IS IT TRUE May 6, 2013

The Mole #??
The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE May 6, 2013

IS IT TRUE that an email exchange between Evansville’s most visible and outspoken pastor, the Reverend Adrian Brooks of the Memorial Baptist Church and Evansville Police Chief Billy Bolin over the EPD’s decision to release a map of gunshots responded to by the EPD so far in 2013 has commanded the attention of many of the “city watchers” in and around town?…right after the EPD released the “gunshot map”, Reverend Brooks fired off an email to Chief Bolin that was rather critical of publishing the map?…Brooks was somewhat indignant in his language wondering about where the methlab maps and suicide maps were?…the good Reverend Brooks also asserted that publicizing the fact that the most gunshots in Evansville are in what he refers to as the center city that loosely is defined as a triangle formed by the Lloyd Expressway, Highway 41 South, and Southlane Drive?…there have even been a few references to this area as the “GUNSHOT TRIANGLE”?…as Adrian Brooks has been one of the hardest working advocates for good in that part of town we are sure that the graphic reminder of the problems of the 4th Ward were a punch to the gut and thus elicited an emotional reaction?…it is the opinion of the City County Observer that Adrian Brooks and Billy Bolin are two of the most influential people in corralling that which is bad and promoting that which is good in Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that in respect for a lifetime of working hard for good things in Evansville we shall not get personal in our criticism of what we consider to be Reverend Brooks’ emotional reaction to the gunshot map?…to honor Brooks request and to further transparency, the CCO has also posted the maps of methlab busts for 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013?…the reality that is graphically apparent from the gunshot map is that the “gunshot density” in the 4th Ward is much higher than any other part of town?…when it comes to meth lab busts the 3rd Ward seems to be the home of most of this foul activity with the 2nd Ward and even the 1st Ward having significant numbers of busts?…it is a curious observation that the 4th Ward seems almost immune to meth lab busts?…the geographical knowledge that publishing these maps provides to the citizens of Evansville can be invaluable to people who are still mentally living in 1950 when all of Evansville was much safer than it is now?…such maps are also invaluable for people looking to purchase or rent a home?…in much of America hiding such information when a financial transaction is involved IS A CRIME?…as good and valuable of a citizen as Reverend Brooks is, on the issue of hiding the truth he is absolutely wrong and the CCO will not be a bit surprised if he realizes that himself when the emotions triggered by the gunshot map have dissipated and his though process kicks in?

IS IT TRUE the assertion that such maps hurt downtown development is not only naïve it reeks of withholding material information?…sophisticated investors like those that may invest in a hotel or a factory have people paid to research such things and would not be surprised to learn such things?…the big boys already know where the crime hot spots are and make their decisions based on facts?…there have been some unsuspecting out-of-towners who have come into Evansville to start businesses and buy homes that turned out to be in crime filled areas?…the failure to disclose crime rates carries the same level of responsibility as disclosing material defects like mold or termite damage?…failure to disclose is big trouble for real estate agents and is an unethical way to conduct business?…as we know Reverend Brooks to be and ethical man we suspect he will come to this realization?

IS IT TRUE the CCO stands firmly with EPD Chief Billy Bolin for chosing transparency and the safety of the people of Evansville instead of cowering to the senseless pressure to be politically correct?…Washington Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III summed it up last week in an interview when he stated that “In a land of freedom we are held hostage by the tyranny of political correctness”?…we encourage our readers to do something or say something that is politically incorrect yet right today?

IS IT TRUE that building small numbers of fine homes among dilapidated houses in a crime infested area does not have a real impact either?…if the limited successes of Front Door Pride and other such programs have proved, small things do not mean much in an ocean of chaos and crime?…there is one area near the Glenwood Elementary School (we will call it an academy when it performs like one) where several entire blocks were taken out prior to building new homes that does seem to have made a permanent positive change?…we cannot think of even one case anywhere that spending triple the going rate for a house or two in a bad neighborhood has changed any neighborhood?…the opposite happens and Evansville will hopefully learn that lesson some day?

