IS IT TRUE May 23, 2013
IS IT TRUE CCO Mole #29 tells us that there has been some rumor mongering going on in downtown Evansville about the whereabouts of Joe Wallace, Editor of the CCO and Managing Director of the Coachella Valley Innovation Hub?…our Mole tells us that the rumor mongers are saying that Joe is no longer living in California and is basically unable to be found?…nothing could be further from the truth as the CViHub just opened its new accelerator campus at the Palm Springs International Airport at full capacity and has attracted three companies from out of state in 2013?…at this grand opening Palm Springs Mayor Steve Pougnet declared that the CViHub program has “such momentum that it cannot be stoppedâ€?…the most recent business to come into the CViHub program is Silicon Springs Ventures, a start-up venture capital firm formed by former Silicon Valley VC’s who see the momentum and join two angel networks that already operate out of the CViHub?…life is good in Palm Springs for Mr. Wallace who starts most days by putting together IS IT TRUE for the CCO before going off to do his duties at the CViHub?
IS IT TRUE that Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke ran on a platform that included expanding the utilization of the Partnership Intermediary Agreement (PIA) signed between GAGE and the Crane NAVSEA Division on September 3, 2008 AND on establishing an investment fund to support entrepreneurs?…while the news is full of stories about dog parks, platinum plated water meters, skateboard half-pipes, and subsidizing a downtown hotel complex with $37.5 Million taxpayer dollars, we have not heard a single solitary piece of propaganda about technology transfer or the formation of a functional investment fund?…as has been pointed out to the powers that be time and time again, without a viable investment community in start-up businesses the best local entrepreneurs will either give up and take a job or pack up and leave?…youthful talent, educated professionals, venture investors, and entrepreneurs have the potential to add more value to a local economy than all of the hotels, arenas, parks, amphitheatres, zoos, and ball parks that any mayor could ever afford to subsidize with taxpayer dollars?…perhaps the City Council can redirect the funds that are dreamed of for more fun and games into a more promising area like a private matched angel investment fund?…the alternative is to fuel the brain drain and keep driving the talent and ambition out of town?
IS IT TRUE the day after being attributed with making the impossible statement that a 253 room hotel would increase room night sales by 40%, CVB Executive Director Bob Warren has had his contract extended by three years?…the CCO being a supporter of the kind of analytical thought that Mr. Warren sees this as a positive move if Mr. Warren is indeed allowed to keep thinking as opposed to wearing the puppet strings that so often come with these kinds of jobs in Evansville?…as we opined yesterday, we really wonder who wrote the talking points for Mr. Warren when it came to the details of the projected economic impact of a downtown convention hotel?…the timing of the contract extension even take on the appearance of a reward for following orders?…we certainly wish Mr. Warren success in bringing conventions to town but wish the projections published looked more like realism and less like the tales of Baron von Munchausen?
IS IT TRUE that some of the testimony before Congress yesterday by top Internal Revenue Service (IRS) executives was stunning in the sense that these people do not even think it is wrong to single out groups for IRS scrutiny because of political views that dissent from the views of President Obama?…we have scandals in the federal departments of state, justice, and revenue that should make the country blush and change course?…when senior government officials do not even know right from wrong we have a very serious problem?…it is time for another intervention at the federal level like the one in 2008 that swept President Obama into the White House?…it is time this country learned that details and execution matter as much or more than hopes and dreams?…what this country, and many of the local governments in it need now are doers as opposed to dreamers?
What’s more ironic is a deep South Republican that rails about constitution trampling basically wanted to force that Lerner woman to give up her 5th amendment rights. Hypocrite? Not surprising.
She gave up her own rights when she used the occasion of her appearance before the committee to proclaim that everything she did was legal and above board, then immediately sought the protection against self incrimination provided by the 5th Amendment.
It does not work that way. You can not have it both ways, and she will be called back in front of the Committee for questioning.
This administration was successful in tamping down the IG report on IRS targeting for at least 6 months before the last election. No doubt they will also try to stonewall this investigation as long as possible.
I believe the person most surprised by Obama’s reelection was Obama. I want to thank all those conservatives who were pissed off over the selection of the candidate to face Obama, and demonstrated their feelings by not voting in the presidential election, for heaping 4 more years of misery on the Country.
So much for incessant ramblings about rights. She can’t be forced to testify. Do you want to waterboard her or something?
She can not claim “rights” she does not have.
Real Clear Politics:
South Carolina Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy, a former federal prosecutor, demanded that Lerner remain to answer questions, since she gave an opening statement and thereby waived her Fifth Amendment right.
“You don’t get to tell your side of the story and not be subject to cross-examination,” Gowdy said
I’m sorry, but she doesn’t have to answer a damn thing.
The way I’ve heard it explained, Pressanykey and Rep. Gowdy would be correct if Ms. Lerner had pulled that stunt in a court of law. However, the same rules of law don’t seem to apply in front of Congress.
Still, it seemed a bit weird for someone to be sworn, then to launch into a litany of self-serving pronouncements of innocence, then to plead the Fifth to avoid self-incrimination for purported acts of total innocence.
We should all contact the Indiana Public Licensing Agency about good old Rumplebeancounter. It is rumored that the MUNIS records still don’t reconcile to the bank. Yet, he has certified the last two years annual reports even though there are material errors. Not reconciling has been going on for 28 months now, with 16 of them being under his watch. This behavior is considered as “Acts Discreditable” to the CPA profession. Please contact the Indiana Public Licensing Agency ASAP about Russell G. Lloyd, Jr.
Joe I’m glad you mentioned the angel investor network here. I was getting ready to ask you if you have ever been contacted by the city about such a thing. Have you heard from anyone on if the mayor has lived up to his campaign promise and is forming one of these networks? Have they reached out to you at all about this?
Joe, I’m delighted to see you’ve drawn upon Baron Munchausen in your description of our local officals, but I wonder if a more appropriate equation might include the Flying Islanders of Laputa: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_ImqMyQXYU
In a land of fools, the rational man is seen to be crazy.
Brad–Might be a stretch to call yourself rational.
49 Chicago Schools Closed in Historical Mass School Shutdown
by Elizabeth Sheld……. 23 May 2013,
On Wednesday, the Chicago School Board voted to close 49 elementary schools, “in what is believed to be the biggest single mass shutdown of schools in U.S. history”
Fifty-three schools were originally scheduled to be shut down. The closures come as part of Chicago’s plan to deal with it’s massive $1B deficit. The schools were shut down for “failing to meet academic standards.”
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I guess if you screw up enough in Chicago or Springfield you get promoted to the White House by a voting public that definitely does NOT have a clue.
“Mr. Wallace who starts most days by putting together IS IT TRUE for the CCO before going off to do his duties at the CViHub
I’m glad to see that Joe J. Wallace hasn’t really changed much since the days he used to ride around North Park,
Listing to REO Speedwagon.
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