IS IT TRUE May 21, 2013
IS IT TRUE that it has been said that the speed bumps we encounter in life are an opportunity to build character and to practice our cleverness to get over them?…speed bumps or “humps†as some prefer to call them in the road were not designed to build character but simply to control speed in areas where driving slow has been deemed to be necessary enough to obstruct the drivers of cars on these certain streets?…while school drop offs may be an appropriate place to rattle a few fast drivers teeth most places that have speed bumps including neighborhoods end up being avoided as they are some of the most annoying impediments that modern traffic engineers have devised?…that any business that is in a speed hump zone that has a competitor in an area with no speed humps is going to lose my business?…the only commerce that really benefits from speed humps are tire shops that make a mint realigning the front end of cars that regularly are tormented by speed humps?…there are places for speed humps but most places are not among those?…speed humps are only appropriate when a sufficient number of people are in immediate and daily danger from law breaking unsafe drivers?…speed humps punish us all and abuse our cars just to catch a few obnoxious drivers?…one of those “techno cop†cameras in front of each school drop off would be cheaper to install than speed humps and would not loosen the molars of law abiding drivers?
IS IT TRUE that a pattern seems to be developing in the relationship between Mayor Winnecke and the Evansville City Council?…that pattern is oddly enough a Republican Mayor who just can’t seem to concoct enough proposals to spend massive sums of money on trivial things held in check or at least opposed by a Democrat City Council that sees Mayor Winnecke’s big spending ways as unnecessary and somewhat wasteful?…once again Evansville finds itself doing things diametrically opposite of the national trends where Democrats can’t tax and spend enough and Republicans claim the role of responsible spending?…it is a good thing Evansville does not have a micro-version of the Federal Reserve with a printing press or a Toy’s R Us credit card or we would all be in real trouble by the time Mayor Winnecke leaves office?…we have heard many comments that Mayor Winnecke is channeling his inner Obama when it comes to buying frivolous things and a small block of Evansville City Council members are channeling Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell?
IS IT TRUE the project of highest cost that has the Mayor and the City Council at odds with one another is the $53 Million Johnson Controls project that former Mayor Weinzapfel shoved down the people of Evansville’s throats without a vote in his last weeks in office?…he did that just before being invited to give a speech about “Smart Cities†within a month of being out of office by Johnson Controls?…we do not know what the former Mayor earned for that speech but we do know the City of Evansville is under contract to pay for it?…a clear majority of the City Council is against this and has instructed their attorney to appeal the approval ruling by the Indiana Utilities Regulatory Commission (IURC) hoping it is struck down?…if it is not struck down there is a high probability that the City Council will vote not to fund by a vote of 7 – 2 (the Weaver Mosby alliance is firmly in Mayor Winnecke’s pocket)?…the Mayor is then threatening to borrow the money through other sources and do it anyway once again carrying on the legacy and desire of his mentor Jonathan Weinzapfel?
IS IT TRUE a similar situation is brewing over the size and scope of whatever downtown Convention Hotel project is on the table today?…project support has been established for a project of $30 Million in the past but that project has morphed into a $70 Million project with retail, restaurants, apartments, and a parking tower thrown in as extras trying to replicate Branson Landing in Missouri?…we do not know what is going to happen but we do know Evansville is no Branson when it comes to being an entertainment capital?…Evansville is home to the World Championship of Cornhole though so keep those tourists on the edge of their seat and see if we can bring the World Championship of Rock, Paper, Scissors to town?
Re: Johnson Controls–did the Council actually vote on having Danks file an Appeal ? Does anyone know ?
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