulations, as well, on learning that there is no apostrophe in our President’s name.

  10. CCO,

    If you file a Sherman Act claim, you will be headed to Federal Court and will spend every penny you have.

    Just file a tortious interference with contract claim and you will win in State court.

    • We will only do what our attorney Scott Danks recommends. Thank you for having our back though.

    • ….aaaah, but then the CCO would forfeit treble damages!

      Oh. But that only amounts to $43K.

      Alas, I think Danks is gonna say….”I don’t see a lot of money here, except for me. Maybe you should just leave the front and center ‘Bruce Ungethiem Ad’ from Voting Day up all the next day just to rub that right in their face.”

  11. CCO,

    Buy a clue, and then some radio advertising.

    CCO got a big gift from the Courier & Press when they adopted their ill-fated “must be a subscriber to comment on articles” policy.

    That influx of new CCO readers may have been the 610 extra votes (a lot of former C&P readers also tired of ‘The Machine’) needed for Mr. U !!

    Now double down and run some inexpensive ads to get your web address “out there”–just in time for the Mayoral and City Council races in 2015 !

  12. A. Ever since we got rid of precinct voting and went to the voting centers the participation rate of voting has plummeted! But nobody wants to say anything about that because, god forbid, poor people may actually participate and vote. And it might be cheaper to do it that way, but the way I see it Democracy is process – you cannot put a price tag on giving EVERYBODY the chance to vote. Yeah, you’ve got a car, you’ve got a cell phone, you’ve got a computer, you’ve got education – and you THINK everybody else does. But you’re wrong, particularly when the elderly are concerned, and particularly when the poor are concerned. Your response? “Poor people shouldn’t vote…” Yeah. I know you’d say that. Ain’t that America.

    B. Wayne Parke needs to RESIGN – YESTERDAY – because he cannot be trusted.

    C. The race for Ungethiem is not over. It’s a 2 lap race and he’s only completed 1 lap. Wayne, Marsha, and all of the Democrats who went to visit Ungethiem yesterday at his celebration party are NOT TO BE TRUSTED – they’ll be meeting behind closed doors to find a MONEY MAN from the establishment to run against Bruce. (Didn’t anybody find it odd that the Democrats came over to Bruce’s party? That’s beyond weird … Do they not know there are supposed to be BOUNDARIES?)

    • Point C – Wayne and Marsha did not come to the FOP, but Wayne posted a congrats on facebook. Marsha has been silent, unbecoming of a looser to not congradulate the winner.

    • Regarding Dems going to Bruce’s celebration.

      As a partisan Dem, if I saw Bruce in public or at a meeting I would not hesitate to shake his hand and congratulate him. I would sincerely mean every word of it.

      Coming to his celebration party????

      That IS just plain weird and ackward.

    • Bravo! Your point “A” is absolutely “spot on.” I agree with your point “B” and “C”, as well. The closed door meeting is probably going on right now. It might be fun to start a “pool” on who the so-called Democratic candidate will be, but I’ll bet it is a “done deal” before the committee people know anything about it.

      • Agreed.

        One big problem for them though, they can’t just nominate anybody that lives in the County. The nominee will have to live in the correct district which could rule out a lot of possibilities.

        • I live in that district. Hmmm. Just kidding. I heard from a very reliable source that there was a Democrat play to help Ungethiem win so they can put up a candidate against him. Marsha being out of the picture puts the unions back on the Democrat side. I think we’re in for an interesting election season.

          P.S. Thank you to everyone that had the courage to put their name on yesterday’s ballot. You’ve entered the arena and that is commendable. Congratulations to all of the winners in the Republican primary. I hope everyone is starting to work on their general election campaign. No rest for the weary. Godspeed.

          • The Marsha/Bruce race was supposed to be close, turned into a landslide. Not to take anything away from Ungethiem, but interject a rare bird into a close race and look what happens. Strong arm advertisers into taking money out of a man’s pocket and you should be sure that person doesn’t run a newspaper, online or otherwise.

