IS IT TRUE March 8, 2013


The Mole #??
The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE March 8, 2013

IS IT TRUE that this morning’s 7:30 meeting between City Controller Russ Lloyd Jr. and City Council Financial Consultant David Garrett and others to discuss the October 2012 Bank Reconciliation report was called off by Russ Lloyd, Jr.?…the reason allegedly given by Mr. Lloyd for delaying this meeting indefinitely is because he claims that his official written response to the Oct. 2012 Bank Reconciliation report is taking more time to formulate than anticipated?… we also hear that Umbaugh and Associates has decided to write their own formal response to be presented to Evansville City Council this evening? …we also hear that the Evansville Water and Sewer Financial Officer, Jenny Collins has been invited to attend this meeting this evening to answer questions from City Council concerning the Oct. 2012 Bank Reconciliation report?…we are hearing she will decline to attend this meeting because of a prior commitment? …this is the second time that she has made this excuse to City Council?

IS IT TRUE the Lloyd Pool is the latest facility in Evansville to follow Roberts Stadium, Mesker Amphitheatre, the Victory Theatre, and the Parks to be identified as an endangered place due to neglect and sparse use?…this whole legacy of building something at a premium only to fail at doing maintenance is getting old and embarrassing?…it is sort of a chicken and egg situation where one has to wonder “back when the Lloyd Pool was new and taken care of did people go there and now swimming is no longer a craze, OR did the neglect of maintenance drive people away”?…when it comes to ball fields in the parks the ankle breaking terrain and the chuck holes in the parking lots have driven many people to avoid the parks?…Evansville was once a city that had plenty of well maintained parks and its people enjoyed all sorts of sports in the parks?…today those parks are as neglected as they were when former Mayor Weinzapfel got rid of the rangers to save a few bucks?…the lack of maintenance is a terrible way to run a city?

IS IT TRUE that the City of Evansville did get some good news recently that a favorable bond rating was reaffirmed?…what this means is that right now the revenue and the bond payments are in as good of shape as they were the last time such a review was done?…we hope that a favorable bond rating can be maintained as the bond payments on the Ford Center begin needing to be paid from collected revenues as opposed to the borrowed money to cover the first couple of years of operating costs?…until that revenue source is proven and the existing parks etc. are properly maintained not another capital construction project should be taken on?

IS IT TRUE we have awakened today to the news that yet another banana republic dictator is threatening to drop a nuclear weapon on the United States of America?…this time it is North Korea shaking its fist at the Great Satan as some other tin pot dictators like to call us?…North Korea’s musings are much like a field mouse sticking its middle finger up at a hawk sitting on a fence post looking for its breakfast?…we predict that such an attempt will not only fail due to insufficient technology but it will bring on a response that will end the North Korean regime as we know it?…it is our ally and friend South Korea that needs to keep their eyes on their brethren from the north?


  1. We need to be getting the courts involved with Russ and Ginny ( Jenny) , these two people need to be fired and charges need to be brought up against them .

    • What type of charges need to be brought against Russ or Jenny? Someone should be checking into John Friend’s personal and private business practices with other City Council member’s. Is it TRUE, John Friend represents other City Council members in his private practice????? Would this consitute a conflict of interest???

  2. Dog and Pony Show.
    Another waste of our taxpayer dollars.
    The current mayor knows the former mayor is responsible … and the current mayor knows that because he allowed a budget to be passed WITHOUT informing the City Council or the public that HE couldn’t balance his books either makes him culpable too.
    But you know what. Nothing is going to happen. Nobody’s going to jail. Nobody’s going to get fired. Nobody’s going to get in trouble. That’s because all the powers that be in this town cover for each other. Wink wink. Nod nod. Slap on the back. Doesn’t matter if it’s the city, county or state. They’re all covering for each other.
    THAT’S WHY THIS TOWN IS NEVER GOING TO CHANGE. THE SAME PEOPLE HAVE ALWAYS RUN IT … THE FOX IS ALWAYS GUARDING THE HEN HOUSE. We had a chance to change things. We didn’t. We shall suffer as a result.
    Weinzapfel = Winnecke. Winnecke = Weinzapfel. It doesn’t take an algebra whiz to figure that one out.

    • It is apparent even to the uninitiated in this town that Winnecke and Lloyd have been running cover for Weinzapfel. If someone with authority does not drill down deeper into the Weinzapfel numbers we may NEVER get to the whole story.


