IS IT TRUE that yesterday was a wonderful day in Southern California?…yesterday was ended with this writer presenting a duplicate of the Silver Award won by SecoSys at the World’s Best Technology Conference to the City Council of Desert Hot Springs to commemorate their support and commitment to excellence even in the face of challenging budgetary times?…Desert Hot Springs placed their bets on the winning horse and jockey when they signed on as one of the founding entities of the Coachella Valley Innovation Hub?…President Obama is now emulating the California Innovation Hub initiative as are 15 other California cities and municipalities across the nation?…it all started in Palm Springs with a well conceived plan just a few short years ago?…that plan was followed up with proper funding and consistent support without political distractions and that is the basis of the successes of 2014?
IS IT TRUE the City County Observer has enjoyed two record setting days during the last 5 days with respect to readership?…Friday March 16th was the 4th most traffic that the CCO has ever had in a single day?…Monday March 19th beat that and moved into 3rd in traffic for the 4 years that the CCO has been counting internet traffic with a reliable and accurate counting program known as Google Analytics?
IS IT TRUE the office of Emergency Management was moved to sheriff’s station on Hwy 41 from a long time location?…when Sherman Greer was in charge of Emergency Management he did not want to move because he was on a triple net lease and only paying $35,000 to $38,000 per year?…it has been reported and confirmed that the move reported in mainstream media costed over $500,000?…leaving a site that it will take over 15 years to break even if the rent is free does not strike us as good management of the taxpayer’s dollars?…it would be interesting to know who made the money from the move and what the new expenses are?
IS IT TRUE we are sorry to report that the Hartke Pool in the shadow of the demolished Roberts Stadium will not open on Memorial Day as it has every year since it was built?…that dates back many years to when most of us were children?…the activity preventing the opening is the demolition of the big slide that many children have enjoyed for a long time?…the cost to demolish the slide is reported to be $12,000 and the best quote to refurbish the slide was $60,000?…in a city that was hell bent to spend $10 Million on a dog park and skateboard ramp next door, the failure to invest $60,000 to refurbish a legacy slide is mind boggling?…there was no solicitation for public help?…there was not even adequate planning to get the old slide down in time for a Memorial Day opening?…if this is good time management then the Martians are managing their time well for a second landing at Roswell?
IS IT TRUE that the headline story on the Courier and Press today read “No criminal investigation of Brinkerhoff-Riley recording ‘as of today'”?…the cast who throw the stones at Channel 14 and Channel 25 echoed the same “are you the only crook in your family” headlines throughout the day?…we find this to be offensive and smacking of sensationalism?…for media outlets that call themselves legitimate to do things like this and post the most rotten pictures of Councilwoman Riley ranks right up there with the talking heads of cable television who do the same thing?…if we wanted to join in the fray we could easily come up with headlines like “Winnecke not yet convicted of Lying about Reconciliation”, “Weinzapfel Administration yet to have charges filed against it for last minute spending”, or even “Friend and John still awaiting arraignment for weekend shenanigans”?…those were all of course created just for the purpose of mocking the idiocy that Evansville’s mainstream media has become during recent times?
I should have known the slide would be the next thing torn down. What a disgrace. Now it’s definitely time to blow up the whole plan and start from scratch.
Step number one needs to be getting on the phone with Dunn Hosp to work on constructing an indoor water park and resort on the parking lot south of Swonder. If that is built and the city finally constructs the long awaited new natatorium on the Hartke Pool lot, then you have a hotel to anchor your natatorium that can host multiple tournaments for both UE and the NCAA.
From there, you can leave the eastern side of the lot open for the eventual construction of a 15k football stadium and 5,000 seat events center with the middle area and the current ball fields site serving as parking and tailgating for all amenities.
As for SBR, Joe do you remember back in 2009-10 you wrote a letter into the C&P about the pall over Evansville? In your letter you said a leader would have to emerge that would be able to lead the city out of the current gloom by changing the current culture of how things are done here and by gathering a wide variety of parties.
I for one think we just found that leader- SBR!
