IS IT TRUE May 10, 2013
IS IT TRUE that when it comes to growing the economy it seems as though the adage “what one big company gives the other takes away†rings true across the country but was accented particularly in Evansville this week?…this week on big company with an emphasis on government contracts announced a layoff of just under 50 people and that news was followed up that another big national company that provides cable services announced they will be hiring 25 people?…other big companies in town have published openings for the other 25 that they are having trouble filling due to specialized experience and education requirements but by the end of the summer the 50 jobs lost will be replaced?…the net gains from big company hiring according to the Kaufmann Foundation has been a net gain of ZERO nationwide since the 1980s?…Kaufmann has concluded that all net job creation in the American workforce comes from small and new businesses and has for roughly 30 years?…most people just do not get it that the key to economic growth and prosperity lies in inspiring entrepreneurs and creating an ecosystem that enables them to execute their plans?…that includes for the most part access to capital, talent, and markets?…if you don’t have all three your ecosystem just does not work very well?
IS IT TRUE it has been a week now since the Evansville Police Department published the gunshot map that prompted an unexpected response from the Reverend Adrian Brooks?…Brooks to the surprise of many took a position stating such data should not be released to the public and that the release of this data would retard economic growth in downtown Evansville?…knowing the Reverend Brooks and the good work he endeavors to do in downtown Evansville and parts south, the CCO expressed that his opinions were probably a gut reaction and that given time he would realize that “the truth will set you free†and would come out on the side of transparency and full disclosure?…he has not yet done so but we would welcome a guest editorial from Reverend Brooks on the topic of the good side and the bad side of transparency and full disclosure to support whatever position he has reflected upon after the last week?
IS IT TRUE we are also waiting on Evansville City Controller Russ Lloyd Jr., the Vanderburgh County Assessor’s Office, the Vanderburgh County Treasurer, and the Office of the Mayor to respond to the “financial disaster†that was discovered in Muncie this week?…what we would like to have answered is whether or not Evansville is looking at a similar situation or not?…of course that begs the question WHY?…given the complexity of what caused Muncie to come up $6 Million short it is entirely probable given the recent lack of any appetite for planning and oversight that Evansville will have the exact same problem?…if the folks in charge in Evansville accurately foresaw the double edge sword of property tax circuit breakers blunting the revenue collected from increasing the levy they truly deserve some award for doing so?…this unintended but well defined and easy to calculate problem should have been easily caught?…if Evansville authorities were able to accurately forecast this phenomena at a time they could not even balance the books it may be deserving of economic sainthood?
IS IT TRUE it has been a full five years now since a smiling Governor’s mansion dreaming Mayor Weinzapfel was going through the steps to build an arena without a vote?…during the summer of 2008 the people of Evansville were also offered up pitchers of Kool-Aid with flavors called a 4-Star hotel without subsidy, a refurbished McCurdy, and Centennial Park?…the performance of these projects just proves the depth of delusion that the political world of Evansville was wallowing in after buying a $603,000 parking lot and holding a secret meeting to take away your Homestead Tax Credit?…the old adage “don’t drink the Kool-Aid†would have served Evansville well in the summer of 2008?
Muncie (Delaware county) cleared 3800 homestead exemptions from their books after the required 3 year notice period.
How many has Evansville (Vanderburgh county)cleared from its books after the required 3 year notice period?
Delaware county population (Muncie)
1970 129,219 16.5%
1980 128,587 −0.5%
1990 119,659 −6.9%
2000 118,769 −0.7%
2010 117,671 −0.9%
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Vanderburgh county population (Evansville)
1970 168,772 1.8%
1980 167,515 −0.7%
1990 165,058 −1.5%
2000 171,922 4.2%
2010 179,703 4.5%
Remember this posted May 21, 2008 at Midnight:
An Indianapolis company won’t build a hotel in downtown Evansville unless the city also builds a stadium there, representatives of the company announced Tuesday.
Speaking at a news conference held at Innovation Pointe, Jamie Browning, vice president of development for Browning Investments, said the company only thinks a four-star hotel in the city’s downtown would be a good investment if it stood near a stadium city leaders are thinking about building. On Monday, Browning Investments said it would like to build the hotel. The announcement was made then partly to show the public that other projects would follow a new stadium were one placed in the downtown area, Browning said.
Call Browning up and tell them the stadium is built and we are waiting for them.
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