IS IT TRUE that today the City County Observer is saddened to learn of the passing of a great American poet and civil rights leader Maya Angelou?…Ms. Angelou had a way of cutting through the clutter of everyday life and delivering one line observations on life with clarity and felling that all could understand?…here are several of our favorite Maya Angelou quotes for our readers to enjoy as they go about their day?
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
“Courage is the most important of all the virtues, because without courage you can’t practice any other virtue consistently. You can practice any virtue erratically, but nothing consistently without courage.”
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
“Nothing will work unless you do.”
IS IT TRUE we are once again going to back away for a day or so from the chaotic circus that the release of the 2012 audit has become?…when the forest fires of the day have burned themselves out we will readdress this subject as factually as possible without giving a stage to sensationalism?
IS IT TRUE there have been many newsworthy stories that seem to be ignored in the last 10 days and among them are the facts that it has now been over 2 months since HCW of Branson, Missouri applied for a franchise to brand the downtown convention hotel as Doubletree and no word of any acceptance or rejection letter has been announced?…it seems as though the economic impact study requested by Dunn Hospitality is taking longer than anyone expected?…this and the other fact that the lot on which the hotel is planned to rest on has not yet been pronounced to be shovel ready?…this is a far cry from a golden shovel event first scheduled for early January and later postponed because the ground was frozen?…it is difficult to know which was sillier, planning to stick a golden shovel into frozen ground or figuring out January was cold in SW Indiana after announcing the event?
IS IT TRUE the fate of the McCurdy still hangs in the balance as we are about to start yet another summer with Mayoral beanstalks about to grow and snakes seeking shelter from the heat?…as Evansville does have a problem with rats in the downtown it is appropriate for the rats to have a historical shelter in which to live and a nest of snakes to feast on them?…we really aren’t talking about rats and snakes here folks but it does make a good story?…these rats may even have names?
IS IT TRUE it seems as though Peoria, Illinois is considering making an incentive offer to get the LST to move from its Evansville dock to a shoreline dock in Peoria that will be withing walking distance of retail establishments and restaurants?…with location being an important drawing point it will be interesting to see how this once touted as a magnificent tourist attraction for Evansville will play out when it becomes decision time?
IS IT TRUE that we are also heading into another summer with the Mesker Amphitheatre in worse condition than it was last year and with no events planned?…season pass holders of the Evansville Zoo are also telling us that the skeleton crew that is on staff is strained to do the upkeep and that the Zoo is really looking pretty shoddy?…with that we will leave our readers with one last quote from Maya Angelou that is particularly relevant to the travails of Evansville for the last 50 years?…it gives hope and provides focus on where the real problems have resided?
“We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.”
Wonder if HCW has submitted and / or been paid any “progress” payments yet? If so, sure haven’t read anything about that. Wonder what branch of the Mayor’s government has to review, approve and account for these payments.
Just curious as I doubt that if HCW is actually doing anything, that they are doing it out of the goodness of their heart.
I, too, am saddened at the passing of Maya Angelou, and thank CCO for recalling some of her great wisdom and sharing it today with your readers. It is an excellent way to honor a true Renaisance woman.
I agree that it is appropriate to turn from the tribulations concerning the SBOA audit and remind Evansvillians that it is not the only fire we need to put out. I do hope that there will be supporters for SBR showing up at the City Council meeting called for 12:30 tomorrow by Councilman Friend to attempt to remove her from the Vice Presidency of the City Council, though. I’m not certain whether it will take five or six votes to do it. Do any of the attorneys here know? I believe six votes are required to rescind an action already taken, and her election to the leadership of the Council would qualify as that. I have a very hard time imagining that Friend has six votes, but if Councilman Dan McGinn opts to vote with Friend, there may be five. In any case, I think the members should do what they do in full view of as many citizens as possible. I know it is hard for most people to get to a meeting in the middle of a weekday, but I hope there will be some of the public in attendance.