C&P’s Western KY Reporter, I think his name is John Lucas, wrote about the “pall over Evansville” Great article.
Yes, the same type of “pall” hung over the city of New York from 1852 to 1877, but it passed when someone, at long last, got their just deserts.
Hope springs eternal.
From afar, The pall over You’re metros freedom of expression seems to be the Pall that equates to the C&P. The difference most commonly seen is what one does with the toxic garbage and carbons additional after one is appalled by what one reads in it.
pall noun
: something (such as a cloud of smoke) that covers a place and makes it dark
: a heavy cloth that is used for covering a coffin, hearse, or tomb
ex·pres·sion noun \ik-ˈspre-shən\
: the act of making your thoughts, feelings, etc., known by speech, writing, or some other method : the act of expressing something
: a word or phrase
: the way someone’s face looks that shows emotions and feelings
Joe’s article was in response to Lucas’ article. Lucas’ article was so-so. What made the idea take off was the enormous amount of response letters it triggered into the C&P with the most notable being Joe’s.
In fact several people including me formed a group after the article to take action. One of the members reached out to Lucas and never heard back. I myself approached one of the former editors about it. Still nothing. That was one of the first things that convinced me the C&P is just a bunch of talking heads more interested in publicity than results.
And yes, SBR has to be the answer to Joe’s article. If not, then there never will be a person like that.
I was not the first person to use the word “pall”, I just followed up on what columnist John Lucas of the CP started. I did indeed follow-up by stating that a leader would have to step forward and turn the culture upside down to lift the pall. That clearly has not yet happened. SBR is a candidate to do so as she does seem to possess the willingness to oppose destructive traditions and take the lashes for doing so. Whether or not she becomes Evansville’s “NEO” or not remains to be seen. Like others who have turned losing traditions into winners, whoever becomes Evansville’s “NEO” will have to take a furious beating from the machine over a great many years to turn the corner. There have been several people with the capacity to do so. Thus far they have all either assimilated into the masses or just picked up and left town. Most have done the latter.
Note: NEO is the savior/deliverer from an authoritarian state in the movie The Matrix. He is “the one”. I recommend the movie and would submit that a similar combination of talent, drive, and humbleness will be needed from whomever can turn Evansville around. I encourage our readers to watch it. When you see the multitude of “Agent Andersons” think machine. When you see Morpheus and NEO think solution.
SBR wouldn’t be elected mayor. They’d just rip her to shreds and I don’t think she could overcome it. I’m wondering if Rick Davis could pull it off if he tried again.
You’re right about what the Courier would do to SBR, but I don’t think the Courier will be in existence by the time the next City election comes around.
They may be around, but will they be influential? I turn everyone I can onto the CCO.
Apparently, we do have some local residents who read the paper to find out what they, personally, should be thinking, IE. I’m shocked at how many of their readers have swallowed the garbage to the point that they believe some serious crime has been committed AND that SBR should be prosecuted for said crime. It was 58% the last time I looked at their “poll.” I don’t think I can look again, without vomiting.
The C&P had been leaning further and further into the local in-crowd attitudes for the past years, but they totally tilted over a couple of months ago, when I cancelled my subscription.
I hope you are right about the Courier not being in existence by the time we have the next Mayoral election. I would not shed a tear if that happened.
Perhaps they someone will by that RAG for pennies on the dollar and turn it into a Real Blog.
I’ve never seen such pathetic stories that reek with political favoritism and it totally disgusts me. IMHO.
I’m certain Rick could be elected if the local democrat party doesn’t throw him under the bus again.
The REAL Democrats didn’t desert Rick. That was done at the behest of the monied interests who claim to be leaders in the Democratic party, aided and abetted by their Republican counterparts.
Rick lost by about 1,000 votes. There must not be many REAL democrats in this city. Does being “monied” exclude one from being a REAL democrat? If memory serves, Connie Robinson led the charge against Rick. John Friend had Rick’s sign in front of his business but after Connie came out against Rick, that sign came down. Now there’s a man who stands by his convictions!
