IS IT TRUE MAY 28, 2015


IS IT TRUE that Evansville Police Department SWAT team and police officers did a masterful job in the  apprehension of a man who has been accused of vandalizing Doggy Day care facility on the Southside of Evansville?  …we hope this serves as a notice to anyone who threatens our police officers that they will be arrested?  …we are glad this situation was resolved without any major injury to Jason A Porter and hope he will be provided with some much needed mental help assistance?

IS IT TRUE if both Mayoral candidates wants to make a “Good Public Policy” statement that the voters can support here it is? … they need to commit to a new ordinance stating that any active Union representative will not be allowed to serve any board or commission that have union employment contract or eligible to bid on any proposed union construction contracts?

IS IT TRUE our friends in the police department tell us that the City Council should pay special attention to the financial activities of the City of Evansville State and Federal Drug Forfeiture fund during the last 3 years? …they tell us this fund had about $750,000 worth fund activity over the last 3 years?  … they would like City Council do a  review of this fund in order to insure that the police department have purchased things of substance with the money?

IS IT TRUE we hope the voters will not forget the debacle called EARTHCARE and the unsecured loan of $200,000 that now is in default?

IS IT TRUE we hear that a couple of City Council members may not be totally pleased with City Council Attorney Scott Danks legal performance?  …we are pleased with Mr. Danks performance and he should be retained as City Council attorney for another year?

IS IT TRUE we wonder what is the status of the lawsuit between former City Councilman and  Fire Chief Keith Jarboe and the City of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE we hear that former City Clerk candidate Misty Hart is considering filing a law suit against Courier and Press writer Tom Langhorne for defamation of her character?

IS IT TRUE if both Mayoral candidates would like to get the serious attention of the voters they need to commit to the establishment of an in-house Law Department?  …Its estimated that having an in-house Law Department would save the taxpayers many hundred of thousands of dollars per year?

Please take time and vote in todays “Readers Poll”. Also we just posted the current City County Observer TRI-STATE VOICES TV show for you’re viewing pleasure.

Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


  1. Happy to report that Debbie from O’Hairs Grooming service is taking a nap today and is reopening her business tomorrow at 7am.

  2. IIT the the “former” City Councilman is the “current” City Councilman until such time as his successor is sworn in on January 1, 2016?

      • I stand corrected. I was thinking of the hostilities between Councilman Lindsey and the current chief.

  3. Anyone living next door to a bunch of barking dogs all day and all night would easily go crazy after a while.

      • Never say “Always” YES? So the dogs barking is not a problem with anyone else. Maybe you should go see the video on that lady’s facebook page and then ask yourself if you would like to live next to her for ten years and put up with barking dogs day in and day out for ten long years. There are always two sides to every story. I just said that it would drive most anyone batty to have to put up with barking dogs like that. Look at how many big dogs this lady keeps in here small yard. One dog can be bad enough but the has a huge pack of dogs. I can only imagine the noise all those dogs make.

        I like dogs but I don’t like dogs that bark excessively. My dog(s) would have been disciplined for excessive barking and they were trained to not bark like those dogs in the video.

    • Basically that’s how Billy Rolls. He likes seeing himself on TV. Can’t you tell. What a media hog. He was on the scene when the SWAT team busted into Grandmaws house and prompted the law suit for use of excessive force against the Grandmother. How did that one work out for Billy? He claimed he was not in charge of that one or something to that affect.

    • It means the city hires their own full time lawyer. Instead of renting one by the hour. Which is their current practice.

  4. Hypothetical Question

    Topic: Return On Investment (ROI)

    Point 1: $15 million TIF allocated for the North Main

    A. What do we (as a city and as citizens) get back for that investment?
    B. What will that TIF money be used for? Facades, sidewalks, paint, etcetera

    Point 2: The Mesker Park Amphitheater Renovation

    A: Consultants report from at least 2 years ago say at least $9 million
    B: Many have looked at it and said that is grossly overstated
    C: Mesker Park Amphitheater is an iconic local landmark
    D: Mesker Park Amphitheater would be a PAYING attraction, since usage of it would bring in money
    E: Mesker Park Amphitheater would bring in visitor traffic, so you have revenue for hotels, food, etc.
    F: Mesker Park Amphitheater seats a lot more people than North Main

    Don’t get me wrong, I am not totally against the North Main TIF. But I sure think the City would get a much MUCH larger ROI if the put Mesker Park Amphitheater as the higher priority over North Main

    I am curious if the CCO editors have considered this aspect yet? If so, for my very first post, I might gte a mention for the very first time in an Is It True.

    LOL. We shall see

    PS: I apologize in advance for posting again the same as I did yesterday. I posted it late at night where many people would might not have seen, and I am very interested in the answers. I hope the CCO will forgive this double post and allow me to see what kind of answers the normal daily CCO crew will provide. And a deep thank you to the couple of people who were up as late as me last night in their replied.

    • I’d like to know more about Mesker Park Amphitheater. I know that it has a history in our community, but I would like to know more about its recent history. Can anyone provide any information of point me in the direction where I can find it to show how many shows and the average attendance over the last five years that it was open. I know that there was the Movies at Mesker series and the Evansville Philharmonic did summer pops concerts there, but I don’t remember a lot of other activity in the years before it closed. Without that information, you can not really discern what the ROI would be.

  5. Is it true that any independent candidate who possesses good ethical and conservative values could easily steal the coming mayoral election away from the the current two proposed candidates, regardless of their deep pockets?

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