IS IT TRUE May 13, 2013
IS IT TRUE in an article published a few weeks ago in the City County Observer Jordan Baer suggested that Building Commission Director Ben Miller should consider writing an article for the CCO detailing what is needed to provide him with the ability to effectively monitor and eliminate all of the blight in the two areas of Evansville that are particularly blighted instead of a rugged volunteer system?…thus far we have not heard from Ben about what his solution to the expanding blight would be?…as the City of Evansville has been randomly doing things like Front Door Pride where random homes are built or refurbished in blighted and sometimes dangerous neighborhoods?…former Director of DMD Tom Barnett candidly shared with the CCO in a tour of blighted areas in 2010 that our assertions that if the local schools are not performing and the crime machine keeps running that no amount of spending on houses will make the neighborhood attractive to young professionals?…Barnett was very clear that young professionals are the target demographic for the Front Door Pride program?…a master plan for the entire City of Evansville has not been written since the 1960s?…it is high time that a comprehensive master plan was written so the haphazard actions can be replaced with an actual thought out plan?
IS IT TRUE the Evansville Purple Aces men’s basketball team just finished their best season since 1999 putting together 21 wins and playing deep into a post season tournament?…the Aces also knocked off the Final Four qualifying Wichita State Shockers two times during the regular season?…in spite of this improved performance and having the scoring record broken the home attendance dropped 13% relative to the previous season to an “official†home attendance of 4,463?…this was the lowest attendance by any UE men’s basketball team since 1956 when Roberts Stadium was opened?…the “official†number is typically higher than the actual people in attendance due to season ticket holders who miss the game, illness, and free passes?…sometimes this year when the Aces played at Ford Center the stands seemed pretty near empty?…if the “official†numbers came from warm butts in seats it would have probably been in the 3,000 range?…the move to Ford Center seems to have been a catalyst for a significant percentage of long time Aces fans to start staying home?…with the performance of the team on the upswing one would think that attendance would swing upwards as well?…the Aces may well enter next season with a realistic opportunity to win 25 games and compete for a MVC championship?…if that does not bring the fans back some serious changes may need to be considered to justify paying the rent for the Aces to play in the Ford Center?
IS IT TRUE it was admitted last week that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) targeted individuals who were known to associate themselves with the Tea Party for audits?…after the fact the IRS of course apologized for these inappropriate and misguided activities?…whether one agrees with the Tea Party or even has respect for their positions the IRS and the liberal fringe who seemingly hate the Tea Party need to realize that while vocally opposed to most liberal goals the Tea Party is made up of some of the most patriotic law abiding citizens the United States is privileged to be home to?…if you take a survey of people in jail we expect the percentage of Tea Party affiliates will be very low when compared to other political parties or fringe groups?…the IRS probably learned the same thing with their targeting?…the Tea Party affiliates are the kind of people who love this country and pay their taxes according to the laws of the land even when they do not like the laws of the land?…the beautiful thing about the laws of the United States is that they can be changed by people who love the country enough to get out in the street and make their views known?…that describes the Tea Party perfectly?
I have thought for quite a while that the liberal minded straight ticket Democrats are AFRAID of the emerging influence of the TEA party followers.
No, the libs do not consider the TEAs to be right thinking Americans. They do not consider them to be ultra Libertarians. They are AFRAID that the TEA attitude will widen. The ultra-libs are so voracious against the TEAs because they know they are correct and will soon attract some of their own.
No, I am not a TEAer. I have attended exactly TWO TEA events. I found the other citizens in attendance to be very thoughtful, attentive and respectful. I found them to be that way even towards those who had differing opinions.
Going to have to break down and provide a shuttle from the “back 40” I’m afraid. Fat Evansvillians just simply can’t walk two blocks.
Don’t mind walking but downtown at night around the John no thanks!!!!!!!
So which unfortunate underling or group of underlings will be tapped to take the hit for the people behind the planned action at IRS this time?