My point was that it wasn’t “the” Democrats, it was some people who claim to be Democrats, but are a part of the inter-party group who really run the city. They did it because they couldn’t control him. You clearly despise Democrats and blame them for everything, yet you were a supporter of Rick’s? That’s really strange!
I agree that the Courier has done everything to discredit the very person that a real newspaper would be right on top of, a “whistle blower” who exposed incompetence and/or malfeasance in managing of the City’s finances. The bad pictures were a much expected cheap-shot, and I found it interesting there were no pictures of the crowd of supporters that showed up.
I do think it is time for the public to call for the firing of Russ Lloyd, as he has not yet resigned.
The Evansville Courier is totally ignoring the fact that the books are not balanced and can’t even be figured out with a adverse opinion on some facets of the audit. I’m not an CPA but I can add, subtract, multiply and divide pretty good.
I’m not familiar with all the accounting terms and acronyms but I know red ink when I see it.
IMHO the news papers are barking up the wrong tree. They should focuc on the money and the fact that the books can’t be figured out. The adverse opinion is not a good thing and they have ignored this as they are focusing on the road to get there and not the end results of a bad audit for the last 4 years. That’s outrageous and they are ignoring this simple fact and truth. Is it true that the books are so bad that the auditors can’t, using regular approved accounting practices, figure out where the money went?
The Courier & Pravda had a few pictures of the crowd. The one that really stood out was the picture of Cheryl Musgrave with SBR.
That is because she is planning to run for office in the very near future.
My parakeet has been squawking for the last hour to get today’s C&P into the bottom of the cage . . . I’ve managed to hold him off thus far.
Pg. 1, the C&P states, without attribution, ” According to Indiana Code 5-11-1-10, a public official who ‘interferes with an examiner in the discharge of the examiner’s official duties; commits a Class B infraction and forfeits office”.
The SBOA bureaucrat, Paul Joyce, is really stretching here. Mr. Joyce will have to demonstrate HOW, in any way, the recording of the meeting/or the release of the recording to the public interfered with the examiner.
Honestly, how could the release of that information interfere with the completion of the audit ? IMO, Stephanie interfered with the COVER UP, she did not interfere with the completion of the audit ?
Last, read the Statute for yourself. It only applies to ‘Public Officer’ positions (such as City Controllers, I would expect). A City Councilperson may not even be a ‘Public Officer’ for purposes of this Statute.
Good analysis of the statute. Joyce is offended and grasping at straws. The release has gone from in a few days to in a couple of weeks according to Winnecke who seems to be driving the process. Is that delay to give the illusion that the release of the tape caused them problems? If they change their changes because the truth was released that really feeds the theory that the state is cooking its own books.
Wow, I should have thought of that. I’ve got three baby birds and was trying to figure out how to keep the bottom of their cage clean. The old Courier and Press papers would be a perfect fit for that cage bottom. The news paper is already full of ****. A little more would do it some good!
Maybe the interference is coming from the administration I personally find this whole confidentiality statement thing pretty weak. I sign these statements almost weekly. But during the course of business if a client discloses certain information I’m required by law to report it. Don’t have me sign a confidentiality statement then tell me something criminal. Why should a person, an elected person, elected by the people be required to sign a confidentiality statement requiring you to withhold information that should be public? There is a rot at the very core of our local government. With the exception of SBR the rest of the city council is unworthy of our trust.
I think it is interesting of todays poll indicating there are more people that think there will be shenanigans played by the SBOA
with the cooperationto the relief of the Mayor.I wonder if the Mayor and Governor have communicated about this problem? Withholding the SBA report makes me wonder what’s going on. This is not normal procedure is it?
I wonder if the Mayor has anything to hide? They say that the Best Defense is a good Offense. Perhaps the reason that the Mayor is calling SBR “Reckless” he might have something to hide? Maybe that’s why he is on the attack? Does the Courier and Press and Channel 14 TV news answer to Mayor Winnee?
Reckless is pushing for a $10 Million dog park when there are not sufficient funds to mow the parks we have. Winnecke calling anyone reckless is laughable.
