“IS IT TRUE” JUNE30, 2023 draft

We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way.
IS IT TRUE that we wonder if any of the Evansville City Council members would sign a personal loan agreement without knowing the exact pay-off dates, other details of the contract, or the exact interest rate of the loan to be repaid?`
IS IT TRUE that when management in the private sector is faced with a severe financial challenge they come up with creative solutions to correct it?  …when a governmental entity has a serious financial shortfall they either issue bonds, reappraise our property value, or raise taxes?
IS IT TRUE that it’s time for you to sell your home because this year’s appraisal rate was raised by leaps and bounds and you should get a big sell price based on your recent appraisal?

IS IT TRUE that a certain political officeholder should be aware that Tortious interference, also known as intentional interference with contractual relations, in the common law of torts? …that torts occurs when one person intentionally damages someone else’s contractual or business relationships with a third party causing economic harm?  …when individuals colluding with each other to get a third party to interfere in a way that a business is damaged for the reason of enhancing the blissful existence of a small number of privileged people could be considered Tortious interference

IS IT TRUE that is time for our local government leaders to learn the meaning of cognizant thought and they should only do what is mandatory and necessary to provide the services that a city is obligated to provide?
IS IT TRUE that we are told by reliable sources that the City of Evansville has serious revenue problems because of the excessive spending on political pork barrels and fun and games projects?
IS IT TRUE that a Democratic member of the Indiana House of Representatives recently addressed a group of politically nonpartisan people?    …that we have been told by several people attending this event were shocked when the Democratic State Representative encouraged those in attendance to vote Republican in the upcoming primary election?

IS IT TRUE that we have been told that the proposed $28 million dollars “Aquatic Center”  will be built at Garvin Park just right across from historic Bosse Field on the current site of Garvin Park swimming pool and tennis courts?  …by building the new “Aquatic Center” at the Garvin Park location the city can use the North Main Street “TIF” money to build it?  …this the same funding source that the Mayor used to redo the $16 million dollars North Main Street project?

IS IT TRUE that over the years we have made numerous references that the Evansville Water and Sewer Utilities Board was not only known for its political patronage activities but was also used as a funding source to help the City of Evansville in their occasional financial cash flow problems?  … it’s safe to say that over the last several years the Evansville Water and Sewer Utilities Board give the City of Evansville many millions of dollars in cash advances to help the city with cash shortfalls?

IS IT TRUE it has been estimated that the downtown Evansville Medical Schools will create over 3,700 good jobs by 2022?…given all of these positive enrollment projections Evansville the political types by expending $40 million dollars on a downtown hotel?… Evansville’s leaders should have selected local private investors to construct a hotel without public assistance?… hotels do not bring people…people bring hotels?… Evansville is not able to print money and we are now approximately $900 million in debt in funding and guaranteeing capital projects over the last 20 years?

IS IT TRUE it incumbent upon us to remind our City and County officials that Revenue Bonds are rated based on the revenue they generate to make principal and interest payments and based on any assets pledged to secure the bonds? … that Corporations are judged on their ability to generate earnings, while a state or local municipality may also issue a general obligation bond, which is backed by the taxing power of the municipality? …the more revenue a bond can generate, the higher its credit rating?

IS IT TRUE the tide has turned and businesses across the country including some in Evansville, Indiana are unable to re-open because the workforce is unavailable due to being paid not to work by a government that asserts that it wants to reduce unemployment?  …it is only a government that can do something that is so inept that any 5th grader understands? …if you don’t believe that you should find yourself a 5th grader and offer to double their allowance if and only if they refuse to do their chores?

IS IT TRUE that small businesses all across the nation are experiencing difficulty in hiring people to accept jobs that are open and available?…the principal reason for this is the unemployment supplement of $300 per week that was passed by the United States Congress and signed by the President of the United States?…this $300 per week supplement conveniently calculates to $7.50 per hour in addition to the regular unemployment benefit that can be as high as $480 in some states making sitting at home on one’s backside pay the equivalent of nearly $20 per hour?

IS IT TRUE everything that has been done with good intentions with respect to the pandemic has not performed as they were intended?…today, businesses all over the nation are having extreme difficulty attracting workers back to work?…this difficulty is being driven by the $300 per week enhancement to unemployment since in many cases it pays more to stay home on the couch than it does to return to work?…it is merciful that the $300 per week extra that the federal government is providing will sunset in September?…this will make it pay to work instead of being paid more not to work that one does to work?…this $300 enhancement needs to be allowed to die a natural death and should probably be canceled now, but that is not how elected officials operate?…there are some in congress who would extend the $300 extra in perpetuity?…this is a formula to create a permanent class of noncontributors?
IS IT TRUE that back in 2019 the State Board Of Accounts (SBOA) passed a new State Law that gives Governmental entities six (6) months to find a remedy to correct the problems of overdrawn city accounts?  …we wonder if our local governmental entities are in compliance with this State law?

IS IT TRUE we are told that the practice of not posting unrecorded accounts payable in a timely manner was to come to an end starting January 1, 2020?  …starting back in 2020 Finra and the SEC required cities with populations greater than 100k to submit the year-end financial report to the State Board of Accounts by using the accrual method of accounting?  ..we wonder if our local governmental entities are in compliance with this State law?

IS IT TRUE that over the last several decades the City Of Evansville Employees Healthcare Insurance has continually posted a severe deficit each year?  …it looks like it’s time for the City Council to vote to retain an Employee Health Insurance broker in order to find a long-term solution to create an affordable the City of Evansville Employee Healthcare Insurance program?  audit

IS IT TRUE that what elected officials seem to forget when they issue a bond to build a multi-million capital project is making sure that they borrow enough money to take care of the annual maintenance cost of the project?

IS IT TRUE if you’re looking down-home place to find an incredible tasting thick T-BONE STEAK or a scrumptious 2-inch PORK CROP please take a short drive to Oakland City, Ind and visit TAYLOR Two Restaurant.  …the service is top notch and the prices are extremely affordable?
IS IT TRUE that we would like to thank the City Of Evansville Communication Director Noah Stubbs for doing an excellent job in sending us current and accurate news articles?
IS IT TRUE that the City-County Observer newspaper is a proud supporter of our law enforcement?
IS IT TRUE when the people fear the Government we have Tyranny?  …when the Government fears the people we have Liberty?
IS IT TRUE that incumbent politicians should campaign while they’re in office and not when they are running for re-election?


IS IT TRUE that political officeholders should be aware that Tortious interference, also known as intentional interference with contractual relations, in the common law of torts? …that torts occurs when one person intentionally damages someone else’s contractual or business relationships with a third party causing economic harm?

IS IT TRUE that Scott Massey, a Purdue University graduate and founder of Heliponix, a company that makes an appliance that fits under a kitchen counter and grows produce year-round, is hoping to bring sustainable agriculture methods to third world countries?  …that several years ago Scott Massey was selected for a second Mandela Washington Fellowship to lead educational workshops at Cameroonian universities?  …that  Approximately 200 million hectares of suitable land remain unfarmed across Africa, causing many observers to wonder how African nations can unlock their full agricultural potential?  …that Scott Massey is leading the way in achieving this lofty goal of bringing sustainable agriculture methods to Cameroon?
FOOTNOTE:  Please take time and read our articles entitled “Statehouse Files”, Law Enforcement, Weekly Birthday, Hot Jobs, and “Local Sports”.  
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