            ‘I heard from a very reliable source that there was a Democrat play to help Ungethiem win so they can put up a candidate against him.’ ~~ Ph..

            You reckon?

            So, it was a ‘Democrat play’ that did ole Marsha in. Solved. Sort of. Actually kinda looks like the Republicans were fed up. There is no good way to spin this for Winnecke, Abell, McNeil or the Phoenix.

            • Marsha was “done in” by her own ignorant speech about “high tech computer people not producing a dime” and “them retired folks not paying their way”. Someone in the party made the recording and the CCO had the balls to publish it. That is what “done” Marsha in. Similar statements that went unpublished should have “done er in” years ago.

          • (Tiredofit)
            It amazes me that for several years now politicians, usually older ones, have been caught on video and audio saying things like she did. It costs them dearly. I’d think by now they’d be a little more circumspect, speaking as if they knew the recorder was rolling.

            Not sure what it cost Marsha or Romney, but I’d guess quite a bit. Maybe not the race, but certainly a significant number of votes.

          • You’re talking about less than 5% of registered voters that voted on this race. Specifically, 2.4% of registered voters voted for Ungethiem and 1.97% voted for Abell. This was in no way a statement on anything. There’s no spin involved at all. That’s just the numbers.

            • It is a strong statement that 95% of the people in Evansville don’t care enough about local government to get out and vote. We either have a useless bunch of people or fielded a slate of useless candidates. Which do you choose.

          • Yoda, the trend is disturbing. It seems like more and more people are taking this great freedom for granted. Being fed up with politics on the whole is not new. People have been complaining about politics since the Roman Times and before. We, as a society, have seemed to get lazier and lazier. It’s almost like you have to love a candidate for them to actually earn your vote anymore. People come out to vote for Obama, Ron Paul, and others that have almost a cult-like following. I don’t believe it had anything to do with either candidate. We fielded four good candidates in the most talked about races. That makes me feel comfortable about our party. The results show that Ungethiem did well at getting his core supporters to participate and that is all that was needed in this election. Montrastelle did some great old-school politics by getting out there and “pressing flesh and kissing babies” so to speak. I’m looking forward to the next six months and I hope that we’ll have four fresh faces win on election night in Byram, Ungethiem, Montrastelle and Garrett.

      • I think they do it on ranches too. Veterinarians are also suspect.

        I never thought I’d see a line like that in the print edition. Maybe it’s Nut Cutting time at the CP.

        • There will be a lot of that going on there, as the publication sinks further into the “in crowd” tank. I hear Jack Pate got an award the other day, but it was for advertising, not journalistic achievement.

    • Proofreading is elementary. The C & P should be ashamed. Even grading on the curve, they flunked! I’m embarrassed for them. It starts @ the top Timmy.

  13. I’m loving watching phyllip davis coming up with excuses for last nights turnout. Does anyone think he’d be on here complaining about it if abell had won? If the rest of the voters liked here why were they nowhere to be found this week?

    Then he finishes his comments like he always does with a rah rah go every politician that won last night because I might have to kiss up to you too. Thanks for the entertainment phyllip but do you really expect people to fall for your faux cheerleading?

    • I have not offered an excuse for anything. I just put the numbers out there. I have no idea why 95% of the voters in this county did not think that this race was important enough to vote for. I have ideas, but there not worth sharing publicly. I’ve said in the past, that I am a Republican. I help Republicans. Regardless of who wins, I’ll support them. I’ve been consistent with that. I don’t kiss up to anyone. I don’t need to because there’s nothing for me to gain. Have all of the fun that you want trying to examine my words or motives, but I’m pretty transparent and altruistic. I support Republicans for the progress of my community and nation. That’s it. If you can’t accept that and are trying to find other reasons, that may be an indictment on yourself, your personality and your motives.

      • Relax Phoenix, nobody thinks you had anything to do with Marsha getting landslided. Nobody thinks you ‘kiss up to anyone’. Some think you kiss up to everyone.