My apologies to CCO for this digression to the drama on City Council. I’ll stop it now.
Isn’t that meeting where they are going to try to remove her from the VP spot an ‘executive session’? Hidden from the public they are supposed to serve to try to further dis a person who actually does serve the public. Open that ‘executive session’ up to the people. Shameful politics.
The McCurdy debacle apparently isn’t going to get any better. What has been allowed to happen to that grand old building is disgraceful. The downtown rats analogy is apt. The ghosts of Titanic Thompson and Hubert Cokes, two good men who graced that building with their colorful selves in better days, are not happy.
What I have been told is that the executive session was already scheduled and has to do with legitimate Council business. I use that term loosely, btw. Friend has scheduled a “called” meeting directly after the executive session. I understand it is where he will attempt to do his dirty work.
That makes sense. I’d go with that.
The Winnecke administration’s response to a little sunlight shows why the caged bird records.
Bandana; “why the caged bird records”? Sometimes one must consider what they actually have to work with there.
Kunkel did not pay any property taxes on the McCurdy last year, 2012 pay 2013. Thus far this year, 2013 pay 2014, he has not payed any property taxes on the McCurdy.
When is it going up for the Sheriff’s sale?
That fact alone may well prove to be a big stumbling block to the private financing that is just around the corner, according to Kunkel.
I would think that the profits from the Market Street Living project would at least pay the property taxes on the McCurdy. Oh, wait! Nevermind, I forgot its not doing so great.
EKB: The analytics shows the drama isn’t really in the City Council chambers, wrong chambers, the dramas where the drivers of it are. That’s not too far away from the rats and snakes the Editor referred to in todays IiT.
Ole Crash offered comment the other day that nailed that dinner table. Gee this gets better everyday.
One thing about rats and snakes they have to sense they’re surroundings to survive. That’s just the way nature is, if a rat is in the company of snakes, the rat best keep a cache of smaller rats nearby to insure its posterity. Of course some snakes also eat smaller snakes, as well.
Herding and flocking, and inundated schooling allows such evolution, as the planet supplies it.
BTW, inundated, lets how can we dot that in…got it actually the elemental is showing that right now Bee slough is about as maximum nasty as we’ve ever seen it about where it goes under Sunset avenue.
A damned rat or snake couldn’t live much in that festering mess, maybe that’s where they ought to have the City Council meeting,right square over that bridge culvert the overhead shows. It’d be short vote for sure….. Agree with the Editors take today get back to business for the metro citizens, its why they elect someone to speak for them.
You’re right about all that, V!
There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.
(Maya Angelou)
“Just in case someone missed it.”
Here’s a an (famous media guys) take on what is clearly seen with your situation and the Crappy City Council.
“A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him”. (David Brinkley)
Big history=
(CCC) Crappy City Council (CC)= Crappy City=(CSO) Combined Sewers Overflows=(CC)= City Council-(CS)= Certified solutions-EPA=Environmental Protection Agency =(YMF!) no, not that, this, Yearly Mandate Fines= over 1/2 billion dollars to fix = (CSTC)+ Cost Shoved Too Citizens + ($)= DolLars + (COLI) + cost of living index…….(WTF?)= no, not that either, this, Where’s The Fix?…(IIF)=Improved Infrastructure Foundation + (MGBJ)= More Growth Better Jobs= (M$FE) More Dollars For Everyone. 😛
Spot on IIT for the truly shameful debacles of both the historic McCurdy Hotel and Mesker Amphitheater. Why doesn’t the City consider selling Mesker Amphitheater to private investors willing to make repairs and put it on the tax rolls?
The irony of the situation is almost beyond description.
John Friend, who holds a CPA license and has “a thriving (accounting) practice”, and is the past chairman of the finance committee of the city council, a council member who has been the most involved in the financial reporting of the City of Evansville, and who has failed to inform the public of just how bad the bookkeeping was, is now going to try to convince the city council, and the public, that it is necessary to kill the messenger who had finally had enough and decided it was time for the public to know the facts.
