“IS IT TRUE” MAY 4, 2020

We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?
IS IT TRUE yesterday the INDIANA STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH reported that there were 645 new positive cases of the COVID M-19 and 17 new deaths? ….as of yesterday, a total of 19,933 Hoosiers tested positive for the COVID-19 virus? …altogether 1,132 Hoosiers that died from the COVID-19 virus so far?
IS IT TRUE less than 2% of the total population in the State of Indiana have been tested for the COVID -19 virus?  … there are approximately 6.8 million people living in the Hoosier state?
IS IT TRUE between 4-16-2020 and 5-2-2020 4,726 new tests COVID -19 were given?  …according to the INDIANA STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, the total COVID -19 tests given by all health care providers in the State of Indiana are 108,859?
IS IT TRUE against the advice of renowned researchers and scientists some politicians have taken control of the decision-making process of how and when to reopen businesses in the very near future? ..many people are praying that they are making the right decision?
IS IT TRUE that the latest must-have product to sell out on grocery shelves is flour?
IS IT TRUE it been reported that the decisions about reopening the economy may break down along party lines, perhaps the polarization has less to do with party affiliation per se, and more to do with geographic and class conflict, which is often one and the same?
IS IT TRUE looking through the prism of class conflict, it’s clear why Americans are so divided about whether or not we should reopen the economy? …for the sake of the country, a class compromise would be far superior to a protracted culture war?

IS IT TRUE when we take a step back and analyze the core issues that polarize our society, it’s evident that class conflict explains the tone-deafness felt by both the elites and working-class Americans alike?

IS IT TRUE people all over America are feeling the way that life has demolished by the “sheltering in place” orders that have prevented them from opening their businesses?…small businesses are the backbones on which the United States was built on? ..the “sheltering in place” decision leaves very little hope for people whose lives are entwined with their family-owned businesses?…this is something that should be addressed in any future stimulus package decisions?

IS IT TRUE 30 million people have filed for unemployment in the last 6 weeks and there are likely more without jobs not counted?

IS IT TRUE that your property taxes are due in the near future?  …if your property taxes are paid late you will not be assessed a late payment fee?

IS IT TRUE we were told that a member of the Winnecke Administration gave a verbal commitment to City Council during the 2020 “Budget Hearings” that they will pay down a big portion of the negative balance in hospitalization before the beginning of this year?  …we are told as of today the City Council hasn’t seen any evidence that this has been done?
IS IT TRUE over the years we have made numerous references that the Evansville Water and Sewer Utilities Board were used as a funding source to help the City of Evansville in their occasional financial cash flow problems?  … it’s safe to say that over the last several years the Evansville Water and Sewer Utilities Board have advanced or loaned the City of Evansville many millions of dollars in cash to help the city with financial shortfalls?  …we can’t wait to see how much money will the City borrow from the Water and Sewer Department during the next six months?
IS IT TRUE that cities and counties elected officials don’t have a revenue collection issue they just have a spending problem?
IS IT TRUE that the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis has just provided some clarifying data about who stands to lose the most from social distancing in a recent report: “The occupations at the highest risk of unemployment also tend to be lower-paid occupations? …the average annual earnings of the low-risk occupations are $64,600, about 75% higher than earnings in the high-risk occupations, at $36,600″?  …they went on to say that, “the economic burden from this health crisis will most directly affect those workers who are likely in the most vulnerable financial situation”?
IS IT TRUE the stark reality is that newspapers across the country are victims of large investment groups that have cut talent, alienated advertisers, and produced irrelevant narratives?…at this rate, there will only be a handful of newspapers still in print in the United States in 10 years?
IS IT TRUE we are told that a local group of well-heeled investors have an interest in seeing that the City of Evansville maintains a local non-partisan community newspaper that concentrates on news of local interest?…first and foremost one of the key interests of the potential investors will be to keep local government accountable to the taxpayers?
IS IT TRUE when the people fear the Government we have Tyranny?  …when Government fears the people we have Liberty?
IS IT TRUE our “READERS POLLS” are non-scientific but trendy?
Today’s “Readers Poll” question is: Do you feel its time that the politicians start to allow our community to return back to the normal ways of doing business?
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  1. This morning I saw a panhandler at corner of Garvin and Division (where they panhandle in shifts) wearing a surgical mask. Safety first.

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