IS IT TRUE that the day has arrived that the people of Vanderburgh County who are inclined to vote in the Republican primary can do so in both the County Council race and the County Commissioners race?…at the end of this day we will know who the Republican candidates for these offices will be in the November general election?…Vanderburgh County Republican Party Chairman Wayne Parke has issued an invitation to celebrate the winning candidates tonight at Tropicana at 6:00 PM?
IS IT TRUE that yesterday a letter and email went out from Mayor Winnecke encouraging his supporters and others to choose incumbent Commissioner Marsha Abell to be the Republican candidate?…one of the reasons that Mayor Winnecke gave for supporting Marsha is the fact that he gives her well deserved credit for leading the effort to get the County to kick in $3 Million of incentives for the new downtown convention hotel that is still struggling with lot readiness, a franchise, and financing?…Mayor Winnecke failed to give Marsha credit for brokering a deal for up to a $14 Million payment to support the hotel by Old National Bank in exchange for the “valueless” naming rights to The Centre?…of all of the things that put Evansville at the threshold of a downtown hotel selling this bit of zero value vapor to ONB was the coup de grace (death blow)?…the City would have found a way to do the hotel without the $3 Million but without the ONB deal the hotel was dead?…it will be up to the shareholders of ONB to decide if it was a good deal for the bank?
IS IT TRUE that the entire primary season has come and gone without the 2012 audit of the City of Evansville and the Water and Sewer Utility being released to the public?…the exit interview was on March 12th which has been 55 days ago?…this is enough time for this critical information to have been released to the public?…as we have previously stated, highly placed sources tell the CCO that the 2012 audit is an ADVERSE OPINION which is as bad as it gets in the audit world?…the people of this City deserve to see the opinion they have paid for and withholding it for political purposes is just wrong?
IS IT TRUE that our sources regarding the 2012 audit have advised us that the words “adverse”, non-reconciled accounts”, “payroll problems”, “significant and material weaknesses”, “out of compliance on federal funds”, and “federal violation on comp time accrual” are found multiple times in the findings section of the audit?…it is not an acceptable way to manage the City finances and it is not acceptable to conceal these audits from the taxpayers?…it will be interesting to see if any of these words are not in the final report and even more interesting to see if any of the people who were in the exit interview will call the report out if they have disappeared?
IS IT TRUE there were a series of comments on the CCO last night that seemed to have been started by local businessman Alan Brill?…Mr. Brill is best known for his company Brill Media and for leading the charge to keep Roberts Stadium from being torn down?…Alan made some very good points in his comments about making some positive change and the CCO encourages him to get active in pushing some of his ideas to do so?…Mr. Brill would make an excellent candidate for local office by the command of words he showed in his comments?
IS IT TRUE that as of this posting time we have not yet received the EPD Activity Report for May 5th?…it will be posted as soon as we get it?
…..hmmm, this Brill guy. Dashing too.
The CCO is IN THE SOUP in Evansville. Good job folks.
When I looked, there was no conversation concerning Mr. Brill’s comments, so there must be a “glitch” in the system.
I agree that he makes some good points, but I still feel like Marsha is part of the problem and Bruce is part of the solution. Btw, I agree with Mr. Brill on the need for government consolidation. On the other hand, I can surely support a candidate whose views I don’t totally agree with. That is, if I respect the candidate’s demeanor and motives.
Google this Brill guy. He has been in and out of more bankruptcies and lawsuits than Donald Trump. This guy was some kind of a player back in the 90’s with junk bonds, defaults, and a media empire. I wonder what the hell happened to him.
So what happens if all these negative findings in the audit do come out? Does anybody actually get held accountable? Oh, and what are you implying with the last bit about the police report?
Not implying anything. It usually comes during the night and it is posted in the morning. It simply has not yet arrived.
I think he’s implying that since they busted one of their (former) own yesterday for being a psycho, there might be some politics behind the delayed release.
The fact that the EPD spoke about the arrest of a former officer on all 3 TV networks and with the Courier Press should put any conversations about politics and cover ups to rest. Please put the tin foils hats away.
What is the direct connection between the county primary and the city government audit? “None!” The remote tie would be the political parties that supply the rehashed walking suits!
Clearly, there is no direct connection, but this is Vanderburgh County and politics are everywhere. I expect a bad audit outcome may displease donors whose tentacles reach from Indy to E-town. I know, SBOA is supposed to be non-partisan, but what is “supposed to be” and what “is” are not always the same.
Armstrongres: Here’s the picture. Like the guys we all know back on the tractors by this hour.
VERSATILITY builds DURABILITY, the ULTIMATE COMBINATION for any farm plan, and,should be for ones government,as well.
Bruce Ungethiem and his diverse background make him and the type change he’ll bring to the county commission an CLEAR choice. “WE GET HIS THEME”.