How could anyone who has listened to the recording “wonder” if there is something going on?
Amounts written off, amounts plugged in for balance, material provided was insufficient for any type of audit to be performed, balances overstated!
Did you listen to the recording?
Any comments on why Scott Danks resigned as the CCO attorney today?
I’m stunned at the power of Winnie. Perhaps he has someone behind him that’s even more powerful and DANGEROUS?
Too bad people won’t stand up to these power brokers. The only people that I can think of that are that powerful would be Dr. Evil and his cohorts. Now who in Evansville has that kind of threatening Power? <———— Points out WEST!
Scott advised us that he could no longer serve as our attorney. The decision was his own and he is not the kind of person to bow to outside pressure. The events of the last week have made it clear that this is the best decision for both of us as we report on the City Council that he also serves. We parted ways respectfully and remain friends.
I wish you good luck in getting another attorney. I enjoy this web site and the freedom it offers for people to say what they really feel and to tell the truth and get the truth. We need more of that in this world IMHO.
I’m sorry to see him go. I wish him good luck in the future.
PS: To StateBoardRecorder:
She won’t have to worry about recording the meeting as there will be NO meetings. She has not broken any laws and certainly didn’t commit a felony as the news paper is acting like she committed some sort of felony crime. That’s not the case. If any thing it’s a misdemeanor and akin to a traffic ticket for jay walking. Move on folks nothing to see here!
Yes, unfortunately, if accurately reporting what goes on in this town means stepping on the toes of some people with financial/political clout, it will put a serious crimp in the pool of available attorneys.
Just another problem to work through while trying to clean up this city. Come hell or high water though, it will get done, as too many people are now aware of what is going on. The lines are forming and people will have make the choices they can live with for themselves, their children, and their grand children’s sake.
Open honest government is the goal.
Sometimes the best thing to do is get an attorney who doesn’t live in Evansville or Vanderburgh County. There are plenty of good lawyers in Warrick and Gibson County to choose from. And if that not working them. Perry County and Posey County have good lawyers too.
Note: I believe but could be wrong that the City of Evansville hires some lawyers from Indianapolis?
Moveon says, ” I enjoy this web site and the freedom it offers for people to say what they really feel and to tell the truth and get the truth. We need more of that in this world IMHO.”
Judging from your attacks on anyone who disagrees with you or your idol in the white house, your statement is false. You only want the truth when it matches your belief system and the brainwashing you have endured. You are all for SBR because she is a democrat and she is opposing the republican mayor/administration.
But yet you deny all the misbehaving and wrong doing by our salamander-in-chief. IRS scandal, bengahzi, lies about healthcare, not enforcing the laws of the land on immigration, overstepping his power on Executive orders, going against the constitution on the shady, underhanded and concealed way he conducts business, while claiming transparency.
The Courier and Press’s article about the impending investigation of SBR’s exit interview shenanigans leaves me wondering whether she will record her interviews with the state police if and when they happen.
see my PS comment above
I’m sure she will and she needs to. I feel she has entered a system more vile and corrupt than what we have in Detroit. Just remember we are talking about people who sat in an office and decided to steal our homestead exemption tax. We are talking about people elected to serve the people but use insider information to feather their own nest. I don’t think it will make any difference next election, we will vote the same people in, even the ones who voted for earthcare.
Sad but probably true. When so few take the time to go vote this is what we end up with.
Some or a lot of the People just get immune to this sort of thing and tune out. They say to themselves, “What difference will my vote make”?
Recently the Mayor was quoted as saying the following:
“I find the secret recording of the City of Evansville’s Exit Conference with the State Board of Accounts by the City Council Vice President to be irresponsible and a clear violation of trust,” said Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke (sic)in a prepared statement. “Furthermore, the inappropriate release of confidential state information is a breach of the state audit process, tramples the public’s (sic)confidence and puts the reputation of our great city at stake.”