I doubt that anyone who is familiar with recent Evansville politics is surprised at City Council President John Friend’s actions, but it can not be allowed to happen.
How many times/years can the SBOA hand down these appalling city audits and the local media turn their collective backs on the reports?
Thank you Vice President Brinkerhoff-Riley. You, not John Friend, have done a service for the citizens of Evansville, and as is so often the case: no good deed goes unpunished.
John Friend presided over and voted for three budgets without having the books balanced. He was calling out the SBOA just three weeks ago for taking so long to release the audit. Something in his mind must have snapped recently. He has gone from holding the Mayor and Russ Lloyd’s feet to the fire to shining their shoes. He is acting crazier than the CP is trying to make SBR look. I wonder which personality John Friend will have today or tomorrow for the big meeting. John Friend’s character is like Evansville weather. It changes daily and sometimes hourly.
Everyone who believes in a citizen’s right to know the facts about their city government should be present outside of the Civic Center when this travesty takes place.
Send them a message they will not soon forget!
As I understand it, the meeting that will include a vote on SBR’s leadership position will be open to the public. It will be after the executive session. I plan to be in the room. Everyone on City Council should have to do this in the open.
I think you’re absolutely correct about the second exit interview, too. Do those who wield the power think the public is that stupid?
Friend, the aging Bozo, in his quest to kiss up to the kingmakers, and posture himself as “relevant”, is now recognized by everyone as,–> The Council Clown.
Why was there a “SECOND” exit conference, and why was the entire city council not informed, beforehand, that there would be a second exit conference?
This looks VERY bad for the SBOA and Council President John Friend.
John Friend’s running off to channel 25 with the personal voice mail from Stephine Brinkerhoff-Riley is despicable.
He is not even man enough to call her up and talk before he goes crying to Brad Byrd.
All this hardball being thrown at Brinkerhoff-Riley shows that the machine is feeling the heat and reacting in their usual manner.
It does serve to demonstrate just how difficult it will be to clean up this town. It is going to take the best efforts of all those concerned with restoring open and honest government to Evansville.
I want to read the transcript of the SECOND exit conference and see the names of the people present for that conference.
What was changed between the first and SECOND exit conference, and why was it changed?
“Peoria, Illinois is considering making an incentive offer to get the LST to move…’ It’s SBR’s fault.
Bullcrap, George Bush did that.
That’s why they call it Peoria. (As in: you’re in).
Thanks for your comments on the condition of the zoo. I have had an annual membership for a number of years, but I was very disappointed in the general condition of the grounds and the number of empty exhibits on a recent visit. Someone is not doing their job!! Welcome to Evansville. The zoo sure would not impress a visitor.
Now where does it say anything about reporting the news.
Why is the CCO backing off again? I hope this isn’t the beginning of the kid gloves being brought out just because Friend is on the other side. I’m sorry but enough is enough . This gets old after awhile and we crossed that threshold a long time ago.
What the CCO needs to do is publish the quotes surrounding the Roberts Stadium Task Force Report, the McGladrey Report which even Ethridge wrote about the mishandling of it, and this report. And then tell me if you see a pattern here. Because this will keep repeating until the CCO puts their foot down.
Our foot will come down when the donkeys stop braying so loud that our voice is drowned out by the sound.
Will someone please form a coalition to draft Rick Davis to run again. Please. Pretty please. With a cherry on top. I don’t think any other democrat can win. And I don’t think Winnecke can win re-election with his financial mishaps. This city is a disaster. I have zero political influence and don’t know any of the players – so if any of you do – please ask them to encourage Rick to run. We need him. Badly. I thought Williams had a chance. But now that he’s gone who’s left (with integrity?).
What happen to my post?? Was it deleted??
My favorite Maya Angelou quote ” When we knew better, we did better” That always makes me mist up. Too bad that doesn’t seem to apply to our current leaders
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