Get ready fellas the nasty storms are back for the end of the week across the nation, they don’t help the efforts, but a real plan to set some working adjustments can.
ScheEIIesh! http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-04-15/canada-s-climate-warms-to-corn-as-grain-belt-shifts-north.html
I think that the State Board was withholding the audit so that Russ and Sheldon Cooper could celebrate Star Wars Day last Sunday. May the Fourth be With You!
Nothing on the SBOA website at 10:45 am.
The commments on Brill’s lengthy salute to Marsha Abell were deleted or never made it to the CCO’s server. His screed is still up for the reading. Mostly damage control for Abell, with Brill saying what she really meant, which is quite a feat since he says he hardly knows her.
Brill did not ‘lead the charge’ to keep Roberts standing. He filed a frivolous last minute lawsuit, pro se, which was given all the respect it deserved.
Run him for office. Add him to your strong bench, Wayne.
He made a couple of good points, but I wondered if he was hired to attempt to clean up Marsha’s mess. It did seem like a lot of effort for someone he knows very casually. I wonder how he knew so much about what she meant, if he barely knows her.
You may be right about him joining Wayne’s bench, but I’m not sure it is the right place to be sitting. We should know within the next 8 to 10 hours!
EKB;Bandana: The Changing climate! Messing with the coffee, now, and the Chocolate! Serious changed climate stuff! Stock up this summers gonna be a El Nino ride we suppose.
Politics are really going to be in a “bind” when your sugar,coffee and chocolate is whacked and skewed on the grocery bill.
I read a good article this morning on ‘climate disruption’ and how it’s deleterious effects are being felt sooner than expected. It’s a real shame it had to be turned into a political issue. Sad, really.
I wondered when they were going to kick the price of coffee way up and what excuse they’d use. It’s been way too good of a buzz for way too long to stay affordable.
Pick out from that article; “Some fossil energy groups, conservative think tanks and Republican senators immediately assailed the report as “alarmist.” Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said President Barack Obama was likely to “use the platform to renew his call for a national energy tax. And I’m sure he’ll get loud cheers from liberal elites — from the kind of people who leave a giant carbon footprint and then lecture everybody else about low-flow toilets.”
It is so politics, because its lives. Its the United States moved forward, It’ll squash ole Mitch McConnell this year, what he saying is beyond being stupid centered now, this is a study mandated by congress every five years, Watch the video, its not a study concerning just detrimental Globally Changed Climate conditionals, “its focus is on the increment that is owned by the people of the United States of America, last time we looked that still included Kentucky, and Indiana. So.” (V)
That’s the AP feed I read somewhere else this morning. Some of those politicos get so wrapped up in science denial that the ‘smoke-filled air diseases from tainted food, water, mosquitoes and ticks’ will seek them out and do them in. It can go under doors. Then come the locusts.
It’s a shame what we’ve done and are doing to this planet. I expect to hear wails of ‘Al Gore’ soon, assuming any of the deniabÅs read or hear about it.
I can do with very little chocolate and sugar, but I’m pretty sure I have to have coffee to survive. Thanks for the tip. I’ll start hoarding it today! There is so much “hidden” sugar in the American diet, that it will drive the costs of processed foods even higher than they are already going.
I’ve read a lot on the subject of climate change today, and I’ll bet there is free-flowing ignorance and superstition being aired today on the Courier threads.
What man believes to be real, will be real in it’s consequences. WI Thomas. Maybe a shortage of something, hoarding starts. Now we have a real shortage.
The primary cause of the climate change is people, too many of them. Every child brought into the world is a little polluter and will be so for 70 plus years. Middleclass white folks are producing fewer children, usually one or two, these children will be nurtured well, educated well and doted on. They will produce other middleclass types unless they’re the off springs of a proud union family in which case all bets are off. This pretty well explains a shrinking middleclass, success begats success. The greatest population increase comes from people of color to include muslims who produce the greatest number of children. People of color have a great propensity to be liberals and democrats. Brilliant, self evident. Don’t want to forget the environmental effect of urban sprawl caused by, “I’m not a racist” white flighters.
Are you a member of an average Hoosier family? If so between 2008 and 2012, your family brought home $48,374 per year in that time span.
Also, if you average Hoosier family decided to self-power with Solar panels or any other type of renewable energy system in your home Vectren would require 24.8% ($12000)of your annual household income in order to install the necessary equipment in order for you to put excess CLEAN power back into the grid.
Also, according to Indiana Law, No power utility is required to pay their customers for power they generate but don’t use.
If you’re like me, you’re cursing right now.
Let your elected officials know it is not okay for The State of Indiana to be tacitly hostile toward green electricity any longer.
(Household Income stats Taken from http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/18000.html )
Brill didn’t lead the charge on Roberts? I was sure he did.
It was indeed Brill who fought the city over Roberts Stadium unless Bandana knows something I don’t.
