IS IT TRUE May 4, 2015


IS IT TRUE regarding the Democratic At-Large primary races, we predict the two Democrat candidates that the voters will elect will be retired heart surgeon Dr. Dan Adams and political newcomer and shinning star Alex Burton?  …we also like that political newcomer Alex Burton has experience in government and has a Master’s degree in Public Administration? …Alex has spent last six months demonstrating that he will work with anyone,? …both support Democrat Gail Riecken for Mayor? …the fact the two men also like and trust one another is a great start to a productive relationship for the next four years if both are elected in the General election in the Fall?

IS IT TRUE that Dr. Adams and At-Large  City Councilman Conor O’Daniel have demonstrated leadership again and again on reducing the hotel subsidy and water meter borrowing, on facilitating the IU Medical School and downtown Hotel projects and have been honest and direct on budgets with deficit spending?… we were disappointed that they voted for the $5 million dollar Earthcare Energy loan but have otherwise been good fiscal watchdogs?  …we like the way Councilman O’Daniel is conducting himself as City Council Budget Chairman?  …we consider Mr. O’Daniel to be the voiced of reason on City Council? …Mr. O’Daniel supports fellow Democrat Gail Riecken for Mayor?… we predict that Conor O’Daniel needs a big vote out of the 4th Ward and good absentee votes to earn the 3rd slot in a very close race?

IS IT TRUE we predict that the voters finally understand that At-Large City Councilman Jonathan Weaver has made it a nauseating habit of publicly trashing his fellow Democrats with repeated personal attacks that go far beyond a discussion of the issues at hand?  …Mr. Weaver has been consistently wrong on the money issues from voting for the $5 Million loan to Earthcare Energy, supporting an $11 million heavy water meter project, demanding Roberts Park funding, disputing every budget cut to supporting the hotel at the $38.5 million funding level and his unyielding support for the unproven and expensive ‘SpotShooter” program? …he also states that he support Democrat Gail Riecken for Mayor?…we predict that you can’t count Mr. Weaver out of the race because he has a strong following and is working hard to get re-elected?

IS IT TRUE the Fourth Ward  race is truly about proven accomplishments?  …Mr. David Ballard is a nice young man and very likable? … he largely mimicked the incumbent, Connie Robinson, as to ideas but lacks the political connections or personal relationships to get the work done?…the 4th Ward is the most economically and demographically diverse Ward in the City, and Ms. Robinson has an excellent track record for securing funding for housing and development in that area?…there’s no denying the Fourth Ward is a potential hotbed for economic activity and has seen the biggest affordable housing boom in the City over the years?  …Councilwoman Robinson is very knowledgable  on community block grant funding and knows how to attract housing grants to the Center City 4th ward?…these are all traits that Mr. Ballard lacks?  …we haven’t heard if either candidate supports fellow Democrat Gail Riecken for Mayor?…we predict that the voters of the Fourth Ward will give Ms. Robinson a well-deserved and fairly easy primary win?…we hope Connie Robinson will pushed to appoint Mr. Ballard to a city board so he can gain some valuable experiences in learning what public service is about?…he is indeed is a very nice young man and deserves the opportunity to serve the public good?

IS IT TRUE Sixth Ward City Councilman Al Lindsey and his opponent Jim Brinkmeyer recently appeared on our Tri-State Voices television program?…we found both Mr. Lindsey and Mr. Brinkmeyer to be personal and informative?…a review of that episode shows Mr. Brinkmeyer saying that the hotel should have approved at the first round level of $38.5 million, and Mr. Lindsey has been too hard on the Fire Chief?…both individuals oppose any tax increases or future annexation?… Mr. Brinkmeyer’s signature idea is to put a sidewalk on Broadway Street which is laudable but seems disconnected from the debate of the last two years related to deficit city spending?…it’s obvious Mr. Lindsey gets where the City is heading with its deficit spending and has been right on the issues over and over during his first term? …Mr. Lindsey voted against the $5 million dollar Earthcare loan, he held out to trim $11 million from the Smart Water Meter project, he voted to cut spending on new parks while the existing parks falter in quality, he has been willing to cut budgets and he refused to fund the downtown hotel at the original 50% subsidy?  …that Mr. Linsey supports fellow Democrat Gail Riecken for Mayor but we have no idea if Mr. Brinkmeyer does?…although we consider the race between Mr. Lindsey and his opponent to be extremely competitive?  …we predict the 6th Ward  race shall be determine by  absentee voters in an extremely close race?

