IS IT TRUE that it was announced yesterday that WIKY has been acquired and will now be owned by a Wisconsin based company?…the TV stations of Evansville are all now owned by a Texas based media conglomerate?…the Courier and Press has been owned for many years by a Cincinnati based media company called Scripps Howard that owns cable TV brands and newspapers across America?…all of the local radio stations with the exception of the University of Evansville’s WUEV have been acquired over the last 10 or so years?…there is now only ONE MEDIA OUTLET THAT IS LOCALLY OWNED AND THAT OUTLET IS CALLED THE CITY COUNTY OBSERVER?…when you place an ad here the money stays here?…when you place an ad with any other media outlet from TV to radio to the CP, the profits go to their owners who are all located elsewhere?…the same goes for everything about these outlets?…if you support small local business then please tell your friends and family about the CCO and encourage the places you shop to spend some of their advertising budget here?
IS IT TRUE there have been very recent reports of random violence in and near downtown Evansville with rocks or other objects being thrown at both public and private property doing minor but expensive damage?…it is summer and school is out and kids (especially teenagers) need some activities to burn off their excess energy?…the school schedules are published at least a year in advance so there is no secret about when the 20,000 students in our midst will be unleashed from their daily studies?…the planning at the City of Evansville is so uninformed or unconcerned with the final school bell of the year that the CITY POOLS ARE NOT YET OPENED?…we went through this same kind of nonsense last summer with the pools closing 2 weeks before school started?…there is no justification for such mismanagement other than a documented case that shows we are too broke to open the pools?…wouldn’t that be ironic for an administration that is “fighting like the dickens” for a $10 Million dog park and skateboard park to be too broke to operate the pools it already has?…this is just another example of what is increasingly looking like a local government run by the rules of cognitive dissonance?
IS IT TRUE with the revelation that Councilman John Friend has decided not to make a run for Mayor of Evansville in 2015 there is a group of people who are discussion the possibility of drafting Rick Davis to come back into the public arena and give it another try?…as we learned in 2011 Mr. Davis runs pretty strong against any anointed machine candidate in a Democrat primary and could probably secure the party nomination again in 2015?…that would set up an epic battle for the pinky-shake Democrats who went behind closed doors to agree to make Lloyd Winnecke the Mayor of Evansville?…if this rematch is what the 2015 mayoral race looks like it will be the 3rd and 4th Wards that will determine the next Mayor of Evansville?…it will be interesting to see if the DEMOCRAT PINKY SHAKE COALITION can throw another election to a Republican candidate?
IS IT TRUE that as we reported last night there is a legitimate legal interpretation to state law that prohibits the Evansville City Council from having a CLOSED DOOR MEETING to discipline one of their own?…any such meeting has to be OPEN TO THE PUBLIC and then it is all gloves off?…in a public meeting the circular firing squad can do a number on each other with words all they want but it will be attended by the public and recorded for future reference?…we shall see just how brave the bullies will be with the cameras rolling and when facing concerned members of the public?…one would think there would be sufficient legal knowledge in Evansville so that CLOSED DOOR MEETINGS are at least legal when they are held?…the machine mantra is and has always been, “when someone opposes us, take them behind closed doors and make them an offer they can’t refuse”?…perhaps those days are waning?
I am especially incensed about the Hartke pool debacle.
It seems our city lets things decay so they have an excuse to tear it down.
Great post and your concern is more than warranted. We can’t let Hartke pool suffer the slow death by neglect that killed the historic McCurdy Hotel and the beloved Mesker Amphitheater. The CCO is the only media outlet that covers the inexcusable demise of these local treasures. Wouldn’t it be refreshing if the City Council actually addressed these important issues, instead of wrestling with themselves to see who gets to be the vice-president of their august body.
Yes it does seem that way. I think it seems that way because it is the truth. When I read they weren’t going to fix that slide at Hartke, I figured the ‘Fill Hartke In’ clock had started ticking. I’m afraid they’ve got it penciled in as a doggie latrine.
