IS IT TRUE MAY 11, 2015


IS IT TRUE we were told by creditable sources that Steven Wozniak will soon he will be announcing that he will run for Mayor of Evansville as an Independent candidate? …he is now eligible to run because he recently had his Class D Felony charges stemming from 1995 conviction  for selling  “Mary Jane/Hemp” at the age of 22 expunged by the Vanderburgh Superior Court ?

IS IT TRUE we can expect Mr. Wozniak to mix things up because he is known as a colorful character?  …Mr. Wozniak is a strong fiscal conservative and social liberal?  …we expect Mr. Wozniak to draw the attention from voters from both sides of political aisle?  …all we can say is get ready for an interesting Mayoral campaign?

IS IT TRUE if Mayoral candidate State Representative Gail Riecken expects to be elected Mayor she needs to consider doing the following things?  …she needs to have a ” come to Jesus Meeting”  with the union controlled and ineffective Democratic party Chairman?  …Mrs. Riecken and key staff members need to start attending all neighborhood meetings?  …she needs to find out if all the Democratic City Council and City Clerk candidates are going to support her in the General election? …Mrs. Riecken should demand that City Council and City Clerk candidates publicly endorse her and her platform?  …she needs to stop trying to convince local “Union Bosses” to come over and support her election for Mayor because they are in the political tank of the Mayor? …she needs to come up with a strong fiscal campaign platform that will get the attention of the masses?

IS IT TRUE Mayor Winnecke and State Representative Gail Riecken political fundraising activities are doing extremely well?

IS IT TRUE we are getting many e-mails inquiring if the local Libertarian party are going to run any candidates for Mayor, City Council or City Clerk positions?  …all we can say is that we have been told by reliable sources that we can expect them to attempt to mount  a serious challenge to some of the above positions?

IS IT TRUE that Mayor Winnecke and State Representative have both hired highly experienced, qualified and very effective Campaign Managers to manage their campaigns? … both Campaign Managers have congressional and statewide experiences in managing and WINNING very tough campaigns?

IS IT TRUE please don’t miss tomorrows IIT because it will be extremely interesting?

Please take time and vote in todays “Readers Poll”.   Also we just posted our current TRI-STATE VOICES TV show.  This weeks guests are Courier and Press political reporter Zack Evans and Channel 25 reporter Jordan Vandenberge discussing the primary election results.  This is a must view program.

Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


  1. The words “Libertarian” and “mount a serious challenge” don’t belong in the same sentence.

  2. Just like those yesteryears when the back rooms were filled with cigar smoke and overweight union bosses . . but why would the likes of Paul Green agree to be Santa’s Elf and astounding as it is give the hard working rank and file members’ money to Santa Lloyd and Christmas Carol (a/k/a/ Carol McClintoch) who in turn gives it to Sullivan and McNamara who in turn votes to eliminate the Common Construction Wage . . .hope Leslie is passing out coupons for Laretta Stone . . .because in a very short while his members will have to know Spanish while ordering their lunch should they have a job!!! Thata Boy . . Leslie

  3. Jimmy the Greek is giving odds that the Blonde Bomb and Weaver the Weasel will either not publicly endorse Ms Riecken (5 getcha 10) and publicly 1 getcha 10 . . . What was that old saying? . . . “Do not bite the hand that feeds ya”. . .

  4. Martin Schram’s article in today’s C&P is worth the read, but the fatal flaw is that presenting these facts to an uneducated electorate who firmly believe that certain candidates, if elected, will see to it that they will get free housing, free food, free childcare, and free cellphones, is an exercise in futility. The worst part is that their ranks seem to still be growing.

    Maybe it is time for conservative candidates to join the lie. Hit the trail promising all the things these people think will get, and add some to it. Thus you will force the media to call BS on your claims, and by exposing the falsehood of the whole situation, pull the rug out from under certain so called “progressives”.

  5. “Mrs. Riecken should demand that City Council and City Clerk candidates publicly endorse her and her platform?”

    Wasn’t this blog all in a tizzy a while back when the GOP chairman did the exact same thing?

  6. Trying to convert Paul Green from a Winnecke backer to become a Riecken backer is a waste of time. He’s already emotionally and financially committed to Winnecke and to Winnecke’s slate of CC candidates. It would be akin to admitting that you were wrong and human beings what they are, are loathe to do that. Jack McNeely might be persuadable but I doubt it, he’s pretty much committed to Winnecke also.

    Which brings me to the Hotel/CSO. If the Hotel creates lots of union jobs why wouldn’t the largest infrastructure project in the City’s history create tons of union jobs?

    I have asked and asked and asked this question time and time again. I think I know the answer and it leads to a dark, dark place.

    Anyone else know why Winnecke and the union boys have a Hotel fetish but could care less about the sewers?

    • If they ever do build the double footprint, tree high , labor short sheet motel, thanks to that prevailing wage bill your local republican’s just supported likely those union workers might see some out of state vehicle plates scattered around the site for sure.
      The medical school deal out labor would probably see more advantage if the site moved to one of the less expensive sites. (More buildings for the bucks)

    • Do you mean that dark dark place where corruption, cronyism, and self interest trump doing the right thing? If so then I agree with you.

