IS IT TRUE MAY 27, 20015


IS IT TRUE todays meeting called by the Indiana Democratic Party Chairman and 8th District Chairman with all Democratic candidates running in the upcoming City election has been cancelled because of lack of participation?  …we say WOW?  … it looks like the State Democratic Party Chairman and the 8th District Chairman called a meeting and are shunned by the local candidates?

IS IT TRUE we were amazed to hear that the person who own O’Hairs Happy Dog Daycare facility on the Southside of Evansville alleges that she called the police department over 52 times in the last couple of years for help without any results? …we were even more amazed to hear an alleged audio on TV of a confrontation between the police and a person that allegedly has harassed the owner of O’Hairs Happy Dog Daycare? …we are stunned that this individual cussing and yelling at our police officers wasn’t arrested on the spot?

IS IT TRUE we wonder what the status of the lawsuit between former City Councilman and Fire Chief Keith Jarboe and the City of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE the mainstream media has all but dropped the story on the meter gate scandal?  ...we are told that some of the utility ratepayers maybe forking over nearly $2,000 plus for the damage caused by replacement of those perfectly dated but working meters?

 IS IT TRUE we wonder if you ever stayed at a hotel that the HVAC units were in your room?  …we have been informed by reliable sources that the new downtown Convention Hotel just might have these type of units in each room?

IS IT TRUE we have been also told  that $1.1 Million dollars have so far been spent on the proposed Downtown Hotel for Architect and Engineering services?

IS IT TRUE the Evansville DMD Director is openly stating that the $15 million dollar North Main TIF project is all but a done deal even without City Council voting on it?   …the DMD Director is buying property and spending money like a drunken sailor before this project has ever been approved by City Council?  … what happens if the City Council denies the project?  … OOPS?

IS IT TRUE some people in the main stream media portrayed 4th Ward City Councilwomen as an angry black woman?  …members of our staff visited Memorial Baptist Church last week and saw Mrs. Robinson being a very happy black woman singing and praises ?

Please take time and vote in todays “Readers Poll”. Also we just posted the current City County Observer TRI-STATE VOICES TV show for you’re viewing pleasure.

Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


  1. Why would the republicans running for office as democrats attend a state democratic meeting? Should be no surprise.

    • As it has always been said, “politics is always local” . . . so, why would the Dems need the 8th District & State Chairman to ride in the white horses when the Dems have such a magnificent local Dem Leader, namely Rob Faulkner who Mosby will be including on her Christmas list in this coming Holiday Season . . . now, if Larry Aiken was still around, Ol M & M together with Dream Weaver would have tote the line . . .Why? . . . Ol Larry had $$ and he would have called those Crowns into his present and would have made it very clear that he would have spent the money to remove them from office . . .but of course we have ol’ Rob . .who BTW you can find him sitting on the Hornet’s Nest bar around 2 p.m. on any particular day . .i.e. if for some unapparent reason you wish to converse.

    • Yes . . those reports seems to be accurate but according to Santa Lloyd he can use $200,000 worth of the plans concerning the ground site however the remaining $800,000 is in down the crapper . . .

      Reports indicate that before any second annual ground breaking ceremony, the gold paint necessary to repaint the shovel (due to over-use of the previous four groundbrakers) has to arrive at your local Sherwin-Williams stores.

    • This is exactly why there should be a change in State Laws that require bidding for even Professional Services such as Engineering and other Professional Technical Services. I wonder just how much of that money was spend on Environmental Testing and Analysis Services? Why is it that only one Environmental Firm ( EMC) gets most of the city/county/EVSC environmental work? Millions of dollars are being wasted because they pay much higher costs for these services when they are not let out for bid and completion is eliminated.

      • Sure. This should happen when you’re willing to accept the “lowest bid” for your medical services. After all, it doesn’t matter who’s handling your medical issues just as long as he/she is the lowest first cost, right?