The antics of the city council are a perfect distraction for the mayor’s crew. Couldn’t be any more timely or welcome if they were orchestrated by the city administration. Hmmm. Next distraction up: serial sand dumps with besuited shovelers and cameras rolling. They’ll need one on each corner to divert attention from their unquestioned ineptitude.
Unfortunately, Hartke Pool is going to be saved. Now that basically anything tangible and recognizable in the complex is gone, the Parks Dept has decided that next year is a great time to start adding a lazy river and splash pads. I’m at a loss for words as to how horrendous the Parks Dept is ran.
Bottom line: Hartke Pool needs to be leveled for Hartke Natatorium.
A natatorium would definitely be an asset for the city, but how would we pay to build, operate and maintain it?
For maintenance, it depends. If Lloyd Pool were demolished the funds would be redirected but I’m not convinced Lloyd couldn’t be used as a basic indoor swim complex. In that case, building at Hartke allows UE athletics the opportunity to use it as well as the NCAA. They should help offset maintenance. Closing Hartke Pool would also free up maintenance funds.
As for construction costs, those were estimated to be five mil but that seems a little low but either way I’d first like to see if there’s anything left of the innkeepers although that has basically been trashed on stupidity. Private fundraising coupled with EVSC funds and parks dept money should be enough to seal the deal although I advocate for making this a multi pay as you go financed project.
One other thing I’d like to see the CCO pick up on.
We couldn’t have fixed the slide (what was it $60-80k?) but we could spend $1.5 million to build a road from Division to the back lot that was ALREADY THERE?
And what for? NOTHING, absolutely nothing, is planned for the Roberts Stadium lot itself. Roberts Park is nothing more than a Wesselman Park renovation whose only mission is to eliminate the ball fields. GEE, I wonder why that’s happening.
You forgot the EVSC radio station WPSR 90.7 It is a pretty good station.
My first thought as well. I am not sure if they share that with USI radio or they too have their own.
Ten years ago, when my daughter was a DJ on that station, it was located in Central HS. I believe it still is.
doesn’t some of the profit from advertising sales go to Joe Wallace who lives in California? Just sayin…..
I have a modest monthly draw for my writing services. It is on the order of 10% of my regular hourly rate for similar work. I assure you that I spend way more in Evansville when I visit family 3 or 4 times per year than I make writing for the CCO.
Why in the world would you resort to such hair-splitting when there are real issues at hand here?
Speaking of the “Hartke Pool problems” our overhead analytical is showing excessive erosion run off from the nearly grassless swamp in the “front framed visual” of the proposed Roberts Park. This has apparently washed out towards its western storm drain recovery point across the street from the pizza place. You know the mud and debris looks to be getting quite impressive in its incursion to the culvert there. Likely 3-7 inches in depth, this however takes the culverts overall drainage aspect range down somewhat. The intersection there is at an lower elevation so during heavy rain events which will happen due climate change energy someone’s private property could be endangered from flooding and storm sewers back ups. This is an personal injury actionable due cause. So.
The suggestion for city services and governance would be get that mess cleared immediately as possible before that situation causes more municipal loss forward. and it will, and they know it now, as well.
“Things of real concern focus a city which is interested in servicing its citizens revenue focuses throughout all of its perceived borders should accomplish daily.”
Careful dude, you’re only a few common sensical comments away from an all-out media smear.
Absorb please: All out media smear? Sensible analytics?
I’m surely on board with the “Draft Davis” movement, but where will those who were a part of the back-stabbing come down on it? There are some influential Fourth Ward people who were part of the debacle as I recall.
As someone who spent nearly twenty years living downtown, I can tell you that the vandalism is not new, nor do I believe the City pools not being open is a contributing factor. That being said, it is a travesty that those pools are not open. Parks Department sponsored recreation programs and swimming are some of the best things we can do to help keep younger kids from becoming the teens who do the vandalism. I remember what fun we all had at Tepe Park in the summers, and that was long before such things were so sorely needed as they are now.