      • This reply is from yesterdays open topic / didn’t show up until this morning.

        May 10, 2015 at 3:42 pm

        Ah, yes and as climate migration continues to march forward, Evansville has no plan to cope with the impending demise. Nothing, nada, zippoleala. Pushing the old downtown now “expedites its failure”, and that seemingly without any systematic planning to adapt to what’s becoming the new normal around the world and across America. One would think especially an MD, might seek to drive the kind of change that means preparation for humanistic well being, with the impending changes that are now just “multiplying daily facts.” That campus needs to built where the cost for infrastructure is less, logistics are advanced, and more “viable funding” can be dedicated to actual floor space and the expanding medical earth sciences through exemplary curriculum and inclusionary student body reforms. That can be broken down as the core essence of why the health sciences can easily become the largest denominator in adaptation for climate migrations that are happening now and increasing as we communicate.
        That’s what building for this century should include , and that’s also true “strategic decisive leadership. ” Apparently something the political cabal there in Evansville continues to lean away from at an increasing percentage per year, as observed.

  7. 13 comments? I think we’re hearing the CCO death rattle. I’m not perfect, but the volume of grammatical errors is hard to ignore.

      • Dutchman:

        And my comment on that one has been removed also, even though it is not tomorrow 🙂 Batting 100 % today. Remember: Today is yesterday’s tomorrow !!

        • Right from one of my favorite Uriah Heep songs. “Today is only yesterday’s tomorrow”

    • The primaries are over and the general has yet to heat up, so the comments are drying up.

      Plus we don’t have backfire here to scold us for being mad about not getting the basic govt services we pay for.

      • For the most part even a brief excursion anywhere inside the Evansville city limits will most likely tear up most vehicles suspension components. A pathway to progress could start with some major transportation rebuilding there. Even the major roads have failed rail crossings and poorly maintained manhole accesses. The failing ESWD lines have been whacked and cut into so many times the roadway’s above them would qualify for a general torture track test of the industries suspension standards. Notice they made mincemeat out of Kratzville road north of Buena Vista now.
        Even majors like the Lloyd roidway are falling apart in some stretches. When one approaches From the west the appearance of the surroundings and the road look like the aftermath of a disaster. One old building near the Lloyd and Wabash maybe a garage but the entire southern wall is stacked half way up with junk and various garbage or state of something in disrepair. Welcome to Evansville on the “Ohio river scenic Byway”
        The google pic is old one can barely see the wall through the stack of junk against it now.
        The cities Greenway trail head looks overgrown and unmanaged south of the roidway as well.,-87.593873,3a,18.2y,25.86h,87.53t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sJwpn3lYrRjA_Z-BDTkW3Qg!2e0

  8. Brandin M
    May 11, 2015 at 11:40 am

    Really Ghostie???

    What is that percentage? Where did you find the information? Was it a competent source? Do you have a link? I am sure folks would love to see this info for themselves.

    Not that I don’t trust you, but you are a puppet for the left/liberal folks.

    Here is a pretty good sample.

    It’s fairly common knowledge, loser.

  9. Ghost, you should do a bit of research before you throw out inane statements like that. Since the inception of The Great Society, upwards of 15 trillion dollars have been spent on the war on poverty which is more than has been spent on all our wars combined. Iran/Afghanistan will end up costing 6 trillion.

    Corporations create jobs; welfare creates dependency.

    • You’re right. We simply can’t afford to keep feeding these deadbeat republicans(see above.)

  10. If trickle down works, you have to answer one simple question. How do you explain the southern states?

  11. Clearly no credible news source refers to the GOP as “smarmy teabaggers” even if that is their opinion. Skewed left-wing propaganda with no basis in fact. CA and NY lead the country in welfare recipients and neither is on this list.

  12. The poverty/lack of economic opportunity seen in our inner cities and in the rural south have complicated origins and each will require a combination of public and private solutions to bring up the life’s of people who live in those regions.

    To me it is much to simplistic to say Detroit’s collapse is due to greedy union and corrupt Democratic machine politics. Management played a role by not paying close enough attention to quality coming from Japanese manufacturers.

    The same can be said for the South. When the coal mines in WV and KY began to peter out so did the local economies, However, voting in RTW and stripping the worker’s rights bare and taking away their health insurance and retirement benefits didn’t help. Ask the retired coal miners and they will tell you it wasn’t the politicians that ruined their lives, it was the greedy owners who sucked everything out and then left town, literally.

    It’s easy to go Ha! Look at Detroit you stupid Dems and see what your policies led too! IMO, that is pure confirmation bias and the fallacy of affirming the consequent personified.

    The converse is also true about republican voters in the South. These problems/issues just didn’t happen overnight and their not going to solved with simplistic answers.

    It will take both the public and private sectors to change things for the better.

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