IS IT TRUE March 5, 2013


The Mole #??
The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE the landlord registry that was passed by the Evansville City Council last week requiring all landlords to register and provide contact information is now open for business?…it is a FREE SERVICE to any landlord in the City of Evansville who wants to avoid FINES of $100 per day that will start on May 31, 2013 for those who fail to register?…this seems like an awfully large fine in view of the fact that many of the houses that are considered to be the domain of the slumlord are not worth even $10,000 on the open market?…in as little as 100 days (the end of summer) a host of homes owned by a non-compliant slumlords could have more fines recorded against them than the houses are worth?…the first consequence of this landlord resolution may well be a rush of properties that accumulate enough fines to be abandoned to the City of Evansville by their owners?…we have a hard time understanding how a landlord who registers their number to avoid being fined but has a slumlord mentality will do anything at all to assist in fighting crime?…the proof will be in the pudding but for now this still looks like a publicity stunt by the Evansville City Council that may sound great to desperate people but will have no real positive consequences?

IS IT TRUE the Mole Nation is telling the City County Observer that financial consultant David Garrett has distributed his report to the Evansville City Council?…we are endeavoring to get our hands on a copy of the report so our readers can dissect its contents to see just how good of a steward the last two City Administrations and Controller’s Offices have been?…the preliminary buzz is that the sum of the variances identified is nearly $17 Million and the net of those variances is nearly $7 Million?…of course these variances are not in the City’s favor?…there also seems to be a missing sum of cash in one of the departments of over $45,000?…this report will end up in the hands of the CCO and Evansville’s mainstream media soon?…you can bank on the CCO posting it without edit, opinion, or bias for our readers to form an opinion and to follow up with analysis and research to pinpoint the source of this embarrassing problem?…it will be par for the course if most of the other local media will play a youtube video of Ray Stevens song “Everything is Beautiful” instead of publishing accurate reports that show incompetence and arrogance in local government?…a government that oppresses a free press is considered to be a dictatorial propaganda machine?…a free press that willfully goes along with any government spin machine without question is just disgusting?…if it were not for the free and open sharing of information and opinion the United States of America would still be a colony?…when one picks up a pen to publish or a microphone to broadcast they are either part of the propaganda machine or a true free press?…in this case you cannot have it both ways?

IS IT TRUE he SEQUESTER has now entered its 5th day and life in this United States does not seem changed at all?…that even airport officials are now openly stating that the White House made up the story about flights being cancelled to whip up the angry mob to tar and feather a Congress that can’t seem to muster the effort to order coffee?…the only real agenda of the Obama White House right now is to demonize Republicans enough to put the gavel of the Speaker of the House of Representatives back into the hands of Nancy Pelosi?…that being the case we can either tune out or get ready for 20 months of crisis based propaganda without action?…the minimal immediate impact of the SEQUESTER makes the White House look more like Peter of Peter and the Wolf that like a functional governing President of the United States?


  1. I’m anxious to see the report and if anybody is actually held accountable. I won’t hold my breath.

  2. Is it true….”this report will end up in the hands of the CCO and Evansville’s mainstream media soon?” (CCO)

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    I would hope that a copy of this report is sent to the state headquarters of the SBOA and that they verify the contents of the report.

    If the SBOA and Mr. Garrett’s findings match, then I hope Prosecutor Nick Hermann will take the appropriate action.


  3. Has the City of Evansville published the final version of the landlord ordinance? If so, is it available online? I understand the reasons for the ordinance, and as a neighborhood association officer, I support the Chief of Police’s stance, mainly because I know how many hours (tax dollars) are wasted trying to locate absentee landlords. But it would be nice to access the new ordinance online, so we know the new rules and the who, what, why, where, and when of enforcement.

  4. You know, a 50 buck one time fee is a heck of a lot better than a $100 a day fine. Thanks to all who screwed this up.

  5. Just how are all absentee landlords supposed to be informed of this law ?
    I would think that the city should have at least had to inform all property tax payers of the law before it is to go into effect. After all someone is getting a tax bill and paying taxes on the properties. I still can’t understand what was so hard to have someone look up on the tax records just who owned the homes, rather than start another database for someone to maintain and keep updated.
    But I am sure it is for our own good….

    • They are suppose to send notice of new registration with spring property tax bill (right around the corner)

  6. I don’t know where else to post this message to Jordan Baer, but I found out at 5:00 p.m. this afternoon that the Roberts Stadium demolition effort includes generators to continue driving the pumps until the floor and pit walls are finally removed and the in-filling begins. Also heard that the generators went down for a few hours one evening, and there was about 8 inches of water on the subfloor when the outage was discovered. Hope that answers your previous question from a couple days ago.

    • Thank you very much for looking into that! I thought it was a sump pump but I guess a generator can do the same thing. It seems to me that this generator could have been installed in place of the pumps while the facility was being mothballed and while the floor would have been raised at least a foot to get over the water but ideally 6-10 feet to increase the floor size while decreasing the seating capacity.

      We’ll never know now. I just hope the council blocks any more funding for this mess.

  7. A multi-millionaire residing in California with business interests in Evansville can afford to shoot off their mouth, but the 4th ward of Evansville is home to not only meth houses (like the one that caught fire two nights ago), but also mansions on SE First Street. This ordinance will make absentee landlords more accountable to not only their tennants, but also the Evansville Police Department. What part of that do you dislike?

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