IS IT TRUE: March 9, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE: March 9, 2012

IS IT TRUE that the Oak Meadow Country Club has been sold to a new group of investors?…that the first official action of the new owners that has been made public is to change the name of the place to “The Oaks”?…that these investors must follow the example of the EVSC in thinking that a name change is the way to change things?…that the EVSC changed the perfectly good name of the Plaza Park Middle School to the Plaza Park International Prep Academy?…that the name change hasn’t really changed much other than the sign on the display board in front of the school?…that name changes are just name changes and have little effect unless the way of doing things is changed?…that while we wish the new owners of “The Oaks” well we hope they change more than the name?

IS IT TRUE that we could all vote in a name change for the McCurdy Hotel to “The Grand McCurdy” but if no work were done and no management changes were made it would still be a refuge for bats, pigeons, snakes, rats, and an occasional group of alley cats?…that we need a name for the vacant lot where the Executive Inn used to be and would welcome some suggestions?

IS IT TRUE that there is an uproar this week because the Vanderburgh County Council is electing not to fill positions vacated by departing employees?…that sometimes it is the right thing to do when someone departs a job to see if their duties can be assumed by the ones who are left?…that people are always whining about government being wasteful and having too many people on the payroll and when the County Council decides not to fill some openings they act like the sky is falling?…that maybe the is a case of rightsizing in local government?…that we all need to give this a little time to see if we miss any services before jumping on the County Council over not filling those slots immediately?

IS IT TRUE that we would like to congratulate the USI Screaming Eagles for their Great Lakes Valley Conference championship and wish them well in the upcoming NCAA Division II tournament?…that we also want to give a shout out to Evansville’s Kyle Kuric for his great career playing for Rick Pitino and the University of Louisville Cardinals?…that Kyle is having a little slump now but if he gets back to his normal superior shooting self the Cards look poised to give Syracuse a run for their money in the Big East championship and make a deep run into the NCAA Tournament?…that Kentucky is looking pretty unbeatable recently and that until the last week Syracuse was too?…that unless some team really gets hot that we may be in for a repeat of the 1996 NCAA final that saw Kentucky win the championship over Syracuse?…that the difference in the Kentucky teams of old and the ones now is that the old teams were actually made up of athletes who planned from day one to stay for four years and do their best to earn a diploma?…that this year people are dancing in the streets of Lexington because one of the super freshmen has stated that he will be back for his Sophomore year?

IS IT TRUE that every week it is looking more like Mitt Romney will be the Republican candidate for President of the United States who will be challenging our current president Barack Obama?…that this will be a most interested presidential election as President Obama most certainly has the advantages of money and style but Romney has a history of fixing broken companies?…that between now and November we will have to decide if the USA is broken to the point of needing the skills of Mr. Romney in the White House or if we will endorse 4 more years for the President?



    About IFA

    In order to provide economic efficiencies and management synergies and enable the State of Indiana (“State”) to communicate as one voice with the various participants in the financial markets, the Indiana Development Finance Authority, the State Office Building Commission, the Indiana Transportation Finance Authority, the Recreational Development Commission, the State Revolving Fund Programs and the Indiana Brownfields Program were consolidated into a new and separate entity called the Indiana Finance Authority (“IFA”) on May 15, 2005. The Indiana Health and Educational Facilities Finance Authority was also merged into the IFA, effective July 1, 2007.

    As the successor entity to these formerly separate debt-issuing entities, the IFA is authorized to issue revenue bonds payable from lease rentals under lease agreements with various state agencies and to finance or refinance the cost of acquiring, building and equipping structures for state use including state office buildings, garages, highways, bridges, airport facilities, correctional facilities, state hospitals and recreational facilities related to State parks. The IFA also manages the Wastewater and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Loan Programs and the Indiana Brownfields Program.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Where in this description am I missing this agencies authority to sign a contract to purchase syn-gas from the Rockport venture?

    We have duly elected representatives sitting in the State Legislature whom our constitution empowers to make the decisions necessary to secure the good government of our State.

    I see no reason for the Governor and this “financial authority” to assume that their combined power is superior, or even equal to, that of our State Legislature.

    Enough of this nonsense!!


    • IMHO, if the Governor and IFA did sign such a contract, it would have no authority without approval by the Legislature!


  2. BTW, the Evansville Courier&Press has this headline in today’s paper, front page, above the fold:

    ROCKPORT PLANT MAY GET BREAK: State agency key to tax deal.

    However, as is so typical of the C&P, as of this posting they have not put the story up on their website.

    “Print is the sharpest and the strongest weapon of our party.” (Joseph Stalin)


  3. That link IS the same article, Press. Go get your paper, then click on the link to the story. Compare them.

    I read it in the middle of the afternoon Thursday. They don’t wait until the next morning to put stuff on the CP website. Not everything’s a friggin’ conspiracy, mate.

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