IMHO the Mayor has it backwards. Isn’t the Mayor acting recklessly and is he not breaking the trust of the public in that he is hiding the results of the city’s financial situation from the General Public? Secret meetings behind closed doors do nothing to give the public faith in our so called self proclaimed leaders of this great city. IMHO
Starting to think that the audit was in much better hands when the Pole Dancers and Quentin Tarantino did the audit. The City got what it deserved and it only took them two months. Airhead and her non-CPA crew have taken 10 plus months. I hate to see Russ’s face when he gets the audit bill.
Stephanie needs to go ahead and file a lawsuit against the C&P for defamation, maybe toss in 14 Noose as another defendant. The ‘no State police investigation . . . yet’ is simply unreal.
From recent posts, maybe get Mr. Dunn & Mr. Garrett in as additional plaintiffs for similar C&P tactics. That would be a machine wake-up call.
Oh That would be great. It would be nice to see them pay for what they did. That really was uncalled for and IMHO UNPROFESSIONAL to boot. And I’m referring to the article about the State Police are NOT conducting an investigation AT THIS TIME! NO? REALLY? And why would they be conducting and investigation for a traffic ticket at best violation? Just issue the ticket to SBR and be don’t with it if she even deserved to get a ticket. But that’s not even going to happen because what she did was RIGHT not wrong. She did us all a favor and outed the Mayor and the SBA to the light of day.
Add Al Lindsey to the list of plaintiffs. Check out the Editorial Cartoon in the C&P today (Thursday, 5/22).
Wow !
I agree, and hope that happens. I really wish there was an outcry for the Mayor to resign, and for several firings in the Civic Center.
Speaking of which, rumor has it that Dave Rector, head the Building Authority, has founded his own cleaning service and now the Building Authority is employing his business to clean the Ford Center instead of city employees, as had previously been the arrangement. When the decision was made to outsource that work (and I wonder who made that decision), I would be interested to know if that went out for bid. As an aside, I recently attended an event at the Ford Center and my feet stuck to the floor in front of my seat.
Connie Robinson’s company has the contract for all the paper products and soap used in the bathrooms in the Civic Center, Victory, Ford Center, etc. I wonder if that service went out for bid as well. Just curious.
I think you know the answer to those questions. I’d bet my last dollar they were not bid on.
Alas, you are right and it reeks of corruption.
I am sure they were bid out. Wonder who the LAST bid to vote on belonged to? That is how she rolls.
It is no rumor. Just had ran into someone in the know. Mention the rumor if it was true. It was. In a hush-hush style of an answer with the subject dropped quickly.
Any reason for removing my post today? No cussing, no name calling. Just a observation.
Threshold perception is sometimes an acquired trait.
Wait a minute it’ll “show-up”
Just saw State Board’s Sheldon Cooper in the Controller’s Office trying to cheer up Russ. He was singing:
Soft kitty,
Warm kitty,
Little ball of fur.
Happy kitty,
Sleepy kitty,
Purr, purr, pur-r-r.
Sheldon better be good or the next door neighbor girl will call his mom in TX and she will come visit old Sheldon. Penny has the upper hand in that apartment complex. LOL
Well Played Penny.
Why does “Harper Valley PTA” song go thru my mind while thinking of “E-ville’s city government?”
I fear the city’s leadership is a Conferacy of Fools
I think you are referring to an unknown author called by that name. To quote;
““The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the presidency. It will be easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails us. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.”
But I think the real author was Ken Peters.
I thought she meant “A Confederacy of Dunces” which is a fantastically funny satirical novel. I guess the two of you keep up on the right-wing intellectual endeavors better than I do. I’m not familiar with “A Confederacy of Fools.”
As I referenced Ken Peters, the Confederacy of Fools is an adaptation of his summation of foolish people doing foolish things by an unknown person. But I gather you didn’t bother to do the clickies.
She may have meant Dunces but in the end there is little to no differentiation between them and its synonym fools.