        Maybe you should address what da boss Wayne thinks about restraint of trade, specifically putting the arm on advertisers, financially impacting the very outlet you use to spout your crap.

        • Phoenix’s hateful and unprofessional response tangent is par for the course for him. It’s quite comical to watch him jump on the ungethiem bandwagon. He keeps telling us he’s quitting the cco. Whens he going to uphold that promise?

        • Bandana – Yes, she was landslided by a whopping .43% of the electorate. That’s pretty much the equivalent of the Freshman & Sophomore class at Reitz. I’d like to hear more about the alleged coercion by Wayne. As far as I know, he does not have the means to punish any of the advertisers on here. I’ve always found it odd that people would advertise on a site that goes out of it’s way to harm the reputation of people that you are friends with.

          ATW – There was nothing hateful or unprofessional in my response. If you think there is, point out the sentence. I’m not emotionally invested in the comments on a message board to be hateful. Like always, circle the wagons and start the misdirection of “he said he would quit” talk. My agreement to stay off these pages was not with you or anyone on here. Therefore, you don’t need to concern yourself it. Truth is, you hate me being on here because I make you look foolish. My facts kill your conspiracies every time. That’s why you and others hold onto this Phoenix thing. Doesn’t bother me. I kind of enjoy envisioning myself rising out of your ashes after I torch your remarks. Phoenix out.

          • I’ve always found it odd that people would advertise on a site that goes out of it’s way to harm the reputation of people that you are friends with.Phyllip Davis

            In other words, only advertise with businesses that say nice things about your candidate or favorite politician, cover up, exercise non-reporting tactics, etc. Like oh say, the C&P.

            You know Phyllip, there are things the local politicians in the Evansville area need to be held accountable for and if you consider that harming their reputation then I think your glasses are a little to rosy and polarized in favor of the Republican party. Keep in mind I am a Republican but in no way will I allow them a free pass or will I play pattycake. They screw up, they will know about it just as I would do that with any other public servant regardless of their political affiliation.

          • Dveatch,

            I agree with you and I don’t find fault with CCO for doing it, but it is also within the prerogative of the advertisers to choose where they advertise. When holding the politicians feet to the fire, you can’t just make baseless accusations and cover it up with an “is it true” at the begininning of the statement. Case in point, the SBOA audit. Is it right to accuse Abell, Winnecke, Pence, and Crouch and their subordinates of felonious fraud and a cover-up to sway an race? In what reality does it even seem conceivable that these people would risk their names, reputation and freedom for a County Commissioner seat? Especially, when said audit has nothing to do with the county’s books. The whole accusation reeks of tin-foil hat conspiracy thinking.

          • Phyllip,

            of course advertisers are free to do as they choose but I think you are trying to skirt the issue. If I recall correctly, the editor stated he was informed in some manner there was indeed some pressure for those advertisers who happen to be Republican to cancel their business with the CCO. The Editor can correct me on that if I am wrong.

            But suppose for the moment I am wrong. For only Republican advertisers to cancel their business with the CCO while the Abell/Bruce race was getting started and going on has a certain smell of interference. That you cannot get around. Was it coincidence? Maybe. Though in all frankness, I have little faith in the local political machine to keep themselves above the board.

            While it may not be right to levy some of the accusations that have been made to individuals regarding the lateness of the SBOA report. There are in my view some very relevant questions about its lateness. The only way I can put it at this moment is; there is a air of dirtiness hanging over the Mayor, the Council, Mr. Parke and Abell.

      • ” I help Republicans.”

        No, you harm Republicans, while trying to help them. You and Wayne are two of the best things that the Democratic Party has going for it, locally.

        • You have no idea of what I do. Your world consists of the comment sections online. Three races that I supported and worked with won yesterday. Keep guessing about who and what I am. A person’s existence is not defined by what you can scrape together while stalking me through the internet.

          • Sounds like Elkaybee’s got you pegged pretty good, Phoenix. Any proof that she ‘stalks you on the internet’? Didn’t think so. You’ve got a full day of bootlicking ahead of you, get at it. Bully.