Instead, the Mayor wants to spend public money on a DOG PARK!!!!! Of course, at the same time, I believe Hizzoner is looking at cuts in budgeting for our first responders, who are the ones that deal with the vandalism and worse. Yet, Not-Your-Friend is trying to make SBR appear unstable to the public. Maybe somebody needs to question the Mayor’s stability.
To be fair I don’t think Hizzonor ever really thought he would actually build a dog park. Rather, I think, it was just a way to divert tax dollars to some friends (quid pro quo) to draw up plans for a dog park for 100K. He knew full well there isn’t money (because he stiffs Parks) because he regularly spends all our cash on consultancy fees on BS. He is nothing but a shill for carpetbaggers.
I don’t think anybody thought Hizz’ was going to let a dog park or anything else on that property (until a properly ‘structured’ proposal was tendered). There was a bull mastiff from Milwaukee hanging around there for months, nothing happening. It crapped Hartke and went home, arfing under its breath about Evansville politics.
I agree about the motives, but I like to take pols at their public word, because it shows them clearly to be the jerks they are.
With respect Editor…on a topic clearly referenced in today’s IIT,
I find it amusing when the CCO makes this claim:
The CCO is a “media outlet” is a stretch WAY too far.
The CCO is NOT a News site. The CCO is implying that it is an alternative to keep Evansville citizens informed of the news. THAT IS PREPOSTEROUS. The CCO is little more than commentary on the pedestrian give and take politics of city government (80% of the time, and I’m being generous with the 80% figure).
To imply here that the CCO is comparable to the Courier & Press is also preposterous. In fact, the C&P, WIKY and all the local news stations deliver NEWS. Now, we likely agree that the real news sources in Evansville may not give unbiased views sometimes…but the CCO does NOT replace those sources as News.
I’m not saying the CCO has no worth. What I am saying is…the CCO is not a News site as you are implying trying to compare the CCO to C&P, WIKY and the local television stations. Advertisers have a niche for blogs/commentary sites like the CCO, that is certain. But the CCO will never, ever, get any kind of advertising and sponsor support that normally goes to the C&P, local radio and local television news stations because that is NOT what the CCO is. And it is clear: the CCO’s business model is NOT to be a News source…only commentary. (In fact, what the CCO actually delivers here could be done in a daily commentary Column at the C&P.)
The CCO is a commentary site…..oh….and yes, it gets overnight feeds of law enforcement reports and subscribes to some other news commentary feeds too. Need to acknowledge that.
(You know, you, CCO Editor, you COULD be so much more. But it appears all you are interested in is gaining the power associated with the Mayor’s office and the City Council niche. News site? Nope, that’s not you. And city government? Get in line. That ping-pong game goes on year in and year out. You just started to say “I”m gonna take up this game,” I guess.)
You are surely entitled to your own opinion as to vehemently disagree with your assessment. You are missing the fact that more and more people are getting their news from the internet and not the news papers or TV. Now I’m sure people still listen to the radio a lot more than they watch local TV news or even read the news paper. The news paper business (print) is dying a slow death IMHO. And the local TV stations are not worth watching IMHO. I don’t really care for them and don’t watch the local news on TV very much anymore.
I get my news from CNN, MSNBC and the CCO online.
I use to read the news paper online for free but not anymore. And I have not bought a news paper subscription for the last twenty years or so. I might pick up a news paper at the new stand if I’m going to the doctors office at times but most of the time I find one laying around for free and read a few articles of interest in the few minutes that I’m waiting for the Doctor to see me.
But you vastly underestimate the power of the CCO and the web. Marsha Abel did the same thing much to her detriment.
The internet and social media is how people get their local news these days.
Radio = 70% music or talk, 25% ads, 5% concise news
TV News: 30 minutes of garbage about 2 minutes of which is interesting local content
CP and other big papers: 70% ads, 25% wire stories, 5% local news written locally.
CCO: Mostly local government news, some wire service, ad placement not disruptive to reading an article.
You make the choice on what is the best model for readers. When have you ever had to turn a page and look at more ads to finish an article on the CCO?