The use of confederacy of fools was a nod at the piece refering Americans that elected our president twice. I am currently rereading “A Confederacy of Dunces†and find myself laughing out loud. Unlike Ignatius Reilly, however, I don’t hate certain groups of people en masse, i.e., democrats. Hell, my mom is a democrat but the democrat party she signed on to is NOT the democrat party of today. Today’s democrat party is the antithesis of logic and reason and seeks to divide, and subdivide the county by race, gender, income, religion…anything to pit people against other people.
It looks like John Friend leaked some private emails between Scott Danks and the CCO to the press. First, how did he get them and second isn’t that exactly what he accused Riley of doing? If Danks provided those emails to Friend isnt that a violation of attorney/client privilege?
If the CCO ever releases all if the emails that John Friend allegedly leaked to them, Friend’s political career will be over.
Seriously, the only reason we took the C&P was for the bottom of the bird cages. I cancelled our subscription 2 weeks ago, bought a cutter and a roll of newsprint. Birds are so relieved!
Sophie: Don’t even use the C&P raggage for that!
Think of the poor little caged up birds. We’d recommend using unbleached paper grocery bags.
Better for the birds or what ever. Cut the brown paper sacks into strips, then run’um through a efficient home document shredder and use that over the whole piece cut for the liner.
Works good when mixed in with soil mixtures ,as well.
Keeps the soil loose yet moist and if it actually has bird crap on it its a potassium fertilizer source also.
The toxins in newspaper print are kinda rough on birds don’t use it, just recycle it, if, one even has the want to waste good money on the little thing anyway.
I’ve thought paper towels before material cost reduction downsizing used to come on rolls as wide as or wider than that little bitty C&P newspaper is now.
I remember when the news paper only cost about 25 cents and then it went up to 50 cents. Now it’s around #1.00. I refuse to buy a stupid paper for $1.00. I use to buy the paper on the news stand once in a while when it was only 50 cents. But I stopped my subscription back in 1993/94 or there about. I was reading in on line for free until they got uppity and decided to charge for reading their rag online. It’s not worth the price of admission. Not that I can’t afford it but it’s the thought that they are so biased that turned me off. I’m sure that they lose a lot of potential customers when they try to make the news instead of reporting the news IMHO. Have the time they misspell words and make other elementary education type grammar mistakes. I understand that it’s harder to edit the digital version vs. the old fashion written paper version but they seem to be getting worse not better. Again IMHO.
Maybe it the automatic spell check program that they use?
And I know I’m not the best at the written language and spelling. But I never claimed to be a Journalism or English Major either.
I don’t see how it can be harder to edit a digital version of a newspaper over the dead tree variety.
There is plenty of software available to do grammar checking, checking for proper sentence structure, checking for common misspells, proofreading, word usage and on and on.
Of course none of that does any good if it is not used.
Those working at the paper hve to have initiative and mental capacity to actually run the software.
C&P on the 20th.
In the case of Evansville’s audit, Joyce said, “a lot has changed since (the March 12 exit conference),and what she recorded is irrelevant.”
Is It True that State’s Joyce, has no concern over this recording now? Stop beating a dead horse?
Is It True that SBR is guilty of not voting against the spending, of the Hotel and UI medical buildings until city finances were in order? A “NO” vote would had looked better towards Monday’s press conference?
Is it true that “If” she did indeed vote in the primary with a republican ballot, she have to deal with the Demo’s party first, then to rest of us later?
It is true SBR did this town a “huge” favor.
It is true that it is a good thing that we did not vote county government out? Could it be that it may be the only major government not imploding in this county?
Why is it that the “Libertarian Party” is riding on the coat tails of SBR? Are their numbers too small other wise to make a difference?
Now THIS makes my day. The C&P writes an article claiming Lindsey is only embarrassing himself yet they couldn’t spell embarrassing OR himself correctly! This comes from the same paper who published “Heat Cut Nuts” that is now the laughing stock of the sports industry…
I noticed that a lot back when I regularly went to their website. I can remember a time (in the last century) a newspaper would be embarrassed over such things. After all, professionals would be embarrassed. My how times change.
Now that’s funny, I don’t care what you say. That’s about sums it up too.
Some one call the owner of Scripts Howard.