          • Actually, you calling me Phoenix is from her stalking my LinkedIn profile. I have messages on Facebook where she has contacted me through there without invitation. She’s constantly making remarks about where I live at and what scholol my children go to. If I didn’t know better, I’d think she is writing my biography. You’re so dense that you didn’t even realize that you answered your own question about proof in your post. When you can’t stand up and debate me on facts, you resort to name calling and childish tactics. Why don’t you man up, use your real name and say these things to me in person? It’s not like I’m hard to find. You on the other hand are an internet troll that thrives in the dark spewing hateful and vitriolic rhetoric.

          • Your name calling and threats don’t mean anything to me, Bully. Who in the world would want to find you anyway? Somebody who needs their boots licked?

  14. When Mr. Parke ends up in jail he needs to be sure he brings some K-Y jell with him BIG Bubba loves new meat..hope he gets 3 years..

  15. Am I the only one that noticed that local stocks (Per the ticker on CCO’s main page)appear to be up the day after two ticks, er…long time political office holders… were voted out in their primaries?

  16. Since the Dem’s couldn’t come up with an electable candidate for the primary, wouldn’t it be foolish to take on an even stronger candidate? And if they throw up another good-ole-boy lifer they’ll get beat by 20 points. The same points against Abell will work on most of the old school recaps they think have a chance. Most of the names can be tied to the Homestead tax robbery.

    • I’m not even certain they will run anyone. The County Democratic party is in terrible disarray, and it looks like the Republicans are heading that way, too. It could be the best thing that ever happened to the populace of Vanderburgh County. It seems like the two have merged and are imploding, which may give some decent people a chance to change things here, if we can find some who are willing to try. I know it isn’t likely, but we can hope!

  17. One needs to go to canvass primary results which gives all information one needs. Armstrong and Scott pre4 had over a 15% turnout. “County only” hammered Abel. Joe Kiefer beware! Demo races were only township level. Republicans had something to vote for and did not. Fall will be a different animal, expect close to 40% turnout as usual for a non presidential election.

    • You’re probably correct On the Real estate agent guy Kiefer. Right now our analytics running are showing the dudes toast in the county when the reelection bid comes up,as well.

      We missed the total vote count prediction for your primaries by 137 actual ballots filed “if” that total as published is factual.

      The point data was based on urban declination in metro counties nationwide verses Indiana and the southern region as is with tri state metro opinion indicators in the mix,as well.

      The mean focus point types castings are very similar to local media availability verses overall community trust verses integrity indicators.
      It shows sustainable balances in some areas for the candidate support features our team seems to prefer for location due analysis forward.

      However, the total picture infrastructure and global market access doesn’t favor Evansville city locations as of now. That is an apparent problem as seen from afar. This isn’t being addressed forward by the present focus of the regional commerce drivers.
      “Clearly” any parties candidates on board with the actual emerging global social economic drivers as presented by the planet in THIS century one happens to be in now would likely improve those localized indicators, moved forward.

      Note: We’ve also found a social economic driver from the urban heavy balance side for the upcoming Novembers, one of our members calls that the actual street balance. Those do not bode well for any candidate who might have participated in the passing of what the young District of Columbia beltway Lady forecasts as state level Her direct quote on that, as follows; “Uselessly applied, however,socially pointed Ogres Law*.”



      “Metro Regional Core Values”* (MRCV) versatility drives durability, that’s you’re tipping point balance to move towards social economic sustainability*”

    • That is interesting. But I will not offer a $10 tithe to leave a comment. Wonder who they have in mind.

    • It stopped being worth anything at all quite a while ago. They title everyone an ‘editor’ there but apparently no one can edit. A paper that lets something like yesterday’s ‘nut cutting’ get in the print edition should cease publication, apologize to their reader and kick that poor soul’s money back.

  18. Editor. I like the visual cues of the thread but the offsetting of comments especially when there is more than two not so much, as in not at all.