…..Yes, your points are well taken. But those points are comments on the media landscape and how you like to get your news.
But the CCO in today’s IIT is trying to say they are the only locally owned news site/so-called “media outlet”…….when the fact is…..the CCO is not a news site at all.
You like to read CCO’s commentary. I get that. But the CCO is NOT an alternative to the C&P…which presents News. In fact, the CCO could not operate unless it’s constituency was informed of the news by the C&P and local radio and TV. (Like….the “news” that SBR resigned as Council VP came from news sources other than the CCO.)
The CCO is an alternative to the C&P’s editorial page perhaps – and then only on local city governmental issues.
The focus here at the CCO is NICHE, and a very narrow niche at that.
……You know moveon,
the News site C&P reported that SBR resigned as Council VP.
Not the CCO.
Because the CCO’s business is to COMMENT on SBR’s resignation.
In fact, the CCO gets its news from the C&P and the local stations. (Which makes sense because the CCO is not a News site. It is a commentary site.)
Friend and his henchmen had better look out. She is free now and has nothing to lose. There is nothing they can take from her or threaten them with. I predict the Kracken is really about to be unleashed.
I beg to disagree with you. While it may be true that the Courier and Press scooped the CCO on the VP resignation that’s just one part of the news of the day. There is tons of news that the Courier and Press fails to report while the CCO does a good job of reporting to the public.
Just check out the number of readers coming to the CCO since the EC&P made everyone buy a subscription before they could read all their online articles and the comment sections. The traffic at the EC&P took a big hit when they went to a pay blog.
Weinzwestside, Do you get a “by the case” discount on the necessities of your being a Good Ole’ Boys GROUPIE,– you know the Chapstick, kneepads, and Vaseline, you need to keep them smiling with approval? Why do you even pay attention to the a “the irrelevant CCO”,–if not to do their bidding? Get a Life!
What is your point? You’re doing a bunch of snarling, but I don’t see a point to it.
Weinzwestside, you are right on the point. The comments given on the CCO are from a select group of political hacks at best. The CCO takes sides, takes one sided polls, and attempts to respond to the C & P and other news sources on political issues. They do not report any news, unless, you call their mole rats reporting news. Since when does the only news originate from the political arena.
I read the comments solely for the entertainment of the hacks that positively respond to the negative view of the CCO.
And guess what?– Your dissing the CCO readers and commenters, reveals you are fascinated to the point you can’t stay away. You and Weinz are a riot, ha ha ha, the CCO really bites you in the ass if the truth be told, and that’s the hilarious part of the whole discourse that takes place on this News site. Please keep your comments coming, for they too are “entertaining”, ha ha ha ha.
In fact, my political views are closely aligned with the Editors of the CCO: conservative/libertarian leaning on economic matters and “government-hands off” on personal rights/social issues.
You are missing my point:
The CCO site has become little other than the Editors commentary about the city administration and council politics. I didn’t say this is a bad site….but the Editor should just OWN the “city politics commentary†label. AND the Editor should just acknowledge “they just want THEIR guy in the office no different than their opponents “want their guy in the office.†This is a good source for insight on the local city politics angle. That’s it.
I tend to agree with you on the CCO. In the past they didn’t even try to post anything but is it true, the police reports, and a few other local stories. Today the CCO seems to me to be trying to be a news outlet with lots of stories that they are getting off of news wires but it isn’t there yet. As for being an editorial outlet you are correct. The truth of the matter is that editorial comment requires gathering news and doing the analysis to express an opinion. Editorials are the top of the journalism food chain and the CCO has all of the other local news outlets beaten by a mile in analysis and writing talent. It’s not even close.
The TV news is just a bunch of talking heads reading from a script on a big screen. TV news is a big joke. The local stations don’t even employ anyone capable of editorial analysis. They have nothing but people who read the news and others who hold the camera. TV news is nothing more than entertainment with a fact or two thrown in if you are lucky. Radio is the same way. As for the Courier they were once a ful service newspaper with real writers and reporters. Now they are corporate and do not hire local talent to compete on analysis and writing skills. They are pretty darn pathetic in their writing and editing skills. It is the laziness and stupidity of the CP that has allowed the CCO to draw such a large number of readers.