        Profession Services Contracts (Architecture & Engineering) are awarded on a lowest, most responsive basis. Trust me, there are some A/E firms out there locally that you wouldn’t want to design a brick s**thouse for you. That’s not to say that the powers-that-be need to be a little more judicious in their application of the “most responsive” criteria. e.g., Hafer, VPS, Bernardin-Lochmueller, and Biagi need to have their wings clipped.

        • Oh yes . . .BLA . . didn’t Keith donate $17,000 to Winnecke in 2011? and upped the annie in 2012,2013 and 2014 . . . ? and received $600,000 to oversee the Johnson Control debacle?

  2. Is it true that next month marks the 7th anniversary of the announcement that a deal had been made to refurbish the McCurdy Hotel into luxury apartments?… After more that 2,500 days and $1.4 Million taxpayer dollars the classic old building is on the verge of collapse like the house on Virginia street two days ago?

    • The local yellow rag just printed an article about how he paid $530.K to the city to straighten out a lawsuit the city filed against him. What the newspaper article deliberately left out of the article was that he BORROWED THE $530.K FROM THE CITY TO MAKE THE PAYMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      A group of citizens ought get together and round this bunch of outlaws up and put them in jail. Its for damn sure Nick Hermann is not going to get his head out of his a……., make that…out of the sand and do anything about it. Its time for help from the State. Oh that’s right, I forgot about the State level enablers, like the “clean audit” SBOA bunch. I guess we will not be seeing any help from the State.

  3. IS IT TRUE that next month marks the 7th anniversary of the mayoral announcement that a deal had been struck with a crony to refurbish the McCurdy Hotel?…after 2,500+ days and $1.4 Million taxpayer dollars, the old classic is on the verge of collapse?…the city is still fighting the mandate to stop dumping poop into the streets like a cat fights a bath?

  4. Tony Long Leadership in Action. Does anyone in Evansville think that this Warrick County Democrat Partisan has the good of Evansville in his heart?


  5. Suspect did not have a toy gun, was not selling loosers or jaywalking, but MOST IMPORTANTLY was NOT BLACK. Sooooo the police claim their hands were tied, otherwise he would have been shot 147 times on the spot.

    • This should be interesting to watch this play out after they get this guy to surrender. The owner of this property (Gary Porter), Jason Porter’s dad, had a run-in with the City, Animal Control, and his neighbors several years ago regarding his maintaining horses on the property and a privacy fence. I suspect this is an escalation of a long standing dispute. I happened to drive by this area a couple of weeks ago and noticed that the property had deteriorated and the yard was un-mowed and overgrown. I’m surprised that the “Weed Police” haven’t cited the property owner for that violation (they’ve been out in strength in my neighborhood).

  6. IIT Yahweh sent massive floods to Ireland to punish them for approving same sex marriage?

    Oh Sh*** wait that is TEXAS,

    IIT the jagbags in Texas asked for federal help with floods they’re dealing with?

    IIT the jagbags in TX refused to expand Medicaid in order to spite President Obama?

    IIT that President Obama has more class in his little toe than every R in the country?

    IIT that President Obama will provide the necessary help even though the jagbags in TX refused to help other states and called him every name in the book, including a traitor?

    IIT that TX has the highest uninsured rate in the country?

    IIT that TX has the most people working for the minimum wage?

    IIT that TX has highest rate of mercury pollution?

    IIT that TX has the highest rate of benzene pollution?

    IIT that TX is rated 46th in water quality?

    IIT that both governors of IN and TX are always beating their chests about how great they are for business while letting their states become polluted c***holes and let their infrastructure rot?

    • Those Texass hypocrites better not ask for any federal aid. That’s socialism, ya know.

      • Ballonpilot, you are 100% spot on. Ghost posts also as Moveon and they typically post/agree in close proximity with each other. Typical liberal talking point nonsense, but lots of it. Most of us ignore their silly rants. Silly is as silly does. FYI

  7. The precedent was set when the State Demo Party ignored the Vanderburgh Central Committee’s treasonous backstabbing of Rick Davis. The State Demo Party is gutless and won’t do anything to the openly treasonous Vanderburgh County Democrat officeholders.

