“IS IT TRUE” MARCH 9, 2020


We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?

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IS IT TRUE that Evansville has made the national news again for something that is so ridiculous that we should all feel shame for what was done?…this time a Caucasian woman was counting on having a meal at the Olive Garden on Green River Road and refused to be waited on by an African American waitress?…instead of showing the woman the door the manager acquiesced to the demand and sent a white server to the table?…this sort of behavior is deplorable and does not reflect the spirit of the people of Evansville but it has tarred and feathered our fair city on the national stage?…this is one of the most hateful things possible and we hope the people of Evansville will support the waitress as a hard-working member of the community who had to deal with a bigot?…the City-County Observer believes in equal opportunity and respect for all and wishes that no one in Evansville would disgrace this city with blatant acts of racism?

IS IT TRUE that the former waitress of Olive Garden Restaurant-Evansville just hired the prestigious law firm of Danks and Danks to represent her for the deplorable treatment she received from a customer dining at this Eastside restaurant?

IS IT TRUE that Vanderburgh County Commissioner continues to lead Vanderburgh County in the right direction with “Good Public Policy”?  ….that the Vanderburgh County Commissioners recently approved a much needed HRC anti-discrimination ordinance?   …ut’s obvious that County Commissioners (Ben Shoulders, Cheryl Musgrave, and Jeff Hatfield) understands that  “being nice to everyone matters”?

IS IT TRUE that Italy’s government has placed more than 16 million people (a quarter of the population) under lockdown, in a drastic bid to prevent the continued spread of coronavirus?  …that a few local city officials tell us to wash our hands and don’t panic?

IS IT TRUE  the Coronavirus fight has entered into a new phase this weekend? …top U. S Health Officials just warned that we’ve moved past the “containment”  stage and into the “mitigation” stage?  …for more information google the Los Angeles Times?

IS IT TRUE that Governor Holcomb, State Superintendent Jennifer McCormick, and other state leaders are calling for a “hold harmless” on state grades and a pause in consequences ahead of their release in September? …when the ILEARN scores were recently released they showed that fewer than half of Hoosier students were on track to graduate high school ready for college or a career?  …all we can say about this is “Are You Kidding Us”?

IS IT TRUE that several years ago the City of Evansville approved a TIF for the downtown area in order to generate some extra money to promote downtown? …we wonder if the downtown business owners knew that some of the revenue from this Downtown TIF is being used to retire the debts on multi-million projects such as Ford Center, Stone Center for Health Sciences and Hilton DoubleTree hotel?  …we wonder if the above transactions could be called a “political bait and switch”?

IS IT TRUE we are told that an individual running for County office is questioning the wisdom of not having a tax-supported “Dog Park” in the County?  … that gentlemen Vanderburgh farmer recently told us he didn’t need a tax-supported “Dog Park” because he has a 1500-acre farm that his dogs can roam on?

IS IT TRUE we would congratulate the Evansville Sports Corp for hosting the 4th Annual Ohio Valley Championship at the Ford Center?  …this event was well attended and generated much-needed revenue for our Hotels, Restaurants and business owners?

IS IT TRUE we been told that that money from the Local Option Income Tax and Riverboat Funds are currently being used to help fund area Not-For-Profits organizations?  …last week a good conservative supporter of the CCO told us that the money generated from the Local Option Income Tax and Riverboat Funds should be used to pay down the current $3 million dollar deficit on the City Employee Health Insurance program?

IS IT TRUE that the same conservative supporter of the CCO also told us that the City Of Evansville is quickly becoming known as the “MECCA OF POLITICAL PATRONAGE AND PORK BARREL” spending?

IS IT TRUE the question is “Are printed newspapers becoming obsolete”?  …the answer is that Newspapers are in terminal decline and each year, a few million newspaper readers die and are not replaced by new readers?  …at the same time, an increasingly competitive ad market is making it harder and harder for in-print newspapers to charge premium rates?

IS IT TRUE the question is “How many newspapers closed since 2000?  …the answer is “The pace of the decline has not slowed? …that new research shows that over 2,000 newspapers have closed since 2004, a staggering figure given that the industry was once among the largest employers in America?

IS IT TRUE the question is “What day of the week is the newspaper most read?”   …the answer is “Assuming we’re talking about a paper that publishes seven days a week: Most people work Monday through Friday. Some people get the paper on their way to or from work. Some people only get the Sunday paper — usually, it has a lot more news to read and a lot more coupons to clip?

IS IT TRUE the question is: “What is the most read part of the newspaper”?…the answer is “The most popular newspaper section is ‘Local/domestic/national news’ (read by 65% of the readers), followed by ‘Sports’ (read by 59%). The least popular sections are ‘Home & Decoration’ (read by 13%) and ‘Letters from the Readers’ (read by 12%)”?

IS IT TRUE we would like to thank Kalah Hirsch, Records SpecialistAsst. and IDACS Coordinator with the Evansville Police Department for sending us the daily EPD Police report in a timely manner?

IS IT TRUE we would also like to thank Ray Simmons, Director of Athletic Communications at USI for sending current sports happenings at that fine University?

IS IT TRUE our “READERS POLLS” are non-scientific but trendy?

Today’s “Readers Poll” question is: Do you believe Mayor Winnecke’s statement “that there’s no reason to be fearful of the Coronavirus because there are great plans in place to handle this situation”?

Please take time and read our articles entitled “STATEHOUSE FILES, LAW ENFORCEMENT, “READERS POLL”, BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS”, EDUCATION, OBITUARIES and “LOCAL SPORTS”.  You now are able to subscribe to get the CCO daily.

If you would like to advertise on the CCO please contact us at City-County Observer@live.com


  1. Concerning the non-profits, whatever happened with the Tenbarge Echo Housing case. I guess that was forgotten about like many others.

  2. While my water and sewer rates keep going up ,who is paying the water and sewer at the old MCcurdy hotel??

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