Patrem et matrem, etiam proportionem.
I find far more journalism in the CCO tan in the CP or other outlets.
Indiana Enoch, that being said, surely you have to admit the CCO site is dramatically lacking in actual news, and the Editor’s IIT comments implying the CCO delivers local news akin to what you get from the local newspaper’s site/radio/TV is…..silly.
The Editors are not dummy’s. They know exactly what my point is:
The CCO site has become little other than the Editors commentary about the city administration and council politics. (And I think that sucks, what a wasted opportunity.)
I didn’t say this is a bad site….but the Editor should just OWN the “city politics commentary” label.
AND the Editor should just acknowledge “they just want THEIR guy in the office no different than their opponents “want their guy in the office.” (Which is why I say “the CCO has descended into nothing other than simple, pedestrian, local politics.”)
And stop the pretense that this is a news site. You’ll find SOME news here on local city politics. But anything else is preposterous.
I-E, you are fully capable of some level of sophistication on the distinction here…in my opinion, the Editors of the CCO peaked on this site some time ago and now have just become local politics advocates. (not news)
Well here is the C&P’s headlines.
1) Scattered showers for Evansville/Henderson
Ohhhh wow hard hitting stuff
2) USI baseball team loses!? ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz
3) Public safety officials favor new emergency vehicle warning system… at stoplights
Ok a story worth considering
4) USI students unearthing one of New Harmony’s oldest structures. A story of no interest to me, but I suppose it might be to others.
If I want national news I can go to the yahoo news page, if I want national news commentary I can go to real clear politics or a 1000 other web pages.
If I want video commentary on national news there is The Young Turks and David Pakman and the Minority report for the liberal side and about 10,000 RW sites.
The CCO already provides news and commentary at the state level through the statehouse file. Perhaps the CCO could offer some of the Howey report but why go to the CCO for that when I could go directly to the Howey report itself.
Personally I find your criticism ridiculous and having the CCO carry more news stories as about as useful as the day old stock quotes and tables the WSJ still publishes.
I agree with everything you have written here.
the CCO is trying to say they are a news site.
It’s not.
It’s a local, city politics commentary site. The CCO has value in that area.
My point is: Just Own the local city politics commentary site label.
BRAINS….That is why YOU log on here……and everyone else who.
The Editors are making some kind of claim they are credible media competition to C&P. That’s not true. They could be more, but they won’t acknowledge that they really have no interest in a better web site. The Editors are interested in local CITY politics…..that’s it.
Hell……they’re not even commenting on Congressman Larry Buschon’s election race. All you see are PRESS RELEASES.
Everything besides local city politics here is treated with patronizing, lazy reprints of columns and press releases. That bugs me, because it gives me the impression the CCO web site is not about anything but trying to “get their people into the Mayor’s office and City Council.”
The pretense for news….is proving to be a ruse. I am disappointed in that.
SBR resigned
Bad Move!
Anyone know why?
Because even Adams and Lindsey were going to vote against her and this had become a big distraction, plus why give them the satisfaction?
Lindsey was going to vote against her? I guess he thought that would get the Mosby clan off his back. It won’t. I’ve never been impressed with his actions on the Council, and he just proved he doesn’t belong there.
As for the “good Dr.”, so much for my respect for him! I hope he enjoys his tenure as VP of the Council again.
I am sure she has a plan, she doesn’t do much without one. lets not jump to conclusions
I’m not jumping to any negative conclusions about the Councilwoman. I feel certain there is a well-thought-out plan afoot. My comments about Dr. Adams and Al Lindsey stand.
In reality, she is my first choice for a mayoral candidate, but I don’t think she’s willing to do that just yet. I hope I’m wrong, and she and Davis decide between them who is going to take on a very, very dirty job.
I expect the jackals will start a campaign to get her to resign from Council, as well. If they do, it will verify that she has them running scared.