IS IT TRUE the Democratic City Clerk’s Primary isn’t an easy call? …present City Clerk Laura Windhorst is seemly a very nice person and is trying her best as City Clerk? …she openly expressed her fear in attending Gail Riecken fundraisers, believing it would harm her relationship with Mayor Lloyd Winnecke?…we think she has forgotten her primary role as Secretary to the democratically controlled City Council and need for her allegiance to be to the party in power within that body?  …that Misty Hart is also very likable and is doing a credible job in her position in the County Treasurer office? …the Misty Hart made a stupid political error in using her first initial only on the ballot, and it was a mistake because it wasn’t necessary to win?…we disagree with Courier and Press writer Tom Langhorne that Ms. Hart is not a valid veteran?…she has indeed served her country with honor for six years, albeit stateside? …we feel she should had been more clear giving this message to the masses? …It was still a time of war, and she could have been deployed anywhere?…Ms. Hart’s silly and unnecessary political marketing mistakes aside, she has identified the 600 pound gorilla in the room and said she will serve the party in power on the City Council? …Ms. Hart openly support her fellow Democrat Gail Riecken for Mayor and Ms. Windhorst hasn’t?…we predict whom ever wins the absentee votes and the 4th Ward will be elected City Clerk in this extremely close election?

IS IT TRUE the Second Ward race Missy Mosby supported Lloyd Winnecke for Mayor in 2011, and she has spent the last few years separating herself from her fellow Democrats?…she’s actually proud of it, which can be easily gleaned from any number of her redundant and self-stroking Facebook posts?…what she fails to see is that she has, like Mr. Weaver, been wrong on the money issues from voting for the $5 Million loan to Earthcare Energy, supporting the initial water meter project, demanding Roberts Park funding, fighting budget cuts to supporting the hotel at $38.5 million?…Ms. Mosby also likes to run down her fellow council members in the media and Facebook while ignoring the possibility there is any validity to their positions?  …Mr. Davis strongly supports fellow Democrat Gail Riecken for Mayor and we hear that Missy may or may not?…we find Steve Davis to be absolutely refreshing both in his ideas and willingness to work with other members of City Council?…we have not seen a City Council candidate work so hard to get elected since 2011 when Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley personally knocked on thousands of doors to win her primary and general election? …we predict if the absentee ballots go Mr. Davis way he could be elected in an extremely close race to the 2nd Ward seat?  …if Mr. Davis wins it shall be considered the biggest political upset in recent years? …that this race shall go down as the most aggressive political dog fight in local politics in years?

IS IT TRUE we can’t wait to hear your predictions on the upcoming Democratic primary races?

Please take time and vote in todays “Readers Poll”. Also we just posted our current TRI-STATE VOICES TV show. This weeks guest is non other than State Representative and Mayoral candidate Gail Riecken.

Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


  1. Before Misty Hart is criticized for the name she chose to put on the ballot everyone must realize that even nick names can and have been used in the past. Pee Wee Melton is a name that has appeared on ballots many times in the past and I have not seen Mr. Melton’s birth certificate but I would put a million to one odds that his parents didn’t name him Pee Wee. The fact that this was even an issue brought up by Missy Mosby’s sister’s fiancé Tom Langhorne is laughable. Any questions about Hart’s claims as far as her military career was another lame attempt by a Republican bias paper to defame a true military veteran who served with honor for 6 years of her life. There was nothing about her opponents military career in that same article because it does not exist. Hart’s opponent’s time served in the military would look like this, (O) days in country and (O) days overseas. This is due to the fact that she has never served a single day in any branch of the military. I have read every article, every piece of literature that Hart has had printed and not one has said served overseas or that she was a combat veteran. Hart did join the Indiana Air National Guard right out of high school and was activated twice into active duty Air Force, once specifically for the Iraqi war and once for Hurricane Katrina relief. Once again I challenge her opponent to produce her nonexistent military record. On election day just remember who has fought, died and sacrificed their lives at whatever level for this country and the freedoms we enjoy today these people are called VETERANS and anyone who has served as such should be proud of that fact and should not have to defend themselves to a self serving journalist and the Republican bias paper that he writes for. I will make voting easy for anyone who takes the time to do so, if the Evansville Courier and Press supports a political candidate or elected official vote against them, if the paper attacks and does not support a candidate or elected official, vote for them.

    Thanks CCO for an outstanding IIT!

    • I’ve seen “Cooter” on a ballot before. That wasn’t in EvansHell, though.

    • Some people for office do use nicknames or maiden names. This was an initial, M. Are we to believe she wants to be known as M from this time forward. C’mon. She wanted people to think that she was Mary Hart. Clever. She got called out on it. It was a not so clever move and didn’t need to happen. Misty is hard working, attractive and a very energetic candidate. This funny business was not necessary. M should run well, but these things hurt, especially when she’s running without it.

    • Nice rally post for Misty Hart, but you are off on several points. First, her name on the ballot…First and foremost, it is the candidate’s race. The candidate is ultimately responsible for everything that comes out of their campaign and the candidate should own the successes and mistakes of the campaign. For a candidate to go on record saying that they did something just because they were told by other people shows a huge lack of leadership. You aren’t leading your campaign, but you want to convince us that you’re capable of running the City Clerk office? Then to hear her highly-experienced campaign manager say that the name being on the ballot in that way would change her position on the ballot is ridiculous. Either Mary Hart was outright lying or she’s not experienced enough to manage a campaign. (I think we all know the answer to that one.) It is true that candidates can use initials and nicknames on a ballot, but that’s usually done when the candidate is known by another name or by their initials. Misty Hart is known by Misty. There is no logical reason for her to use an abbreviation other than trying to dupe the voters.

      Second, I agree that a veteran is a veteran and all of our men and women deserve our respect and gratitude for answering the call to protect our freedom and the freedom of those around the globe. However, there is a distinction in valor for those that have served overseas during war? Don’t think so? Ask any of the members at your local VFW. Also, it was not Langhorne that made the distinction. It was Misty Hart. If it truly made no difference, why did she put it on all of her signs? In all actuality as it pertains to this conversation, Misty Hart is the one that has said that there is a difference between the types of veterans. She could have stuck to her “Don’t forget, elect a vet.” slogan and never been subject to any scrutiny, but she saw added value in adding Operation Enduring Freedom to her resume. You say that you have looked through all of Hart’s campaign materials and you may be right that she never said it outright, but there is a common assumption among reasonable people that when a person says that they are a veteran of a foreign war that they actually had their boots on the ground in that country. You can try to spin in any way that you want, but the Hart campaign has been ambiguous, at best. Some would even say deceitful. All the way from her military claims to the way that her name will appear on the ballot. We’ll see what the voters think tomorrow.

      • Hey. . .Phyllip. . .did you or did you not serve in the military in any capacity. . just wondering. . I did not but give my very sincere thanks to those who have in any capacity. . .my father fought the Japs on Sipan. . .lost over 18,000 Marines in the fight. . .what a generation!!!

        • M. Hart is just slightly more of a veteran than you are. She misrepresented herself but we’ve come to expect that of democrats. She, along with other local democrats have historically feed at the trough and sold Evansville down the drain.