  19. Phyllip Davis
    May 8, 2014 at 9:11 am

    You can save your racial and economic class warfare for another argument. The number of polling places and machines are based on historical numbers. It makes sense that you would see a large influx of voters at the polls in ’08 because of Obama’s draw from the black & inner-city voters. Many of these people openly said that they have never voted before and the only reason that they were voting was to support Obama. The election board would not be able to accurately determine the number of machines needed. If the groups that work so hard within the black community to exploit them for their vote would also educate people on things like early voting, it would help alleviate the rush on election day. Instead, they just push for new registrations and let the people suffer through the long lines so they can then push the empty rhetoric of unjust conditions for the poor minorities.


    You’re full of caca. I was heavily involved in the Obama 2008 campaign. I went to nearly every meeting, I must have knocked on a 1000 doors. And yes the black community was on fire during the spring and summer of 2008. And why wouldn’t they be? After being oppressed and discriminated for hundreds of years they had a chance to vote for one of their own to be the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA … AND they could end the lying corrupt homophobic, warmongering, failed plutocracy of W the lesser!!!!!!

    Joe Biden came to town on Nov. 1st 2008, it was a Saturday and I was front and center. The first time in my life I had campaigned for anyone.

    People came from Jasper, from Madisonville, from Effingham, from Olney, all over the whole tri-state. 2008 was really the beginning of the early voting and we pushed the living sh!t out of it, for EVERYBODY.

    Right before Biden closed he pointed at the civic center and told people if they hadn’t already voted they could walk down to the civic center and vote. The crowd roared with approval. Thousands then got clipboards and went doorknocking to GOTV.


    ♫ Here I am, signed, sealed, delivered, I’m yours ♪


    • “AND they could end the lying corrupt homophobic, warmongering, failed plutocracy”

      So how are those goals of ending lies, wars, plutocrats, and homophobes going? Did your savior deliver? By the way, I don’t think gay marriage became an election issue till 2012 when Obama reluctantly got on board after sending Biden the buffoon out to float the trial balloon.

    • I just love it when white, bleeding-heart liberals try to lecture me on the plight of the black race. News Flash!!! I’m black. Those same neighborhoods that you visited to exploit the people are the same neighborhoods that I grew up in and lived in for most of my life. I wonder how well it would fit your mission if you told those same black folks that more blacks have been killed by your abortions than slavery and Obama is the biggest pro-abortion president that we have ever had? Why is it that black people vote for the same party that keeps them in their place…poverty. Don’t believe me? Look at Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, NYC, or LA. All Democrat strongholds and blacks live like they’re in a war zone. I’ve lived it first-hand and speak from experience not theory.

      • Hey, Mr. Misdirection/Change the subject.

        Your reading comprehension skills are severly lacking.

        I never lectured you, nor did I comment on the “plight of the black race”. I spoke to the motivations of black people in 2008.

        You made the wild claim/assertion out of your typical republican conspiratorial backside that liberals/Democrats just registered black people to vote and then didn’t care if they actually made it to the polling place and/or wanted them to stand in line on election day so we could play the victim card. Which is as cray cray as the theory that Hillary asked Vanity Fair to publish the Lewinsky affair so she could relive the most humiliating incident in her life all over again so THEN she and Bill could say it was old news during 2016.

        I then rebutted your ignorant, uniformed stupid a$$ conspiratorial claim with factual evidence and my own personal anecdote to show that your stupid ignorant wild a$$ claim was just that.

        Now hey look over there it is Elvis! Being chased by Trey Gowdy and Darryl Issa in a White Bronco.
        They swear we never landed on the Moon and Elvis HAD to be behind the changed Benghazi talking points. They are going hold Lois Lerner in contempt so they can finally get to the bottom of Obama’s birth certficate and the cooked books of Obamacare and employment numbers. Romney is also president and Zimmerman was getting his head bashed in on the concrete, the stimulus failed, dinosaur bones where planted there by the devil, and Michell Obama is an alien.

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