Not to be pedantic, OK I will, it is Scripps not Scripts.
ding, ding, ding you win the prize for the first question that should have been answered last Thursday.
sorry, meant for johnboys post
Still no reason for the removing my post. Come on staff or editor what was the reason? Shoot me a email Joe.
Mr. Waldroup,
I read your post this morning. I saw no reason why it should be deleted. Have you received a response from the editor?
No reason or explanation. Thanks for asking.
Can’t wait to hear what Dave Garrett has to say when the official audit is made public. I bet he will have something to say about John Friends back room role in all this audit mess. If Mr. Garrett tells the truth it could be the political end to John Friends political career.
I’ve heard the end of so and so’s poltical career a gazillion times. You practically have to spit in the face of the public to get voted out in the city.
Marsha did and still probably beat Mr. U inside the City limits.
Exactly. It’s getting old hearing about all these rumors that this person and that person are going to be outed and done for only for a few days to have passed and the whole thing is forgotten. I don’t believe any of these rumors until something starts happening.
Go to Evansville/Vanderburgh 2014 election results on “canvass by race”
Mix results in Evansville.
Armstrong township smoked her, 168 to 13. It is a shame to have to live around those 13 somewhere in my township!
Done a quick read on the link. What line of thinking did you have, beings you post this?
I agree if Mr Danks give John Friends e-mails between CCO and himself it is a direct violation of attorney/client privilege. If Mr. Friend give these e-mails to local media CCO should file a formal complaint with the State Of Indiana Supreme Court against Mr. Danks soon as possible.
Taken down because post was off message.
I have known David Garrett for 45+ years and he is totally above this crap. He has nothing to gain by playing these games and has more integrity in his little finger than all of these city politicians put together. It IS a good thing that County government was not voted out.
Taken down because post was off message and insulting.
Are you referring to the tax warrents against Danks? I do not know if that issue has been resolved.
It was Indiana state taxes and if you read the article even Mr. Danks admits he “negotiates” his taxes every year. My guess is that he has resolved a few years that he was forced too and is still “negotiating” with the IDR about the rest
Once again different rules for the rich and powerful.
How many of us get to dicker with the department of revenue over our income taxes?
Gee which I could negotiate my taxes every year.
Maybe it depends on how you keep your books. If he keeps his books like the City of Evansville does then he might get away with something since no one could prove or disapprove of what he did or didn’t do since they can’t figure out how the books were produced.
If he follows the letter of the law then a financial audit might be possible to perform.
But that’s not really any of our business. That’s between him and the State IRS people.
I just pay my taxes like most others do. On time and on budget.
Man I just cannot wait for the Mayor to address the citizens of Evansville about the audit results. I tell you I will be sooooo pumped up with the good news the city’s finances are in such good shape the sky will be the limit of how much new debt the citizens will be able to handle.
Later after coming down from that high I will sigh a great relief the citizens will once again be used and abused while traveling the seven seas with layovers at the ports of call Downtown Reclamation, Earthcare and all local areas. From here on out with its tall mast and sails unfurled, the Mayor the captain of the good ship Evansville will be renewed with such vigor the sails will be sustained for the rest of his term.
Would you like to be a fly on the wall and secretly record what the Mayor is doing on a 24 hr. basis for the next few months? LOL
I wonder if he curses or not? I’m not sure but I bet that he would like to!
WFIE channel 14 VP Nick Um….was just bashing city council for their shenanigans. This is causing outside people and business from relocating here.
Did that boat not sail with the unbalanced bookkeeping by the higher ups starting back in the year 2011?
I guess Owensboro had a slow day today and 14 Lie News had to fill in the dead air time with a “Taking a Stand” BS PSA.
No one is coming here anyway. The sewers don’t work, the politics are acidic, and the populace doesn’t even bother to vote.
I just watched Nick Ulmer’s Taking A Stand concerning SBR. I immediately un-liked their Facebook page. Felt good, real good.
He’s the worst they’ve had there yet. Not much more than a circus clown with a soapbox. An opinionated halfwit. If they can’t scare you with the weather they’ve got to fold their tent.