  8. Is it true the troll from New York, mister happy/dr detroit continues to troll the Courier and Press? Today the idiot is actually questioning Charles Krauthammer’s military service, Charles is paralyzed. This is about as goofy as Joe Biden asking the paralyzed man in a wheelchair to stand up and take a bow.

  9. Hypothetical Question

    Topic: Return On Investment (ROI)

    Point 1: $15 million TIF allocated for the North Main

    A. What do we (as a city and as citizens) get back for that investment?
    B. What will that TIF money be used for? Facades, sidewalks, paint, etcetera

    Point 2: The Mesker Park Amphitheater Renovation

    A: Consultants report from at least 2 years ago say at least $9 million
    B: Many have looked at it and said that is grossly overstated
    C: Mesker Park Amphitheater is an iconic local landmark
    D: Mesker Park Amphitheater would be a PAYING attraction, since usage of it would bring in money
    E: Mesker Park Amphitheater would bring in visitor traffic, so you have revenue for hotels, food, etc.
    F: Mesker Park Amphitheater seats a lot more people than North Main

    Don’t get me wrong, I am not totally against the North Main TIF. But I sure think the City would get a much MUCH larger ROI if the put Mesker Park Amphitheater as the higher priority over North Main

    I am curious if the CCO editors have considered this aspect yet? If so, for my very first post, I might gte a mention for the very first time in an Is It True.


    • ROI to the city means little to those whom are sucking at the taxpayer dollar teat. When the city folds in financial collapse, the many that didn’t drink from the trough will be left to bare the burden as those that milked them dry, move to a new udder elsewhere, because they can. Money follows money.

  10. Hypothetical Question

    Topic: Return On Investment (ROI)

    Point 1: $15 million TIF allocated for the North Main

    A. What do we (as a city and as citizens) get back for that investment?
    B. What will that TIF money be used for? Facades, sidewalks, paint, etcetera

    Point 2: The Mesker Park Amphitheater Renovation

    A: Consultants report from at least 2 years ago say at least $9 million
    B: Many have looked at it and said that is grossly overstated
    C: Mesker Park Amphitheater is an iconic local landmark
    D: Mesker Park Amphitheater would be a PAYING attraction, since usage of it would bring in money
    E: Mesker Park Amphitheater would bring in visitor traffic, so you have revenue for hotels, food, etc.
    F: Mesker Park Amphitheater seats a lot more people than North Main

    Don’t get me wrong, I am not totally against the North Main TIF. But I sure think the City would get a much MUCH larger ROI if the put Mesker Park Amphitheater as the higher priority over North Main

    I am curious if the CCO editors have considered this aspect yet? If so, for my very first post, I might gte a mention for the very first time in an Is It True.

    LOL. We shall see

    • Hell yes! Mesker Amphitheater (MA) has been ignored and rots like the historic McCurdy hotel. MA is a community treasure that was apparently deemed as “competition” for the former regimes Ford Center.

  11. I hear that Warrick County Treasurer Pat Brooks still employs her sister Dorothy McKendree in the Warrick Treasurer’s office, even though the state of Indiana passed an anti nepotism law some time ago. Ms. Brooks was accused publicly of this violation in a hearing at the time and rightfully so!

  12. I also hear that Dorothy McKendree of the Warrick County Treasurers office has FILED A CIVIL SUIT against Warrick County and its current recorder, stating among many things, that she denies falling asleep at her desk, “on the clock” numerous times. Ms. McKendree must not realize the number of clear, close-up photos that exist of her sleeping at her desk during her shift, on multiple occasions while employed there! They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I wonder how many of Ms. McKendree’s would be suitable for reprint if she saw such photos.

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