IS IT TRUE we wish to close today on a positive note by giving a big CCO cheer to the Signature School that continues to gain national honors for academic rigor and student performance?…it all happens right across the street from the Ford Center on a smaller budget?…we should all be very proud of the Signature School and do what can be done to emulate these results in our other schools?…there are still people alive who remember when Benjamin Bosse High School garnered similar honors?


  1. There have been two shootings in Evansville since the police released a statement, including the map, about a detail that was done last week to reduce the number of incidents involving gun related crime.
    Both crimes were black men shooting black men. Where are the e-mails from Rev. brooks on that? Why does he not have the same emotional- and public-reaction when the people he supposedly is the leader of are falling victim to each other?
    Most of the redevelopment he mentions in his public critisism of the police is being done by the foundation ran by his church. The same foundation that he collects a yearly salary from for his services. So just who is he really worried about? If your church/ foundation is making money by buying and selling homes, you obviously would not want this type of info out there for potential buyers to see.

    • If Brooks can buy and sell houses inside a non-profit the gains are not taxable either. He is milking the tax laws to make himself a fortune. Check out where the funds he uses to flip houses are coming from too. Brooks bank is the federal government. He is getting grants to flip houses and pays himself a salary from it. Brooks is a panhandler and is better at figuring out how to avoid taxes than Mitt Romney.

      • I wonder if federal dollars paid for that new Jaguar that Reverend Brooks is driving.

  2. Evansville is a joke! There are a bunch of union thug overpaid Police officers and now we have drive-bys and tons of break-ins. We need to build more police stations (aka Donut Banks) There also needs to be more to do! The smoking ordinance ruined the bar scene. And the south side is trouble! Everybody knows this!

  3. In reply to the brave, anonymous commenters above:

    1. I’m sure that Rev. Brooks’s sermons and public statements frequently have dealt with the issue of African-American on African-American crime and similar issues affecting our community. Whenever I’ve heard the Reverend speak, he is thoughtful and topical.

    2. The area surrounding the former “Vinegar Works” sure looks a hell of a lot better and more livable now due to the efforts of Rev. Brooks and others cooperating and inspired by him. The church, the Subway training store, and the stand-alone residences are particularly impressive.

    3. Nothing in all of this should be interpreted to detract from the excellent efforts of Chief Billy Bolin and his force of professional public safety officers.

    • Did his church buy the area next to his church from the city for a low low price, like a dollar? How much profit has been made since he built those townhomes? Yes, they are nice. Yes, people deserve to live in decent housing.
      But the bottom line here is he wants this info to be kept secret from anyone who might put money into his pocket. If you watch the Channel 14 interview, everything is about his investiments in the area. He talks about the houses he is buying, building, and selling. He is not talking about any other investors coming into the area.
      He sounds like a realtor that wants to hide info that might hurt his chance of selling a house. And that is what he is doing. Selling homes for a profit.
      He used his postion as the Police Merit Commsision President and Pastor of the biggest “Center City” church to address a personal financial issue. He deserves no accolades for that.

  4. Great Is It True in todays CCO.

    It’s about time people take Rev. Brooks to task.

    I’m tired of the way he controls local political leaders.

    I would like to know how much Federal, State and local taxpayers money does his many (5 to 7) non profits business receive each year?

  5. I am at a complete loss for words as to why anyone would think Bolin is out to get the inner city. I mean it’s not like he didn’t just get racked over the coals for getting an ordinance passed requiring land owners to register their properties in order to fight crime and blight.

    Brooks’ article into the C&P was one of the main reasons I switched from Yes to No on consolidation aside from the other event where Rick Davis flat out owned Roberta Heiman. But he is flat out wrong on this one.

  6. Did they include the flash bang grenades on the little old lady in the statistics? I sure to hope the settlement they get is made public. I also hope the CCO follows up on all the other cases where cop cowboy bravado costs the taxpayers and the officers involved don’t get punished (the EVSC tech employee for example.)

    • I think the grenades were in the stats (not gunshot stats) for the previous year but we were not kind to the EPD over that, especially since the Milan family are my personal friends.

  7. I am really looking forward to moving to Evansville in a few months to finish a degree I started on line at Ivy Tech Comm. College. Every area in the US has it’s problems and I am hoping what I am reading does not mean Evansville is a big mean crime ridden city with race relations that are awful.

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