Ah, forget it, just take’um for what’s its worth. An expected rant.
Sounded like a “Texas deer camp story” to us. All those young reporters there ought to have’em polish their performance appraisals soon. They could likely hold that over his head a bit, at this stage.
We still think NBC would look at this locally political opinion farming with an discerning, and skeptical Eye, as well.
Not a career building recordable for a upwardly bound/mobile young broadcast journalist looking with contemporary, however forward trending 21st century visions.
That reminds me of the commercial with the elderly lady and her Wall of friends and pinup pictures. She tells the other older lady that she is going to “un-friend” her. Ouch!
You have to be really made at someone to Un-Friend them in front of all of theirs and yours face book friends. That’s like getting slapped in the face on prime time local TV and having the video of the event posted ever second of every day on the front page of the newspaper and on TV all day and all night. That is truly a huge event. Much bigger than someone getting the equivalent of a speeding ticket! LOL
And the third lady states, “but that is not how it works”.
Funny stuff if you are into face book and other social media stuff.
Perhaps we should all get Twitter Accounts and figure out a way to tweet about the local media on a National Level. The world should see some of the stuff they are pulling.
Tax liens or tax warrants are all the same in my books. I pay my taxes each year why shouldn’t the attorney for Evansville City Council pay his. If Mr. Danks isn’t current on his State or Federal taxes he should be forced to resign from his position.
I saw that too and it made me ill.
From hearing Nick you would think SBR killed somebody.
Didn’t he also throw in a smear at Al Lindsey for good measure?
He may have. I mostly heard “WA-WA-WA.”
A friend of mine knows Dave Garrett and predicts that Mr. Friend shall be having a rude awaking when he talks about Mr. Friend role in gathering preliminary audit information for his research on the past and present condition of the city books.
I think the most important question is that is Mr. Danks current on his Federal taxes?
Have you see the Face book site called “John Fraud”. I wonder who started that page?
It should also say, runs a financial advisory and CPA firm, can’t reconcile a bank account.
For you nonaccountants, that’s the most basic work you can do. For nearly every accounting graduate that’s the first thing you learn to do. Here grunt, reconcile this bank account.
It’s like someone in the military not being able to do a pushup, like a coach saying, gentlemen, this is a football, it’s like an english teacher not being able to make their subject and verb agree, it’s like you geometry teacher not being able to do a basic proof.
Proofs. I hated them but did well with them at the same time. Go figure. I’m glad that I don’t have to do them anymore.
But just for kicks and giggles I do get the match books out and review some of that stuff. Especially the Algebra III and IV stuff that I took in summer school in just 8 weeks.
I use trig all the time still. Not for work but for doing stuff that I enjoy that requires some Trig Calculations.
If my Trig Math Teacher had explained some real world applications that used Trig and then explained how they would be of INTEREST to me when I was out of school I would have paid more attention. Trying to figure the path of a small object moving at a high rate of speed and then figuring where it will land under various conditions can actually be interesting.
Heck when I was in school we didn’t even get to use calculators. We had to do the math in our head or on paper. Some of the brighter students learned to use the slide rule properly and were a little faster at the math that those who did the work on paper and in their head.
If you look at the picture when John Friend was arrested and booked and that was put in the news paper (I Googled John Friend and saw that picture somewhere the other day) it was not a very good picture of him. But he was grinning like a monkey who just got a new banana. 🙂 I wonder if he was still inebriated at the time the picture was taken at the police station. It’s definitely a mug shot and I think he was wearing a jail house jump suit. Orange or some other bright colored jump suit that make’s one easy to spot on the streets if one escapes from jail.
That reminds me of the Fox News Anchor that was arrested in Minnesota yesterday for being uncooperative with the police at the Air Port. That could only happen in KY or Minnesota land of that wacky congresswoman. Michelle Bochman.
please put up a link. I searched and there are a bunch of them.
Do we not employ City Workers anymore? The removal of the slide could be completed in a day with correct equipment & a few good workers.
No wonder we’re going broke?
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