After a very short period of press coverage, the zealots will be rehired or transferred to other positions, either public or private, where they will receive an increase in wages and benefits.
If you fine the agency it will only result in a loss for taxpayers, thereby compounding the damage.
Only an investigation that results in the arrest of the person or persons who launched this program will suffice.
From Drudge:
ABC News:
IRS IG Report: Targeting Conservatives Began In 2010
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Sounds like something that would happen in a third-world country.
Fraud Center was a poorly conceived plan that made a few richer and the community poorer!!
The Series 2010 Bonds constitute valid and legally binding obligations of the Authority and are payable solely from and secured exclusively by the trust
estate established and created under the Indenture, which includes, but is not limited to, certain sources of income of the Authority which have been specifically
pledged for the payment thereof including funds in a debt service reserve fund established under the Indenture and lease rental payments (the “Lease Rental
Paymentsâ€) received from the City of Evansville Redevelopment Commission (the “Commissionâ€), under the terms of a Lease dated as of March 9, 2010, as
amended from time to time (collectively, the “Leaseâ€), by and between the Authority, as lessor, and the Commission, as lessee. The Lease Rental Payments are
payable solely from any or all or any combination of the following: (i) revenues derived from the Vanderburgh County, Indiana (the “Countyâ€), food and beverage
tax imposed by the County that are allocable to the City under Indiana Code 6-9-20, as amended, which revenues the City has pledged to the Commission for
the payment of such Lease Rental Payments (the “Food and Beverage Tax Revenuesâ€), subject to any prior or parity claims thereto as described herein, (ii)
incremental real property tax revenues, together with incremental personal property tax revenues on certain taxable property, derived from the Downtown
Redevelopment Allocation Area (as defined herein), which revenues the Commission has pledged for the payment of such Lease Rental Payments (the “Tax
Increment Revenuesâ€), subject to any senior or parity claims thereto as described herein, and (iii) revenues derived from the City’s distributive share of the
county option income tax imposed on the adjusted gross income of taxpayers in County and received by the City under Indiana Code 6-3.5-6, as amended, which
revenues the City has pledged to the Commission for the payment of such Lease Rental Payments (the “COIT Revenuesâ€), subject to any parity claims thereto
as described herein. The Commission reserves the right to pay the Lease Rental Payments or any other amounts due under the Lease from any other revenues
legally available to the Commission. The City has appropriated and made available to the Commission certain other funds available or to become available to
the City (“Other Available Revenuesâ€). While such Other Available Revenues are not pledged to the Lease Rental Payments, the Commission has directed the
Controller for the City in its Obligating Action (as hereinafter defined) to utilize all Food and Beverage Tax Revenues, all Tax Increment Revenues and all Other
Available Revenues prior to the use of any COIT Revenues to make Lease Rental Payments. The Lease Rental Payments will be paid directly to the Trustee at
least three (3) business days in advance of the due date thereof.
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Just think of what we could have done with Roberts Stadium at a fraction of this cost.
It is rumored in the Civic Center that the State Board has come up with their very own Dream Team for the City audit this year. And as we found out with David Garrett and Jenny Collins, you don’t need to have a CPA to be an accounting God. I am hearing that one of the auditors is called Airhead, another one sleeps all day, and the last one is the State Board’s very own Sheldon Cooper. Seriously he looks just like him!
LOL! I know who you are talking about! Saw him around the Civic Center this winter. As far as the person you call Airhead goes, I have seen her many times kissing the butts of the Utility people and Umbaugh.
On a side note… http://www.wthitv.com/dpp/news/local/teen-restores-ruined-cemetery#.UZFL06JwqSr
Proving one guy CAN make a difference without running to ask government to do it for him.
The target market for Front Door Shame (not Pride) homes is city employees who are coaxed and cajoled into buying the damned things. The house at SE Third and Cherry appears to be vacant, as there are no lights inside the home visible from the street.
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