  2. This is a thoughtful and in depth IIT …setting the context for and nuances of the primary battles.
    I wouldn’t bet against any of the predictions laid out here.
    Nice piece of work! …

    • Bubba

      Thanks for posting this! I was thinking of saying the exact same thought process, and you beat me to it. The CCO staff did a good job on this one.

      On a side note, hey CCO editors, why no “Open Forum” this weekend? I’m not trying to be harsh, but it keeps seeming that without Joe around that more and more stuff is slipping by the wayside.


    • This site keeps stroking the ego of some instead of laying out the truth. ALL of the screw ups had Robinson’s name on them. Every last one. She also is on record voting for the same board she served on. She better know the housing issues. This IIT also insults one for the meter fiasco and is positive for another. Really? In the same article? Who is writing this and when did they lose site on the original goal for reporting? They never fact checked but at least it was somewhat less biased.

      • Brinkerhoff was not in attendance when this was pushed. She did the research while away to wake up the few.

  3. Missy not her real name
    Her brith names is another name but she gone by missy since she was kid

    • The record will report Melissa. . .the ballot name is obviously Missy. . believe it may be her stage name?

  4. I went to vote the ofher day for Melissa Mosby in the 2nd Ward and the only other name on the ballot besides Steve Davis was someone named Missy Mosby is that allowed to use a nickname on a ballot as a candidate? Didn’t I just read an article in the newspaper about a candidate misleading the voters by not using her first name on the ballot and using an initial instead? Also a friend of mine in the 3rd Ward wanted to vote for Anna Melcher but could only find A. Melcher on the ballot so she didn’t vote that race. The courier and press wouldn’t be picking and choosing who they attack would they? Are Mosby, Melcher and Windhorst Republicans because that is the only party that the local paper supports?

    • You bring up two valid points in the conversation. Melissa Mosby has been known as Missy for her entire life. Therefore, she’s not trying to present herself differently on the ballot. When has anyone ever called Anna Melcher or Misty Hart, A or M respectively? Anna is reaching for name recognition from her husband and Misty is reaching for name association with Mary Hart. I’ve seen time after time where people on here say they are advocates for honesty and transparency in government, yet do a 180 when they want to support a candidate that is being deceptive. The election is for the people, not the candidates. There should not be an allowance for any behaviors that may cause confusion for voters.

      • The election is for the people not the candidates? Phillip when was the last time you said that to the Mayor? He should be hearing this from you every day until he stops spending the money so foolishly. The city should NOT be in the Hotel Business. Giving away millions of tax payers dollars to BRIBE some out of town developer to build a hotel next to the Civic Center for the Mayor and his small group of friends ist outrageous and you know it. You sir are a Hypocrite! You need to start practicing what you preach in here.

        • What does a hotel have to do with people being deceptive on how they put their name on the ballot? Please do a better job at keeping up with the conversation. From the looks of it, you’re still stuck in 2013. I stand by what I said. People should not try to dupe voters by using name association. What does that say about your confidence that you can win on your own merit when you’re resorting to the political equivalent of Three-Card Monte and hoping the voters punch a button because they know the last name? “Please vote for me. I have the same last name as someone else that you’ve voted for.

        • The hotel still hasn’t been built. No developer wants to spend millions of dollars to earn thousands.

          • News Flash. . . just heard that the central HVAC is out. . .placed with window units. . .never have stayed at a true Convention Hotel with HVAC units in the windows . . maybe we have the first ever Convention Motel??? Only in Evansville, Indiana!!! or let’s change our name to Suckersville?

          • @Benedict Arnold:

            Window A/C units ??? Will they also have those vibrating beds where you insert quarters ??? Hourly rates ? Starting to sound like a “Convention” Hotel that I can get behind ! “Honey, I’m going to a Convention for a few hours . . . . don’t wait up !”

