IS IT TRUE May 31, 2013
IS IT TRUE the City County Observer randomly learned yesterday that Evansville will surpass Chicago when it comes to per capita debt in the near future?…given that people earn more money in Chicago than they do in Evansville the amount of time that the average person would have to work to pay off the city borne debt will be even longer for Evansville when compared to cities where salaries are higher?…this little factoid stimulated our curiosity on cities and debt and what we learned was that the 10 most indebted cities in America in order are Denver, Seattle, Dallas, Phoenix, Atlanta, Portland, Baltimore, Washington DC, Houston, and Philadelphia?…these cities are all carrying per capita debt of between $25,691 and $26,636?…in the case of some of these cities where their per capita incomes are on the low side the debt of the respective cities represents roughly a year’s pay for the average person?…Washington DC is the exception with per capita debt that would take the average resident only 7 months to pay back?…Evansville with its per capita income of only $21,257 according to the US Census will still only be in hock by about 6 months pay per resident after the sewers are fully compliant with or without the downtown hotel subsidy?…the proposed debt level while high is not out of line with other American cities but that in no way means those cities were wise and responsible with their use of taxpayer dollars?
IS IT TRUE the debt per capita of the United States government is now $53,378 for every man, woman, and child in the country?…this is the largest debt of all of the nations and is a whopping 30% higher than 2nd place economic basket case Italy?…the top five are rounded off by Greece, France, and Spain all of which are teetering on or beyond the brink of insolvency?…the federal debt alone is enough to command each resident of Evansville to have to pay every last dime earned to the government for 2 ½ years?…this reported debt does not include financial obligations that are paid from current taxation?…when the unfunded pension liabilities of the United States are added to the everyday debt the cash that would have to be on deposit to fund these liabilities exceeds $250,000 per person?…a day of reckoning is coming for unfunded pensions and entitlements that will make what happened with the Peabody/Patriot Coal disaster look like child’s play?
IS IT TRUE that a most unusual pair of inquisitions were going on at the same time last week in the Congress of the United States?…we are hopefully all aware of the scandals exposed that were going on at the Internal Revenue Service with respect to profiling people and organizations for scrutiny to send a political message to others?…to see high ranking IRS executives assert they had done nothing wrong and asserting their 5th Amendment right not to testify because it may incriminate them in the next breath was pretty surreal?…it has now been revealed that the head of the IRS visited the White House 157 times during the first term of the Obama Administration?…during the Bush Administration such a visit was held only ONE TIME?…the flippant jerk when questioned on why he had to visit the White House 157 times responded with “to take my kid to the Easter Egg huntâ€?…the arrogance of the parade of IRS operatives is not acceptable and must be corrected by whatever means is necessary?…we as a people must believe in EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW when it comes to the IRS?…the exposures of this year have broken that trust?
IS IT TRUE the other surreal thing that was happening in another hearing at the same time was the fact that the CEO of Apple Computer was hauled before Congress to be dressed down for OBEYING THE LETTER OF THE LAW?…Apple as all public corporations is obligated to obey all of the laws of the land and to earn as high of a return as possible for their shareholders?…that is exactly what Apple did yet the CEO was hauled before Congress like a child molester in Evansville for admonishment?…to have government officials “standing with†IRS agents or Justice Department heads that willfully and knowingly trampled on the Constitution and admonishing a law abiding creator of jobs and wealth insults the very foundations on which this country was built?…there needs to be a special investigation into the wrongdoing at the IRS and every official including the President of the United States should profiling trace to him should be removed from office and disgraced?…we all have a right to equal protection under the law?…being a nation of laws is the only thing that separates us from the kingdoms that our ancestors fled to come here?
Obama is a national disaster.
The election is over. Put on your big boy pants and quit pouting. Do we no longer have congress?
Congress is the problem. They need to quit only trying to figure out how to best screw the other party and instead work on solving our problems.
They make no bones about the fact their sole agenda is to make Obama look bad, not work for America. Mitch McConnell just came right out and said it.
Obama needs no help to look bad by using expanded government to destroy our freedoms. Case in point the IRS scandal.
Even Fox News has backed off that saying Obama had nothing to do with it. I guess you’ll have to turn to Alex Jones?
Is that a relative of Van Jones? Better watch out for them Jones brothers.
I have come to the conclusion the only fix to our national situation is to dissolve the United States federal government. We should simply be a group of 50 small countries each with its own agreements on trade and defense.
Our Founding Fathers get a lot of credit for their wisdom, yet I fail to see the wisdom in a federal government. As we have seen, as the federal government grows in size and scope, as it inevitably will, it pays less and less attention to the Constitution, the rights of the states are usurped as well as the individual. The slow, steady move toward authoritarian, centralized rule will continue unabated until we put a stop to it, or until we have no choice. Either way, a major change is long overdue.
That certainly didn’t stop the media from blaming Bush for everything that happened on his watch, including a catastrophic hurricane and the so-called outing of a slutty “spy.”
No, that was Dick Cheney. I’ll have to look up why she is considered slutty.
Also Mr. Smith remember Bush effectively pardoned the fall guy for that CIA scandal. Imagine if Obama did that for the IRS people?
Bush deserves a lot of blame for the stuff that went down on his watch. Bush’s faults, however, do not excuse Obama’s. They are both culpable.
As far as pardoning any IRS official found responsible for this scandal…Obama will at the end of his term. They all pardon their evil little helpers before leaving office.
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