    • I must agree that all the drum beats, editorials, and comments will fall on deaf ears. Nothing will change, and the SOB’s who are the perpetrators or instigators of the wrong doings will forever be free, and continue to rub it in the faces of the honest people of E’ville, and to those people who continue to not vote, or vote straight party lines.

  3. Some dictators try to maintain unity within their country by mobilizing public opinion against an external enemy, and they need to invent that enemy when there is none… It actually distracts their people from the bad situation prevailing in their own country. North Korea is a good example of that.

  4. I remember going to Lloyd pool as a kid. We had a great time and it was packed! I remember waiting in line for what seemed like forever to get anything from their concession stand. My grade school arranged trips to the pool every year too. We learned CPR and got to swim! I don’t think this is done anymore though.

    Fast forward 20 years and the pool and facility does not look like it’s crumbling. Yeah, there are some cracks, flaking paint, some joints that need re caulking, but the facility is still used by the swim teams and the public. No there are not as many who frequent the pool these days and I would likely blame Computers, Wii’s PS3’s, and technology in general.

  5. Today, the Roberts Stadium site was closed to the public. The CCO recently published pictures of a dry stadium floor after the pumps had be turned off months earlier. Coincidence?

  6. IS IT TRUE that this is DAY TWO when the lack of a spine at the CCO has seen them ignore the recent Sheriff announcement by their pet candidate who withdrew from the race.

    • It is day two that you are spinelessly hiding behind a screen name and whining like a little girl because the CCO did not do what you wanted them to. If I were one of the editors I would ban you from posting here.

      • Spinelessly hiding behind a screen name? Really???? Well Yoda, that’s like the pot calling the kettle black isn’t it? That is of course your parents were drunk and really named you Yoda. To each their own, I. guess

    • This seems pretty absurd to me. The CCO already offered you editorial space to express your views if you have the courage to put them in writing and apply your name to them. Furthermore, my conversation with David Wedding revealed that he at least THINKS – don’t know if this is true or not – that Ron Cosby of CCO is a supporter.

      I did not want to say anything about that sooner because I knew Tucker had an ad account with CCO and I didn’t think it appropriate. Maybe it’s still not as it is unsubstantiated rumor coming from David Wedding himself, but perhaps Mr. Cosby might care to set this to rest…

      • I’m was not a supporter of Mr Tucker.

        I do think Mr. Tucker made the right decision for him and his family by withdrawing from the Sheriff race.

        Oh, I’m not a supporter of Mr. Wedding either.

        However, I would like to see an aggressive and spirited campaign for Vanderburgh County Sheriff.

        End of rumor.

        Ron Cosby

        • Hi, Ron. You are doing a good job ! from you small start, you are growing. Keep up the good work !! Your friend from the beginning

      • I dont know one way or the other, but isn’t Mr.Cosby free to support whoever he wants? You’re the only one making an issue out of it. I don’t think he owes you an explanation Mr. Linzy. Now that Mr.Tucker has dropped out of the race, I feel bad for the folks that paid money in support of that CCO ad. Im sure they wont see any return of wasted money.

        • Of course Mr. Cosby can support whomever he wishes. I wasn’t attacking Mr. Cosby. I was responding to CCO Truth Squad.

          • I dont see a word about WHO Mr. Cosby is supporting from CCO truthsquad. Nice try Twisty Mr. Linzy. You’re the one who mentioned it. As usual put your spin on it

          • Please illuminate WHERE I mentioned ANY support of a candidate by a named party? Troll Patrol has your number, “Twisty Linzy”. I think I will borrow that if he does not mind. I have other names, but I am too polite to use them where small children could see them. 🙂

          • Man, you people can be dense. It’s no wonder I have to post so much, I end up having to explain how the friggin’ wheel works to all of you and spell everything out in explicit detail.

            I was merely pointing out that Mr. Cosby of the CCO might be a Wedding supporter, according to David Wedding himself, therefore your criticism of him as aiding or sheltering Tucker unduly would have been absolute nonsense. He has since said he wasn’t a Wedding supporter, so I guess Mr. Wedding was mistaken.

            Case closed. Move on.

          • By the way. I kinda like “Twisty Linzy”… Makes me sound like a professional wrestler…or a hiphop artist.

          • You post soooooo much these days because most people don’t respond to your endless babbling about who knows what. So you keep posting and answering yourself until someone bites and soon regrets it.
            Thank you Twisty Linzy for sharing your endless amounts of Utube videos and the great knowledge you gain from Google. Us Neanderthals appreciate it.

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