‘It was indeed Brill who fought the city over Roberts Stadium unless Bandana knows something I don’t.’ ~~ Jim Changing The Wording And Thus The Issue
Quite a few people ‘fought the city over Roberts’. Brill was against closing and demolishing Roberts but it’s a huge stretch to say he ‘led the charge’. He filed an eleventh-hour suit to try to stop it without benefit of attorney that went nowhere. If that was ‘leading the charge’ he needs to get in touch with the Light Brigade, Lord Cardigan could have used a tactician like him.
Hate to get bogged down in the minutia of things that no longer matter. Call it what you want. Charge on.
I associate Jordan with the efforts to save Roberts more than any other one person.
Read Mr. Brill’s comments and can easily agree with him about consolidation. There’s little doubt if done right it could save millions of tax payer dollars. We have a basic trust issue with our politicians, we don’t trust them because they’re not trustworthy. In my humble opinion, to consolidate Evansville/Vanderburgh would be like giving a shopping addict with 5 maxed out credit cards a new one. How can you trust people who voted to give a loan to Earthcare, created a non profit to forego the bidding process, tried to steal the homestead exemption tax and wasted millions on consultants. If we were to consolidate I doubt it would make any difference financially. Would we want a political opportunist like our current sheriff in charge of law enforcement? I think not. Something is fundamentally wrong with a government system that loses jobs and creates debt like Evansville. I would ask Marsha one question, as the senior republican in this county didn’t you tell the mayor to double check this earthcare thing? Bruce may be a big problem for local politicians, an honest person is hard to deal with for untrustworthy people.
Does anyone know who was in the Exit Conference with the SBOA ? I figure Friend was there, and SBR posted that she was there.
Anyone know who else (i.e., apart from the ‘usual suspects’: Lloyd, Schaefer, Ziemer) ?
Will this Exit Conference attendance be as poorly admitted to as the Homestead Credit Hijacking meeting ? Seems no one was at that one !
I was NOT at the meeting, busy “picking up trash”.
Thanks, vote for Marsha,
Peace out,
Conor O’Daniel
The ONB namings rights scheme replaces the money that was supposed to be raised by a community minded group of local investors lead by ONB. Since that group has not materialized, and we would have heard about it by now if it was legit, ONB came up with this gem for naming rights. Whatever is paid in excess of FMV will have to be written off immediately, which kills the bottom line, just like a charge to the loan allowance for a writeoff. Depending on the amount capitalized, it will take hundreds of millions of new loans to be made to recoup whatever is written off. On the plus side, at least their CRA requirement might be met for the next 100 years. Top drawer Kennsignton on that one.
By the way, have the naming rights been paid for yet? I know, I bet we are waiting for city council to show the committment letter from those bankers HCW mentioned, before a deal can be inked as too how much of that up to $14 million has to be paid.
This is hotel deal is as crazy as a craphouse rat.
Just traveled on your glorious road throughput Floyd, Lynch road west to HWY 41 will tear the suspension out from under any bodies F-150 the road surface infrastructure is abhorrent. The stink for the sewers is as bad as the road surface At the intersection of Oak hill and Lynch.
Then when going north on 41 when you get up next to the Air hub with the singled out due improvements to stay in approach conformation short runway, you get halted by traffic in the left lane. Your traffic throughput on the main commerce infrastructure was slammed to an stop because the left turn signal to the next west intersection was out due the railroad signal. And there wasn’t an train or CSX vehicle in sight just backed up traffic on your main throughput corridor.
People were turning when they could against the traffic light, someone gonna get smeared. That’s your 30 years of political background infrastructure people.
Just vote for that Bruce guy, maybe some production type throughput engineering would help out with the dirge you getting for your bucks there. Floyd.
I travel that route on a near daily basis, and its not doing the suspension on the old Volvo any good at all. I’ve learned to close the roof and run up the windows as I turn on to Lynch. Between the stench and the construction dust, failing to do so could be a life-threatening experience.
EKB: The stench is nasty stuff, the dust out there isn’t bad compared to the zombie infrastructure environmental zones downtown they stuck IU with. If they are stirring that mess up close the windows for sure.
It’ll be interesting to see what that’s really going to cost the citizens to clean up. If, they don’t,straighten the mess up so it conforms, it’ll be kinda similar the biblical Passover.
What happens with the properties will depend on the chemical or microbial trace elementals over or at the foundations and thresholds, I suppose.
Ever wonder how modern science would execute the Passover? Think about that, spectrographic signatures and chromatography. Bingo. Isolate anything or anybody one wants.
Science can help, and it can hurt, as well.
No word yet from the SBOA ?
In an hour or two we should be seeing the first election results. The thought sends a tingle down my spine. I just can’t help it, elections do that to me. I bet Wayne’s already biting his nails.
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