  5. You can use any name you want, I think. One of the many lawyers reading should answer this.

  6. The primary role of the City Clerk is not to be in support of any party, including her own, while executing her duties. Her role, with regard to the City Council, is to accept and process filings, prepare the agenda, record and transcribe the meeting, process post-approved ordinances and resolutions, i.e., have recorded, send to Code Publishing, etc. The City Clerk maintains the records, physically and electronically. These procedures preclude partisan politics.

    Laura Brown Windhorst, my boss, has done and excellent job as City Clerk. She has modernized the record keeping system as we are in the process of storing all the old records electronically; no small feat. Laura is bright, articulate, personable, and professional. Her campaign has not been about disparaging her opponent but rather touting her own accomplishments as City Clerk thus far, which are many. She has earned my respect, trust, and most definitely my vote.

  7. I was not aware it was the City Clerk’s job serve a political party. I thought that position precludes partisan politics.

  8. It is not the role of the City Clerk to serve any party, including her own. Her responsibilities, as they relate to the City Council, are to prepare for meetings by accepting and processing new filings, prepare the agenda, advertise as necessary in the newspaper, organize relevant materials for Councilmembers, record and transcribe the minutes of the meeting, process approved ordinances and resolutions, i.e., have recorded, and sent to Code Publishing. The functions of the City Clerk preclude partisanship.

    Laura Brown Windhorst, my boss, has done an excellent job as City Clerk. She has modernized our record keeping system and we are in the process of archiving all the old records electronically; no small feat. As the transcriptionist, Laura has instructed me to transcribe all of the Committee Meeting minutes, which in truth is where most of the discussion takes place. This is not required by the State Board of Accounts but Laura wants the those minutes easily accessible should anyone request an excerpt or transcript from those meetings. Laura requested that I transcribe the Budget Hearings before the State Board of Accounts required that be done.

    Laura has conducted a fine campaign and she has done so not by disparaging her opponent but by touting her own accomplishments as City Clerk, which have been many. She is bright, professional, personable, and she has earned my respect, my trust, and most definitely my vote.

    • Mega ditto why can’t you be more like your boss. You know bright, professional, personable and one who earns respect from others? And How many times did you not record the information from the city council meetings properly and not show parts that you all didn’t approve of?

      • In review of the minutes you will find that when Russ Lloyd speaks on the record the minutes will says “inaudible” of course this sets up controversies at later dates when disputes incur like the one when Winnecke indicated that the Council was dead wrong about the 20 million on the hotel. . .but the record was audible in case. . .


      Get back to work…. and stay off this site and all others while you are at work

  9. CCO Editor – I know you have the capabilities to do so and you do remove posts. Can you not remove one of mine when asked? I did say please – and thank you in advance.

    Your correct. Sorry I couldn’t do it earlier because my day was full with doctors appointments.



    • You’re just upset you’ve now been exposed. You were hoping to make that one post with your real name and still keep the anonymous mega dittos.

      • +1
        Now we can cross-reference her posts. like today, that are happening when the tax payers are paying her to work in the Clerk’s office. This site has a pretty handy search engine. Who wants to file the complaint with the Mayor’s office? They have a policy on internet usage during the day. She has also been using city resources to get involved in a political race- a big mistake.

        • The post by ol Benedict was dead on. . .clear violation of the Hatch Act. . .no campaign on Government facilities using government equipment, i.e. computers etc.. . .not to mention on the clock as well. . .

          • The Hatch Act applies to federal employees. I suspect we’ll find that it’s only a violation of employment policies and a waste of our tax payer money.

    • What’s the matter? You didn’t like being outed for all of the disparaging things you said on here. I wonder if SBR is reading today to tie you, Ms. Clayton, to what you have said about her.

      • You have a lot of breaks! A lunch and two fifteen minute breaks do not jive with your reply times on any day or name you used. Just pointng out the obvious. I could care less what you are doing as long as the job gets done.


  10. My Dear Rhonda. . . you may have validated the Hatch Act. . .remember you can NOT campaign on Government property and use government resources. . .JMHO. . .