Stephanie, you resigned in your own style, good for you.
When the Audit report is finally released, and it doesn’t match the Exit Conference tape, the wisdom of your actions will be apparent.
In the final analysis, the sin of whitewashing a municipal audit is far greater than that that of one preserving evidence.
Stephanie Brinkerhoff Riley
Video Press Release May 29, 2014
Vote for your favorite nickname:
A) Not your Friend
B) Johnny the rat
C) Admiral Friend
D) Traitor John
E) Whitewash John
What about Weaver who jumped in with his two cents like a small dog when two big dogs are fighting. Does he have an axe to grind with Stephanie because she represented his ex-wife in his nasty divorce? I bet his pouting mouth would shut if the reasons for that divorce were public.
My take on that is yes, it’s because she represented his wife. Stephanie knows ALL of Jonathan’s dirty secrets and I heard he behaved VERY badly during his marriage. He still behaves very badly towards women. He thinks he’s a stud but he needs to learn that sometimes no means no. His shameful behavior does not hold up well in the light of day and he would do ANYTHING to hide that.
Well that explains a lot.
A) Johnny Machine boy
B) Put the Cleaver to Weaver
C) Sleezer Weaver
D) Johnny no research
E) Johnny toadyseed.
Brinkehoff-Riley is a divorce attorney? The former Council VP is a divorce attorney? Is that her law specialty?
I expected corporate finance or tax perhaps.
What difference does it make. Be careful, you look like a snob. BTW Supposedly Friend and Russ Jr are CPAs….that skirt the rules of GAAP.
I’m totally serious. The stereotype of the divorce attorney is to divide, conquer and profit on the division. (Note: I said “stereotype.”) There are FEW better strategic fighters than divorce attorneys. Even SBR would acknowledge that. Strong public servant officials experienced and trained in fiscal, economic development and administrative law matters come from corporate, institutional and tax areas, not typically divorce law. I did not know SBR was a divorce attorney. The snob reference is not applicable.
The snob label was totally applicable. You start off playing dumb and then you insult the profession of family law in your demeaning and microfocused point of view.
What happened to you Weinz, are you the same one from the CP forum. I used to remember you making intelligent arguments. But now you just seem snarly. Maybe see a doc, it might be time to adjust things. I’m being totally serious.
Divorce Court is open to the public.
I really like all of the above. He offers such a rich tapestry of reasons to make jokes about him, all of those need to be used.
There is a old saying about “a hit dog,hollers”.
Just look back at this issue and see all of the politicians, media outlets, lawyers that barked.
Mostly trivial at best. Was there really anything that was recorded, that was not already known? Was the recording a “trust” issue that superseded the “trust” that was shaken by the financial books not being able to be balanced these past years? How many times have it been said that the books were balanced, hotel is being built, this or that project will make downtown it once was. Those crowing need to look in the mirror if they want to find fault!
Evansville City Council (ECC ) Evansville Classic Clowns
14WFIE is owned by a group in Texas? I thought 14WFIE was owned by a group located in Louisville, KY (same people that own WAVE-TV). Isn’t that why their “Taking A Stand” talking heads don’t have a clue as to what is happening here in Evansville and their increased emphasis on news in Owensboro?
I’ve just been advised that 14WFIE is owned by Raycom Media (which also owns WAVE-TV in Louisville, KY). Raycom Media is located in Montgomery, Alabama.
SBR left a recorded message!!????
Well someone found this video that John Friend made:
Wow, John really has neglected his oral hygiene. When he keeps blathering about being ‘ready to move on’, did he mean with toothbrushing ?
Maybe a good nickname for John Friend would be Captain Hook?
So what was the takeaway from yesterday’s political theater?
Who’s stock is up? Who’s stock is down?
Stock Down: City Admin, all City Council except SBR, C&P, 14 Noose, Jack Schriber, Ellen Sprepski, other C&P posters.
Stock Up: SBR, CCO, all CCO posters who ‘get it’.
Comments are closed.