IS IT TRUE May 6.7, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE May 7, 2012

IS IT TRUE that a strange thing has happened with the traffic patterns of the CCO during the last month or so?…that back during the election of 2011 our traffic was quite high and our Alexa rankings correspondingly moved up?…that a slow steady increase has been happening since early March until when Sunday’s ranking came out the CCO has its highest Alexa ranking ever with no real political contests driving the traffic?…that it seems as though a number of the people of Evansville are coming to the CCO for local government news coverage?…that is probably because the CCO does not dance to the tune of some oligarch who oppresses the news that they do not wish to see published?

IS IT TRUE that Henderson, KY made the travel sections of several national newspapers on Sunday because an old time riverboat docked on their riverfront?…that there were interviews with patrons of the showboat who disembarked in Henderson to spend money with local merchants and eat at local restaurants?…that one would think that Evansville would have had the foresight to have provided a docking place within walking distance of the downtown so river tourists could have the opportunity to spend some good money on this side of the money saving bridge?

IS IT TRUE that Mole #16 tells us that GAGE president Debbie Dewey is floating trial balloons in certain circles about the City of Evansville making a $500,000 loan to an unnamed maker of light aircraft?…that this sounds better than the Earthcare Energy deal in that it is less money and hopefully the company has actually made a plane that flies and is approved for sale?…that we encourage Ms. Dewey to do a better job of vetting this time before she brings any more deals to the City Council?…that we would suggest that she start with a credit check and a background check so we do not end up with an after the vote revelation about tax liens, bankruptcies, convictions, and shell companies that never delivered anything?…that vetting is an activity that takes time, diligence, and a complete absence of emotion and that we hope that for the first time in the history of Evansville City Government that the next project actually gets professionally vetted.

IS IT TRUE that in some circles it is thought that the whole dust up last week about the pending closing of the loan to Earthcare Energy started with a call from one of the members of the Earthcare management team?…that the people of Evansville are becoming more and more disgusted with the failure of the City’s flagship newspaper and the TV stations to cover the vetting done by Councilwoman Stephanie Riley regarding the management team of Earthcare and the status of their product?…that if local news outlets that hold themselves out to the public as being reputable do not think that things like bankruptcies, failed businesses, shell corporations with addresses that are PO Boxes, criminal records, and tax liens are material information then Evansville as a community has a real problem?…that the CCO calls upon the supposed “real news agencies” in this town to do their job and keep local government honest by reporting on Councilwoman Riley’s findings?…that to oppress real news like this is an abdication of journalistic responsibility and it should not be tolerated?…that Freedom of the Press only works when the press is courageous enough not to be a lapdog for special interests?


  1. Wow. I knew you guys were good! But you’re now reporting the news a full day ahead of time.

    It’s only May 6, guys. You’ve got May 7 listed on your IS IT TRUE headline.

    But we still love you. Sick ’em.

  2. Doesn’t the same law firm represent the Mayor’s office and the Courier? If you want a hint as to how the Mayor can control the press look no further than the conflicted relationship of the law firm that represents them both.

    Hey old buddy and partner, how about you give your big publishing client legal advice to leave that story alone?

  3. Not saying the Courier isn’t sitting on this,but,have you read the poor thing lately?
    It’s all AP stuff and strong bicycle safety rules editorials.
    It might be that they are just that bad.

  4. The Evansville Metropolitan area is seriously lacking a credible investigative news source. The Courier, WFIE and WEHT/WTVW have “fallen asleep at the switch”. Good job City-County Observer.

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