    • It is very hard to believe that poor children growing up in Lake County Indiana would make $1,030 less than the average while Vanderburgh is over $1,500 less than the average. . . however, if somehow you were able to have the right last name. ..perhaps Mosby things happen for the good??

    • Well, damn it, my children told me this. They were not exactly poor but felt there were fewer opportunities for children whose parents were not politically connected or part of the local business elite. They are spread out over the country and doing well, surprising seeing as how none of them are union. I left Evansville at a young age, came back and continued to do contract work worldwide. Not a lot of opportunities in this area for those not politically connected. The towing contract for the city is a good example of how the local democrat party stifles growth. It rewards party funders over what is good and right for the tax payers and the city. Really miss you Joe, since you’ve left the CCO it has become a political arm of the democrat party. The piece today was nothing but fluff, not a one of the CC members should be re elected, they are all a bunch of idiots. All of them voted for the water meters, almost all of them voted for earthcare, all of them voted for the hotel, all of them voted for the IU medical center, Robinson made the CC a laughing stock over the Madison deal. Not much good left in the cco.


    appears to be on the clock as this was prepared…the city clerk has no second shift…Rhonda, you should lose your job, OH I KNOW, you were on a break…we do not have you there to site your political views while you work…let’s see if you deny being at work as you prepared your info above

    • Review her past comments. She’s another hypocrite republican and it’s even funnier now we know she’s a govt employee.

  12. EDITOR’s cliff notes today:

    Taken down by Editor because post was off message.

    • Republican cliff notes when running for any office:

      I love guns more than you.

      Oh Yeah well I’ll make everybody buy a gun!

      Is that so? Well I hate gays more than you.

      Really? Well I hate gays AND lesbians!

      I love Jesus so much he told me to run.

      Well God speaks to me first and he said I was the one needed to run

      I can go on Fox and say crazier shit than you!

      Nu Ahh Nobody says crazier shit than me. I hand red meat to the base like nobody’s business

      I’m gonna lower taxes for billionaires to less than 1%!

      Pfffffft I can top that I’m gonna cut taxes to zero and reduce food stamps to 50 cents a meal
      a $1.92/meal is just too much!

      Well I’m gonna give the Pentagon a blank check and I support our men in blue.

      Whatever. Everybody knows I’m the biggest defense spender in the South and I have always slobbered all over the police with blind unquestioning adulation.

      Well I hate government more than you!

      Well I hate government so much I gonna eliminate all regulations, well at least for my rich white contributors.

      Not bad, but I hate Obama way more than you.

      I doubt that, I have a longer track record of hating on Obama than you, besides nobody knows how to spite liberals better than me.

      Ha! I’ve got way more spite the libs legislation than you!

      Well top this! I’m more anti-abortion than you!

      What! No way! Nobody has sponsored legislation to take away female reproductive rights than me.

      Well I take away the rights of those “other” people

      LOL! Well finally something we agree on!

    • Editor, seriously? Stop being so thinned skinned.

      If you take down givmeabreak’s post then you have to take down mine too.

  13. Rhonda aren’t you at work? You surely wouldn’t be campaigning for your boss on the tax payers dime. This is sad that you support the very people who attacked one of your mother’s best friend’s when he ran for Mayor. Hopefully your new boss will be forgiving and realize ghat you were just desperate to keep your job. Now get back to work at the job the tax payers are paying you to do.

  14. *Wait’s patiently for the lynch mob to cross reference Al’s political posts to when he is on duty…

  15. I am sure all the angry posters will be cross referencing Al’s political posts on here and facebook to make sure he isn’t in violation either…

  16. Tomorrow will be a dangerous day in Evansville, be alert and keep an eye on your property. Wedding will have to release prisoners so they can vote for the 4th ward incumbent.

    • Reading your posts always makes me suicidally depressed. So dark, depressing and paranoid delusional…. and so stupid!

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